The seriousness on Hattis' face made Nalan not know what to say, and she really didn't pay attention to whether the meal was good or not.

But looking at all kinds of exquisite food on the table, Nalan had to say that if she was in a relaxed mood, she would probably enjoy eating.

"Why, is this question difficult to answer?"

Hattis looked at Nalan, he would ask Nalan if the meal was good, and he was really dissatisfied, because when he saw Nalan sitting next to Mars, he always felt that it was not right.

"sorry, I……."

"Grandpa, she just woke up, don't make things difficult for her."

Mars reached out and grabbed Nalan's hand for her to rely on. He could see that his grandfather didn't accept Nalan that much.

However, it's not surprising that his future partner, his grandfather already had a candidate in his mind.

Although because of his resistance, Hades has never been able to formally help him make a marriage contract.

Before, he didn't have a serious woman by his side, so his grandfather could still open his eyes and close them as he wanted.

But he is also very clear that what his grandfather has been thinking about until now is still hoping that he will marry the woman he is satisfied with in the future.

But now, Nalan came to him, and he took Nalan home without any shyness, and made everyone treat her as a hostess.

His clear attitude naturally made Heides understand what he had planned.

Mars also knew that Nalan's identity would definitely not be recognized by the elders in the family from the point of view of the Damon family as a lifelong partner.This point is already very clear from his grandfather's attitude.

Hattis glanced at Mars, and saw that he was protecting Nalan like a calf, as if he was going to eat Nalan.His dazzling eyes turned to Nalan, he deliberately ignored Mars' obstruction, and said:

"Miss Lan, are my questions embarrassing you?"

"Grandpa, Lan'er, she...!"

"I'm asking her, she just lost her memory, not aphasia. It's just a one-sentence answer, do you need to do it for me?"

Hattis glared at Mars, could he still eat his people?
"But you will frighten her."

"Am I a devil, how did I scare her?"

What a hateful guy, he didn't yell or yell, and the girl also looked calm, she didn't look like she was frightened.

"You're scaring her now, how can you compensate me if you scare her?"

He hoped for the stars and the moon and finally woke up his fox demon, he couldn't let her make any mistakes.

He wanted to hold her in the palm of his hand, but he couldn't pamper her enough. This old man is good, he has a picky nose and a picky eye.

Hades was so choked by Mars, he was in a bad mood.No one has been able to control this nasty guy since he was a child, and it is a common occurrence to go to the house every day.

However, Mars was born with his unique courage, especially after he became the first heir to officially take power, his wrist and ability were highlighted to the fullest.

He is able to control the inside and outside of the whole family with ease, of course Hattis is pleased.

Mars is good to him in everything, but his "disobedience" makes his blood pressure soar a lot every time he gets angry.

He can do whatever else he wants, but Mars is almost thirty, and Heides wants him to marry a wife and have children.So he has long been optimistic about another high-class family - the daughter of the Maidi family - Alice to be Mars' lifelong partner.

However, in the past few years, Mars has never cared, let alone cared about Hades' own hot head.

Mars is unwilling to be with Alice, and Hattis can back down.But Mars suddenly brought home a half-dead oriental woman who was injured all over her body, announcing that he had found a partner, openly or secretly.

But the partner he found, Heidi Si, was not pleasing to the eye no matter what!When Nalan was lying awake earlier, he was curious about what the woman who blocked his grandson's gun looked like, so he glanced at her twice.

At that time, he didn't see why, but now that he was sitting in front of him alive and talking, Heidisi couldn't help but look more carefully.

But when he looked carefully, he found it unpleasant, and he didn't know whether it was because she was desireless or she was hiding something, anyway, the girl's eyes were too calm and cold.If this is his granddaughter-in-law, he thinks it might not be fun!
Nalan looked at their grandpa and grandson staring at each other, obviously it wasn't a big deal, so she interjected in embarrassment:

"Uh, that, actually I...!"

"Fox demon, don't be afraid, don't answer if you don't want to answer, this old man is just putting on airs there, don't worry about him, you eat well,..."

"Stinky boy...!" Hattis slapped the knife and fork in his hand angrily, and there was a bang on the dining table.

"Grandpa, I forbid you to be cruel to her."

Mars looked at Nalan worriedly, and he said to Nalan after speaking righteously to Heidisi very shamelessly:

"It's okay, Lan'er, don't be afraid, with me here, no one can bully you."

"I..." Not afraid.

