It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 125 The Last Temptation Shattered

Murong Aoyang resisted the pain in his heart, he continued to pretend to be indifferent and mocking:

"Lin Wanmian, you asked for everything. It was not my original intention to play with your feelings. As you said, I can destroy everyone in your Lin family at will. But you are so foolishly greedy for me , you think that you have lured me into your game step by step, but I just think it is fun. The most important thing is that playing with you can also let Lin Piaoyu feel that after her favorite daughter is destroyed by me so much, she should be able to personally Experience the pain of our Murong family losing their most precious treasure."

For Lin Wanmian, Murong Aoyang's remark undoubtedly broke her last string.But she was calmer than expected, she asked tremblingly:

"So... From the beginning to the end, you are just using me to get revenge on my mother, because you have no intention of letting my mother go easily?"

"Otherwise? Do you really think that I would turn a blind eye to everything my sister has suffered, and even look at the blind daughter of the enemy? Your mother not only hurt my sister, but also hurt my mother. If you have a little brain, think about it." , are you qualified to make me look at you differently, are you qualified to get my sincerity?"

"Oh! So that's the case! Then I really did my own crimes!"

Lin Wanmian laughed at herself in tears, she quietly turned around and no longer faced Murong Aoyang.After falling in love with him, for the first time, she didn't want to get close to him.

If everything was a ridiculous dream, then she should wake up, she sighed deeply, shed tears, then raised her hand and wiped away the remaining tears on her face, she raised her head slightly and continued arrogantly:

"Since you said that all of this is revenge, what do you think next? Or is it that your revenge is not over yet, should I continue to suffer from you?"

Murong Aoyang looked at her cold side face, he seemed to be unable to see her look that was always flashing with infatuation with him.

Such a result was obviously what he wanted, but his heart seemed to be empty all of a sudden!
But it doesn't seem strange, to love her and to drive her away.But now it's not just her that he's driving away, he's also driving away his heart that loves her.If she leaves, how can his heart stay where it is?

Murong Aoyang could only bury these inner monologues deep in his heart and could not express them out of his mouth. He endured for a while and said:

"If continued revenge can erase your mother's crimes, I..."

"Okay, please continue to take revenge. Compared with your sister's life, it is not too much for me to suffer a little more from you. Our one-year agreement remains the same, this year... no, there is less than one year left Time, you can retaliate as much as you want. When the time is up, if I am not dead, the grievances between you and me will be wiped out, and there will be no more ties!"


"As you said, when I thought there was true love between us, I would pester you shamelessly. Now that there is no true love, I will also pester you. My mother owes you life, and you take it back from me , until you are satisfied."

"Why, you don't want to tell me that it's all like this, and you still hope that there will be true love between us?"

"No! I'm sober! However, it's your business whether you are fake or not, and my business is mine. Even if you sneer and ridicule me, I will not deny that I have lost love with you. That love is still there. It hasn't disappeared, if you want to see my real pain, take the opportunity to leave me here, so I should soon fully believe that you really played with me, and I will be in pain!"

As if she was suddenly injected with infinite energy, Lin Wanmian was unusually sober. Every word she said was full of arrogance, without any sign of showing weakness. Instead, it seemed like a negotiation with flames!
Lin Wanmian tilted her head slightly, but she still didn't face Murong Aoyang.

But that didn't prevent Murong Aoyang from seeing her expression clearly. Her hands were clenched into fists, and her chest, which was still ups and downs just now, stabilized with her deep breath.

Her sudden change proves that her arrogance has come out, and at the same time, it also proves...she is making the final test!

She understands him, and he understands her better!

Murong Aoyang took a step forward and faced her. He looked deeply at her stubborn brown eyes. He admired her intelligence and bravery with his eyes, but he wanted to crush her expectations with heartless words.

"Lin Wanmian, you're right. My hatred for the Lin family is hard to get rid of. Even seeing you so sad is still not enough to make me get rid of the hatred in my heart. However, your proposal is very good. I should continue to let you Stay here as a mistress, and then find an appropriate time to tell your grandma and your mother that their babies will take the initiative to become my mistress, Murong Aoyang, and let me trample on you!"

"So, the one-year agreement will continue?"

Why didn't he refuse, why didn't he stop everything immediately and send her away?

"Why not? Letting you be a lonely walking dead here can satisfy my desire for revenge. I really want to see if you can still catch your breath when the "prison sentence" ends!" Murong Aoyang was still cold.

