It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 72 Rejecting the Love in Her Eyes

Liu Zhirou's love for Zhang Fu has always been a thought hidden in a corner, plus some of her own concerns.Therefore, she always preconceived that it was impossible for Zhang Fu to respond to her love, and it was even less likely that he would like her!

It's the same now, she wants to continue liking him, but is afraid that it will end in regret if she continues.

From time to time, she secretly looked at Zhang Fu, her heart was confused and numb, she wanted to say a lot but couldn't say it!

Just when she peeked at Zhang Fu again, Zhang Fu suddenly said:
"Taking you for a ride is to show you the scenery, not me!"

"You are also a landscape... er... I mean...!" It was over, she was stupid again!
"How did you fall in love with the president?"

Zhang Fu glanced sideways at Liu Zhirou, but there was no movement in his eyes, but Liu Zhirou's heart was beating wildly.

"Ah? I..." Why did he jump to a topic that she was caught off guard?
"How long have you liked it?"

"Why do you... ask?" Isn't he not interested in knowing about her?
"Can't you ask?"

"It's not impossible to ask, I just think you don't really want to know."

"I want to know now!" Zhang Chou said, and he stopped the car suddenly.

Liu Zhirou looked outside, they were still on the mountain, but why did he stop suddenly?

Not knowing why, Liu Zhirou looked at Zhang Chou again, but she just met his eyes and trembled.Because Zhang Fu's eyes were not as calm as before, but serious and full of inquiry.

Seen by his probing eyes, Liu Zhirou swallowed her saliva unconsciously. She opened her lips and was about to say something, but Zhang Fu suddenly unbuttoned her seat belt and moved sideways to her face. Liu Zhirou was startled and exclaimed at the same time:
"Scared... you...!" What's wrong with him?
Zhang Chou stared at Liu Zhirou, his eyes were a bit more cold than inquiry, he frowned slightly, and asked quickly:

"When did you fall in love with the president?"

"I... have liked it a long time ago!"

It's just that she doesn't like the president, but him in front of her eyes!She was a girl six years ago, but he is already a mature man!

"When is it early?"

"six years ago."

"How did you fall in love?" She was just a little girl six years ago!
Because Zhang Fu's face was too close to her, Liu Zhirou couldn't care about answering him, so she had to lean her head back first, otherwise she was afraid that her heart would explode.

Looking at her pink face, Zhang Chou narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you nervous?"

"I... I got a little close because of you, so I..." Liu Zhirou felt her heart was about to explode.

Zhang Chou didn't reply, but he suddenly grabbed Liu Zhirou's hand and pressed it on her pulse.

Liu Zhirou was so frightened by his actions that she almost screamed out. She subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but Zhang Fu clasped it so tightly that she couldn't break free.She could only ask in a panic:
"What are you going to do and why...?"

"Your heart is beating faster..." Zhang Chou paused, staring at her closely: "It's because of me!"

Zhang Fu's last words are not doubts, but affirmations!

In fact, when Liu Zhirou suddenly "confessed" in front of Murong Aoyang, Zhang Chou was secretly puzzled.

Liu Zhirou has been working in Murong Group for two years for the "person she likes". If it is according to what she said, her crush started six years ago.So, the feelings that have been buried in the heart for so long, will it be so easy to say and break?

She just confessed her love to Murong Aoyang, and then freely said to give up, this is totally illogical.

The most important thing is that when Liu Zhirou "confessed" to Murong Aoyang, Zhang Chou found that there was no aura of "love" towards Murong Aoyang in her eyes.

It's not impossible to like someone for six years, because I have seen the reality clearly and choose to give up wisely.But can a love that is too freely given up last six years?

With Liu Zhirou's personality, even if she really planned to give up her love, she would at least worry about gains and losses... No, she has worries about gains and losses, but the object of her worries is not Murong Aoyang, but someone else!

Zhang Fu's sharp eyes flashed with a strange light, and that light made Liu Zhirou who was looking at him even more flustered, her red lips moved again and again, and finally she was able to defend herself:
"I was really nervous because you got so close...and then you grabbed me like this all of a!"

After looking at Liu Zhirou's dazed and beautiful face for a while, Zhang Chou let go of her hand, then his expression returned to normal and he fastened his seat belt again. Without saying anything, he started the car and continued to drive forward.

However, as soon as Zhang Fu's car drove to the gate of Liu's house, it seemed that the joyride he had agreed to was gone.

Liu Zhirou felt uneasy all the way, she felt that Zhang Fu was a little different.Just now he seemed to see through her, but he didn't say anything, she couldn't tell what the little episode that happened halfway meant!
Also, he himself said he was going for a ride, but he sent her directly to the door of his house, what does that mean?Did he change his mind and not want to accompany her?

There were many questions, but facing the cold and silent Zhang Chou, Liu Zhirou didn't dare to ask more questions.She unbuttoned her seat belt silently, then looked at him carefully and said softly:

"Thank you for taking me back."

As Liu Zhirou said, she was about to open the car door and get out of the car, but Zhang Fu said:

"Miss Liu..."

Liu Zhirou stopped opening the door, she looked back at him, silently reserved.

