It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 39 She Is Not Someone He Hates

When Lin Wanmian woke up, she was a little dizzy, and her body was obviously not so refreshed.

After a while, her thinking gradually became clear, and she remembered what happened before she fell asleep.

But this time she could feel as if she was alone in a space.

It was too bad, no one was there, and she couldn't even tell if it was day or night.

The point is, she is so thirsty now, she wants to drink water.But who could she turn to for help?
In the quiet space, Lin Wanmian had no choice but to sit up and reach out to touch the edge of the bed, and then landed her feet cautiously.

But when she stood up, she felt that she was wearing a hollow dress, like a skirt, but she was not used to it.She remembered that she was supposed to be wearing an ankle-length dress, why now...?
The sound of "click" opening the door brought back Lin Wanmian's thoughts, she turned around according to the direction of the sound, and a familiar voice said:

"Hey, beauty, you're finally awake."

"Louis?" The last time we met, Lin Wanmian knew it was Luis's accent.

"It's me, it's me!" Louis said idly, and walked over to support Lin Wanmian and said, "Come on, sit down first, and I'll give you a brief check to see if you're all right. "

"Check? What's wrong with me?"

"You have a fever, you've been in a coma all day, and the fever subsides when it's almost dark."


She thought she was so sleepy that she fell asleep, but she didn't expect that she had a fever and fell asleep all day, no wonder her body was so weak.

Louis did a simple examination and confirmed that Lin Wanmian's fever had completely subsided. He said with a smile:

"Beauty, with my superb medical intervention, you are fine now."

Lin Wanmian smiled faintly, swallowed her dry throat, and said:

"I still have something, and I need to solve it urgently, can you help me?"

"Huh? Are you still uncomfortable?"

"Throat is uncomfortable because I want to drink water."

"Ah, I forgot, you must be very thirsty now, I'll go get it for you... Forget it, you've been lying down for so long anyway, why don't you come down with me and eat something to replenish your energy."

Louis supported Lin Wanmian desperately, regardless of whether she was willing to go with him or not.But Lin Wanmian was not unwilling, she also wanted to move around.

After leaving the room, although Louis supported Lin Wanmian, he still patiently instructed Lin Wanmian on how to go.

After spending some time, Louis took Lin Wanmian to the kitchen and asked her to sit down, then immediately poured a glass of water into Lin Wanmian's hand and said:
"This is warm water, you drink it first, and I'll prepare your dinner."

Lin Wanmian was also polite. After drinking the water, she heard Louis doing something. She hesitated and asked:
"Louis, is it just me and you here?"

She followed Louis from upstairs to here just now, and she can probably guess that the house is very big.But it seemed that except for her and Louis, she could not sense the existence of other people.

Louis looked back at Lin Wanmian, he said amusedly and bluntly:
"Hehe, you want to ask First Young Master Murong if that ice god is here?"

Lin Wanmian didn't feel embarrassed, and didn't run away, saying:
"I'm just curious about what he's going to do with me next."

"Dispose of you? Ha, if you are worried that he will hurt you, then you can rest assured that he will not bear it!"

Louis smiled happily, he was not talking nonsense without any basis.When did the Murong Aoyang he knew be so idle, he would personally watch over Lin Wanmian until his fever subsided before he felt relieved.

Just because Murong Aoyang ordered him to come here at the "speed of light" to help Lin Wanmian see a doctor, you know how much Murong Aoyang cares about Lin Wanmian.

Lin Wanmian didn't know if Murong Aoyang was as reluctant to hurt her as Louis said, but she knew that there was still a "debt" between her and Murong Aoyang that had not been settled.In other words, Murong Aoyang hasn't settled with her formally yet, after all, she has provoked him clearly.

To be honest, after she calmed down so much, she was actually a little flustered, she didn't know if the next step could go on as she thought.

"Louis, isn't he... not here now?"

"Yeah, he and Zhang Fu went to the study, he must have a job."


So he is here!For a moment, she wished he wasn't there.But think about it, if he is not here now, he will be here sooner or later, no matter what, she has to face him head-on.

Just as Lin Wanmian was thinking this way, she heard footsteps behind her, and then she heard Zhang Fu's voice saying:
"Louis, the young master is looking for you."

"Heh, he's not looking for me, he's looking for a beauty." Louis looked at Lin Wanmian with a smile.

Zhang Chou did not refute Louis. In fact, after Murong Aoyang saw that Lin Wanmian was not in the room just now, he found that Murong Aoyang was nervous for a while.

But Murong Aoyang probably guessed that it was Louis who took Lin Wanmian out of the room, so he quickly calmed down and ordered Zhang Chou to go find Louis.

Hearing Zhang Fu's voice, Lin Wanmian remembered that she hadn't contacted her family yet.So he stood up and faced Zhang Chou and said:
"Mr. Zhang Chou, over there at my house...!"

"Miss Lin, don't worry, they already know that you are safe and sound, they just want to wrong Miss Lin to stay here temporarily."

"For the time long?"

"The young master didn't give instructions." Zhang Chou gave a serious look, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent.

At this point, Lin Wanmian thought, since she will take the initiative if she doesn't take the initiative, she should just take the initiative to the end!
"Can I trouble Mr. Zhang Chou to take me to see him?"

