It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 169 The Confused Whereabouts

The fate of Lin Wanmian's "not hungry" was that she didn't have a chance to eat all night.

It was still the same as the first night, when she woke up, she couldn't remember when she fell asleep.

She only remembered Murong Aoyang pestering her endlessly, until the end her only impression was that she was softly in his arms and listening to him whispering something, but unfortunately she was so tired that she couldn't hear what he was saying what.

At this time, she was alone on the bed, and Murong Aoyang seemed to have left the room long ago.

However, Lin Wanmian knew that he hadn't gone far, and she didn't want to leave the warm bed, but she moved her body and put her head on another pillow, which was the pillow Murong Aoyang slept on.

Smelling his scent, Lin Wanmian closed her eyes and was sleepy but still awake, but when all kinds of enchanting feelings from last night flashed in her mind, her mind gradually became clear, and the drowsiness completely disappeared.

This has become a most special place for her, where she enjoys complete tranquility and the happiest time of her life.

This kind of happiness was given to her by him, she enjoys the present moment, and also yearns for the future, her future with him...!
But the future is still ahead, whether it is beautiful or painful, she cannot predict it.

Therefore, she should enjoy the beauty that is happening to the fullest, and it is best not to waste it at all.

She got up and faced the direction of the window, wondering if it was snowing outside?

While imagining the world outside, the sound of footsteps going upstairs attracted Lin Wanmian to turn towards the door.

The door of the room was not closed, and Murong Aoyang's figure quickly appeared beside her. As soon as he sat down, he stole a kiss on her face before asking with a smile:

"Did you sleep well?"

Lin Wanmian embraced his neck, she nodded with a soft smile, and asked:
"Aoyang, is it still snowing outside?"

"It won't fall anymore, but it fell all night last night, and there is already a lot of snow outside. It's a vast expanse of whiteness, which is very spectacular."

"Then you take me out, I want to feel it." If she can't see it, she can also feel it.

Murong Aoyang smiled dotingly, he picked up her clothes and helped her put them on, and said:

"If you want to go out, you have to eat first. You must be hungry after a long night's work."

Last night he was pestering her out of control, and when it subsided, she was so tired that she fell asleep again.

Lin Wanmian was originally frank, and his words didn't mean to tease her on purpose, but she still blushed unconsciously.

Murong Aoyang also noticed her hidden shyness, but he pretended not to see her blushing face, picked her up and carried her downstairs to the dining room, where he helped her prepare warm meat porridge for breakfast.

After he fed her two mouthfuls, Lin Wanmian expressed that she wanted to eat by herself. She was not a child, nor was she sick or in pain, so it felt a little hypocritical for him to feed her.

But Murong Aoyang insisted on feeding her, when she still wanted to refuse, he said in a serious but nasty way:

"I exhausted you last night and didn't let you rest. I'm afraid your hands are weak, so let me feed you."

"I'm not that weak." Lin Wanmian heard that he was deliberately teasing her again, her face was slightly hot!

"You are so loved by me that you faint, aren't you weak?"

"That's because you don't know how to control yourself...that's why I...!"

Lin Wanmian didn't have the face to finish the sentence. It was a fact that she couldn't bear so many demands from him.But that's also because he is endless, isn't it normal for her to be unbearable!

Murong Aoyang was triumphant, he fed her another mouthful of porridge, and wiped a little porridge from her mouth by the way, saying:
"If you didn't feel sorry for your weakness, you wouldn't have had a chance to rest last night!"

In fact, he did not restrain himself last night and didn't let her rest until the middle of the night. Even if she wasn't weak, she should be exhausted.

Lin Wanmian listened to him making fun of her for being weak, and she knew that if she continued, she would not be able to win against him.In order to be clean, she wisely stopped answering the conversation, lest he say even more shameless words.

Seeing that she was depressed, Murong Aoyang was about to coax her, but his cell phone rang, and it seemed that the caller was Zhang Fu, so he put the porcelain spoon in Lin Wanmian's hand and said:
"I want to answer the phone, can you eat by yourself?"

"Well, I can do it, you go to work, it's okay." Lin Wanmian nodded submissively.

Murong Aoyang connected the phone, a few seconds later, his face darkened, he glanced at Lin Wanmian, who was delicate and drinking porridge, and he hung up the phone quickly.

He sat back beside Lin Wanmian, his face was heavy, but he said softly:

"Mian'er, we may have to go down the mountain early, I need to deal with the company's affairs in person."

"Oh, okay, then I'll eat faster."

Although Lin Wanmian still wanted to stay here with him a little longer, she also knew that he must have business to do, otherwise he wouldn't be in a hurry to go down the mountain.

But after coming down from the mountain until returning to Lin's house, Lin Wanmian faintly found that Murong Aoyang had something on his mind, she could feel that he suddenly became very heavy, and he didn't even say a word.

