When Liu Baiyu saw Lin Wanmian, he secretly brightened his eyes.Even though Lin Wanmian didn't look well-dressed, she still looked haggard.Especially with the obvious wound on her lip, the wound made her look even more pitiful.

However, Liu Baiyu was not in a hurry to express anything, and Lin Wanmian was not nervous either.The two of them just chatted politely under Liu Zhirou's introduction.

Then, after lunch, apart from almost irrelevant topics, neither of the two "protagonists", Liu Baiyu and Lin Wanmian, took the initiative to bring up the real purpose of today's meeting.

Of course, Lin Wanmian was not the active party, so naturally she would not initiate the topic.

Besides, she wasn't quite sure what Liu Baiyu's purpose was for asking her to meet, and she didn't intend to let Liu Baiyu actually participate in her affairs, so she didn't need to take the initiative to mention it.

And Liu Baiyu observed Lin Wanmian calmly, from careful exploration of Lin Wanmian at the beginning to a comfortable conversation, and then to secretly admiring Lin Wanmian.The whole process didn't feel like a waste of time to him as he had imagined.

However, he saw that he had almost eaten his lunch, and he didn't have so much time for such insignificant small talk.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea and said politely to Lin Wanmian:

"Miss Lin, if you don't mind, I'd like to have a chat with you alone, is that okay?"

"Of course, I don't mind."

Lin Wanmian smiled calmly, she was not surprised by Liu Baiyu's sudden request.From the moment Liu Baiyu talked with her about the trivial things in her life that were different from others, she knew that Liu Baiyu didn't want to get straight to the point right away.In this regard, she has nothing to worry about.

Liu Baiyu didn't procrastinate, and said to Liu Zhirou:
"Zhirou, you and Ms. Nalan go to the villa, I'll call you after I finish chatting with Ms. Lin."

"Oh, okay."

Liu Zhirou had nothing to worry about, but Nalan said to Lin Wanmian rather hesitantly:
"Mianmian, is it really okay?"

"It's okay, I just have something to talk to Mr. Bai Yu alone, don't worry, it shouldn't be long."

"Okay, I'll wait at the door."

Lin Wanmian said "hmm" to show that she followed Nalan. After Nalan and Liu Zhirou went out, Lin Wanmian said straight to the point:
"Mr. Bai Yu, before you speak, I want to thank you for helping me meet my mother earlier."

"I think you have already thanked Zhirou for this matter. You don't need to thank me anymore, because I helped Zhirou, not you."

"I know, I didn't intend to say "thank you" to you in an unnecessary way, but since I saw you face to face, I should at least express my gratitude."

"Okay, I accept your thanks." Liu Baiyu smiled, and then said bluntly:
"Miss Lin, do you think you may need to thank me in the future?"

Lin Wanmian blinked lightly, knowing that Liu Baiyu had entered the topic, but she didn't intend to talk about it in detail, so she also said bluntly:
"I don't have an answer for what will happen in the future, but now I know very well that nothing that will cause trouble to Mr. Bai Yu because of me will happen today."

Liu Baiyu raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling amused by Lin Wanmian's answer, he smiled slightly and said:

"So, what you mean is that you don't want anything from me today, even if you probably guessed it, for Zhirou's sake, I can still help you to some extent."

"Mr. Bai Yu can only help me to some extent, that is, he can't solve my fundamental needs. Rather than owe you the favor of being high or low, I might as well save myself a friendship that is worth facing calmly."


"Zhirou! I cherish the fate with her!"

Lin Wanmian smiled sincerely, Liu Zhirou was the only person in her life who could keep her from getting defensive.

Because of her crippled life, she rarely had contact with outsiders, and naturally she never made friends with anyone.

Becoming friends with Liu Zhirou should be regarded as an unexpected and wonderful harvest.Their friendship blooms like a long-awaited spring flower with the east wind!
In the chance encounter, it was Liu Zhirou who sent her a kindness when she had nowhere to ask for help, so she felt the rare and warm fate between people.

Liu Baiyu felt her truth from Lin Wanmian's faint smile.Looking at her unfocused but still shining eyes, if she could meet people's eyes, he believed that her eyes would be more convincing to people of her sincerity.

Unknowingly, Liu Baiyu removed the blunt tone almost naturally and said:

"You cherish Zhirou, and Zhirou cherishes you even more. But I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I have actually warned her several times not to get involved in your Lin family's affairs. But that girl promised her, but she was thinking about it all in her heart." Help you. However, in order to help you, she was obviously timid and had to take the initiative to ask me for help, which made our brother and sister get along more comfortably, and this is what I want to thank you for."

"Zhirou has always mentioned you to me before. It's just that I thought you were strict with her, so I made her respect and love you. But your strictness includes pampering her for no reason."

"Why do you think I spoil her for no reason?"

Liu Baiyu found it fresh, why didn't he realize that he was pampering Liu Zhirou for no reason!

"Everyone knows that the affairs of the Lin family make people avoid them. But because of Zhirou's request, you granted her wish without hesitation. Today is the same, although you want to see me with the purpose of probing. But I Guess, if I say now that I need your help, you are probably ready to help me as much as you can."

"Why are you so sure I'm going to do this?"

