Lin Wanmian was still ill, and her mood was so ups and downs, her head became even more dizzy.

Murong Aoyang's repeated refusals made her unable to stabilize her emotions, she asked him with some shortness of breath:

"Why? You obviously love me!"

"Love" has never been said, but it has long been their tacit connection!None of them mentioned the word "love", but Lin Wanmian felt that not mentioning it proved that they were already deeply in love!
However, Murong Aoyang crushed her conclusion coldly and said:

"You're mistaken. I never said I love you. What's more, I didn't love you. At best, I liked you. Considering it's meaningless, I'm even fading my liking for you now."

"You're lying, I don't believe it!" Lin Wanmian tightened her pajamas, denying his words.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not. The important thing is... I won't come back if I have nothing to do in the future. Someone will send you away when the deadline is up."

As soon as Murong Aoyang finished speaking, he turned around but did not leave immediately, but turned his back to her and said:

"Remember, if you think you can arouse my pity for you by torturing yourself to death, then you are wrong. Don't try to threaten me with "death", because I know you will not do it yourself die."

This time, Murong Aoyang finished what he wanted to say, he knew that Lin Wanmian understood, and he also knew that she would be in pain, but he believed that after she calmed down, she would think more seriously about how to let her grow up.

After hearing his words, Lin Wanmian couldn't be called calm anymore, but her mood became worse. When she heard his leaving footsteps, she shouted at him:
"Your sister is dead, I'm alive! If possible, I would exchange my life for hers. But she is dead, and I cannot exchange her life. You can't take a The dead are used as an excuse...!"

"Lin Wanmian, shut up, you are not allowed to mention my sister, don't you damn well know that you are not qualified to mention her? When I mention her, I even hate you!

Murong Aoyang rushed in front of her and yelled angrily. His anger at her was not only because Lin Wanmian put "dead" on his sister, but more because her words reminded him that his sister was indeed Almost died because of Lin Piaoyu.

But what hurt him the most was that he fell in love with Lin Wanmian, but because of Lin Piaoyu, he couldn't love her!
This love that he couldn't have made him suppress the pain.Lin Wanmian's words imperceptibly forced his anger to erupt, and it was because she was damnably Lin Piaoyu's daughter that he couldn't love her without scruples.

Lin Wanmian was frightened by his anger, she was not surprised that he would be angry, but she did not expect him to be so violent.

It turned out that his sister was so supreme in his heart, and she couldn't even mention it, because she was not qualified!
Lin Wanmian was suddenly curious, if her life could be exchanged for her sister's life, what would he choose?

"Aoyang, if I can bring your sister back to life after I die, will you let me die?"

When she asked this question, Lin Wanmian was unusually calm. She wasn't threatening, let alone being hypocritical. She just wanted to know, was he willing to part with her life?

Murong Aoyang's anger subsided slightly, but he answered her question coldly:

"Yes! After all... this is the sin owed by your mother!"

No!No, if there is such a choice, he will definitely go crazy. How can he let her die?
Murong Aoyang's sincerity was covered up by the heartlessness in his mouth.This time, Lin Wanmian didn't have the confidence to say loudly that she didn't believe him anymore.

Compared with his precious sister, her life is of course much smaller!

Lin Wanmian, who calmed down unknowingly, suddenly felt heavy and tired all over.Beads of sweat kept coming out of her forehead on both sides, and her breathing became weaker and weaker. She felt that she couldn't hold it anymore...!
In a daze, her cold body was surrounded by a warm embrace... who gave her the warmth
Lin Wanmian expended too much energy, coupled with too much emotional ups and downs, her original not-so-serious condition became more serious.As a result, she had a persistent high fever and fell into a coma.

After the doctor added another shot of antipyretic medicine, Lin Wanmian gradually stabilized.But she was still moaning indistinctly.

At first, she would sweat profusely from the heat, and even when she was not awake, she would kick off the covers like a child.

Murong Aoyang, who did not leave, stayed by her side all the time, he wiped her sweat tirelessly, and checked her temperature from time to time to make sure she was feeling better.

After tossing for so long, it was already late at night before her high fever showed signs of subsiding.

Murong Aoyang put his hand on Lin Wanmian's forehead. Compared with the temperature of her hot hand at the beginning, it was much better now. He thought her fever had subsided.

However, after a while, Lin Wanmian suddenly began to tremble, and she curled up and moaned in pain.

Murong Aoyang knew at a glance that she had a fever again, but because the doctor had said in advance that this would happen repeatedly, he was not very worried.

