It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 34 His heart and lungs are churning

For Lin Wanmian's plan, she thought that she could let the game take its course, and it was precisely Liu Zhirou who helped her smoothly for the first time, the second time, the third time... She helped her little by little. While being moved by Liu Zhirou's kindness and sincerity, she also found that Liu Zhirou was like a link that could indirectly allow her to confront Murong Aoyang head-on!
It's just that she didn't expect the step of confronting Murong Aoyang to come so quickly.She originally intended to be selfish and continue to play cards through Liu Zhirou more smoothly.

Murong Aoyang rescued her from Rong Shengzu, and ignored the business relationship between Murong Group and Rong's family. He not only beat Rong Shengzu to the hospital, but also manipulated the media to make Rong Shengzu lose his dignity.

Although Murong Aoyang said that he saved her and punished Rong Shengzu only because he wanted to do that.

But she doesn't think so, especially when she was alone with him just now, his words and deeds made her think that even if he didn't take her seriously, at least she believed that he definitely didn't turn a blind eye to her. Obviously...he cares about it!

But she just became more certain about this guess, she was not absolutely sure that Murong Aoyang would definitely fall into her game in the end.Once she makes a mistake in her judgment, she may be like what Murong Aoyang said, if she is not careful, she will step into a place of eternal doom.

After all, the Rong family is not as good as the Murong family, and the Rong family is not something that a down-and-out blind daughter can compete with.

Therefore, her deal with the Rong family was undoubtedly a dangerous move, and this move she took could either bring her back to life, or she would fall into the quagmire and be unable to turn over!
But this bet, she has already made a bet, whether she can win or not depends on whether Murong Aoyang's statement that he wants to dominate her is true or not.

And what she blocked was his words, if he wanted to dominate her, he would never allow her to step into the gate of the Rong family.

In order to make his plan go smoothly, the first person Lin Wanmian borrowed was Liu Zhirou.

That day she invited Liu Zhirou to eat at home not simply to thank Liu Zhirou for her help.Her purpose was to deliberately let Liu Zhirou know that she had no choice but to trade with the Rong family.

She selfishly took advantage of Liu Zhirou's sincere desire to help her, and as expected, Liu Zhirou knew that she would jump into the fire pit to take risks, so she was more anxious for her than anyone else.

It's just that Liu Zhirou brought her elder brother Liu Baiyu into this game of chess by the way, which was unexpected to her.She never thought that Liu Baiyu would also be willing to treat each other sincerely!

It is precisely because the two brothers and sisters are not false to her that she will clearly reject any kindness from Liu Baiyu.

Because the Liu family is different from the Rong family, the Liu family has nothing to ask of her. Of course, she can't let the Liu family offend the Murong family by being too involved in her affairs.

But the Rong family already wanted something from her, and she already knew that Rong Guanglong also held Lin's shares.The leader who sued her mother was proposed by Rong Guanglong in the first place!
As for the shelving and no action later, it is not known whether it was really the result of Qiu Chengtong, Lin's vice president, or something else, that's why the shareholders didn't sue collectively for the time being.

But these are not what Lin Wanmian has to figure out at the moment. Anyway, she now understands that no one outside is worthy of 100% trust.

In addition, she now fully understands that no matter who she makes deals with, they may not be Murong Aoyang's opponents, let alone who will do their best to help her?

She is the only one who can give her everything in this world.Therefore, she must put everything on the most worthy person, and that person is Murong Aoyang!
Because Murong Aoyang is the only person who can decide her mother's life or death.For this reason, she had to do everything possible to make Murong Aoyang accept to make a deal with her.

As for how to get Murong Aoyang to accept it, Lin Wanmian originally wanted to wait until the time came, and then find a way to let Liu Zhirou "inadvertently" reveal to Murong Aoyang that she still wanted to be Rong Shengzu's fiancee.

If at the most critical moment, Murong Aoyang would come forward to prevent her from "marrying" with the Rong family, then at least she won half of the bet.

Liu Zhirou has a pure heart, and Liu Zhirou can't see her plan at all.Especially thinking of Lin Wanmian's upcoming engagement with Rong Shengzu, she couldn't help repeating the old saying:

"Wan Mian, speaking of Rong Shengzu, I really hope you don't become his official fiancée, it's very risky for you to do so."

Rong Shengzu liking men is not a damnable crime, but the Rong family didn't simply want Lin Wanmian to be a shield for the facade, but wanted Lin Wanmian to also be responsible for raising children for their Rong family.This is tantamount to trapping Lin Wanmian to death for the rest of his life, leaving no room for turning around.

Whether getting involved with the Rong family is risky or not, Lin Wanmian knows it very well without anyone reminding her.But she said decisively:

"Rong Shengzu is not a good person, I know, and I chose to take this step because I didn't think about the consequences. It's just that this is my best choice at the moment, and I won't change my mind."

What's more, she never promised that whoever gets engaged to Rong Shengzu will be her!She just promised that the Lin family would help the Rong family avoid trouble.

But if things don't develop as she expected, maybe Rong Shengzu's "fiancée" can only be herself!
This is the biggest risk of her gamble!

Lin Wanmian's persistence sounded incomprehensibly stubborn to Liu Zhirou, but she could only say helplessly:

"If only I could help you! When I met the president at the gate earlier, I was not angry for a while, and I had the courage to ask him not to embarrass you anymore. I thought that if the president is not so ruthless, you don't have to Engaged to Rong Shengzu."