"Don't worry, even if he is a grandfather, I will not allow him to be cruel to you."

"But I..." I didn't think he was fierce.

"Do you feel uncomfortable eating here? Or are you not used to Western food?"

"I..." Can eat Western food.

"It was my negligence. You must not be used to Western food. So, starting tomorrow, I will ask the kitchen to prepare authentic Chinese food, and I will eat with you."

"Don't worry, I actually..." Not picky eaters.

"No trouble, you are my most..."

"Shut up and stop talking."

Nalan lost her patience and slapped the knife and fork on the dining table, but her anger was directed at Mars.

Where did he see that she was so weak?Why can she only say half of every sentence before being cut off by him self-righteously.

What made her even more angry was that although she didn't know how much the old man opposite her disliked her, she felt that he was an elder no matter what, and he didn't say anything really nasty to her.

But Mars exaggerated to the point of embarrassing her, the more he only cared about her unconditionally, the angrier she would be!
Mars looked at Nalan's calm face, and he coaxed without saying a word:
"Lan'er, why are you angry, I...!"

"Shut up, I don't want to listen to you!" Cut off, who wouldn't.

Mars understood now, he was the one who provoked Nalan, he opened his mouth to speak, but was silenced by Nalan's cold glance.

But when he was silent, no one saw the mysterious smile on his lips, and no one knew what was going on in his heart.

The scene of him obediently shutting up made everyone in the room dumbfounded, including Heidisi.He looked at that grandson who was so arrogant that even God couldn't control him, he really shut up obediently like a child who made a mistake.

Such a picture, he must not be dreaming, right?
Nalan saw that Mars had come down "behaved", she turned to look at Heides, she said in a gentle voice:

"Old man, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to cause any discomfort. The question you asked just now..." Nalan picked up the knife and fork again, took a bite of food, and then said softly:

"The food is delicious, I like it very much, thank you for your concern!"

"Hmm~!" Hades cleared his throat, feeling a little uncomfortable, but he still said without a smile:
"I just saw you eating so poorly, I thought you didn't know how to eat."

"I really couldn't eat just now, because you seemed to be dissatisfied with me, and I was a little restrained."

Nalan is frank, her confession is neither provocative nor protest, she just says what she thinks in her heart.

Hattis didn't respond, and the atmosphere became silent like this!
After finally finishing the meal, Nalan returned to the room with more doubts in her mind.

Mars insisted that she was his fiancée, but his grandfather was also very strange to her, no matter how she looked at it, she didn't seem like a regular visitor to this castle!
Nalan touched his chest, there was a wound there, and Mars said that it was the wound she left when he was shot for him.

"Fox demon, what are you thinking?"

Mars suddenly embraced her from behind Nalan, she subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but Mars cleverly made her turn around to face him, and he did not allow her to refuse his embrace.

Nalan didn't have to resist, but she raised her brows and looked up at Mars in confusion and said:

"Do I love you that much?" Love enough to take a bullet for him?

Mars Weedon, he saw her hand on her wounded place, and he guessed what she wanted to ask.He put one hand around hers too and said:

"After you recover your memory, I also want to know how much you love me. However, now I can tell you with certainty, how much I love you...!"

A gentle and caring kiss fell on Nalan's lips. Nalan was in a passive state, and she didn't even close her eyes at first.

However, following Mars' affectionate temptation, she unknowingly closed her eyes and let herself be addicted...!
When Mars left her lips, he looked at the confusion and a little bit of shame in Nalan's eyes, and said with a charming smile:

"It seems that you haven't forgotten my kiss, you still like it."

Nalan couldn't answer, whether she liked his kiss, she couldn't admit it or deny it.

For her, it seems that only Mars can give her a little familiarity in the current world, and this little familiarity has become her only support at present.

However, her subconscious mind was urging her to get more information, and she couldn't just let herself go blank.

Apart from Mars, she should have other relatives and friends, right?She can't be alone in her life, can she?
Nalan looked at Mars's handsome facial features, she hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"Mars, this is not my home, is it?"

Mars faded his smile, but said softly:
"Yes, this is your home. You and I will always live here in the future, and we will be forever partners."

"What about before? Where did I know your old home? I don't look like any of you, I obviously don't belong here, I..."

"No, Lan'er, you belong to me, you belong here!"

Mars hugged her almost domineeringly, and her words "don't belong here" made him repel him and also made him afraid.

Now that she belongs to him, how could he let her go?

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