It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 17 There will be a good show in the future

Because of Murong Aoyang's rejection again, Lin Wanmian felt sad for herself again.In the face of all sudden disasters, she is always so helpless.She couldn't even walk a few steps by herself, so why did she talk about saving her mother and the Lin family by herself?

Thinking of her mother who was still unable to get out of the detention center, and thinking of her elderly grandmother still lying on the hospital bed worrying and bewildered, and she herself was so useless, Lin Wanmian couldn't help but shrank herself aside and mourned. burst into tears.

At this moment, she didn't care about pretending how strong she was, and she also forgot that the last thing she wanted was for Murong Aoyang to see her humble and helpless.During this time, she tried to carry the disaster of the Lin family, but she found herself exhausted.

Faced with a little bit of hope, she seems to have nothing but a life that she can exchange with others.

But just like what Murong Aoyang said, her life is worthless, who would want it?
In the end, she was still of some use value to the Rong family and his son, who wanted her to be a reproductive tool.She has no choice, no fight, she doesn't know how to fight!

Murong Aoyang stared coldly at Lin Wanmian who was crying bitterly. He knew that he sympathized with her, but he would not let Lin Piaoyu go because of this.

No one stopped her, and no one comforted her. Lin Wanmian just kept crying and crying, as if she wouldn't stop until she shed all her tears.

I don't know how long time passed, she went from howling to sobbing quietly.

"Have you cried enough?"

Murong Aoyang stood in front of her condescendingly looking down at Lin Wanmian who was a little dizzy from crying.

Hearing his voice, Lin Wanmian gradually regained consciousness. After crying bitterly, her mind seemed clearer and more confused.She blinked faintly, and said lifelessly
"Seeing me in such a miserable state, can you reduce your hatred for the Lin family a bit, and can you let us go?"

"Don't be self-righteous, I don't have any hatred for your Lin family. From the beginning to the end, I only target Lin Piaoyu."

"When you target my mother, you target the entire Lin family. You know that the Lin family has only one crippled me and an elderly grandmother. Without my mother, my grandmother and I have no home."

Lin Wanmian didn't mean to be miserable, she just couldn't pretend anymore, she only had the most real emotions now.

Murong Aoyang's heart softened when she lost her disguise and revealed the most real and fragile her, but he finally said coldly:

"Lin Wanmian, don't use your disability to win other people's sympathy. There are many people in this world who are more miserable than you. Your experience is just dust floating in the world, nothing special."

"You are a king who stands on top of a mountain and looks down on everything. You don't understand anything at all. When you have tried to be trampled on by others, you will say such things again!"

Lin Wanmian's tone was a little bit more protesting.She really hates being underestimated by him!She was like a grass that needs water from others every day.Once she leaves the help of others, she may die of thirst at any time!

But why did he still say that to her?Could it be the incompleteness of her own choice, is she deliberately so fragile?

Murong Aoyang has no expression on his face, making it impossible to see what he is thinking.Regarding Lin Wanmian's hypothesis, he smiled coldly and said:

"As you said, I am the king on the top of the mountain. And the king will never be trampled on by others."

"Yes! As the king, you are the only one who tramples on others at will, how can you be trampled on!" Lin Wanmian smiled coldly, she had forgotten how much power he possessed.

"Why, unwilling to be stepped on by me?"

"If you are unwilling, can you be merciful?"

"If it's for Lin Piaoyu, I don't have any kindness, she has to pay the price."

Murong Aoyang knew that Lin Wanmian's only thought was Lin Piaoyu's freedom.But he will never give in any more. He stared at Lin Wanmian's pale face, and then said:

"If you want to save Lin Piaoyu so much, do everything you can to become stronger and defeat me. Otherwise, Lin Piaoyu will have to spend the rest of his life in prison."

"You... Do you have to be so ruthless? It's not enough for the Lin family to lose everything. Why do you want to kill us like a devil? Can't you let our family live together?"

Lin Wanmian followed her senses and raised her hand to beat Murong Aoyang's chest to vent her anger.But she just touched his body, Murong Aoyang grabbed her hand to stop her from being presumptuous, he clasped her body tightly and said coldly:
"Please figure it out, before you accuse me, have you forgotten that our Murong family has long suffered from the pain of not being able to reunite as a family. You don't know who is causing our Murong family to suffer this kind of pain Very? Why did you shamelessly ask me to be merciful and let your family be together? Don’t you think your accusations and demands are ridiculous?”

She said he was cold-blooded and ruthless, accused him of being a devil, Murong Aoyang didn't care.He didn't want to argue with her anymore, but when she heard her accusation that he didn't let their Lin family live together, he immediately remembered that their Murong family was also forced to lose their most precious person.

It was Lin Piaoyu who committed his unforgivable sin!For 18 years, after my sister disappeared because of Lin Piaoyu, when will their Murong family be complete?Who knows the pain of their family?

Murong Aoyang's impeccable question made Lin Wanmian's struggles stop, and she immediately had nothing to say.

She forgot that the pain that the Murong family suffered because of her mother was probably a hundred times more than the pain she is suffering now.How could she be so selfish and only think about herself, how could she have the face to ask him to sympathize with her and pity her?

He was right, her request was ridiculous!Nor was she in a position to accuse him.

