It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 136 He Should Love Her Very Much

Lin Wanmian racked her brains to think about the doubt that Murong Aoyang should have coaxed her to eat well, but it happened that Murong Aoyang continued to care about him with good intentions:
"Mian'er, you must be very hungry, would you like something to eat?"

"If you don't eat, you'll die of starvation!"

"Okay, then don't eat it. Anyway, I heard you were so angry and quarreled with me for so long. It's either because the nutritional injections given to you these days are very effective, or you eat my saliva. You are full, or you have an elixir in your stomach, anyway, as long as you are not hungry. I am also tired, let's go to bed!"

Murong Aoyang didn't know if it was serious or joking, he really hugged her tighter, then he sighed deeply in her hair and then closed his eyes, with an absolutely reassuring smile on his mouth!
Inexplicably, Lin Wanmian felt that she might be being played around by him.

What does it mean that she has an elixir in her stomach, what does it mean that she is full from his saliva, how much does she have to eat to be full from his saliva... However, she did eat a lot of his saliva today.

Thinking of the feeling of being kissed so badly by him, Lin Wanmian secretly bit her lips in annoyance.She is really worthless, no matter how much she eats from his saliva, she won't be full, at most she will be full... Wait, why did she give his kiss a good review?
So depressed, what is she thinking, can't she have some backbone, why is she so obsessed with his kiss?
Suddenly feeling very unconvinced, just as Murong Aoyang's hand was lying across her chin, she lowered her head and bit it.

"Hiss... um... Mian'er, don't make trouble, let me have a good sleep first."

Murong Aoyang, who was already sleepy, was about to fall asleep, but after being bitten by her, he regained consciousness.

"This is my room, if you want to sleep, go to sleep somewhere else, not on my bed."

After saying this, Lin Wanmian remembered to drive him out of bed, but just when she was reluctant to break away from Murong Aoyang's embrace, Murong Aoyang suddenly moved closer to her side and warned evilly:
"Mian'er, if you don't want to be eaten by me, then stop moving, or you will bear the consequences."

This silly woman, doesn't she know that when a man is lying on the bed with his beloved woman in his arms, he may "lose control" at any time?
If she doesn't move, he is ready to move, if she twists and turns like this, don't blame him for not having self-control.

Lin Wanmian didn't understand his hint at the beginning, she just kept twisting her soft body, she said without fear of death:
"Okay, eat me if you have the ability, I'm not afraid."

"Are you sure you don't regret it?"

Murong Aoyang half stood up and turned her body to look at her swollen and delicate face.

"What's the big deal, isn't it just killing me?"

She even dared to cut off her wrist, so she had nothing to be afraid of.Besides, she didn't believe that he really dared to eat people.

Murong Aoyang carefully looked at Lin Wanmian's expression, and when he realized that she didn't understand what he meant by "eat", he suddenly burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Lin Wanmian frowned, she felt that he was making fun of her again.

Murong Aoyang laughed for a long time before saying:

"My God, you are so innocent, do you think that a man who says he wants to eat a woman is really eating?"

"What do you mean?" Otherwise, is it just a joke?
"this means."


The two lips that fit together are dancing together...

When Murong Aoyang stopped asking at the right time, he stroked her red and charming lips and asked in a low voice:
"Do you understand now? The pattern of men eating women."

Lin Wanmian blinked, her soft lips moved shyly, but she just couldn't say a word.

"Huh? I still don't understand. Do you want me to do more to teach you?"

"Scared... I don't want it!"

Lin Wanmian covered her mouth with her palm to prevent him from making a surprise attack. She still doesn't understand that it's really a problem with IQ.

"Then do you understand?"

Seeing her charming big eyes blinking and blinking stupidly, Murong Aoyang was very moved, and deliberately made things difficult for her.

Lin Wanmian was still a little ashamed and couldn't speak at all.How could she have thought that the always serious man would be so blatant when playing hooligans.

"Are you not talking because you expect me to eat you up to the end?" He wished he could "eat" her to the end.

"I didn't, I..." She was so stupid that he made fun of her.


"Understood...understood!" Only when I understood did I feel ashamed.

"Then... I think...."

"No, you can't think about anything, you're not allowed to do anything, and I don't want anything."

She never thought about her and him... At least she is not mentally prepared for that now.

"Can't I even sleep if I want to?"

"Huh?" Did he just want to sleep?
"I haven't had a good sleep for two days. I just want to do something to you, and I have to get enough sleep first."

Of course, she was willing to let him "do whatever he wanted", and he still had plenty of physical strength.

