It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 14 She Actually Doesn't Want to Die at All

Lin Wanmian and Nalan endured the torment of being physically controlled by drugs in the lounge.

When Nalan felt something was wrong at the first moment, she saw that Lin Wanmian also had similar symptoms to her, and she immediately realized that they were both drugged at the same time.

She herself is fine, after all, her body is not that delicate, and she didn't drink a lot of drinks, so besides being a little dizzy and unable to exert herself, her mind is still clear.

But Lin Wanmian was much more serious. She was already seasick, and with the onset of the medicine in her body, she was so uncomfortable that she was sweating profusely.

Between dizziness and sobriety, Lin Wanmian bit her hand hard to stay awake.

Nalan also took the last resort to prevent himself from fainting.But she was more ruthless than Lin Wanmian. She scratched her palm with a sharp object, and the severe pain stimulated her nerves to stay awake.

Before Rong Shengzu pretended to send them to the hospital as soon as possible, she heard the conversation between Rong Shengzu and Liao Fan.Rong Shengzu clearly intended to hurt Lin Wanmian, so how could he kindly send them to the hospital?

Nalan really wanted to scold Rong Shengzu for being despicable, if she hadn't been unable to fight back now, she would have kicked those two bastards into the sea to feed the fish.

But she knew that if she threatened the snake, there was no guarantee that Rong Shengzu and Liao Fan would mess with them at sea.

So, as a last resort, she could only pretend to believe that Rong Shengzu would send them to the hospital without making any noise from the beginning to the end.

As long as they don't mess around at sea, she and Lin Wanmian will have a much greater chance of getting out of control when they get to the shore.

And what's more hopeful is that Rong Shengzu doesn't know whether he is too confident or really believes that he can completely control everything, or because he didn't intend to play against Lin Wanmian from the beginning, so he ignored her Carrying a cell phone.

And it just so happened that when she took out her phone to ask for help, she saw Liu Zhirou send a message.

The reason why Nalan had correspondence with Liu Zhirou was that apart from the fact that she and Lin Wanmian got to know Liu Zhirou repeatedly during the week of waiting for Murong Aoyang, the most important reason was that Liu Zhirou did not know where the relationship came from. , To help them clear the way, they were able to meet Lin Piaoyu when Lin Piaoyu was unable to meet relatives and friends.

But Liu Zhirou also said that there is only so much she can help, and there is nothing else she can do.

But for Lin Wanmian and Nalan, Liu Zhirou's help is already very grateful.

Because of this, they and Liu Zhirou have become frequent friends, but they have not reached a relationship that can be entrusted to life and death.

Logically speaking, considering the current dangerous situation, the first person Nalan thought of calling for help was definitely not Liu Zhirou.But it just so happened that Liu Zhirou was the first to show up when they needed it most.

Nalan didn't know if Liu Zhirou could help them, but she still sent Liu Zhirou the general situation that she and Lin Wanmian were in danger and needed help, and attached a location to Liu Zhirou before the ship was about to dock.

After receiving Liu Zhirou's reply promising to save them, although Nalan was not sure whether Liu Zhirou could help them 100%, but at least there was hope.

However, after the boat docked, Nalan felt a little desperate.Because Rong Shengzu forcibly took Lin Wanmian away in front of her, and asked Liao Fan to stay with her on the boat.

But her body was so weak that she couldn't stop it at all, so she could only step forward angrily to pester Rong Shengzu and curse:

"Rong Shengzu, you bastard, if you dare to hurt Mianmian, I will definitely kill you."

"Who said I was going to hurt her, didn't you see that I was going to save her!" Rong Shengzu easily shook off Nalan, ignoring Nalan's threats and continuing to walk out of the cabin.

Liao Fan also took the opportunity to hold Nalan with a lewd smile and said:

"Miss Nalan, don't worry about your young lady. Young Master Rong values ​​Miss Lin so much that it's too late to pet and love her, so how could he possibly hurt her? So, let's make a couple here and have a good time." Once you’re done playing, after you’re done playing, you’ll be ready to go find your young lady again...!”

"Get out, bitch!"

Nalan made a backhand attack, abruptly pushed Liao Fan away, and then went after Rong Shengzu.

Normally, Nalan would never let Lin Wanmian suffer such danger.But now she was powerless, so she ran off the boat and was entangled by Liao Fan, which made her unable to keep up with Rong Shengzu's pace, and could only watch Rong Shengzu's car drive away.

no!She had to catch up, if something happened to Mianmian, she would never forgive herself!

Anger and eagerness made Nalan force herself to wake up, and she kicked Liao Fan with all her strength.Liao Fan was careless for a moment, and fell directly into the sea when he was backed by Nalan's kick.

And Nalan herself also fell into the sea because of excessive force and dizziness.

But the moment she was soaked in the sea, she was much more sober.Just as she was struggling to climb back onto the wooden plank road leading to the sea, a car in the distance stopped with a creak.

Then, Nalan saw a familiar figure get out of the car and look around.When that person saw Nalan lying prostrate on the plank road, she rushed over eagerly.

Soon, Nalan saw clearly that it was Liu Zhirou who was running towards her.

"Oh my god, Sister Nalan...!" Seeing Nalan's distress, Liu Zhirou was terrified!
"Mianmian, save Mianmian...!" Nalan couldn't stop taking deep breaths.