However, she couldn't shamelessly beg him to show mercy, but didn't he say that she could defeat him with her own ability, and then save her mother?

In this case, she should cheer up.Even if it was a big joke for her to defeat him by herself, she still had to try hard to do something!
Any shame, any helplessness, any sorrow is an excuse.There is nothing wrong with her being a blind man, but does a blind man have to live in mourning and self-pity?Can't she say what she wants frankly and loudly?

She can, she is qualified, because she is also a living person!

No longer pretending to be arrogant, and no longer being helpless and cowardly, Lin Wanmian looked at Murong Aoyang with her shiny but out-of-focus eyes, and said neither sad nor happy:

"Mr. Murong, you are right. I am too ridiculous. I beg no one to beg you to let the Lin family go. You will never hear such shameful things from me again. But now, if you are not Detain me, or take revenge on me. Just send me home, and if you don't want to bother, then let me contact someone who can come and take me away."

For a moment, Murong Aoyang was silent.There was nothing wrong with her request, but he suddenly realized that he didn't want to let her go!

But instead of detaining her for revenge, he just... didn't want to let go.From the moment he rescued her from Rong Shengzu and hugged her into his arms, he vaguely wanted to protect...protect?
He wants to protect her?But he was destroying her too, wasn't he?He will not let her mother go, but he wants to protect ridiculous!
Murong Aoyang frowned in silence, and finally, before he figured out his decision, he left the room and went downstairs without responding to Lin Wanmian's request, nor did he say how he would arrange her!
Seeing Murong Aoyang going downstairs, Zhang Chou stepped forward and reported:
"Young master, I have found out that Miss Lin has indeed exchanged the rest of her life for Rong Guanglong's help. The recent postponement of Lin Piaoyu's case is indeed the result of Rong Guanglong's people coming forward to deal with it. It's just that he seems to know that punishing Lin Piaoyu is the right thing to do." Regarding the matter of our Murong family, he didn't dare to really destroy our plan. The postponement of Lin Piaoyu's case was probably just for Ms. Lin to see. As for what happened today, it was not Rong Shengzu's idea to prescribe drugs, but to hang out with him The bisexual couple together is called Liao Fan."

"How did Lin Wanmian get into the Rong family?" Murong Aoyang's sharp eyes turned cold.

"It's Qiu Chengtong. He helped Miss Lin arrange to meet the Rong family father and son."

Qiu Chengtong, Murong Aoyang knew that this person was Lin's vice president.After Lin Piaoyu was locked up, Qiu Chengtong became Lin's acting president logically.

However, he doesn't care who owns the Lin family. He doesn't want to pay attention to those irrelevant things. Today he should stay at home to discuss the marriage of his younger sister, Murong Qingyue, but now he delays it because of Lin Wanmian.

Murong Aoyang frowned somewhat disturbedly, and ordered Zhang Fu:

"Find out what happened to Rong Shengzu, and let him try what it means to be ruined!"

"It has been arranged, and the young master will see the result tomorrow."

"The person who gave the drug... let him never have the chance to come out and harm people!"


Murong Aoyang raised his eyes to look upstairs, sighed silently, and finally said to Zhang Chou:

"You stay here and let her people pick her up and make sure she gets home safely."

"Yes!" Zhang Chou bowed his head respectfully, then he looked at Murong Aoyang who had always kept a cold face, hesitated for a moment and asked:
"Master, do you need to pay attention to Miss Lin's affairs in the future?"

The reason why Zhang Chou asked this question was not a matter of much, he was almost sure that Murong Aoyang was no longer just meddling with Lin Wanmian out of sympathy.

To his question, Murong Aoyang was silent for a while, and then gave a brief instruction:

"Follow her!"

After Murong Aoyang finished explaining, he left the villa without waiting for Zhang Fu to reply.Not long after, the sound of a sports car driving away came from outside.

For the first time, Zhang Chou couldn't comprehend the meaning of Murong Aoyang's instructions.What is "toss with her"?So should he pay attention or not pay attention to Lin Wanmian's movements?

Lin Wanmian upstairs also heard the sound of the sports car driving away, except for Louis who was helping her bandage the wound in the room, she could not feel the breath of Murong Aoyang that made her nervous.She knew that Murong Aoyang had already left!
He felt freer to breathe after he left her, but his heart was inexplicably empty, so that her melancholy face did not relax because of the relief in her heart.

While helping her with the wound, Louis looked at Lin Wanmian. He broke the silence and said:
"Hey beauty, are you okay?"

Just now Louis listened to the conversation between Murong Aoyang and Lin Wanmian. Although he didn't know what happened between them, he seemed to understand the general idea.

And he could also see that Murong Aoyang was not as cold-blooded as he appeared.Maybe Murong Aoyang won't admit it, but in Louis' view, Murong Aoyang's ruthlessness towards Lin Wanmian is actually more like uncontrollable passion!
Even if the unobstructed Young Master Murong knew that Lin Wanmian was in danger, he still wanted to save her.Then he has many subordinates who help him solve such small problems, and he doesn't need to come forward in person.

But he went to rescue Lin Wanmian himself. Just because he came forward in person, a fool can see that Murong Aoyang has actually lost control.

As for what he lost control of, Louis looked at Lin Wanmian who had a soft and cold face.He seemed to see a good show coming up in the near future!

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