It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 75 Unspeakable Maternal Love

The most rational and irrational thing in Lu Ningya's life is to love Liu Zhongliang so much that she cannot extricate herself.

She is full of arrogance, she never insists on things that don't belong to her, except for Liu Zhongliang, she keeps it time and time again.

Until the end, she still wanted to force her to stay, so she abandoned all her pride, she begged Zheng Qingying, she begged Zheng Qingying to help her to protect a complete family!
However, Zheng Qingying told her:

"I have been fulfilled, so I left! It is not what I want for the three of us to get to this point. But you should be very clear that Zhongliang and I have loved each other from the beginning to the end, otherwise, how could I be willing to die? Staying with him without name! Back then I chose to leave because you were pregnant with his child, but I didn’t expect that my original choice would not stick to the end. I still got together with Zhongliang uncontrollably. This , I don't deny that I was selfish. But... I don't regret it!"

"In addition, although I didn't ask Zhongliang to divorce you, he has never been happy in your marriage, and neither have you! You know the reasons better than anyone else. As for whether you will divorce, in fact, You don't need to ask me, because this time, I won't make a decision for Zhongliang. I support him in divorce, and I support him in not leaving! In short, no matter what he decides, I will respect him!"

What Zheng Qingying said made Lu Ningya neither reconciled nor able to refute, she just asked dejectedly:
"If Zhongliang chooses me, and he abandons you and returns to me, can you respect his choice?"

"If he chooses to go back to your side, I will never force him to stay!"
"You said it so easily, just because you know that you will not be abandoned by him, and I am the one he will abandon."

"Ning Ya, you are wrong. It's not because I said it easily, but because I know that forcing others is actually forcing myself. All I want is sincerity. If Zhongliang doesn't have sincerity for me, even if you are willing to give him to me, I will No way!"

Lu Ningya was speechless, she knew exactly what kind of person Zheng Qingying was.She is indeed not the kind of unscrupulous person. In comparison, she is even more despicable and shameless!
If it wasn't for her selfish intervention, Zheng Qingying and Liu Zhongliang would not be forced to separate.It was she who forcibly kept people who did not belong to her, and she kidnapped Liu Zhongliang's compromise with her child's morality.

However, she also made a sacrifice!In her married life with Liu Zhongliang, isn't she forbearing enough?Because she knew she was in the wrong, as long as he didn't want that family, she would never make trouble!
Even if she knew that he and Zheng Qingying formed another "family", she endured it, and the last thing she asked was to keep him a little leeway!
If you don't even give her that little leeway, she doesn't know what is the point of her forbearance for so many years?
Perhaps because she was too disappointed in herself, Lu Ningya had no confidence in the face of the frank Zheng Qingying.She couldn't even say what she wanted to say at the beginning, she could only get up and leave the coffee shop without saying a word with a dejected look all over her body...!
However, because of her slump, she didn't even realize where she was going, she just felt that she was suddenly pushed forward by a strong force, and she fell to the ground...!
For a moment, she was still sluggish, but a piercing sound came clearly from her ears~ it was the sound of a sudden "bang" in the brakes...!
When Lu Ningya slowly regained her senses, she realized that Zheng Qingying had saved her, but Zheng Qingying herself was dying in a pool of blood!
Zheng Qingying's life could not escape from the hands of death, she begged Liu Zhongliang to give their daughter Liu Zhirou a complete home when she was dying!
Invisibly, this was Liu Zhongliang's request not to divorce Lu Ningya, and she intentionally entrusted Liu Zhirou to Lu Ningya's care.

With the passing of Zheng Qingya, the years of chaos between the three of them seemed to have come to an end!
Liu Zhongliang brought Liu Zhirou back to Liu's house, and he never mentioned divorce to Lu Ningya again.But some kind of irresolvable barrier has blocked them like an indestructible stone wall ever since!
They are a couple but not like a couple!For Lu Ningya, Liu Zhongliang is a person who is close in front of his eyes and far away in the sky.

After Zheng Qingying passed away, Liu Zhongliang once hated Lu Ningya very much. He hated her for ruining his and Zheng Qingying's lives.

Lu Ningya thought that she and Liu Zhongliang would end completely. When she silently waited for Liu Zhongliang's divorce announcement, Liu Zhongliang brought Liu Zhirou to her and asked her to be Liu Zhirou's mother, because he said it was Zheng Qingying's last wish!

The moment she became Liu Zhirou's mother, Lu Ningya knew that Liu Zhongliang would not divorce her.

Life has been like this for more than ten years. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a magnanimous lady.Because she not only tolerated her husband's affair, but also took the illegitimate daughter of her husband who was born outside to take care of her with all her heart, and arranged food and clothing the same as her own daughter, achieving due fairness.

But other than that, no one knew how complicated she felt when facing Liu Zhirou.

She knew very well why Zheng Qingying entrusted Liu Zhirou to her side to raise her, because Liu Zhongliang would not leave her until she became Liu Zhirou's mother.

Zheng Qingying's last words to her still echoed clearly in her mind:

"Ning Ya, I hated you! But I have never denied that you are my friend. We all love Zhongliang, but Zhongliang has only one heart. I abandoned his heart, and I thought that no matter what, I would never be cruel again. Push him away... Now, I may have to abandon him again. If you want to keep Zhongliang, please take good care of my daughter... Let her grow up happily!"