It's just that Murong Aoyang couldn't help but feel sorry for her when he saw her so uncomfortable in a coma.

Because Lin Wanmian was cold, she instinctively grasped the silk quilt covering her body, and seemed to be muttering something in her mouth.

Murong Aoyang sat beside her, and by the warm-colored desk lamp, he stared at her intently.Hearing her groaning because of her discomfort, he was suddenly very annoyed and wanted to scold her severely.

She's damned uncomfortable like this, and he won't be able to go anywhere.

But he can only be with her when she is unconscious, he doesn't want to see her suffer like this at all!
"'t leave me...!"

Lin Wanmian's hoarse voice was not difficult to hear, Murong Aoyang sighed silently, he reached out to touch her face, but just caught the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Aoyang, I'm so cold...uh...cold!"

Following Lin Wanmian's pitiful call, Murong Aoyang's persistence collapsed, and he turned over and lay beside her, hugging her tightly in his arms.While stroking her hair, he whispered softly in her ear:
"Mian'er, don't feel bad anymore, sleep well, I will be with you!"

"Hmm... woo woo~ woo woo...!"

"Shh, I'm here, don't cry!" He kissed her forehead!

In her sleep, she didn't know if she sensed the voice she wanted to hear the most, but Lin Wanmian started to cry unconsciously, and tears flowed out of her closed eyes.

Murong Aoyang tried to wipe away all the tears for her, but he found that he couldn't finish, so he could only let her cry.

She can cry like this even when she is asleep, which shows how much grievance is buried in her heart.But all her grievances were given by him.

If it is said that Lin Piaoyu brought a lot of pain to their Murong family, then the damage he caused to Lin Wanmian may not be less!

From the first time she saw him, she either passed out or fell ill!And everything she suffered was because of his retaliatory attack on the Lin family.

Although in the process, he never expected that he would fall in love with her, maybe it was a wrong start when he fell in love with her!
Falling in love with her is uncontrollable, it's not a big mistake, but his mistake is that he shouldn't give Lin Wanmian a chance to fall in love with him too!
She was right, everything was his fault!It was he who gave her hope first, and it was not her fault that she grabbed the hope he gave her.

It was he himself who wanted to love but couldn't love her, and wanted to let go but held on to her tightly.Even now, he deluded himself into thinking that all the tenderness he gave her without her knowing it would have no effect.

But in fact, who else knows better than him that he loves her so much because he doesn't give up on her, he loves her so much!

Murong Aoyang is contradictory in his heart, all his "sobriety" is imposed on himself.

One of the main reasons why he sent Lin Wanmian away from City B was to make it convenient for him to see her anytime without any excuse.

The ridiculous thing is that this excuse is a joke, as long as he wants, he can reach her in less than two hours.

When Zhang Fu told him that Lin Wanmian made herself sick in the rain and refused to be treated, although he pretended to be calm, he flew directly to her by helicopter without hesitation.

Before she fell into a coma, his indifference and unfeeling feigned success, and his yelling at her was just right, he really... hurt her!
When she asked him if he would give her life for his sister's, he gave her an almost fatal answer.

She was hurt by him, and it was his purpose to make her give up on him.However, just seeing her so weak that he fainted could make his heart ache like this. I really don't know what would happen to him if something happened to her?
A painful sigh was clearly audible in the semi-dark room.

Murong Aoyang sighed, releasing the depression in his heart. After Lin Wanmian in his arms gradually stopped crying, she also "sighed" for a while, and then moved her whole body closer to a comfortable position. ...!
Perhaps it was Murong Aoyang's gentle pat that comforted Lin Wanmian in her sleep, she closed her eyes and smiled softly.

Time passed by like this minute by minute, but Murong Aoyang didn't close his eyes all night, not because he didn't want to fall asleep, but because he didn't feel sleepy at all.

The sky outside the window began to turn white, Murong Aoyang looked at Lin Wanmian's peaceful sleeping face, he wished that time would stop at this moment.He doesn't welcome Tianming's arrival, because he doesn't want to let go of the soft body in his arms!

But where is the time he can keep?When the refreshing morning light appeared, Murong Aoyang had to carefully let go of the sleeping woman.

From her steady breathing and normal body temperature, he knew that her fever had gone down.

She's fine, he... should leave too!
With the entanglement and pain that only he himself understands, Murong Aoyang kissed Lin Wanmian's forehead, then her closed eyes, then her straight nose, and finally her dry lips...!
The kiss he left on her lips lasted longer, and he even kissed her softly...!

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