It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 121 The Feeling of Being Protected by Him

When Mars picked up the ointment and was about to apply it on Nalan's wrist, Nalan knew that the medicine box was prepared for her.

But this is too exaggerated, her hand is not really injured.Although it was a little stinging, it was just redness on the skin, and it would recover in a short time. She didn't think it was necessary to take medicine!

Mars forgot that Nalan was not a weak woman, he just felt sorry for her out of instinct, so he nervously wanted to put medicine on her wrist.

However, to his embarrassment, Nalan didn't accept his fuss obediently at all. She took her hand away and prevented Mars from applying the ointment on her hand.

Mars was not surprised by Nalan's actions, but Andrew and the other servants at the side took a deep breath.They are all people who have been serving Mars for a long time, but they have never seen Mars care about anyone so much, let alone helping a woman with medicine.

Of course, they don't seem to have such a woman who ignores Mars's intentions... No, there really are women who ignore Master Mars to life or death.At least this woman named Nalan has ignored Master Mars more than once.

But the strange thing is that Master Mars, who is always held at the top of the pyramid, seems not only not to care about Nalan's indifference, but also has a tendency to connive.

The butler, Andrew, seemed to be respectfully standing aside and didn't make a sound, but his eyes and ears were fully awake watching and listening...!
Nalan was unwilling to apply the medicine, so Mars also gave up.But Andrew twitched the corner of his mouth secretly, because Nalan just sat next to Mars and had breakfast together!

Tsk tsk, something is wrong!
This Nalan obviously stayed here as the security assistant of Master Mars. In other words, Nalan was just an ordinary employee.

But when did Master Mars dine at the same table with ordinary employees?

Forget it, Master Mars actually poured milk and juice for Nalan himself. He even picked up a meal bag and put it on Nalan's dinner plate, then fried ham, and then smeared high-grade caviar Blinis….

Nalan didn't notice what Mars did for her naturally, because her mind was entangled with doubts in her heart.

As soon as she was in a hurry, she immediately wanted to ask Mars about the pattern on the bracelet. If her eagerness had not been interrupted somehow, she might have asked Mars a very inexplicable question.

She wanted to find out Lin Wanmian's biological father, but whether it was to give Lin Wanmian a full life or hope that Lin Wanmian could have another person to rely on, Nalan couldn't be naive.

Let alone whether Lin Wanmian's biological father can be found, even if he can be found, what is his background, is he a good guy or a bad guy?
It would be best if he was someone who could help Lin Wanmian, but if he would hurt Lin Wanmian's life instead, it would be better not to let him know of Lin Wanmian's existence!
In case that bracelet is really related to Mars, it more or less proves that Lin Wanmian's biological father may also have some kind of relationship with Mars.

So far, she still doesn't know where Mars came from and what background he has.Before figuring everything out, Nalan decided not to act rashly, she had to check it out calmly and then talk about it.

If it was such a coincidence that the bracelet was related to the Daemon family, it would be a good thing for Mars to force her to stay by his side for a year. She could use this year to get to know him better.

If Lin Wanmian's biological father is really related to the Damon family, she can at least confirm whether Lin Wanmian needs to identify his biological father. If not, even if she finds it, she will pretend that she has not found it...!

Nalan felt disgusted in her mouth, she looked back at the food on the plate, it turned out that she ate caviar, which she disliked the most.

"what happened?"

Mars just found out that she was wandering, so she probably didn't even know what she ate.This will look at her affection, obviously the food in her mouth makes her unable to swallow.

Nalan wanted to spit out the food in her mouth, but felt that it was more disgusting. She endured the smell of caviar and swallowed the food forcefully. Just as she was about to reach for water to rinse her mouth, Mars took a glass of fresh water. Orange juice was handed to her and said:

"Don't drink water, it will make the taste of caviar stronger, drink orange juice, you can get rid of the fishy smell." He has already seen that what she can't eat is caviar.

Nalan really didn't want to feel the fishy smell in her mouth, so she took Mars's orange juice and drank half a glass in one go, and the fishy smell in her mouth was much lighter.

"Sorry, I didn't know you didn't like caviar."

Nalan was stunned for a moment, and she looked at the plate in front of her. There was a meal bag and half a pancake dipped in caviar on the plate.

She didn't care what she ate just now, and she didn't find out who made her breakfast.

Naturally, Mars ate half of the thin slice on Nalan's plate, and then drank the half glass of orange juice she had left.

Nalan stared at him in astonishment, what she ate... Could it be that he put it on her plate?But why did he eat what she left, and even drink what she left of orange juice?
Mars' unreasonable behavior not only shocked Nalan, but Andrew, who saw the whole thing from the beginning to the end, was so stunned that he couldn't figure out what happened to his young master Mars?