Lin Wanmian moved slightly, and asked:

"What else did you... tell him?"

"I didn't have time to say anything more, and the topic was interrupted when the eldest brother came."

Slightly relieved, Lin Wanmian was glad that Liu Zhirou didn't tell Murong Aoyang too much, because she didn't want Murong Aoyang to know about the official engagement between the Lin family and the Rong family!

Regarding the engagement with Rong Shengzu, she deliberately kept the Rong family stable and did not disclose who Rong Shengzu's fiancée was. Can you win!

But when things got to this point, Lin Wanmian became more calm. She smiled and changed the subject and asked:

"Speaking of Brother Bai Yu, has he already left?"

"Uh... Brother, he seems to have something to say with our president, so they went to the front yard together."

As soon as Murong Aoyang got out of the box just now, he completely ignored everyone standing outside, and was about to leave without even looking at them.

But her elder brother followed up and said that he had something to say, and then they went to the front yard together, and they should still be talking now.

Murong Aoyang and Liu Baiyu in the front yard are indeed still talking, but what Liu Baiyu wants to say to Murong Aoyang is not to intercede for Lin Wanmian, but to explain Liu Zhirou's work in Murong Group to Murong Aoyang roughly. .

After Murong Aoyang heard what he said, it was nothing more than that Liu Zhirou had no malicious purpose in working in Murong Group, so please don't think too much about it.

But these words are superfluous to Murong Aoyang, he has no interest in knowing whether Liu Zhirou has a purpose in being a small customer service in Murong Group or not.

Instead, he said curiously:

"Mr. Liu, I thought you were going to talk to me about Lin Wanmian, but it doesn't seem to be the case."

"Could it be that President Murong wants to hear about Wan Mian?"

Liu Baiyu looked at the frosty Murong Aoyang, the corners of his lips slightly raised!
Murong Aoyang still had a cold expression on his face, he said coldly:
"Based on Lin Wanmian's current needs, she came to you, and you came to me. I can't think of what else you can talk to me besides interceding for Lin Wanmian!"

It was such a coincidence today that they all came here, and Murong Aoyang believed that Lin Wanmian was flattering Liu Baiyu, so he would naturally think that Liu Baiyu came to intercede for Lin Wanmian,
Originally, he could have ignored Liu Baiyu's request to talk to him, but he didn't refuse, because he wanted to know what the relationship between Liu Baiyu and Lin Wanmian was.

The same calm Liu Baiyu didn't care about Murong Aoyang's coldness, he took a probing look at Murong Aoyang.Although there was nothing unusual on Murong Aoyang's face, Liu Baiyu was still keenly aware of something wrong, but he couldn't say anything.

But when it came to Lin Wanmian, Liu Baiyu did have something to say, but instead of pleading directly, he said:

"Wan Mian is very brave, but also very persistent! If Wan Mian was not going to fight against you today, I might still dare to say that I can help her at any time if I want to. Unfortunately, I, Liu Baiyu, think that my strength cannot match yours. To contend, I'm not great enough to risk the entire Liu family for Wan Mian, whom I just met."

Murong Aoyang looked at the frank Liu Baiyu, and asked calmly:
"So, you rejected Lin Wanmian's request for help?" We just met, isn't it too intimate to call him "Wanmian"?

"No, it's not that I rejected Wanmian, it was Wanmian who refused my help."

"That's really surprising. I thought she was a straw and would always come."

"Wan Mian refused my help not because she didn't want to catch her, but because she knew that I couldn't risk everything to help her."

"And self-knowledge, she's not too stupid."

"Wan Mian is very special. She is blind but has a bright heart. If my face is worth enough, I might talk too much and plead with President Murong to help Wan Mian. Please make her feel better."

"Heh! Mr. Liu is pleading for her, isn't he?"

"But you won't give me this face, will you?"

"That's right, no!"

"So, I didn't expect you to give me face."

"So, have you finished talking?" Murong Aoyang hinted that he did not intend to continue the conversation.

Liu Baiyu didn't care, but he finally asked:
"President Murong doesn't want to give Wan Mian the chance to save her mother, at least he doesn't mind if I give Wan Mian other care?"

Murong Aoyang's eyes flashed, and he said indifferently:
"Should I mind?"

"It's fine if you don't mind. I'm afraid that if I take care of Wanmian, you will attack me too. Then I will become very passive."

"How does Mr. Liu plan to take care of her? Will she marry and go home to take care of her?"

As soon as Murong Aoyang said those words, his heart was shocked and at the same time he also felt strange.But he subconsciously refused to think about it!
Liu Baiyu was also taken aback by Murong Aoyang's words. When he realized it, he flashed his sharp eyes, and said in an indistinguishable way:
"I don't have the idea of ​​marrying Wan Mian home yet, but who knows, it might be possible in the future. After all, Wan Mian seems to me to be perfect except that she is invisible to the eyes. It should be easy for me to fall in love with her. I'm just afraid that she won't like me."

Ah!It's very interesting, the mighty Murong Aoyang doesn't seem to be as sacred and inviolable as imagined, he is also a mortal with seven emotions and six desires!
Murong Aoyang looked indifferent, he said coldly:

"Then I wish Mr. Liu the beauty he wants!"

After Murong Aoyang finished speaking, he turned around coldly and left.In the eyes of others, his figure is always so calm and proud, unstoppable.

But no one knows that Murong Aoyang is not calm at this time, his heart and lungs are already rolling because of that woman who makes him unable to restrain his anger!

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