Even if Liu Zhirou didn't mention Lin Wanmian, Liu Zhirou was about to ask about Lin Wanmian's whereabouts.

But only Nalan and Liao Fan, who also climbed up from the sea, were the only ones present, and Lin Wanmian could not be seen at all.

"Sister Nalan, where is Wanmian?"

"She...was taken away by Rong Shengzu...quick...quickly chase...!" Nalan got up and ran forward without hesitation.

Liu Zhirou could only follow and ask, "Rong Shengzu? Could it be the Rong family...!"

"Zhirou, I... Please, hurry... Hurry up and chase after Rong Shengzu's car. If you don't go, Mianmian will be in danger."

"Chasing...Okay, let's go after it,!"

"Leave me alone, I'm fine." Nalan hurriedly opened the door and got into the car.

"Miss, a black sports car passed us in the opposite direction just now, there is only one road leading to the outside, there is still time to chase it now."

The person who accompanied Liu Zhirou spoke respectfully, before Liu Zhirou could speak, he had already started the car quickly and kicked the accelerator to drive the car away.

But when they got out of the main road, even though there was only one road ahead, there were too many cars, and it was difficult for them to track down where Rong Shengzu's car was.

Liu Zhirou looked at Nalan with an abnormal expression, and anxiously looked at the car outside and said in a panic:
"What should we do? We don't know where Rong Shengzu's car is. There will be a diversion ahead. If we can't find Wanmian, then...!"

"Miss, I know there is a Rong's hotel nearby. If your friend was drugged, Rong Shengzu probably took your friend there."

"Uncle Wan, are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I sent my wife there not long ago, and I mentioned it when I heard my wife call someone on the way."

"Zhirou, let's go there, to the Rong family's hotel." Nalan had a strong premonition that since that bastard Rong Shengzu wanted to do something wrong to Mian Mian, and there happened to be a Rong family's hotel nearby, he would definitely not go far away. further afield.

Their judgment was not wrong. Before Uncle Wan drove the car to the hotel entrance, he saw a black Maybach driving into the underground garage from a distance.

When Uncle Wan saw the sports car, he was sure it was the one he saw at the yacht dock.

Unfortunately, when they followed up, they found that Rong Shengzu had already carried Lin Wanmian, who had almost no resistance, into a freight elevator.

But the elevator was not a passenger elevator, and they couldn't take it without the smart card inside.

But it is not difficult to guess that Rong Shengzu must have a special suite in this hotel.It's just that for Nalan, she didn't have time to slowly find out which room Rong Shengzu went to.But she felt that her body seemed to have reached its limit, and the medicine in her body was eroding her consciousness.

Before she was so strong that she passed out completely, she was not afraid of anything, but she was afraid that Lin Wanmian would be insulted by Rong Shengzu...!
Nalan worries that if there is no help from the gods, Lin Wanmian will probably experience hellish pain.

Even Lin Wanmian thought she was doomed, she didn't know where Rong Shengzu took her, she only knew that she was thrown on a bed by him, and she moaned weakly and painfully.

Rong Shengzu looked at Lin Wanmian, who was weak all over, and he leaned close to her body and took a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, the smell on her body did not dislike him at all, on the contrary, it aroused his desire for women that he had never had before.

But he was also wondering whether he could treat a weak person so cruelly!
No matter how confused Lin Wanmian was, she knew that she was being treated horribly, because she knew that Rong Shengzu was in danger at this time.

Rong Shengzu's approach terrified Lin Wanmian, but even though she was weak, she still struggled to avoid Rong Shengzu with all her strength.

She didn't want to beg for mercy, but she had no choice but to speak:
"Rong Shengzu, please, let me go...!"

Her original intention was to shout, but the sound she made could only be heard clearly by herself!

Rong Shengzu frowned and looked at her helplessness. He actually had a heart of compassion, but when he thought of his own pain, he could only say cruelly:
"Wan Mian, although I didn't plan to take this step today, but since this is the case, you can accept it, anyway, we will take this step sooner or later...!"

"No, you can't! You're despicable and shameless... I'm sick of you...!"

"No matter how disgusting you are, I'm also your prospective fiance, and you need my help now."

"Even if I die, you won't be allowed to touch me."

Lin Wanmian had a strange pain in her body, she vaguely knew what that need was, but she would rather bite her lip to reject that physical need.

Just when Lin Wanmian was struggling to turn over and try to stay away from Rong Shengzu, her body was pulled violently, and then she felt her arms were tightly clasped.

Rong Shengzu didn't know whether he was upset after hearing Lin Wanmian's words, or he was eager to prove to himself that he could be a normal man.

Therefore, his only sympathy for Lin Wanmian did not stop him, and he completely ignored Lin Wanmian's wishes.

When he lowered his head and tortured her neck, Lin Wanmian thought of death, because she didn't think she could bear Rong Shengzu's insult...!
At the same time, a memory of someone suddenly flashed in her mind.

how so?It's also humiliating, why does Rong Shengzu feel so disgusted with what she is doing that she wants to die?And that person's kisses and touches can sink her into it?

Murong Aoyang... If he is the one who treats her like this at this time, she will also feel disgusted and want to die?
She couldn't find the answer to this question that popped up suddenly, but she found an inevitable answer to the pain she was experiencing now...!
God, I really hope that someone will save her, because she actually doesn't want to die because of Rong Shengzu, a disgusting person!

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