It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 127 She Wants To Work Hard To Be Reborn

When Nalan disappeared, Murong Aoyang mercilessly treated her worse and seriously injured her when she was most afraid of being helpless.

He tore her heart apart with the truth she couldn't bear, and then ruthlessly left her to leave.After he left, she cried until she fainted.

When she woke up, she naively hoped that all the pain was just a dream.Nalan never disappeared, and the man she loved didn't play with her sincerity, or he was really forced to hurt her cruelly out of helplessness.

However, Nalan still couldn't get in touch day by day, and the man she loved didn't show up again. It seemed that he was really taking revenge on her!

As a result, her innocence could no longer be established, and she forced herself to think positively.But after thinking about it, apart from being determined not to give up on waiting for Nalan, everything that happened between her and Murong Aoyang became more and more confused as she thought about it.

In a very sober state, she recalled the bits and pieces between them.She didn't think that what she felt at first was all fake, but if it wasn't fake, why would he tell her so cruelly when she needed him the most that he was only with her to play with her and take revenge on her?

After thinking about it, she couldn't choose an answer.

However, this contradiction quickly disappeared.When she couldn't stop the thoughts in her heart and put aside all her pride, she called Murong Aoyang again, but the voice said "The phone has been turned off".

He once said that his phone's address book has two types of contacts.One type is set to dial his mobile phone at a fixed time, and the other type is someone who can find him at any time.

Anyone who can get through to his mobile phone at any time is the person he values ​​most, and she is the person he classified as the one who can always find him!
She finally had to admit that she was removed by him from the category of people who could find him anytime.

In other words, he really doesn't have sincerity towards her, she can give up!
In this way, facing the facts, Lin Wanmian became numb with pain.In her daily life, apart from hearing Aunt Liu's voice, there is only the lonely and helpless cry in her heart, just like now...!
However, often when numbness and loneliness are about to completely surround her, she will withdraw in time to remind herself that she must work hard to be reborn!

When she was deep in thought, a unique piece of beautiful piano music came from her mobile phone. It was called by Liu Zhirou. She almost forgot that there was another person who was always kind and silently supporting her.

"Hey, Zhirou!"

Although Lin Wanmian has a loneliness and sadness in her heart that others cannot understand, an invisible force is still supporting Lin Wanmian.She looks so pitiful and melancholy in the eyes of others, but only she knows that her heart hasn't collapsed yet, and she doesn't allow herself to collapse.

What right does she have to collapse?Nalan's whereabouts are unknown, her grandmother is waiting for her, and her mother also needs her after she is released from prison.Even for any one of them, she can't fall down, especially her spirit!

She foolishly left her grandmother to find a love that didn't exist, and she deserved to die.

Since Murong Aoyang played with her for revenge, she let him take revenge.The crimes her mother committed against his family were repaid by the mother and daughter together. After paying off, she... should, should...!
"Wanmian, Wanmian, do you hear me?"

Lin Wanmian was distracted and didn't hear what Liu Zhirou said after she got on the phone.Hearing Liu Zhirou's call from the phone, Lin Wanmian blinked, and she moved her lips in response:

"Well, I can hear it!"

"Oh, I haven't seen you answer me for a long time. I thought the signal was bad and you couldn't hear me!" Liu Zhirou said softly!

"No, I was distracted and didn't quite hear what you said, sorry!"

Once Lin Wanmian confessed, Liu Zhirou fell silent for a moment before saying:

"Wanmian, how about I go see you now? I'm really worried about you!"


"Well, I'm in City A right now. I just attended a classmate's wedding, and I wanted to go back to City B directly, but I remembered that you were also in City A, so I wanted to find you."

"No, Zhirou, don't come, let alone you don't know where I am."

For Lin Wanmian, Liu Zhirou's concern warmed her heart.But her current situation even feels ridiculous to herself, she doesn't want her pathetic appearance to be seen by others, even if that person is Liu Zhirou who treats her sincerely.

But Liu Zhirou didn't want to hear her rejection, so she insisted:

"Then please tell me the address, Aunt Liu who is taking care of you, and I can set off to find you right now."

"Aunt Liu won't tell."


"She just takes care of my life, but not my salary, so she won't do anything beyond what she can decide."

"The president is so hateful. It's fine if he deceives you and locks you up. Does he not even allow you to meet a friend? Does he have to bully you like this?"

After Nalan disappeared, the only person Lin Wanmian could comfortably confide in was Liu Zhirou.Naturally, Liu Zhirou also knew that her love for Murong Aoyang was just a joke.

When Lin Wanmian told Liu Zhirou about this, Liu Zhirou started to cry foolishly, and in turn she comforted Liu Zhirou.

She had already cried bitterly, although the pain in her heart could not disappear, but at least she was awake, and she didn't want to let herself cry casually again.

