Murong Aoyang did not respond to Lin Wanmian's affectionate statement, he just kissed the tip of her delicate nose, and then hugged her tightly.

Apart from giving her an exclusive hug, he didn't know how to respond to her equally impeccable emotional confession.

Lin Wanmian reaped joy without worries from his hugs and kisses. She thought that he was still enjoying the leisure time without worries as easily as she did.

In silence, she whispered:



"Am I...beautiful in your eyes?"

Since she was a child, she has heard many people praise her appearance.But her concept of beauty is very limited, and the beauty in her mind is always different from others.

In the past, she was almost indifferent to other people's compliments, because those compliments never touched her heart, and she didn't care so much whether she was beautiful or not.

For a long time, a pair of incomplete eyes has actually taken away her longing for her own appearance.

However, after getting acquainted with Murong Aoyang, she began to care about whether her appearance is shining or not.

Her question made Murong Aoyang slightly stunned, he let go of her and looked at her face again, he looked very seriously, then replied in a low hoarse voice without hesitation:

"You are beautiful in my eyes!" You are so beautiful!

It's not that she doesn't believe him, but that she doesn't believe that she is really "beautiful"!Can a crippled her really be beautiful?

Murong Aoyang knew that her question was more like she was denying herself, and he also knew that she always cared about the incomplete part of herself.

He didn't want to see her deny her other beauty because of her blindness, he held her hand tightly and said:

"In my Murong Aoyang's eyes, Lin Wanmian has an exquisite face. It is true. But it is definitely not your face that makes me stay for you, although I admit that I like your exquisite face!"

"then you……?"

"It was the stubborn teardrops in your eyes, and your brave and fearless heart that conquered me. This is the magic you let me fall into!" He could foresee that her magic would work on him for the rest of his life!

Lin Wanmian smiled slightly on her sweet and quiet face, and then her lips parted more and more, until her eyes narrowed into a crescent shape!
Seeing her smiling so sincerely, Murong Aoyang couldn't help showing a faint smile. He stroked her hair and teased:

"Look at your charming smile, and you still say you're not a goblin? Do you want to use some new magic on me?"

"If there is a new magic, I won't use it on you so soon, I have to save it first!" Lin Wanmian also became playful unconsciously.


"Because you are with me now, I don't need to use magic anymore! If you want to leave me in the future, I will use new magic to conquer you and let you come back to me. However, you will not let me There is a chance to use new magic, right?"

Seeing Lin Wanmian completely believe in the hope she believed in, Murong Aoyang hesitated a little, he still had some doubts in his heart.But he couldn't bear to let such a happy woman think too much. In the end, he could only reply:
"One use of your magic is enough!"

For him, it was enough for Lin Wanmian to conquer his magic once!If they can't be a couple in the future, there must be obstacles that neither of them can overcome.At that time, whether there is magic or not, the final outcome cannot be changed!

He only hoped that he and she would not face such a day!Now that he had the idea of ​​promising her a lifetime, he didn't want to end up giving her an empty dream, and also made himself a joke!
Perhaps because of the sudden appearance of certain uncertain worries, Murong Aoyang faintly felt that he had lost his comfort, but he didn't want his worries to affect Lin Wanmian.

He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It happened to be lunch time. He took Lin Wanmian's hand and led her to turn in one direction, saying:

"It's lunch time, let's go back to eat now!"

"Oh... no wonder I feel a little hungry!"

In fact, Lin Wanmian didn't feel very hungry, she was enjoying the good time alone with him now, she didn't want the time to pass so fast at all.

In order to save time, Murong Aoyang picked her up again and walked forward.

Lin Wanmian actually wanted to ask him to leave, but he didn't know how much time would be wasted.She was easy to bring trouble to others, so she could only sigh softly and say nothing, but obediently put her head on Murong Aoyang's shoulder and let him carry her away.

Murong Aoyang heard her sigh, he probably guessed what she was thinking, he smiled lowly, and said while walking:
"I'm not afraid of wasting time, and it's not that I don't want to walk slowly with you. It's just that the distance from the restaurant is a little far away when we go back now, and I don't want to starve you. After we finish lunch, I will accompany you to other places Take a turn."

"Hmm!" Lin Wanmian smiled faintly in response.

Murong Aoyang took Lin Wanmian to the private restaurant directly. When they arrived, because Murong Aoyang sent a message in advance to prepare lunch, the lunch was just on the table.

The dining table is arranged under a big tree. Although it is summer, the mountain is cooler and has shade, so it doesn't feel hot.

Everyone is here, it seems that they are just waiting for Murong Aoyang and Lin Wanmian.

Murong Aoyang settled Lin Wanmian by his side, and the atmosphere during the whole meal was actually a bit weird, because everyone couldn't chat easily.

Lin Wanmian felt even more embarrassed, because Murong Aoyang seemed to regard other people as transparent, except that she did it herself to drink water, almost every bite of food she ate was delivered to her mouth by him himself.

She didn't know how Murong Aoyang "served" her for food in the eyes of others.But she knew that Liu Zhirou was sitting across from her, so she was not embarrassed by anything else, but was concerned about Liu Zhirou's mood.

But Liu Zhirou didn't say anything, and she didn't know how to break the dull atmosphere at the dinner table.

Perhaps a little absent-minded, she accidentally knocked over the water glass, and the water in the glass spilled on her body.