Zhang Fu also looked at her with unmoving eyes, and said:

"You can see the reality clearly, and it is good for you to take the initiative to give up the impossible secret love. The princess should find a prince who is well-matched to live in the castle together. Don't leave your original castle for a love that is meaningless and meaningless. lest you regret it in the future."

"If I'm willing to leave the castle and live in an ordinary bungalow with a commoner!"

Liu Zhirou had a listless face, why did she have to live in the castle to be a princess, she couldn't...ah, it seems like she really couldn't, she was the daughter of the Liu family.The Liu family is her castle, and this castle is not something she can leave if she wants to.

well!She is always sober for a while and confused for a while in the chaos.She couldn't have a close conversation with him like this before, but she could still stay awake.But now she can't stop being greedy. Sometimes she feels that if he accepts her love, it doesn't matter if she can even abandon the "castle" behind her for him.

However, she knew that this was all just a monologue of her own inner emptiness.Because the reality is that she can neither let him know her intentions clearly, nor can she really abandon everything in the Liu family to achieve her love.

It's not that she is reluctant to give up wealth and honor, what she is reluctant to part with is "family", even if that "family" is not perfect.But for her, that is also a very important harbor in her life, not a home she has no yearning for at all!

Zhang Chou didn't know that Liu Zhirou's inner world was intertwined with thoughts at this time, he just responded coldly to her naive assumption:
"Even if you are willing to leave the castle, the civilians outside the castle will not accept you as a princess, let alone let you live in his "bungalow"!"

Liu Zhirou didn't know if her mind was too confused, she didn't understand the meaning implied in Zhang Chou's words at all, she bit her lip, and laughed at herself full of disappointment:
"I know, that's why I restrained myself sensibly. lest I end up disturbing people who shouldn't be disturbed, and I become a joke."

Even if he didn't emphasize it, she always knew he wouldn't accept her.Just hearing him tell her so clearly, she just couldn't help feeling uncomfortable!
"Since Ms. Liu knows it well, please abide by your restraint. It is best to completely forget the thoughts that should not be kept in your heart. In this way, you will not cause trouble for others."

Liu Zhirou paused slightly, and after hearing Zhang Chou's warning and persuasion words, she finally realized that something was wrong.But before she sorted out what was wrong, Zhang Fu coldly reminded:

"If Ms. Liu has nothing to say, please go home and have a good rest. In addition, your resignation will come into force. Starting tomorrow, you don't have to work at Murong Group. And Ms. Lin's affairs should not require you to be here in the future." You don’t need to send me any information about what is conveyed in the middle.”

Liu Zhirou completely understood now, he was drawing a line with her.He is hinting to her that she should not contact him in the future, and it is best not to see her again.

With such a blow to her heart, Liu Zhirou couldn't even force a smile.When she was at the racecourse, she also said that she would not send him any more messages. Although she was serious, she could still bear the loss.

But when he heard him suddenly tell her not to contact him again, her heart tightened instantly, mixed with bursts of pain.

In addition, her eye sockets became hot, and before she felt her tears were about to burst, she replied in a hoarse voice:
"I see, goodbye!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately pushed open the car door and got out of the car and walked towards the door of the house without even daring to look back.

She had only taken two steps when she heard the sound of Zhang Fu's car starting and leaving.She stopped and looked back at the car driving further and further away, her tears finally fell down!
She just stood on the side of the road with her eyes blurred, because the tears flowed so fast, she had to raise her hand to wipe her face again and again.

She thought she was the only one foolishly watching the car go away.But she didn't know that Zhang Chou in the car had been looking at her delicate body standing on the side of the road from the rearview mirror.

Although the car was getting farther and farther away, he could still see her movement of wiping her tears clearly, and he could even see her nostalgia!
That's Liu Zhirou's nostalgia for him!
Yes!He already knew who she liked!He has always preconceived that she likes Murong Aoyang for granted.

Therefore, even though he always felt that there was something strange, he never thought that he was the person Liu Zhirou really liked.

Now, he finally understands where the blame for everything that happened before and after is!
From the very beginning, in order to help Lin Wanmian, Liu Zhirou could go directly to Liu Baiyu to get Murong Aoyang's contact information, but she took a detour to find him.

That is to say, Liu Zhirou wants to have direct contact with Murong Aoyang more than Murong Aoyang.

Looking back now, Zhang Fu finally figured out what was going on with all the strangeness.

From the beginning to the end, Liu Zhirou didn't bother about Murong Aoyang, but she always revolved around him!
He always thought that the reason she circled him was to get closer to Murong Aoyang.But thinking about it carefully, not only did she never ask him to get close to Murong Aoyang, but she also enthusiastically watched Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang approaching little by little.

If she has feelings for Murong Aoyang, she can't remain indifferent when she sees Lin Wanmian occupying all of Murong Aoyang's attention!
Zhang Fu didn't think through these doubts from the beginning.It wasn't until he understood the prank that Murong Aoyang had deliberately assigned him to send Liu Zhirou away from the racecourse that he began to think seriously.

However, it was because of Liu Zhirou that he really understood.He didn't pay attention in the past, but when he paid attention, he realized that all the love in Liu Zhirou's eyes was directed at him, not Murong Aoyang!
However, without even thinking about it, he decided to let Liu Zhirou completely give up on him.Because, he doesn't intend to accept her affection!

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