Liu Zhirou knew her situation, but she didn't know that she was slowly recovering on her own. She was actually not as miserable as Liu Zhirou thought.

But some things can't be explained clearly, so she can only say to Liu Zhirou:

"Zhirou, don't worry about me. In fact, I don't care if he allows people to come to see me. I don't let you come because I don't want to meet you here, and that would make me feel even more ridiculous. so……!"

"Then can't you leave there? Since the president has no sincerity for you, can't you leave to end everything?"

"No! He said, before the time is up, I will never leave his revenge." That's what he said, if the time is up, she will never want to leave!

"As long as you don't want to, the CEO will be illegally detained. Even if he can cover the sky with his hands, he has no right to force the innocent you!"

The more Liu Zhirou talked, the more angry she became. She never thought that the CEO she admired so much turned out to be such a bad person.

Although she already knew from Lin Wanmian that Murong Aoyang's revenge on the Lin family seemed to be because Wanmian's mother harmed the Murong family's daughter, causing the Murong family's daughter to lose her life.

But no matter what, the grievance has its culprit, and the debt has its owner, no matter what, the CEO shouldn't bully the innocent Wan Mian.

What's more, isn't Wan Mian's mother already paying the price?Why does the president cause so much pain on Wan Mian?

I can't figure it out, but Liu Zhirou believes in her heart that Murong Aoyang is a bad person to her now, as bad as a devil!

Lin Wanmian could hear Liu Zhirou's anger. She didn't know why, but thinking that there was another person who cared about her like this, her mood improved a bit.

However, she didn't explain to Liu Zhirou in detail, she just smiled and said:

"I didn't stay here because of his coercion. I wanted to pay off what I owed him, as long as he was satisfied. There is nothing I can't bear to stay here alone for a year."

Her situation was nothing compared to his sister's.At least she lives well, eats well, and has someone to take care of her, and she will be able to leave here soon and go home. There is still hope in her life.

Unlike his sister, who will never be able to return to her family.She enjoys the most thoughtful care here, if she wants to open up a bit, she is here like a vacation...!
vacation?Her life now really seemed to be no different from a vacation.He said he was taking revenge on her, but taking revenge on the enemy but allowing the enemy to enjoy the most comfortable and exquisite life?Is this what revenge should look like?
Lin Wanmian frowned, why didn't she think about this before.Murong Aoyang besides scorning her and making her miserable with words, how could he have done anything excessive to her?
Even Aunt Liu, who took care of her, was impeccable. If he wanted to take revenge on her, why would he find her such a caring and warm servant to accompany her?
Could it be that he lied to her again, he wasn't taking revenge on her at all, he was just... No, don't think about it anymore, if you think about it anymore, she should be confused again.Maybe he only has a little sympathy for her to make her life better, after all, she is just a blind person who can't take care of herself!
Because her mind became confused again, Lin Wanmian was no longer in the mood to have a long chat with Liu Zhirou, and she didn't want Liu Zhirou to find out that she was strange and cause Liu Zhirou to worry more.

So, after Liu Zhirou said something else, Lin Wanmian answered the question without thinking and said:

"Uh... Zhirou, I'm really fine, don't worry. Also, remember to keep my current situation a secret from Brother Bai Yu, and you must never tell him the real situation, you understand?"

"I don't need to say it now, but...!"

"Zhirou, that's all right, thank you."

Liu Zhirou sighed helplessly, and said:

"I know, I won't tell my elder brother unless it is absolutely necessary. But, you..."

"Believe me, I will be fine! I just need you to keep the "secret" for me now, and you don't have to worry about me. I promise you, when you see me again, it will be me reborn." Lin Wan Mian gave Liu Zhirou an optimistic response.

"Then... well, I believe in you, and I'll wait for you to be reborn."

Liu Zhirou believed Lin Wanmian's optimism, and she also knew that Lin Wanmian chose to hide the real situation from Liu Baiyu because Lin Wanmian did not want Liu Baiyu to blame himself.After all, it was Liu Baiyu who helped her cover up and sent her to Murong Aoyang himself.

If Liu Baiyu knew that his help had indirectly sent her to "Tiger's Mouth", Liu Baiyu would definitely not feel at ease.

The plan in Lin Wanmian's heart is not complicated, she wants to keep the "one-year agreement" with Murong Aoyang, and when she goes back, even if Liu Baiyu knows the truth, she can explain it to Liu Baiyu face to face, so that he can feel relieved!

Of course, the main reason why she didn't want to cause extra problems was also for her own sake.She wanted to go on quietly and step by step according to her own ideas, the first thing she had to do was to end the enmity with Murong Aoyang.

The "one-year agreement" expires, and unless he wants her life, she will leave regardless of whether he is satisfied with the result of his revenge on her.After all, she also has concerns in her life and responsibilities that she must bear!

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