Murong Aoyang who was beside her didn't have time to help her avoid the spilled water.But fortunately, the water is at room temperature. He wiped the watermark on her body with a napkin and asked:
"Are you okay?"

"Well, I'm... fine!" Lin Wanmian was a little annoyed at her clumsiness!
Nalan got up and walked to Lin Wanmian to have a look, and said:
"Mianmian, let me take you to the bathroom to tidy up!"

Lin Wanmian was trying to escape the current embarrassment, she forced a smile and said to Murong Aoyang:
"Aoyang, I...I'm going to tidy up."

Murong Aoyang gave a brief "hmm", he helped her stand up and put her hand in Nalan's.

Nalan glanced at Murong Aoyang, nodded slightly and left with Lin Wanmian.

The remaining Liu Zhiruo faced Zhang Chou and Murong Aoyang, and she suddenly felt as if a mountain was on top of her head, and her whole body was even worse!

She was so embarrassed that nothing was right, she could only pick up the water glass and pretend to drink water, but Murong Aoyang suddenly looked at her and said:
"I heard that the person you like is in the Murong Group?"

"Cough cough...!"

Liu Zhirou almost spit out the water in her mouth, but she managed to swallow it but was choked and coughed violently.

After finally being comfortable and stopping coughing, her face was already flushed.She delicately covered her still panting mouth, and looked weakly at Murong Aoyang with big watery eyes, she wanted to confirm whether the question he just said was to her.

Murong Aoyang stared at her nonchalantly again, as if he had the ability to read minds:
"Don't doubt it, I'm asking you."

He actually didn't care who she liked, but because of her, Lin Wanmian believed that he had kissed her, then he had to "put things right", and Murong Aoyang didn't have the habit of taking the blame.

Liu Zhirou swallowed her saliva, and she glanced at Zhang Chou, who had nothing to do with her. Seeing him eating on his own, she was a little disappointed. He really didn't care about her affairs at all.

Murong Aoyang followed her gaze and knew who she was looking at without looking, he frowned and turned to look at Zhang Chou in doubt.But Zhang Fu had an expression that had nothing to do with him, and just when his cell phone rang, he picked up the cell phone to look at it, and then said to Murong Aoyang:
"I'll take the call."

Murong Aoyang nodded casually, after Zhang Chou walked away to answer the phone, Murong Aoyang found that Liu Zhirou seemed relieved.

Raising his eyebrows amusedly, Murong Aoyang looked at Liu Zhirou pretending to be serious and said:
"It was you who told Lin Wanmian that I saved you and gave you artificial respiration?"


Liu Zhirou was stunned, and then quickly realized that she opened her lips nervously, then shook her head stupidly, and said:
"I...I didn't...that...that wasn't...!"

"Or is it a story you made up yourself to deliberately mislead Lin Wanmian?"

"How could I mislead Wan Mian or something? The person I told Wan Mian to save me was not the president, I..."

Liu Zhiruo suddenly paused, she complained a little, lowered her head and whispered:

"Why is Wanmian like this? It's a secret. How did she say it?"

"So, the person you like is not me!" Murong Aoyang didn't question, he just stated.

Liu Zhirou looked up at Murong Aoyang, wrinkled her mouth and said:
"President, although you are an impeccable prince, that doesn't mean that everyone will like princes!"

"Then who do you like?"

As long as Liu Zhirou didn't intentionally sabotage, Murong Aoyang had no intention of asking too much.But he seemed to find something interesting, so he continued to ask more questions.

Liu Zhirou pursed her lips, and said nah:
"Anyway, I won't hinder the president. As for who I like is my own private matter, I don't want to say it."

Liu Zhirou thought that even if she was still an employee of Murong Group, she still had the right to keep her privacy. Even if her immediate superior asked her, she didn't have to say anything.

Murong Aoyang raised his lips and said casually:

"Zhang Chou follows me all day, and he doesn't have a few days off in a year, but if you need it, I can give him more vacations."

"What's the use of giving him more vacation, and he won't give me his vacation."

Liu Zhirou answered the words stupidly, she was completely unaware that she had fallen into Murong Aoyang's trap.

"Oh, after a long time, people all over the world thought you were secretly in love with me, but it turns out that the person you like is Zhang Chou!" Murong Aoyang couldn't stop laughing!
"Huh... scared...!" Liu Zhirou covered her mouth, her big eyes blinked and blinked, and they were full of stupidity.

Murong Aoyang looked at Liu Zhirou, and then at Zhang Chou who had finished answering the phone and was walking back.In his mind, he imagined the unsmiling Zhang Chou with the innocent Liu Zhirou, and his originally stern face suddenly burst into a funny smile, and even let out an unstoppable low laugh.

Zhang Chou, who had already returned to the dining table, saw Murong Aoyang laughing too much. He looked at Liu Zhirou with an expressionless face, but found that Liu Zhirou was full of panic, like a child who did something wrong, afraid of being reprimanded by adults.

Murong Aoyang looked at Zhang Chou, he probably knew how Zhang Chou came to the conclusion that Liu Zhirou liked him.He guessed that when Zhang Chou found out Liu Zhirou's identity, he also learned that the person Liu Zhirou liked worked at Murong Group.

Based on Liu Zhirou's identity, Zhang Chou preconceived that a princess should match a prince.

That's why Zhang Chou thought that Liu Zhirou got into the Murong Group because of him.As everyone knows, Liu Zhirou didn't like the prince, but the knight beside him!

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