"Why, is it that I stop breathing is what you want to see the most?"

"I'm not Lin Piaoyu. I still have the bottom line of human nature. Of course, if you want to die, don't die here. I'm afraid my place will be dirty."

"Okay, I won't die here even if I die, don't worry!"

It seems that the dream has really been shattered!Lin Wanmian felt that all the energy he concentrated was about to run out, why did his words become more ruthless as he spoke?The little faith left in her heart also died with his bad words.

"It seems that this game has come to an end. For the rest of the time, you can spend the rest of your stay here as a vacation or as a prison sentence. Remember, you will not be able to pay back what the Lin family owes the Murong family. So, stay here If the time limit expires, you will make atonement on behalf of your mother, and if the time limit is not met, you will never want to leave here."

Murong Aoyang performed her unfeeling performance today to the extreme.But his initial expectation was that Lin Wanmian would cry bitterly even if she would not collapse when facing Nalan's unfortunate news and the cruel "truth" he told her at the same time.

But she adjusted herself faster than he had imagined. Not only did she not make noise blindly, but she responded quickly and calmly.

Murong Aoyang also saw her last temptation to him because of her calmness.

If he refused to let her stay here, she would know that he didn't mean to hurt her.Because sending her away is proof that he pities her!

Instead, let her stay with her, and she will begin to believe that he really only has tricks and revenge for her.

She still doesn't know that his sister is still alive, so let her think that his sister is gone.In this way, it will be easier for her to believe that he will never love her!
The so-called "one-year appointment" he gave her at the beginning has also completely changed, and she should know that her love will never have a chance to be saved.

In the past, she still had Nalan as a support by her side, so she could follow her heart willfully.

But now that Nalan is missing, or even dead, all the future hopes of the Lin family rest on her.As far as this is concerned, no matter how willful she is, she will never be unaware of how important she is to the Lin family!
That's why Murong Aoyang was completely cruel to Nalan when something happened to her.

If she had ever bet on his intolerance towards her, now he bet that she would suffer more and more, because he knew that when she had nothing to rely on, her survival instinct would force her to be self-reliant!

Although Lin Wanmian heard every word Murong Aoyang said clearly, she even believed that what he said was true.However, she always felt that something was wrong. In fact, she still didn't quite believe that he was playing tricks to take revenge on her!
Murong Aoyang looked at her deeply, because she couldn't see it, so the affection in his eyes could be revealed to his heart's content, but... that's all!

When he had to turn around pretending to be cold, Lin Wanmian stopped him:

Murong Aoyang's heart trembled, he stopped, but he didn't look back, and he didn't give her any response!

Lin Wanmian stood firmly on the spot, but her face was facing Murong Aoyang's back, and when she heard him silently stop walking away, she continued calmly:

"If what you said today is the truth, then I will stay here as you wish and become a "prisoner" that you can revenge as much as you want. When the time comes, I will do everything I can to get my heart back. I can Try to forget everything about you. But if...every word you said today is just to push me away, then you should remember that even if it is a lie, you have hurt me seriously. Even if there is such pain One day when the truth comes out, I will be hard-pressed to let it go, and maybe I will hate you even more!"

Murong Aoyang's cold handsome face is full of tangled emotions, he is pleased that Lin Wanmian is as proud and self-reliant as he hoped, but also disappointed that her self-improvement means that she will forget him.

But forgetting is the best ending for them. He should be satisfied. He finally looked back at her and said resolutely:
"Trust me, choosing to take your heart back is absolutely best for you."

"I will judge whether it is the best. But for me now, I am not in the mood to think about whether my love is a joke or true love. I just want to know about Nalan's life and death. Can you help me find Nalan?" come out……?"

She lost contact with Nalan for so long, which proves that something happened to Nalan beyond doubt, but she refused to accept that Nalan was dead.

"You seem to be unconscious again. Do you think you have a few catties and a few taels that you can ask me to help you again and again? What's more, even if I don't mind giving you this favor, a person who has been blown to nothing remains, there is still someone to look for." Is it necessary?"


"If she is alive, will you not be able to wait for her call?"

"Maybe she just couldn't contact her, maybe she was controlled by something, or maybe she was injured... In short, I don't believe Nalan is dead."

"If you don't believe me, you can find it yourself if you have the ability."

"You know that I can't do anything...!" Lin Wanmian couldn't help raising her voice!

"That's just right, the more miserable you are, the more satisfied I am!"

After finishing the most indifferent words, Murong Aoyang turned around and strode away!

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