It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 162 The Happiness of Physical and Physical Unity

When a person truly owns the one he loves, besides emotional integration, there is probably also physical integration!
It's just that Lin Wanmian's understanding of this concept is too limited, she only vaguely knows that his usual kisses and restrained touches to her are not all!

Every time she vaguely understands, she always has no chance to understand her unknown concept, because Murong Aoyang's doting on her is not just a desire from the beginning, he really regards her as a part of his life baby!
However, speaking of desire, he and she should be the same, right?If his touch could awaken strange longings in her, couldn't she also affect him?

This question reminded Lin Wanmian that when she accidentally touched the rounded spot on his chest just now, she felt something unusual about him!
She thought about it, her hand slowly wanted to feel his specialness as if she wanted to prove something, but Murong Aoyang didn't give her a chance, he held her hand to stop her exploration, and asked:
"Mian'er, you identified me, didn't you?"

Lin Wanmian blinked, she nodded firmly and said:
"This life depends on you!"

"Then let' together!"

Lin Wanmian's answer is the answer that Murong Aoyang already knew. Like her, he must be her in this life.

Two lovers who must each other, being together physically and mentally is inevitable, and it is also happiness!They have no reason to refuse to welcome their own consummation!
Lin Wanmian subconsciously gave him a reason to hug her, and he wouldn't give her a chance to get out...!
Lin Wanmian was already used to his kisses, but she didn't know that Murong Aoyang's demands this time were not to stop, but to plunder gently to the end...!
In the silent night, Lin Wanmian became a real woman in the arms of her beloved, and she was grateful that she could get his complete love!
With a happy and grateful heart, Lin Wanmian has no extra time to think about the mystery of becoming a woman, because she has sunk directly into dreamland in happiness...!
When she woke up again, her mind was blank, and she didn't know what night it was.Still, her bare arms felt the baptism of sunlight.

If there is sunshine, it is undoubtedly daytime the next day!

She felt that she had slept contentedly, and the sweetness in her heart hadn't been diminished by the passing of the night!
It's just that her body is a little unwell, she was "with" him last night!

The memory gradually flowed back, and Lin Wanmian opened her eyes immediately. She slowly sat up, and she felt that she was the only one in the room.

However, there is still Yu Wen next to her, which proves that Murong Aoyang, who hugged her all night, should have left not long ago.

She didn't know when she fell asleep last night, she just remembered that she slept peacefully in his arms!

She now believes that Murong Aoyang's heart will become the harbor she relies on from now on, and she prays that the harbor he gave her can dock forever!

If two people who love each other can go on like this for a lifetime, how lucky it would be!

I don't know how many lovers in this world can hold hands and grow old, and how many people fall in love and stop loving?

Lin Wanmian unconsciously fell into thoughts of worrying about gains and losses. She is not a sentimental person.But she had obtained too much happiness at once, and while she had it, she was also suddenly inexplicably afraid.

This is probably human nature, when you have what you have, you are even more afraid of losing what you have...!
The door was hurriedly pushed open, Lin Wanmian regained consciousness subconsciously, she pulled up the quilt to cover her nakedness, but she almost just pulled it up, and she was also hugged tightly.

Because she knew who was hugging her, Lin Wanmian naturally relaxed and hugged him back.

It's just that, she thought he was just embracing her, who knew he seemed a little excited, she didn't know what he was excited about, and he didn't give her time to react, they kissed together naturally...!
However, he stopped quickly, and then he got up and picked her up into the bathroom together.

After they soaked in the bathtub together, he took care of her long hair carefully, and she was happy to enjoy his care!
After so much intimacy, Lin Wanmian no longer feels uncomfortable with Murong Aoyang, but feels that their intimacy is the result of not distinguishing each other.

Therefore, she quietly closed her eyes and leaned against him to enjoy his love silently!

Murong Aoyang felt the nature of her complete dependence, and he was never so satisfied in his heart as at this moment.

Last night, he had all of her, which made him feel as if he had the whole world.When his family called early in the morning to tell him that Murong Qingyue had woken up safely, his happiness index exploded.

Because he was so happy, he went back to the room and saw Lin Wanmian who had woken up. He just wanted to hug her, to embrace the happiness that only belonged to him. She gave him a whole new world. He was angry and happy for her, Resisted... In the end, all his good and bad emotions towards her turned into "love".

Just like now, he loves her, so he is willing to take care of her considerately. He took care of her and picked her up to leave the bathroom, but Lin Wanmian opened his eyes and protested softly:
"I still want to soak in hot water!"

