When Lin Wanmian woke up again, she didn't know how much time had passed.

When her mind was able to function clearly, she stroked her belly first.Before she lost consciousness, she knew the baby in her womb was in danger.

However, miraculously, she could feel her baby still in her womb at this moment!This perception made her shed tears of pain and joy!
Murong Aoyang, who had been guarding her all day and night, saw her wake up, at first he didn't dare to move, let alone make a sound, he was afraid that his presence would stimulate her who had finally passed the dangerous period!

Their child was almost gone, and he could imagine how much she would hate him if the child was gone!
What's more, she already knew about Lin Piaoyu's death and he knew from the beginning to the end, but he didn't mention a word to her. She probably hated him for this.

Murong Aoyang really wanted to explain everything to her immediately, but she was so fragile now, he was really afraid that she would not be able to bear so many terrible facts.

Seeing her crying so restrainedly, she didn't even dare to cry aloud, he knew she must be afraid that her crying too excitedly would affect the child!
She cared so much about their child, but he asked her to give up the child. His decision not only hurt her, but also hurt himself.

However, when she resolutely left the hospital to miss the best operation time, he could have found her in time, but he let her hide.

Because he took into account Lin Piaoyu's last wish in the hospital, he chose to give up the child with pain, but in fact, he was happy to see her resolutely refusing the operation!
She was pregnant with her child, how could he not be happy?It's just because Lin Piaoyu used his death to create the last maternal love for Lin Wanmian, his unbearableness turned to Lin Piaoyu's devotion for a while.

But when Lin Wanmian was determined to do everything possible to avoid surgery for the sake of the child, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief because he also wanted to keep the child...!
Lin Wanmian's silent tears made Murong Aoyang think that she didn't know he was by her side, but Lin Wanmian suddenly turned over and sat up, she faced his expressionless hoarse voice and asked coldly:
"Is the child okay?"

She had already smelled his unique smell, so she knew he was by her side!
Murong Aoyang was just stunned for a moment before reaching out to shake her hand, but she angrily shook off his hand:
"answer me!"

"The child is fine, but you can no longer have strong emotions, otherwise...."

"Where's my mother?"

She just wants to ask him questions now, she doesn't want to hear him say anything else.If the child is fine, she knows what she should do is the best for the child, and there is no need for him to pretend to be kind!
Murong Aoyang looked at her, he was secretly heavy, but only said:

"I'm sorry, I couldn't save her!"

"You killed her on purpose?"

Murong Aoyang frowned, and subconsciously twitched his hand, his already tense face became even more forbearing because of her questioning!

His silence made Lin Wanmian's tear-filled eyes sting extremely, she finally couldn't calm down and shouted at him angrily:

"You talk, I want to know why you did that to my mother?"

Why did he push her mother onto the road? Even if it was an accident, her mother was killed because of him.

Murong Aoyang felt cold in his heart, he didn't mind her getting angry, and he didn't mind her complaining about him.But she actually said that he intentionally killed her mother. Could it be that her trust in him is so vulnerable?
But no matter how cold his heart is, he can't be indifferent to her. He said to her calmly:

"Mian'er, if you already believe that I intentionally killed your mother, I think my explanation may sound like an excuse to you. After all, she did have the accident because of me!"

If he hadn't pushed Lin Piaoyu into the middle of the road, maybe she wouldn't have been hit. If she hadn't been injured, at least she should have lived a little longer!

It was very difficult for Lin Wanmian to hold back the shouting and screaming. No matter how painful she was, she still remembered that there was still a child in her stomach, but she needed to vent, so she could only use her best strength to beat Murong Aoyang while crying bitterly. said:

"Then why didn't you tell me immediately that something happened to my mother? You can let me see her, why do you hide it from me?"

"I'm sorry, I thought it would be better for you not to let you know for a while!"

Because he thought that she would be arranged for the operation smoothly, and Lin Piaoyu didn't want her to know the truth before the operation, so he decided to hide it from her.

But after Lin Wanmian suddenly told him that she was pregnant with a child, Lin Piaoyu's heart stopped almost at the same time, and he couldn't tell her immediately that Lin Piaoyu was dead!

However, he hadn't made any arrangements in the chaos, but she learned the "truth" because of Rong Shengzu's malicious arrangement, which invisibly disrupted his thinking even more.

Lin Wanmian was indignant at his "self-righteousness". At this time, she had stopped beating him, but the tears were still falling silently on her face, and her expression became cold, as if she had calmed down.