"If you didn't have this plan, we wouldn't be sitting here alone, but we've said our goodbyes and left!"

Liu Baiyu was the first person who helped Murong's family without worrying too much about offending her, even though his original intention was to help Liu Zhirou.But she is still grateful for Liu Baiyu's favor.

A person who is not afraid of offending Murong Aoyang in order to fulfill his sister's wishes should be a warm and sensitive person.But he must have calculated clearly that even if he helped her, Murong Aoyang would not let Murong Aoyang focus on the Liu family.

Being able to sit firmly in the position of general manager of the company proves that Liu Baiyu definitely has his own consideration in doing things.

The reason why Lin Wanmian was sure that Liu Baiyu was willing to help her was because Liu Baiyu proposed to talk to her alone and left without finishing lunch.

If Liu Baiyu is not willing to help her, there is absolutely no need for him to waste time sitting here.

Liu Baiyu couldn't help but admire Lin Wanmian's judgment, and his understanding of her has also reached a level of appreciation. He smiled and said:

"Your eyes can't see, but your heart is more penetrating than those who can see."

"It's because my eyes can't see, so my heart can only be redoubled. Otherwise, I will really become a complete useless person."

yes!Her heart can't be blind, if her heart is also blind, how can she survive?

Looking at Lin Wanmian's soft and powerful expression, Liu Baiyu suddenly thought of Murong Aoyang whom he just met at the gate of the villa.He unconsciously compared Lin Wanmian and Murong Aoyang together.

For a moment, the contrast was so sharp that it was impossible for Lin Wanmian's fragility to be able to defeat Murong Aoyang's indifference.

If Lin Wanmian had to fight Murong Aoyang on his own, Liu Baiyu didn't need to think about it and concluded that Lin Wanmian had no chance of winning.

Thinking of Lin Wanmian still desperately persevering in order to save her mother, Liu Baiyu suddenly asked curiously:
"Miss Lin, you know that without Murong Aoyang's permission, it is impossible for you to exonerate your mother, do you understand this?"

Hearing the name Murong Aoyang, Lin Wanmian's heart flashed, and even the faint smile on her face disappeared secretly!She paused slightly, and said:

How could she not know, if she knew, she had no choice but to take risks!
"Although I don't know exactly how your family offended Murong Aoyang. But have you ever thought about trying to beg him, it will be more practical than any effort you make."

"Oh!" Lin Wanmian laughed at herself: "After my mother had an accident, the first thing I did was to beg him. But... the result is what you can see, the possibility of my mother being convicted of a felony remains unchanged. "

Liu Baiyu knew that if Lin Wanmian had already asked Murong Aoyang, based on his understanding of Murong Aoyang.It's not surprising that Murong Aoyang would reject Lin Wanmian's request, because Murong Aoyang never does unnecessary things, and doing so means that no one can change his decision.

But if Lin Wanmian insisted on saving her mother from the quagmire, Liu Baiyu felt that all the main power of life and death was in the hands of Murong Aoyang.If Murong Aoyang is unwilling to change his decision to suppress Lin Piaoyu, the possibility of Lin Piaoyu's escape is very slim!

Out of affection for Lin Wanmian, Liu Baiyu thought about it and suggested:

"Miss Lin, are you willing to see Murong Aoyang again, maybe he will let go if you communicate again."

Liu Baiyu didn't think about how he could help Lin Wanmian, but if he just wanted to let her see Murong Aoyang, it wouldn't be difficult for him

If necessary, he can call Murong Aoyang directly now, since everyone is in the villa, the timing is just right.

Lin Wanmian didn't know that Murong Aoyang was eating at the same place with her, so naturally she didn't care much about Liu Baiyu's thoughts, she said without hope:

"See you again, he is still him! He may be kind to the whole world, but not to me. He has made it very clear that he will not let my mother go easily."

"Although Murong Aoyang is decisive, he is not a ruthless person who will do his own thing. Maybe if you try again, there may be unexpected gains."

"Does Mr. Bai Yu know him well?"

Liu Baiyu originally wanted to follow Lin Wanmian's question to answer, but he vaguely felt that something was not very pleasant.After thinking for a while, he chuckled and said, "Lin...uh, Wan Mian, I want to call you that, we don't use "Miss Lin", and "Mr. Bai Yu's" is so awkward, what do you think?"

Liu Baiyu was not polite to promote friendly relations with each other. First, he was indeed attracted by Lin Wanmian's specialness. Second, based on Liu Zhirou's relationship, he was happy that Liu Zhirou could make friends with a brave and strong person like Lin Wanmian.

Since everyone is destined, it is also a happy thing to simply be friends.

Lin Wanmian did not disagree, and she also felt a comfortable touch from Liu Baiyu's speech. She nodded with a chuckle, and said generously:
"Then if you don't mind, I'll call you "Bai Yu" directly!"

"You are Zhirou's sincere friend, you are about the same age, you can treat me as an older brother if you want."

"So~ "Brother Bai Yu"?"

"Heh, Mr. Bai Yu listens more cordially than Mr. Bai Yu!"

Lin Wanmian smiled, she was glad that today's lunch was so valuable.

However, what she didn't expect was that after Liu Baiyu went out to answer a phone call, the lunch had an extra value that she didn't expect!

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