"I haven't slept for two days, why?"

Human instinct is terrible, and when she realized it, she blurted out her distress for him.

"Because you don't wake up, how can I sleep well!?"

While guarding her time, he was afraid that he would miss her when she woke up.And when she fell asleep, she seemed to be restless and always having nightmares. He was so worried that he could only hug her to give her a sense of security.

Lin Wanmian had no doubts now, she almost forgot that Aunt Liu had told her that he was the one who watched over her during the two days and nights when she was comatose, so he didn't sleep well for two days.

Her heart was full of mixed feelings, she actually had a lot to say and a lot of questions to ask, but she didn't know where to start, and she didn't know where to ask.

Murong Aoyang could see her tangled expression of hesitating to speak, he kissed her forehead, and said as if he had a mind reading ability:

"Okay, Mian'er, let's do it for today. We won't say anything. No matter what you want to say or ask, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"But, tomorrow..."

"Shh, don't worry, I'll be with you tomorrow."


His care is so real, but it also makes her afraid, she is afraid that everything is not true!

"Go to sleep!"

Murong Aoyang lay down and embraced her again, this time, she obediently faced to nest in his arms and absorbed his scent.

Listening to Murong Aoyang's gradually steady breathing, Lin Wanmian knew that he was about to fall asleep.She didn't want to disturb him at first, but she couldn't help but tapped his chest lightly and whispered:
"Murong Aoyang..."


"Have you had dinner? Are you hungry?"

It is estimated to be almost ten o'clock now, and he will be here with her as soon as he comes back. It seems that he hasn't had dinner yet, has he?
Alas, if you are not promising, you are not promising. She just loves him. What can I do?

However, the two of them are really funny, and the lines for asking each other if they have eaten or not are exactly the same.

The relaxed Murong Aoyang was very sleepy, but he still heard her question, he closed his eyes and brought his face close to hers, the two of them were almost face to face, he imitated her to use touch to feel the most comfortable Taking his bearings, he muttered:

"I didn't eat it, but after eating your saliva with sweet-scented osmanthus honey, I'm already full."

"You... you really..."

"Baby, stop talking, or..."

"I know, I won't talk about it."

Although she didn't know what warning words he would say, she felt that a man who knew the current affairs was a hero, so it was best to keep his mouth shut.

Feeling Lin Wanmian burrowing into the deepest part of his arms like a groundhog, Murong Aoyang showed the most satisfied smile in sleepiness.

Not long after, Lin Wanmian, who hadn't fallen asleep, heard his deep-sleeping breathing.

Lin Wanmian probably slept too much, but she didn't feel sleepy for a while.Moreover, listening to his steady heartbeat and reassuring breathing, the more she listened, the more energetic she became.

Without feeling sleepy, Lin Wanmian began to think about many problems in her mind.

In such a short period of two or three days, her life suddenly changed drastically.

It all started when Murong Qingyue appeared in front of her, and it was absolutely not what she wanted for her to accidentally cause Murong Qingyue to have an accident.

But she didn't know why, but she thought that this was God's will, and it was God's chance to give her a new life.

Of course, it wasn't her decision to cut herself without hesitation that day.

That day when Murong Aoyang came to her angrily, she really thought that he might want to kill her.When she thought that he would hate her even more from now on, her heart that had always loved him deeply seemed to be bound by a magic spell, and it hurt so much that she couldn't even wake up consciously.

When she came back to her senses, she didn't know when she had cut such a knife on her wrist.

In fact, she didn't expect to die. God knows how grateful she is to be alive when she is awake.

Nalan was missing, if she died too, what would her family do?
Fortunately, she is still alive!Even better, Murong Aoyang came back by her side.

Although she didn't know how he seemed to be a different person again... However, she remembered that Aunt Liu told her that this man also stayed with her all night when she fell asleep with a fever.

This has actually proved that he has never changed, and he has always cared about her.

However, the last time he hurt her so cruelly, his determination to break up was obviously absolute.

To be honest, every time his determination looks so firm, but it will still change in the end.

This time, although it was the result she wanted, if she changed again, how much courage would she have to withstand another blow?

Or, as he himself said, her blood frightened him, and he couldn't bear the possibility of losing her.So he had to face his own heart, because he couldn't restrain his love for her at all!

He should love her very much, otherwise, during the two days when she was comatose, Murong Qingyue was also lying in the hospital, and her condition might be more serious than her own.

But he didn't go to Murong Qingyue's side, but stayed by her side every step of the way.

In this regard, does she have any questions about whether he cares about her and loves her?

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