But her undulating chest proved that she couldn't calm down at all, and she sarcastically said in a trembling voice:
"Murong Aoyang, you once said that you wanted to kill my mother. Now, she died in your hands as you wished, are you satisfied? Ah, yes, you should not be satisfied, I forgot the The child is still alive, you don't want the child without even thinking about it, should you kill the child next..."

"Mian'er, that's enough, stop talking!"

Murong Aoyang growled to stop Lin Wanmian's irrational words, but whether she was sincere or unintentional, her words made his heart ache as if being torn apart!

But could he blame her?Her accusations made him so speechless!
Lin Wanmian closed her eyes, she also knew that what she said now contained more anger, but now is the time for her to be angry!
She sighed deeply for a while, then raised her head and wiped the tears on her face. She might have cried so much because of her mother's death, but her maternal instinct made her choose to put her children first. Almost hurt the child.So she told herself that no matter what happened now, she must stay calm.

There are still many things she hasn't figured out yet, and another thing that may also break her down is still bothering her. She secretly prepared herself before she said:
"My grandma and Wu Ma...they also had an accident, right?"

Mentioning Wu Ma and Mrs. Lin, Murong Aoyang throbbed again, he clenched his teeth and said:

"I'm still looking for them!"

He lied to her again!He had actually found Wu Ma and Mrs. Lin, but it was their bodies!

Because Mrs. Lin and Wu Ma were kidnapped at the beginning, they were maliciously pursued during their escape, and they fell into the sea in a car accident.

He didn't know that they had been in a car accident until he sent someone to find their tracks.

From the scene of the car accident on the coast road, Mrs. Lin's car was also salvaged from the deep sea. Naturally, they were not spared!

He also found out what happened to Mrs. Lin and Madam Wu's car accident.

The accidents were all arranged by Rong Shengzu, because the people who chased Mrs. Lin and Mama Wu were Rong Shengzu's followers~ Lu Dingkun ordered them to do it.Those who were instigated confessed the ins and outs of the incident. They saw Mrs. Lin's car rushing into the sea with their own eyes.

The tricky thing is that the ultimate responsibility for the accident between Mrs. Lin and Mama Wu is now only Lu Dingkun, because he admitted that he did the kidnapping of Mrs. Lin and Mama Wu, and it has nothing to do with Rong Shengzu.

However, Lu Dingkun only admitted that the person who carried out the kidnapping was instigated by him. As for the deaths of Mrs. Lin and Wu Ma, he was not responsible. He insisted that it was purely an accident. It was caused by the two gangsters without authorization, not him, because he didn't mean to kill him at all!
At this point, it doesn't matter whether Mrs. Lin and Mama Wu were killed maliciously or by accident.He also doesn't care whether the two gangsters hurt the two old people intentionally or unintentionally. In short, even if they don't die, they must end up in prison.

As for Rong Shengzu, how could he let him get away with it so easily?

However, he still has no time to take care of Rong Shengzu, he must first accompany Lin Wanmian through her most painful time.

However, at this moment, Lin Wanmian cut off her dependence on him from the bottom of her heart, because everything happened so suddenly, she hated him and herself too!
I don't know why, but when he said that he was still looking for her grandmother and Wu Ma, she subconsciously repelled her, because after hearing this, she curled up and began to cry.

Murong Aoyang couldn't bear it any longer and still hugged her tightly, he said heavily:

"Mian'er, you still have me, I will always be with you..."

"No, no... I hate you, I hate myself even more!" Lin Wanmian shook her head violently and pushed him away, crying:
"I shouldn't have fallen in love with you! We should have been enemies, so that my mother would not worry about gains and losses. She was afraid that I would be hurt by you, so she went to find you as soon as she was released from prison, but you...why don't you Tell her well, why are you getting angry at her and pushing her...?"


Murong Aoyang was in pain, it turned out that she had already attributed her mother's death to him, if so, how should he refute?

"Go, I beg you to go, I don't want to face you now!"

Lin Wanmian hated herself, she hated her love for making her destroy her home herself!
In order to get close to Murong Aoyang, she thought she had calculated just right.But she counted Nalan into her plan, she asked Nalan to take her place to entangle with Rong Shengzu, but Nalan was killed in the end!
When she disappeared in Nalan, she still did not forget to try her best to keep her love.

After getting the love she wanted, she enjoyed it wholeheartedly. She only cared about her own happiness from the beginning to the end, and she didn't put herself in the shoes of the people around her at all.

Her mother, grandmother, Nalan, they all only think about her, they all wish to give her the best, but she takes their tolerance and contribution for granted!
From the very beginning, her falling in love with Murong Aoyang was a selfish act, and all her thoughts revolved around herself.

But now, in exchange for her selfish love, her family was ruined!

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