It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 160 Officially Proclaimed Love

Although Murong Aoyang put most of his attention on cooking, he also looked at Lin Wanmian from time to time.

It's not that he's worried about her, but because she looks so charming sitting there quietly!
Especially when her moist and bright eyes blinked, her naturally curly eyelashes danced like a peacock spreading its tail!

And the faint smile on her face made him feel very alive! .

However, I don't know if she thought of something, but her smile suddenly disappeared.

When Murong Aoyang was a little worried and wanted to ask her what's the matter, Lin Wanmian asked before him:
"Aoyang, where are we now?"

Although she thought it was a bit late for her to ask, Murong Aoyang still answered her with a light smile:

"In a wooden house on a hill!"

"On the mountain? Why did you come to the mountain?"

"For you!"

"for me?"

Although she has no objection to where to go, but she doesn't seem to ask to come to the mountains, doesn't she follow his arrangements?

Seeing the doubt on her face, Murong Aoyang said with a funny smile:

"Didn't you say that you want to live a secret life with me where no one is disturbed, you can cook, you can sit and chat, and you can lie down and sleep? Your wish is coming true!"

"I... When will I...?" Strange, she never said such a thing to him!
"That's probably what you secretly told me when you rushed into my dream last night."

Murong Aoyang smiled vaguely, he probably knew why she was confused.

In fact, when she was about to fall asleep last night, she murmured that she wanted to hide with him in a place where no one was around.

She can't remember what she said now probably because she fell asleep while talking.

But for her sake, after he finished talking with her, he devoted himself to work all night, and picked her up to go out at dawn, without taking a good rest at all!
When she fell asleep in the car and didn't wake up here, he simply carried her into the house and slept with her.

Lin Wanmian was puzzled, but she no longer cared so much about whether the so-called secret life was requested by herself or arranged for her by him. After all, the result now is what she wanted.

After Murong Aoyang arranged the meals neatly, Lin Wanmian ate several dishes, and finally she couldn't help but muttered suspiciously:

"I must have been tricked!"

Murong Aoyang heard her muttering, and knew that she was very satisfied with his cooking skills.It's just that she doesn't believe that it's his first time cooking... No, if you count the number of times he made noodles for her, this is the second time he's cooking.

He cooked for her twice in his life, and he may only cook for her in the future!Why does he want to spoil her so naturally?

While answering her with a smile, he put a piece of boneless spare ribs to her mouth and said:
"Mian'er, open your mouth!"

Lin Wanmian smelled it, and she opened her mouth slightly to let him feed her.

At the end of the meal, Lin Wanmian didn't find any taste that she was not satisfied with, even the white rice was delicious to her.

After Murong Aoyang cleared the dining table, he pulled her and asked:
"The air outside is fine, but it's a bit cold. Do you want to go out?"

"Don't be afraid of the cold, just hold me!"

Lin Wanmian snuggled up to Murong Aoyang without being pretentious at all, she excitedly grabbed his hand and urged her to say:

"Take me out!"

Murong Aoyang held her hand instead and led her to walk outside slowly. When he passed by the sofa, he took a blanket.

Once outside, Lin Wanmian could still feel the warmth of the sun, and the rustling of the leaves from the cool mountain wind was very pleasant.She stretched out her hand forward to feel the sun's warmth and the cold wind blowing. After listening carefully, she said with a smile:

"Aoyang, is it the time when the sun is setting? Also, is there an endless mountain in front of us with a wide view?"

"You are awesome! The sunset is on the top of the opposite mountain, and it will go down soon."

As Murong Aoyang said, he wrapped her in a blanket, pulled her hand back to help her hide in the blanket, and then hugged her from behind her to prevent her from being hurt by the cold wind.

They are now in the neatly manicured yard in front of the house, surrounded by railings, and outside the railings is an empty view of the mountains.

It is late autumn and there are many maple and almond trees on the mountain.The crimson leaves of the maple tree and the golden leaves of the apricot tree are layered and mixed together. From a distance, there is a pinch here, a layer there, and other evergreen leaves embellished all the year round. Elegant as an oil painting with outstanding colors!
Of course Lin Wanmian can't see the picturesque scenery, but she can feel it. She can judge the time from the temperature of the sun, hear the width of the space from the sound of the wind, and judge the depth of the valley from the singing of the creatures in the mountains!
She also has a picture in her heart, but the picture in her heart is always different, and most of the time, only she can understand it!

For a long time, she enjoyed her own happiness in this loneliness, and also mourned her helpless incompleteness!

