Knowing that Lin Piaoyu had embezzled Lin's funds privately for many years, Mrs. Lin really felt helpless and sad.

If what Qiu Chengtong said is true, Mrs. Lin knows it very well.Lin's said it was not big, and it was not small, but there were quite a few shareholders, large and small.Lin Piaoyu's embezzlement of funds is equivalent to enriching his own pockets, and it is an act of deceiving and hurting shareholders.

Now the shareholders just don't file a lawsuit for the time being, but Lin Piaoyu's accusation of enriching his own pockets cannot be avoided, it's just that the liquidation has been postponed.

In fact, Mrs. Lin was right in thinking, Qiu Chengtong further confirmed for her:

"Sister-in-law, regarding the funds that Piaoyu embezzled privately, if she can repay the full amount back to Lin's account, I can persuade several major shareholders to give up suing Piaoyu. Originally, even if you didn't come to me, I also plan to go to you to clarify the situation and see if you can solve the trouble caused by Piaoyu. If not, I'm afraid that it won't be long before the shareholders won't give me any more face, and they will definitely file a lawsuit. "

Although Qiu Chengtong also complained to Lin Piaoyu, but after all, he still missed the friendship with the former president who passed away, so he still had to do some superficial work.

Especially when he saw Mrs. Lin sitting in front of him with the disabled Lin Wanmian, the two helpless women faced such great difficulties, it was unbearable to watch.

It's just that in business and business, he has worked hard for Lin's all his life, and he planned to do this as Lin's vice president until the end.But Lin Piaoyu caused such a big disaster by himself, how could he just watch the Lin family fall down like this?
Lin Wanmian understood what Qiu Chengtong wanted to express. Before Mrs. Lin could speak, she politely asked Qiu Chengtong:
"Uncle Chu, I'm sorry that my mother has caused so much trouble for the company and hurt everyone's interests. But I still want to rescue my mother selfishly. Therefore, I want to ask Uncle Chu for help. What else can I do to help my mother regain her freedom, or at least reduce the charges? In addition, I want to know, the funds that my mother embezzled...!" Lin Wanmian suddenly paused, but she Still mustered up the courage to ask:
"How much money does my mother need to repay Lin?"

Qiu Chengtong was surprised that Lin Wanmian would say such a thing, this illegitimate daughter of the Lin family whom he had only heard of but never seen before.I thought that the disabled woman was just a burden to the Lin family, but it seemed that she was not as weak and helpless as imagined.

However, Lin Wanmian, who seems very strong, might not be able to solve the crisis facing the Lin family with her tenacity.

With a sigh, Qiu Chengtong looked at Lin Wanmian, and then said to Mrs. Lin:
"Sister-in-law, up to now, I am also dissatisfied with you for saying that since it was determined that Lin's suppression was a deliberate act of the Murong Group, I have already inquired in various parties in private. In fact, Murong Group is not so much targeting Lin as it is Going for Piaoyu personally. Originally, Piaoyu's privately invested property in City A has begun to make profits, and Piaoyu is actually slowly repaying the funds she used from Lin's. Unfortunately, her plan, which could have been hidden from the world, was rejected by Murong. The group was destroyed in an instant. Not only is her investment in City A no longer profitable, but she has also become heavily in debt. The money owed to Lin's alone has exceeded 30 billion. If Piao Yu can't repay the money, then... Sigh! "

Qiu Chengtong's "Oh" already explained everything, Mrs. Lin's heart was throbbing with pain, and she suppressed the discomfort with a pale face.

She never thought that Lin Piaoyu would cause a disaster that was harder to deal with than the other.

30 billion!Before the Lin family got well, this figure wasn't a big deal, but since Lin's accident, most of the assets that the Lin family could use as mortgages have been used to fill Lin's financial loopholes.

Now the Lin family is worth more than that big house, so where does their Lin family have anything valuable.Even the shares held by the Lin family are like waste paper now, and if they want to exchange them for money, there is no guarantee that anyone will want them.Now that they have to spend 30 billion to repay the debt, it depends on the two of them, the old and the young, who can't do anything, where can they find 30 billion?

Lin Wanmian knew that the money Lin Piaoyu owed would not be a small amount, but she did not expect it to be such a large sum.She has lived a wealthy life since she was a child, and she doesn't know much about the concept of money.

But today, when she heard that her mother owed such a large sum of money, she was shocked.She couldn't react for a while, what is the concept of 30 billion!
After calming down her flustered heart, Lin Wanmian said calmly:

"Uncle Chu, then, if we pay back the 30 billion, my mother's crime can be mitigated?"

"Of course, as long as the shareholders don't sue, things will be much simpler. However, it may be difficult for your mother to be free, because the Murong Group doesn't intend to make your mother's life easy. I didn't just sit and watch Lin's collapse during this time, After running around to find out, I found out that the Murong Group seems to have no intention of forcing Lin’s to close down. Otherwise, with their strength, Lin’s would have closed down a long time ago. They specifically found out your mother’s fault and deliberately enlarged it. Obviously, they intend to destroy it. Get rid of your mother. But since your Lin family still holds 40.00% of Lin's shares, these shares will still be in your hands for a day, and the Murong Group will not make Lin's life easier."

"It means that as long as our Lin family gives up the dominance over the Lin family, the Murong Group will not touch the Lin family anymore?"

"That's what it means in theory." Qiu Chengtong nodded!

Forcing the Lin family to lose the Lin family, Lin Wanmian was not surprised that Murong Aoyang would have such a plan, and making the Lin family lose everything was his punishment for her mother.

