Murong Aoyang's plunder made Lin Wanmian a little frightened, but she didn't panic to resist anything, she just stiffened her body and passively let his arrogance break into her world...!
But no matter what, she found that she was slowly falling into a haze because of his kiss...!
In the end, she didn't even know whether it was because of his domineering that made her fall into it, or because she couldn't resist the truest following in her heart...!
In short, her hand unconsciously grabbed his suit jacket gently towards his waist, almost uncontrollably, she was going to hug him like he was holding her waist.

But Murong Aoyang noticed her actions, he suddenly stopped his soliciting kisses, and the two of them broke away from the fascination that was about to get out of control in an instant.

Lin Wanmian's breath was panting because of his asking for kisses for too long.Although Murong Aoyang doesn't look like she is about to be hypoxic, his chest breathing rate is much faster than normal.

So, their chests that were still clinging to each other bumped into each other suddenly.That collision again produced a certain feeling between them that was about to come out.

Lin Wanmian couldn't see, so she didn't know that Murong Aoyang was still locked on her face like a cheetah.He looked at her with both fascinated and tangled eyes, but judging from his frowning, he might be more troubled and tangled.

In fact, he was upset!Because he no longer knows what to do with the woman in his arms!
Lin Wanmian, who couldn't judge what he was thinking from his expression, was also thinking secretly at this time, whether her own affairs were getting closer to the goal she wanted to achieve?

Feeling the impact of Murong Aoyang's firm chest on her soft chest, she actually felt very shy, but she didn't intend to push him away, anyway, if he didn't let go, she couldn't push him.

After her breathing eased, Lin Wanmian moved her lips slightly. She wanted to say something, but she suddenly couldn't make a sound.

However, her hands are more mobile than her mouth. She raised her hand and felt it right where his heart was beating to feel his heartbeat.

Her somewhat cold hands penetrated into Murong Aoyang's scorching skin through the shirt.The sharpness of one ice and one heat made Murong Aoyang's body tense up.He hardly gave her any extra time to stay in his chest, he pulled her hand away, and at the same time let go of her whole body, then said coldly:
"Why, I still have more ideas, do you still want me to continue?"

When kissing her, she almost didn't refuse, she just didn't want him to kiss her deeply to steal her fragrant breath at first.But soon she seemed to be active or helpless to surrender and lightly opened her teeth and danced with him, and he took advantage of the trend to endlessly snatch her sweetness.

But this time, he couldn't treat her tenderly, and the words he said were also sarcasm, but after he finished speaking, he felt uncomfortable first.

Listening to his ridicule, Lin Wanmian didn't seem too sad, she just said softly:
"It turns out that it's not just my heartbeat that is unstable, yours is also chaotic. I can't fight you, so I'm afraid that your heartbeat will be unstable, but what about you, aren't you the king? What are you afraid of?"

Although it was only for a moment, she clearly felt that his heartbeat was not much more steady than hers, even worse, but would he be afraid?

Murong Aoyang is very sure that he absolutely doesn't like Lin Wanmian's questioning, no matter whether her questioning is reasonable or not, he doesn't want to think about how to answer her.Because he is the king, there is nothing in this world that he is afraid of as a king!

However, Lin Wanmian's question was not unanswerable, he sneered and said:
"Isn't it strange that a man's heartbeat can still sit still when he vents his lust to a woman?"

Lin Wanmian understood his hint, he was telling her that his heart beat faster because of lust.

They kissed passionately, even if he lied, his answer was understandable and reasonable.But she didn't care if he was trying to cover up, she then asked:
"I didn't provoke you this time, and I didn't give myself to you. Why did you kiss me, and why did you kiss me forcefully?"

When she went to him for the first time, he also kissed her forcefully.But that time she had nothing to say, because she was the one who came to beg him, and it was she who offered to hand over her life to him in exchange for her mother's freedom.

But he refused, saying that he disdains her life, and he disdains her body even more.She clearly remembered the humbleness she felt when she was almost naked in front of him, and his disdain completely shattered her pride and self-esteem.

It was the first time in her life that she really felt how humble a person can be, and how shameful they can be!

Murong Aoyang is still arrogant and convincing me, he approached her, stretched out his left thumb to caress her delicate red lips, and said:
"Forced kiss! I know if I kiss you forcibly. You accept my invasion to prove that you don't hate my kiss at all. Why do you pretend that you hate me for kissing you?"

"Accepting your kiss doesn't mean I like your kiss. I just know that my resistance is meaningless to you. Instead of making myself more miserable, I'd rather do whatever you want."

"Oh! Resistance is meaningless? Then when you were drugged and violated by Rong Shengzu, why would you rather hurt yourself to the end and resist, but you let me forcefully kiss you. Since it is also a violation, how do you react? Is it very different?"

Murong Aoyang deliberately mentioned that she was almost hurt by Rong Shengzu that day, which really made Lin Wanmian feel disgusted.But she deliberately asked nonchalantly:
"Mr. Murong suddenly mentioned what happened that day. I just had a question. Don't you hate my mother? If I become miserable, Mr. Murong should be happy. Why did you bother to save me and even punish Rong Shengzu? Isn't what you're doing also contradicting yourself ridiculously?"