Her body was a little sore, but she felt much more comfortable after soaking in hot water just now.

"Be patient, we are going to go down the mountain!"

It's not that Murong Aoyang doesn't feel sorry for her, it's just that they should all go down the mountain now, because he wants to go home to see Murong Qingyue.

Lin Wanmian felt a little weird from the beginning, she hadn't had a good talk with him when she woke up, and now he said that he was in a hurry to go down the mountain.

Sensing that he was in a hurry, Lin Wanmian couldn't help asking:

"Why are you in such a rush? Is there something wrong?"

Murong Aoyang helped her put on her clothes, and after arranging her long hair, he kissed her on the nose. He almost touched her lips and said happily:
"Mian'er, do you know how happy I am now?"

Lin Wanmian smiled sweetly, she thought he was happy because they were really together, her red lips touched his lips and said shyly:

"Me too...I am also very happy to be your real woman!"

Murong Aoyang looked at her belated shyness, he suddenly couldn't help laughing.

His big laugh made Lin Wanmian shy for a while, he laughed like this, did she tell some joke?She asked angrily:
"You...what are you laughing at?"

Murong Aoyang stopped laughing, but still sneered, he held her face in his hands and joked deliberately:

"Mian'er, I really didn't expect you to be a little pervert too! To be honest, have you longed to be a woman worthy of my name, that's why you just thought about perverted things?"

" can I?" What he said made her so ashamed!
"Little liar, didn't you just say that you are happy to be my real woman?"

"That... That's why you said you were happy first, I just..."

"But I didn't say that I was happy because I became your real man."

Murong Aoyang's funny words shocked Lin Wanmian until his entire face lost its brightness.

Of course Murong Aoyang saw through her mediocre worries at a glance, he wanted to tease her again, but if he continued teasing her, he would delay the time to go down the mountain again.

He kissed her forehead again before saying seriously:

"Mian'er, having you last night is the most special happiness in my life. Of course, the happiness I mentioned just now also includes being happy because of you, but, besides you, there is another thing that makes both me and you happy." Happier things, that's why I'm so happy."

"Another happy thing?" Lin Wanmian felt less bored!
"Yue'er woke up, she's fine!"

Murong Aoyang hugged her who hadn't reacted yet, and he exhaled a relaxed breath happily!

It took Lin Wanmian a while to understand who the "Yue'er" he was talking about was.She also raised her head in joy to face him and asked eagerly:
"Is this true? Is she all right? Is she really all right?"

"Well, she's fine, and we... will be fine too!"

Now that his sister is fine, he can have greater confidence to grasp his and her future!

I don't know if it's because Murong Qingyue is safe or because the guilt and expectations in my heart have all settled down, or if it's all merged together, Lin Wanmian couldn't help crying and laughing!
God knows how worried she is that Murong Qingyue will go wrong, how much she is afraid that there will be more obstacles to her love for Murong Aoyang.

She already loved him so madly that no matter who came to stop her, she couldn't make her back down!

Now that Murong Qingyue is fine, she and Murong Aoyang will have one less psychological burden, otherwise they will not be able to love purely!
Lin Wanmian knew that Murong Aoyang was eager to go home, she wanted him to send someone to take her home, but Murong Aoyang insisted on sending her by himself.

The car drove to the gate of Lin's house, before her family members came out to pick her up, Murong Aoyang hugged her in his arms, because he was afraid that she would be blown by the cold wind like last night without realizing it.

However, Mrs. Lin came out quickly, Murong Aoyang kissed her forehead in front of her family and handed her over to Mrs. Lin.

After he left, Lin Wanmian and Mrs. Lin returned to the house talking and laughing together.

The area where the Lin family is located is a villa area, but because the Lin family used to have a higher status than ordinary families.Therefore, the location of the Lin family mansion is relatively secret and special.There are no other houses nearby, so apart from the Lin family, there are very few foreign cars that park near the Lin family.

At this time, the gate of the Lin family seemed to be as quiet as usual, but this quietness was somewhat unusual.

No one knew that there seemed to be a black limousine parked a long distance from the gate of the Lin family.

There was no one in the car, the person in the car was Rong Shengzu who had disappeared in China for more than half a year!
His scandal is no longer talked about, but it also prevents him from walking in the crowd as openly as before!

Of course, it was not his own will to go abroad to escape the "disaster", but Rong Guanglong, the head of the Rong family, forced him to leave the country.

Now, he was asked by his father to live as a shadow, who was not in good standing.Because the shadow doesn't have to show his face, if he doesn't show up, it won't make people think that the heir of the Rong family is just a joke!

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