The Lin family got some breathing room, and Lin Piaoyu, who was still in the detention center, was downgraded from a financial felon to a misdemeanor. Relatives and friends can visit at a fixed time.

Lin Wanmian met Lin Piaoyu again after more than a month. Last time, under Liu Baiyu's help, their mother and daughter met in a hurry.

Lin Piaoyu felt a pain in her heart when she saw her daughter who had become much thinner.But fortunately, Lin Wanmian looks good, which somewhat reassures her.

She roughly knew by now that her case had become a misdemeanor, but she didn't know how it got there.According to her prediction, she might spend more than 20 or [-] years in prison if she doesn't spend her life in prison.

But now it suddenly became like this, she felt very unreal!How could Murong Aoyang allow her sentence to be reduced to a misdemeanor?

Lin Wanmian brought a lawyer here today, and Lin Piaoyu vaguely felt that it was her daughter who was running around for her.But she was worried that her daughter would get into trouble, so she ignored her greetings and concerns. She glanced at lawyer Zhang who was with Lin Wanmian, then looked at Lin Wanmian and said anxiously:

"Mianmian, there is no lawyer willing to take on mother's case, but how could you...?"

Lin Wanmian smiled slightly, she knew what Lin Piaoyu was worried about, she said softly:

"Mom, don't worry, Lawyer Zhang was introduced to us by a friend worthy of my trust. From now on, Mom, Lawyer Zhang will do his best in your case. But, I'm sorry, I may not be able to make my mother completely free , Mom may still...!"

"It's not important, mom knows it well. Mom just wants to know what you have done, how could Murong Aoyang..."

"Mom, don't worry, there's nothing to worry about. It's because I had the cheek to ask my friend for help, and things turned around."

Lin Wanmian finally chose not to let Lin Piaoyu know what she had done to save her.In fact, as long as there is such a slight mistake, she is probably staying in the quagmire now.

The reason for her half-truth and half-hypothesis is nothing more than not wanting to worry Lin Piaoyu, but Lin Piaoyu still said anxiously:

"Don't lie to mom. Mom doesn't know any friends you have. How can you ask for any friends?"

"I have friends." Lin Wanmian smiled sweetly.

"Miss Liu?"

Lin Piaoyu remembered that when she was not allowed to meet her family before, Lin Wanmian also found someone to help her family meet.

It's just that compared to the last time Lin Piaoyu saw her daughter's helplessness and weakness, this time she saw a different breath from her daughter.My daughter seems to have become much stronger and calmer.

This should have been a good thing for her, but she couldn't help but feel heartbroken.She originally wanted to create a carefree world for her daughter, preventing her daughter from being maliciously attacked by the outside world.

But in the end, she created everything for her daughter, but she also personally destroyed everything her daughter could enjoy.

She is now being punished by law, and she is locked up and can't do anything.Instead, the daughter who has almost no ability to survive has to run around for her.

Without the aura of the Lin family, even she can hardly move forward, let alone her weak daughter?
Lin Piaoyu regretted the mistakes she made in her heart, and at the same time tightened her worry and throbbing heart for Lin Wanmian.

But she probably didn't know that Lin Wanmian didn't feel weak and helpless at this moment.She said to Lin Piaoyu with a bright smile:

"Miss Liu and I have become good friends, so maybe because of her relationship, her elder brother is also willing to help me. I just asked Master Liu for help with the cheek, but he turned lawyer Zhang Please help us."

Listening to Lin Wanmian's impressive words, Lin Piaoyu forced a smile.She looked at the clock hanging on the wall, the meeting time will soon be over, she said to Lin Wanmian:

"Mianmian, thank you for your hard work. Mom has something to tell Nalan alone. Mom wants you and Lawyer Zhang to avoid it for a while, is that okay?"

Lin Wanmian was slightly surprised. She wanted to ask a few more questions, but thought that there was a time limit in such places, and asking more questions would be a waste of time.

However, she knew in her heart that Lin Piaoyu had such a request, and she must still not believe what she said, so she wanted to ask Nalan in private.

In order to reassure Lin Piaoyu, she didn't insist on staying and went out with Lawyer Zhang first.Because she believed that Nalan knew how to make Lin Piaoyu feel more at ease!
After only Lin Piaoyu and Nalan were left in the meeting room, Lin Piaoyu really asked Nalan directly:

"Nalan, tell me the truth, what have you guys done? Why did my case go smoothly all of a sudden?"

Nalan also guessed what Lin Piaoyu would ask, and she answered truthfully:

"Ma'am, Mianmian and Miss Liu's family have indeed become good friends, and it's true that we asked the Liu family for help."

"Even if Mianmian became friends with them, how could the Liu family get involved so deeply? This is something that offends the Murong family. They won't be confused."

"The Murong family...has completely withdrawn from our Lin family's affairs, and they will no longer target and attack the Lin family."

" could it be?"

"It's true, I am also dissatisfied with Madam, in fact, Mianmian went to find Murong Aoyang personally...!"

"What? How could you let her go to Murong Aoyang? I didn't ask you to take Mianmian away from Murong Aoyang, why did you...!"

"Madam, don't worry. Murong Aoyang didn't do anything bad to Mianmian, on the contrary, he also helped Mianmian."

Nalan chose to briefly mention Lin Wanmian's meeting with Murong Aoyang, in order to convince Lin Piaoyu of everything.As for the unhappiness with the Rong family, she had already reached a consensus with Lin Wanmian to keep it from Lin Piaoyu for the time being, so as not to make her feel even more disturbed!