But after he sent her to the door of the house, he left almost without stopping, in such a hurry that he didn't even have time for her to say a few more words.

I don't know what happened, so that he, who was so calm, became hasty!

Lin Wanmian was secretly worried, but she knew that she might not be able to help, all she could do was not to add to his troubles at this time.If he doesn't take the initiative to tell her what it is, it proves that she shouldn't ask!
But she probably didn't expect that what she thought she shouldn't ask was precisely what she was most qualified to know.

After Murong Aoyang came to the company, Zhang Chou also came to his office immediately.

As soon as Zhang Chou came in, Murong Aoyang asked:
"Is the news confirmed?"

"At present, it seems that there is no doubt."

Zhang Chou handed a tablet computer to Murong Aoyang, which contained information that Murong Aoyang wanted to know.

"When did she appear in England?"

The "she" in Murong Aoyang's mouth is none other than Nalan.This time they did have definite news about Nalan, but it was another "death" news, still in England.

Previously they tried to confirm Nalan's whereabouts by tracking where her passport stayed.But the last place they could track down was country A in the Middle East where Nalan had his accident for the first time.

Afterwards, Nalan's whereabouts became a complete mystery, and they could only predict that she should still be alive through various deconstructions.

But if she is alive, she has no reason not to contact her family.The most puzzling thing is that even if she cannot contact her family for special reasons, at least her whereabouts will not be untraceable.Why is her whereabouts so mysterious?

It was because no trace of her could be found, so she suddenly appeared in England again, Murong Aoyang felt that it was too strange no matter how he thought about it.

Not only Murong Aoyang didn't have an answer, but even Zhang Chou, who has been in charge of tracing Nalan's whereabouts, was puzzled.

Murong Aoyang wanted to know when Nalan would show up in England, but Zhang Fu couldn't give him a definite answer, he said in the same doubt:
"The problem lies here. Nalan has no record of entering the UK at all. She just appeared in the UK out of nowhere and there is nowhere to check her information. Therefore, her accident was simply and humanely handled by the local police as a stowaway. "

Zhang Chou has not stopped following up on the search for Nalan, but the news from the UK this time is also purely coincidental, and it was not found out by their people.

A moderate car accident occurred on the streets of England, and the cause of the accident was determined to be a simple accident.But an unidentified Asian woman died in that car accident, and the deceased was none other than Nalan!
The local police posted close-ups of street images of Nalan before he was hit by a car on the media in order to find more clues about Nalan's identity.

But the news did not attract much attention. By the time they noticed it, Nalan's body had already been disposed of.

However, there are still places to check for information about the accident, so after Zhang Fu received the information from the UK, he felt that there were more mysteries in it!
Murong Aoyang browsed through the history of the Nalan accident. From the information, it looks like an ordinary car accident, there is nothing suspicious about it.

However, Nalan disappeared so mysteriously for nearly a year. Her car accident seemed to be an accident, but he thought it was a "man-made" accident.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?Nalan appeared in the UK out of thin air. Her appearance is an unsolved mystery to those who have been looking for her.Then she was hit and killed in the street and it was too logical.

Nalan seems to keep "deliberately" dying for someone to see, why is this?

Murong Aoyang clicked on Nalan's clear photo and took a look, she seemed to be walking alone on the street, she looked a little changed.

She used to have pretty short hair, but now her hair is long enough to reach her shoulders, and she is not wearing the simple and casual clothes in the past, but fashionable and elegant dresses.

What does Nalan's change represent?She is clearly alive and well, why didn't she contact her family?

Murong Aoyang put the tablet on the coffee table, he frowned and thought, but a knock on the door interrupted his thinking.

Zhang Fu asked people to come in. As soon as the door opened, a small body rushed to Zhang Fu like an arrow, hugged his calf and shouted excitedly:

"Uncle Zhang Chou, Doudou has come to see you."

"I'm sorry, this brat insists on coming out to work with me again today, and he'll be clamoring to come to you as soon as he finishes his work."

The single father Wen Yimo explained to Murong Aoyang and Zhang Chou with a gentle smile.

Zhang Chou smiled and wanted to wrap his arms around the coquettish kid on his calf, but the kid quickly ran to Murong Aoyang who was sitting on the sofa, and he also skillfully climbed onto Murong Aoyang's lap to beg Nicely said:

"Uncle Aoyang Shuai, I wanted to stay at home obediently today, but I suddenly missed you and Uncle Zhang Chou so much, so I begged my father to bring me to see you. So, even if you are busy, don't let me down Sincerely, I don't come to bother you every day, I only come here once in a thousand years, it's not easy!"

Thinking of his father repeatedly telling him not to bother Uncle Zhang Chou and Shuai Aoyang who are always very busy, Xiaodouzi is really afraid that his visit will be in vain, so he can be very satisfied by being good and asking for a little attention!

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