Ever since she knew about the existence of the Murong Group, she had deliberately tried to understand the Murong Group.The outside world said that the Murong family had good intentions and developed themselves, but never suppressed others. Everyone in the business world rushed to cooperate with them.

Such a consortium with such a good reputation suddenly ordered to mop up a half-sized Lin family, which shows that the Murong Group has a reason to do so.

Therefore, the outside world hardly asks right and wrong, and unanimously blames Lin's fault.

In fact, Lin Piaoyu was the only one who was at fault, but no one knew that the purpose of the Murong Group's attack in the first place was to destroy the entire Lin family.

Now hearing Qiu Chengtong's words, Lin Wanmian guessed that Murong Aoyang should have changed his strategy.He comes from a big family with benevolence and righteousness, and he is in charge of a business empire. No one knows better than him that a group is not supported by one person, but composed of thousands of employees.

That day, she spent just three hours with him, although her self-esteem was greatly hurt because of him.But for some reason, she could feel that he was not such a person who disregarded black and white and hurt innocent people.He hurt her mercilessly verbally, but it was because Lin Piaoyu was her mother.

But if he really only targets her mother now, then Lin can still be saved, which is a good thing for all Lin's employees, at least they can keep their jobs.

After thinking about it, Lin Wanmian had a decision in mind, so she said:

"Uncle Qiu, I can promise on behalf of my mother that our Lin family can give up the dominance over the Lin family. As for the 30 billion, we will find a way to pay it back as soon as possible. In this way, our Lin family will not drag the Lin family down again. However, regarding tax evasion Regarding the issue of tax evasion, I want to see the chief financial officer, I...!"

"If you want to meet with the chief financial officer to understand the problem of tax evasion, you don't need to waste time. Although there are not all things that our Lin company has done imperfectly. But it is not enough to say that it constitutes a serious tax evasion problem. The main reason why your mother was detained is that a company called "Hangmeng" in City B sued your mother for stealing commercial secrets. They provided sufficient evidence to prove that your mother maliciously misappropriated their commercial secrets As for Lin's tax evasion, as long as there are lawyers who are willing to help your mother, it will not be a big problem at all. But now there are no lawyers who are willing to help your mother. I believe you all know why!"

When Qiu Chengtong said this, he suddenly thought of another question, and then said to Lin Wanmian:

"In addition, you just mentioned that you have to repay the 30 billion. But as far as I know, your Lin family has no assets to mortgage or sell, right? You are like this...!"

Qiu Chengtong didn't finish his sentence, he didn't intend to ridicule, but all the assets of the Lin family have been seized and seized to pay off the debt.The rest of them, the old and the young, have no ability to solve the 30 billion debts?

Mrs. Lin also guessed what Qiu Chengtong meant, and she said with force:
"How much is the Lin family's mansion worth? I still have some jewelry and a little deposit. I can make up some money. If it's not enough... let's figure out a way."

"But the Lin family mansion has been listed as seized assets from the very beginning, and now the Lin family mansion should no longer belong to your Lin family."

Qiu Chengtong was puzzled. It stands to reason that when Lin Piaoyu was imprisoned, the most valuable mansion of the Lin family would also be seized to pay off debts.

"What?" Mrs. Lin was dizzy for a while, but she was puzzled again: "But our house is still fine, no one has come to seal it up, and no one has notified us that our house will be sealed up."

"This...Impossible, it's no secret that all the assets of your Lin family have been seized. I thought you had already moved out of the Lin family's mansion." Qiu Chengtong was really a little confused now, the Lin family hadn't been seized yet!
Lin Wanmian listened, her eyebrows slightly raised, she remembered that Lin Piaoyu wanted her to go abroad with Mrs. Lin.

If the Lin family mansion was to be seized, it would not be difficult to understand why her mother insisted on her going abroad with her grandmother.Perhaps her mother had known for a long time that the Lin family would be in danger, so she and her grandma had to be arranged to go abroad in order to prevent them from being displaced.

But why so far, the Lin family's mansion is in good condition, and it doesn't look like it will be seized at all.

Or, it's not that they won't be seized, but it's just that they haven't come to seize them yet?

Lin Wanmian vaguely felt that things were getting more and more beyond her understanding, and the Lin family should have lost everything now.But she can not be greedy for anything at this time, she only insisted on one point and said:
"Uncle Chu, we can still think of a way to deal with the money. But before Mom is convicted, is there any way that Uncle Chu can teach you to reduce your mother's charges as much as possible?"

"This... I have an idea, but I'm afraid you may misunderstand!" Qiu Chengtong hesitated to speak!

"Old Qiu, the worst has happened so far. If you have anything to say, just say it!" Mrs. Lin looked at Qiu Chengtong calmly!
Qiu Chengtong thought about it for a while, and said, "Sister-in-law, I don't know where your Lin family offended the Murong family. But with all due respect, if you want to alleviate the Murong family's blow against Piaoyu, your Lin family may not be suitable to hold Lin's shares. Only Your Lin family is far away from the Lin family, so the Lin family has a greater chance to come back to life, and the Murong family will not be able to kill Piao Yu."

When Qiu Chengtong said this, Mrs. Lin already understood that if she wanted to save Lin Piaoyu, the Lin family had to give up the Lin family on their own initiative, and their Lin family was now a stumbling block to the Lin family.

The current reputation of the Lin family has been ruined, plus the Murong family's goal of losing the Lin family, if they are determined not to quit the Lin family, who will have market confidence in the Lin family?
Mrs. Lin thought that the country her husband had built so hard would soon be forced to change hands, she was not only reluctant, but also heartbroken!

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