But Lin Piaoyu couldn't be insensitive to the fact that Lin Wanmian went to find Murong Aoyang, she said angrily:

"I owe the Murong family enough to make Murong Aoyang kill me. How could he be so kind and not embarrass Mianmian, but still help her?"

Because the occasion didn't permit, Lin Wanmian had to hold back her tone almost desperately.She knew in her heart what kind of crimes she had committed against the Murong family. If she heard that Murong Aoyang hurt her daughter, she would not be surprised at all.But when she heard that Murong Aoyang helped her daughter, she couldn't believe it no matter what, she would only think that it was Murong Aoyang's smoke bomb, and sooner or later he would hurt her favorite daughter.

Nalan subconsciously frowned, she had always wondered about the grievances between Lin Piaoyu and the Murong family.From the current point of view, she has seen that it is Lin Piaoyu who is sorry for the Murong family, and it is not that the Murong family wants Lin Piaoyu to suffer for no reason.

And as far as she knew, none of the crimes Lin Piaoyu was charged with before were fabricated from nothing.Although it was obvious that the Murong family intervened to make the accusations public, it was something Lin Piaoyu had actually done.

From a legal point of view, the Murong family did not violate the bottom line of the law to maliciously slander Lin Piaoyu.They just expose things that others don't know.

To be honest, Nalan thought that Lin Piaoyu should be punished rationally, but emotionally, she was still with the entire Lin family.She would also hope that Lin Piaoyu would not suffer so much.

As for Lin Piaoyu's anxiety about not believing that Murong Aoyang had decided to let the Lin family go, Nalan could only explain again:

"Ma'am, it was Murong Aoyang who said to let our Lin family go. I think Madam should be very familiar with the style of the Murong family. Since Murong Aoyang has personally promised, then he will definitely not go back on his word."

"No! No! You don't understand, he definitely doesn't really want to let me go, you don't know how much he hates me! He once said to me himself that he would destroy Mianmian together in order to relieve his hatred .”

She dared not forget the words Murong Aoyang threatened her for a day, because she was afraid that one day she would suddenly receive news that her daughter had an accident because of Murong Aoyang.

Nalan really didn't understand. She didn't understand why Lin Piaoyu, who had always been so arrogant in her eyes, was so guilty when it came to the Murong family.

It can be seen that what Lin Piaoyu did to Murong's family, even Lin Piaoyu himself felt that it was an unforgivable crime!
For so many years, although Nalan allowed himself to integrate into the Lin family, he believed that the Lin family was his foundation.But in the deepest part of her heart, even in the eyes of others, she is considered the young lady of the Lin family, and the Lin family sincerely accepts her as a family.But she always thinks that the meaning of her life is to protect and accompany Lin Wanmian, and at the same time protect the Lin family.

Because of this unsurpassed duty, since Lin Piaoyu's accident, she never took the initiative to ask Lin Piaoyu what he did to the Murong family, she felt that she should not ask.

But now, Lin Piaoyu's fear was too strong, and Nalan began to worry whether Murong Aoyang let Lin Piaoyu go so easily for some other purpose.This also forced her to ask Lin Piaoyu:
"Ma'am, why are you so sure that Murong Aoyang didn't really let us go? Is what you did to their family really so unforgivable?"

"I..." Lin Piaoyu felt stuck in her throat, she really hoped that she could have a fig leaf to cover up the ugly things in the past so that no one would know.

However, until now, it seems that there is no need to cover up anything. She is already here in her prison uniform, and her most ugly and embarrassing face has been exposed. What can be saved by covering up again?
The greatest crime a person can do is to hurt an innocent life, and she still has the life of Murong's family on her hands... No, no!Isn't the ultimate life and death of the Murong family's daughter still undecided?

Could it be that the reason why Murong Aoyang is willing to let her go is because his sister is still alive?

Thinking of this possibility, Lin Piaoyu suddenly had a glimmer of hope. She looked at Nalan and asked eagerly:
"Nalan, has anything special been reported about the Murong family recently?"

Nalan was slightly stunned, looked at Lin Piaoyu, and said:
"If madam refers to Murong Group's business trends, they are basically the same, nothing special."

"No, it's not a business move, it's their family's private matter. Is there any report?"

If the Murong family finds their daughter, no matter what, it should still cause some trouble.

"Private affairs of the Murong family are never reported, and Madam should know about it. However, the second son of the Murong family, who has recently become a big star, suddenly announced his permanent retirement from the entertainment industry. At present, there are news about him every day. Many people suspect that he suddenly The decision was made because the person he loved the most was gone, so he didn't feel the need to be a star anymore."

The second son of the Murong family ~ Murong Angxing has become popular in the entire entertainment circle in less than three years since his debut.But many people knew that he made a high-profile appearance in the entertainment industry under the aura of the second son of the Murong family in order to find someone.

But when he was most popular, he gave up his status as a top star without any remembrance.Because it was too sudden, the public generally speculated that he decided to quit the entertainment circle because his beloved would never show up again.

Lin Piaoyu's heart skipped a beat. She had paid attention to Murong Angxing's high-profile appearance in front of the public.She also knew that the person Murong Angxing was looking for was not his beloved woman as others thought, but his beloved sister!

Suddenly they stopped looking, there are only two possibilities, either the Murong family found the living Murong Qingyue, or they found...the dead Murong Qingyue!

Of these two possibilities, the former gave Lin Piaoyu hope, while the latter made her feel the fear of despair!

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