Zhang Chou didn't refuse, and knew who she wanted to see.He stepped forward and wanted to take her away, but Louis came over and slapped Zhang Zang's hand to stop him:
"You let a person with inconvenient eyes go up and down, do you have any humanity? Just let your ice god master come down, it just so happens that everyone should have dinner."

As Louis said, he turned Lin Wanmian in another direction and asked her to sit down and said:
"You sit in peace, you should be fainting from hunger."


"But what is it? The sky is big and the earth is big, and eating is the biggest thing. Is there anything more important in life than eating!"

Louis didn't know why he treated Lin Wanmian so kindly.There are two sides to his life, one is the mysterious "ghost doctor" who is unknown to the public, and the other is the homeless brother who has nothing to do.

Usually when he was Luis, he traveled all over the world and seduced all kinds of beauties, but there were one he could treat with his heart, especially women!

As for the life that appeared as a "ghost doctor", he usually passed the boat without a trace, coming and going in a hurry.Few people know that the "ghost doctor" is actually wearing a fake mask. If anyone wants to find him afterwards, unless he shows up, the "ghost doctor" will exist like a ghost, and you can't find it anywhere in the world he!
Lin Wanmian is probably the "patient" he takes most seriously. He even takes care of food and drink, and he is quite happy to serve him.

Lin Wanmian could feel Louis' kindness, she thought about it, she was already hungry, and instead of going to see Murong Aoyang with an empty stomach, it would be better to see him when she was full.Who knows, if she is so hungry that her IQ drops, how will she "communicate" with him!
Moreover, she also wanted to see if he didn't care if she was not in a hurry to see him.

Just like to complete a test question, Lin Wanmian no longer insisted on taking the initiative to see Murong Aoyang, but chose to obey Louis's words and sit still obediently.

Zhang Chou stared at Louis wordlessly, but he couldn't say anything more, he turned around to find Murong Aoyang, but saw Murong Aoyang had already walked over.

Murong Aoyang went into the kitchen with a calm expression, his originally tepid expression became cold when he saw Lin Wanmian's clothes.He frowned and stared at Louis and said:
"Who told you to bring her here?"

Louis had already set up dinner, he looked at Murong Aoyang who had a bad face, and said without fear:

"It's okay. The beauty wakes up and is thirsty and hungry. I'll take her down to drink water and eat. Walking around will be good for her."

When Lin Wanmian heard Murong Aoyang's voice, she froze for a moment, but could only remain silent.

She moved her body slightly, but she didn't know that the movement of sitting and moving had accidentally caused one side of the loose men's shirt she was wearing to slip onto her arm, making her look a little too naked.

Before she opened her mouth to say something, Murong Aoyang stepped forward and grabbed her. Before she could react, he had already pulled up her clothes and buttoned them up for her. Then he said angrily:
"Dressed like this, will you die if you don't move around?"

She was wearing his shirt, and he didn't think there was any problem lying on the bed covered with a quilt.But when I saw her just now, although she was not overly inappropriate, she had a special charm, but he had a kind of beauty that he didn't want others to see her.

But she dressed like this, it seemed to be his own masterpiece, and it seemed that she couldn't blame her, if he wanted to blame it, he would blame him for causing trouble for himself!

Lin Wanmian was taken aback by his fierce tone, but she knew that he was probably helping her organize her inappropriate clothes just now.But how does she know what she looks like, not to mention, is it necessary for him to get angry with what she looks like?
Forget about anything else, he got angry at her for this kind of thing, and she couldn't help but choked:

"I'm not a dead person. What's wrong with me moving? Besides, it's none of your business that I dress like a dead person. Why are you angry at me?"

"What did you say? Say it again!"

"You are not deaf, why should I waste my breath and say it again."


He underestimated her, he really underestimated her!It's not a big deal, she dares to hate him like that.If this is later... later?Will there be a future?
Lin Wanmian raised her head, her eyes couldn't meet Murong Aoyang's, but they were very close to each other.This made Murong Aoyang easily see the stubborn pupils in her water spirit.

Gritting his teeth, Murong Aoyang resisted the urge to slap her to death, but he couldn't say anything else for a while.

On the contrary, Lin Wanmian blinked and asked softly:
"Is there a woman in this house!"

"Aren't you a woman?" Murong Aoyang didn't know why she asked such a question.

"I mean other women."

"No!" She still didn't understand what she wanted to know.

"Then...then who changed my clothes?" There are no women here, could it be...!
"I changed it!"

"You...why do you take off my clothes indiscriminately?" It really was him, she felt so ashamed.

"I hate your shabby dress!"

"I don't want you to wear it. What does it matter to you if I wear it?"

"This is my territory, and all the things I hate have to be thrown out."

"You hate me too, why don't you just throw me out together?"

The words that came out of his mouth not only stopped Murong Aoyang, but also Lin Wanmian himself.Her question was not so much asking Murong Aoyang for confirmation, but rather a vague hope in her own subconscious, hoping that he would not be willing to throw her out!
Murong Aoyang fell silent!For her, he tried not to ignore her, but never hated her.Even if he regards her mother as an enemy, she is not someone he hates!

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