This is Zheng Qingying's final fulfillment for her. Zheng Qingying recognized her as a friend in the end, and even entrusted her daughter to her in order to fulfill her greed.

For so many years, she did keep Liu Zhongliang.But Liu Zhongliang didn't leave her, not because he wanted to stay, but because of Zheng Qingying's last wish.

In other words, it was Zheng Qingying and Liu Zhirou's mother and daughter who kept Liu Zhongliang for her.

She has thought countless times, is this her luck, is she worthy of gratitude?

For a long time, she had no answer!

However, there is one thing she knows very well, that is, whenever she faces Liu Zhirou, she is both relieved and painful.

Especially when Liu Zhirou timidly called "Mom" to her, her heart was even more complicated beyond words.

"Mommy mommy?"

It was this soft voice calling "Mom", which made her feel heavy every time she heard it.

"Mom, it's raining, why don't you come in?"

Lu Ningya's heart twitched, she looked sideways, it turned out that it wasn't her hallucinations, it was Liu Zhirou who was holding an umbrella to shield her from the sparse rain.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize that she was just standing there remembering all the past, and she didn't even notice that it was raining lightly in the sky.

Looking at the understanding Liu Zhirou, Lu Ningya suddenly had mixed feelings.

This child was not born by her, but raised by her alone!She asked herself that she had not treated this child badly, how she educated Liu Zhiruo, and how she educated Liu Zhirou.

Liu Zhirou is very obedient, she has never disobeyed her request, she is also very warm, just like now, she will come to hold an umbrella for her because of a little rain.

However, while this child made her warm, it also brought her invisible pain.Liu Zhirou's facial features that resembled Zheng Qingying reminded her almost all the time that she owed Zheng Qingying a life, a life that would bind her for the rest of her life!

As if thinking that Liu Zhirou was Zheng Qingying, Lu Ningya slowly raised her hand to touch Liu Zhirou's face.But Liu Zhirou dodged subconsciously, but she didn't dislike Lu Ningya's touch, but she was a little surprised by Lu Ningya's actions.

Lu Ningya froze herself, she quickly withdrew her hand, and said flatly:

"Go back to the house, I have something to ask you."


Liu Zhirou followed Lu Ningya back into the house with small steps.

Seeing Lu Ningya's cold expression, Liu Zhirou only dared to stand, not to sit down.

Lu Ningya looked at Liu Zhirou's appearance ready to be scolded, she felt uncomfortable for a while, she didn't mean to treat her with an indifferent face, she just couldn't put on a smiling face!

Ever since she forced a marriage that didn't belong to her, she had long since lost the instinct to greet people with a smile. She didn't have a smile in her heart, so how could she put a smile on her face?

Maybe it was because she always had an indifferent face towards Liu Zhirou, so others thought that she didn't want to see Liu Zhirou at all, because Liu Zhirou was her husband's illegitimate daughter, which was the proof that her husband betrayed her.

Indeed, for a period of time, when she saw Liu Zhirou, she would be in great pain.Her pain is not because of Liu Zhongliang's betrayal, her pain is that Liu Zhirou's existence reminds her all the time that she will never win Liu Zhongliang's heart, and she will always be a sad woman.

In fact, she and Liu Zhongliang have been married for nearly 30 years, and they have never had a heart-piercing quarrel.Even when they were suffering the most for each other, they never really had a big fight.

She will always be a noble and elegant perfect woman, and Liu Zhongliang will always be a modest gentleman.They talked coldly, questioned calmly, hated with restraint...but they never quarreled loudly with red faces!

Over time, their way of getting along has become one question and one answer, no special circumstances, either she agrees with him, or he agrees with her, or one party insists, and the other compromises without arguing.

This is their husband and wife mode, there is no quarrel, but there is no warmth... However, if you say quarrel, you can count it as quarrel.Liu Zhongliang doesn't care about anything else, except for Liu Zhirou's matter, as long as he thinks that she is too strict with Liu Zhirou and makes Liu Zhirou unhappy, he will clearly accuse her of doing too much.

Often faced with such accusations from him, she would involuntarily refute.Now that the child is entrusted to her to take care of and discipline, she will use her way to educate and train him. If he suspects that she is deliberately embarrassing the child because of the child's troubles, then why put the child by her side?
However, these quarrels happened in the first few years when Liu Zhirou first entered this family.This is no longer the case now, and she knew that Liu Zhirou, who was sensible, saw that the reason for the dispute between the husband and wife was because of her.So she never acted like a baby and "complained" in front of Liu Zhongliang again, she just quietly tried to do everything she should do every day.

Until now, she is still obedient and sensible, she asked her to dress herself up, and she has never been sloppy once!She asked her to learn music and dance, and she never neglected once, and she asked her to study hard, and she never fell behind the top three... In short, this child never makes a mistake easily!

But she didn't ask her not to make any mistakes, nor did she forbid her to say "no".

It's just that she has always treated her with a cold attitude, so that Liu Zhirou thought she hated her, so she never dared to make any demands in front of her, let alone do anything wrong.

But who knew that she didn't actually hate Liu Zhirou. After being her mother for more than ten years, she had already regarded Liu Zhirou as her own... child!
It's just that she can't express this maternal love!

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