In the entire restaurant, Mars was probably the only one who didn't feel that he had done something inappropriate. He naturally wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then said to Nalan:

"Do you have anything else to arrange in China? If not, we will go to the United States the day after tomorrow and return to England after I finish my business."

"the day after tomorrow?"

Nalan knew that she would follow him for the next year, and she was mentally prepared to leave China, but suddenly she was asked to leave at will, she really didn't care as much as she imagined.

"What, what are you doing?"

"I haven't broken off the "engagement" relationship with Rong Shengzu." Can this be an excuse?
"I will give you this gift today, don't worry!" Mars said relaxedly!

The "gift" Mars mentioned came faster than Nalan expected.Rong Shengzu became the "darling" of all media almost instantly.

The truth of his homosexuality was exposed overwhelmingly, this time the exposure was more violent than the last time Murong Aoyang taught him a lesson.

Because the evidence this time is not only the evidence of him fooling around in China, but even the "amorous history" that happened during his study abroad is conclusive and spread wildly in the media at home and abroad.

This time, it might not be so easy for the Rong family to try their best to stop them!
Sure enough, all of a sudden, Rong Shengzu really came to the point of ruin, and with it, the entire Rong family was pushed to the cusp of the storm, and it became a big joke!

What is incomprehensible is that the scandal of Rong Shengzu turned out to be related to the internal strife of a British company called the "Cord Consortium".

Because of the person in charge of the "Cord Consortium" - Owen, this person's private life is chaotic and wanton, and his opponents use this as an attack to pull him down and replace him.

It so happened that Rong Shengzu also had a "special relationship" with Owen during his study abroad, because that's how Rong Shengzu's scandal was implicated!
However, there is nothing wrong with the foreign media's attention to Owen of the Kede Consortium, but it is not enough to spread the fire to the country and hurt the Rong family.

What made Nalan even more unexpected was that when the news broke out, the Rong family seemed to be trying to prevent the development of the situation at first.But in the evening, the Rong family actually issued a statement, roughly meaning an apology for taking up public resources and causing unnecessary impact, and officially acknowledging that Rong Shengzu was indeed a special person. Here's to the fact that he's gay.

As for the "marriage contract" with the Lin family, the Rong family also formally "apologized" because they concealed Rong Shengzu's real situation and used the Lin family as a shield, and the Lin family was actually a victim!
From beginning to end, the whole incident was directed at the Rong family, and the media almost never pushed the Lin family into a position of too much attention, at most it just brought it up.

This kind of result was what Nalan wanted, and it was more satisfactory than she imagined.If this matter was led by her, even if she tried her best to plan, the result might not be so good.

But Mars easily gave her the result she wanted. She tried her best to find Rong Shengzu's weakness, and she thought that the information she collected was enough.

Unexpectedly, Nalan has never seen the evidence that the media is frantically broadcasting now.It is conceivable that Mars investigated everything about Rong Shengzu faster than her, because he knew what she wanted to do to Rong Shengzu.

Although Mars despicably used this to force her to stay by his side, he didn't really do anything excessive to her. Now he also helped her solve the things that bothered her. Go say thank you to him!

When Nalan knocked on the door of Mars' room, Mars actually guessed the purpose of her coming to him, but he deliberately teased:
"Fox demon, it will be very dangerous for you to knock on my door after dark."

Nalan gave him a cold look, as if she hadn't heard his lewd "hint".She came to thank you, so she didn't pretend to be pretentious or twitchy, and said directly:
"Thank you!" She knew he understood!

"You're welcome, even if you don't go get that bastard, I won't let him go!"

In fact, although Mars used Nalan to break off the marriage contract with Rong Shengzu, and then uttered bad words by the way, he forced her to come to him.But in fact, after he found out the fake relationship between Nalan and Rong Shengzu, Mars didn't intend to make Rong Shengzu feel better!
Nalan looked at Mars, she asked:
"You... have planned to meddle in your own business from the very beginning, why?"

According to him, he was going to fix Rong Shengzu. He didn't really want to use her to investigate Rong Shengzu to threaten her.

Hearing her ask why, Mars felt so uncomfortable, his confession to her couldn't be in vain!

However, Mars quickly showed another charming smile, and he said bluntly:
"Why else, of course because I love you!"

Nalan couldn't stop her heart from trembling again, she asked:
"I just don't understand why you look at such an ordinary me."

Because he is obviously too extraordinary, so it seems that she is very ordinary!
"Fox demon, no matter whether you are ordinary or noble, you are the one I set for you, and the one I set for you is the only one I can bully! I will never forgive anyone who dares to touch me!"

Although he didn't know that she was being bullied when he settled on her, that didn't affect his anger at the person who bullied her at all.

Nalan's heart trembled, he didn't know why, he looked at it with a joke on his face, but his words were full of possessive desire for her.

But...she didn't feel uncomfortable at all, instead she felt protected by him!

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