Murong Aoyang didn't expect that she was good at drawing inferences from one instance to another, but it made him underestimate her.However, her signs had no offensive power against him, and he didn't want to waste any more time playing word games with her. He looked at her calmly and said:

"I don't deny that I hate your mother. I saved you not because of how important you are, but because I want to save you! Punishing Rong Shengzu is not because I want to vent my anger on you, but because he annoys me."

"I didn't ask you to save me!"

"What I want to do will never change because anyone asks or doesn't ask. You are even less likely to be the reason for my decision."

Murong Aoyang is used to standing above the peak and looking down, his innate kingly spirit makes every decision he makes unaffected by any outsiders.

This habit of Murong Aoyang made him mistakenly think that he is still himself, and he believes that his involvement with Lin Wanmian will never change him.

However, Lin Wanmian said firmly:

"No, the you in the past may be the you you thought you were, but now, you are shaken!"

"What did you say?" Murong Aoyang frowned because of her calmness.

"I said, you are shaken!"

"Oh, then, tell me, what am I shaking?"

"You are shaken by me!" Lin Wanmian was calm and fearless.

Murong Aoyang was startled, he looked at Lin Wanmian's brown eyes that were bright but unfocused, he had the illusion of being seen through by her.

But why is she so self-righteous about things that he doesn't even know about?
"Don't take yourself too seriously. I said before that you are worthless to me. Now you are still...!"

"Since I'm worthless to you, why did Zhi Rou send you a message to your subordinates and let you run to save me? I'm so irrelevant. On the day you saved me, why did you tell Rong Shengzu, my My life is yours from now on, and everything about me can only be dominated by you?"

Although she was drowsy that day, she still vaguely heard his announcement to Rong Shengzu when he hugged her horizontally and leaned on his shoulder.

But after she fell into a coma and woke up again, she once thought that what he said was just her hallucination.But knowing that it was because of a distress message sent by Liu Zhirou, he immediately went to rescue her himself, and she was almost sure that he had indeed said that everything about her was under his control.

But why did he say that, the question kept lingering in her mind.Because that's like saying that she can only belong to him in this life.She actually wanted to know that if he wanted to dominate everything about her, how would he dominate?

Murong Aoyang frowned slightly, his handsome cheeks twitched because of gritting his teeth.

Lin Wanmian's question was very direct and sharp, but Murong Aoyang was not embarrassed by it, except that he was a little upset because she was forced to question him.If Lin Wanmian had seen through him, then he had also seen through her from the expectations she thought she had hidden well.

Murong Aoyang faintly raised his lips and approached Lin Wanmian, while he stretched out his hand to play with her silky long hair, he said proudly to her:

"Lin Wanmian, you are expecting me to admit that you are special to me, and you also hope that you are special in my heart because you care about me, or you may even... like me!"

"I do not have!"

Lin Wanmian's red lips trembled slightly in denial, and her hands frantically blocked his hand playing with her hair.

Murong Aoyang proudly put his hands into his trouser pockets, did not touch her hair, but stared at her and chased after her:

"Nothing? Didn't care about me, or didn't like me?"

"I don't care about you, and I don't like you. In contrast, you who are blatantly saying that you want to dominate everything about me should ask yourself why you said that. It can't be you, Mr. Murong, who is full. It’s just nonsense.”

"a ha ha ha……"

Murong Aoyang suddenly laughed out loud with fun.He never thought that Lin Wanmian, who was serious and cold in front of him, would say such witty words.

After a rare and hearty laugh, Murong Aoyang almost instantly returned to his normal state of coldness and said:
"Lin Wanmian, I said that if you draw my attention again, I will control your life! Therefore, every word I said to Rong Shengzu happened, and I will not deny it."

"I'm not trying to get your attention "again." "

Lin Wanmian bit her lip slightly, she remembered how she was despised by him the first time she saw him.After that time, she had secretly vowed that she would never take the initiative to provoke him again.How could she possibly have a conspiracy to "again" attract his attention, at least she never thought about seeing him again before he came to save her!
But her frankness was not recognized by Murong Aoyang, he suddenly sneered and speculated:

"Isn't it your initiative to use Liu Zhirou as a springboard? I wonder if you deliberately jumped into Rong Shengzu's wolf den, and then deliberately asked Liu Zhirou to help you contact Zhang Chou, and then led me to rescue poor Xi You. If you think that I will let Lin Piaoyu go on the sidelines when I see poor you, then your wishful thinking is wrong. Next time, remember not to be so stupid. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will It will put you in a place of no return.”

This stupid woman had better not be what he said, and risk herself to get his attention, otherwise he will definitely be very angry!
Lin Wanmian was very hurt by his out-of-the-box speculation, although she took the initiative to grab the straw of the Rong family.But at that time, she was confused and had no choice.As long as it is a life-saving straw, even if the straw is on a cliff, she will take risks!

For example, next time, she is going to try to step into another "abyss", she just wants to see if she will really end up in doom!

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