However, she seems to be able to accept her incompleteness more calmly now. She leaned on the harbor behind her and took a deep breath of clean air, then said with some regret:

"If we had known that this place is so comfortable, we shouldn't have slept for half a day and wasted the good time to feel here."

"Sleeping won't affect our enjoyment here, aren't we enjoying it now?" Murong Aoyang smiled lightly!

"But we should go down the mountain in a while, I think the time is too short!"

"It's okay, we can stay here for one night and go back tomorrow!"

"Ah? Is this really possible?" Lin Wanmian looked forward to it!

"As long as you like, you can do anything!"

"But you should have a lot of work, so I said don't be your burden, I'm pestering you like this...!"

"Heh! You are such an idiot, if you can become my burden by pestering me once or twice, can I still be Murong Aoyang?"

Hearing him making fun of her for being an idiot, Lin Wanmian turned her body around to face his unconvinced wrinkled face and said:

"Since I'm a fool and you fall in love with me, you're also a big fool!"

Murong Aoyang paused, he looked at the playful woman with her head up in her arms, although her nose tip that was blown red by the cold wind looked cute, but he still kissed her cold nose with heartache.

Then he pressed his warm hands to her cheeks, looked at her deeply, and asked softly:
"how about you?"


"love me?"

"Love" has long been tacit, but they have never said it seriously once in each other's mouths!
She thought so naturally that he was in love with her!What about him, can he also hear her say that she loves him naturally?

Lin Wanmian's smile froze for a moment, she pursed her lips and blinked her eyes lightly and said:
"You know all about it."

Whether she loves him or not is already determined!
"What do I know?" He wanted to hear her!

"I know I love..." After a pause, Lin Wanmian pouted, and she asked shyly, "What about you, do you love me?"

It's really strange, why they who have been in love long ago come to ask the question of "love or not", isn't it too late?
However, when she really asked, her heart was still thumping so nervous that her face was getting hotter and hotter. She probably turned red, and it was unclear whether it was caused by the cold wind or the blood in her body!

But she asked for so long, why didn't he say a word, he wouldn't dare to say that he loved her until now, right?
If he doesn't dare, she dares...!
"Aoyang, I love you!"

"Mian'er, I love you!"

Not only did she dare, but so did he!
With a tacit understanding, they officially sent the most true confession to each other!
Happy smiles rippling on their faces, when their lips meet and merge, their smiles slowly merge into one...!
As the sunset passed, the sky darkened quickly and the temperature became colder. Murong Aoyang was worried that Lin Wanmian would be cold, so he picked her up and went back into the room.

But Lin Wanmian was shivering when she returned to the house, Murong Aoyang grabbed her hand and found that her hand was unbearably cold, no wonder she was shivering with cold.

Seeing her shrinking her head from the cold, he said with distress and self-blame:
"It's so cold, you don't say anything, you have to freeze yourself like this, you can really hurt people."

As Murong Aoyang said, he turned up the heat and rubbed her hands for her to warm her up as soon as possible.

Lin Wanmian is actually very afraid of the cold, but she also likes the cold very much, so when the weather is cold, she will be entangled in the contradiction between ~ wanting to avoid the cold feeling ~ and ~ wanting to feel the cold feeling.

She was more enjoying the cold outside just now, because the person who accompanied her was Murong Aoyang, she was not afraid of the cold!

However, the consequence of not being afraid is that she is so cold that the heating in the room can't help her for a while!
Seeing that she still couldn't recover, Murong Aoyang immediately went to the bathroom to put hot water, then carried her to the bathroom and began to take off her clothes. Lin Wanmian twitched a bit, but Murong Aoyang didn't care about her, three With five and two divided, he let her soak in the hot water neatly.

The hot water quickly relieved Lin Wanmian of the coldness all over her body. After she stopped shaking, she shrank herself again and said to Murong Aoyang:
"Aoyang, can you... go out first, I can actually do it myself!"

Although it's not that he hasn't seen her body, he is even familiar with every part of her body, but let her be naked and let him take a bath for her, she really can't be calm!
"You can, I can't!"

She is not familiar with this place at all, how could he let her figure it out by herself!But his refusal made Lin Wanmian embarrassed and said:
"But I'd be ashamed if you did that."

"I haven't seen anything on you, what's there to be ashamed of?"


"Let's soak for another 5 minutes and I'll take you out!"

5 minutes is actually the limit of Murong Aoyang, he overestimated his endurance too much.It's not that he has never seen her naked, no matter how charming she is, he can restrain the last impulse.

But he didn't expect that her nakedness soaked in the water would stimulate his desire for her so fatally!

He began to regret letting her soak in hot water, and even more regretted taking her here alone overnight!

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