Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 98 How Can You Forget Them

"Zeyan, Liuli, come down to eat!"

Downstairs, He Yun called them.

She had a lot of work today and made a big table of delicious food.

Last time, she also quietly observed Liuli to see which dish she ate more, so she specially made her favorite dish again.

The rest are also what Zeyan likes to eat.

Master Chu and Mrs. Chu were waiting for Zeyan and Liuli to come down.

When Liuli saw Mrs. Chu and Master Chu, she felt different now.

They were not like this in her memory, they were young and handsome in her memory.

At that time, she felt that her parents were a perfect match, and they were both very good-looking. No matter where she went, people would think that Master Chu and Mrs. Chu were her brothers and sisters.

However, seeing that they are not a little bit old now, He Yun and Chu Feng's white hairs are all exposed.

Liuli saw that neither Gu Qing nor Jiancheng's parents had so many gray hairs.

Moreover, they should be about the same age as Li Cheng's parents, because Li Cheng is about the same age as her.

But why is it that it looks much older than the founding parents.

They must have been worried these days when she was gone.

They were worrying about her every day, looking forward to her return, but she actually forgot everything.

Seeing them, she can only blame herself now.

"Come and eat!"

Mrs. Chu pulled Liuli and Zeyan to their seats and sat down.

Liuli saw that the table was full of Zeyan's favorite food, and there were some dishes that she ate because of the proximity when she came last time.

She thought maybe because she had been eating, Mrs. Chu thought she liked it, but in fact it was just because the food was closer to her.

However, she was still moved by He Yun's kindness.

When he was a child, every time Zeyan came, He Yun would cook these dishes he liked.

Liuli didn't expect that she would think of everything, including what Zeyan liked to eat and what she didn't like to eat.

"Eat quickly, why don't you eat?"

Seeing Liuli's preoccupied look, Mrs. Chu asked.

Liuli looked up at He Yun, and He Yun saw Liuli's eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

"What's the matter, did you cry?"

He Yun asked with concern, and Chu Feng also looked at Liuli after hearing this.

"Zeyan, what's going on? Did you bully Liuli?"

"I do not have……"

Zeyan explained.

"That is how the matter?"

Chu Feng asked.

Even though Zeyan had a mouth, he couldn't tell, and he wasn't someone who would make others cry.

This matter can only be waited for Liuli to speak, whether she admits it or not, the decision is in her own hands, and Zeyan also respects her decision.

"I just... want to eat fried glutinous rice balls..."

Liuli said and tears fell again.

He Yun and Chu Feng were both stunned when they heard the name of fried glutinous rice balls.

At that time, Siyun's favorite food was Siyun's favorite food. Siyun has always loved sweet food.

After Si Yun left, He Yun never cooked this dish again.

"Son, what do you want to eat?"

He Yun thought she had heard wrong and asked, she had an illusion that Liuli was Si Yun.

But maybe she just likes Siyun and likes to eat fried glutinous rice balls like Siyun, so she can only comfort herself in this way.

The same goes for Chu Feng.

"Mom... I want to eat your fried glutinous rice balls..."

Liu Li hugged He Yun and said.

She felt how warm He Yun's embrace was at the moment, and when Liuli called her, He Yun's tears fell out all at once.

When Chu Feng heard Liuli calling He Yun's mother, he was stunned at first, then his eyes were moist, and he quickly wiped away his tears secretly.

"What did you call me?"

He Yun felt like a dream, seeing Ze Yan's eyes, she believed that Si Yun really came back.

"Mom, I'm sorry... I actually forgot about you..."

"Are you Siyun? My Siyun is back?"

He Yun held Liuli's face, trying to see Liuli's appearance carefully through tears.

"I'm back...Dad...I'm sorry..."

Liuli looked at Chu Feng again and apologized.

Chu Feng didn't want her to see him cry, so he turned his back, and Liu Li felt even more distressed when he saw him.

"We are sorry for you..."

Chu Feng choked up and said, his eyes were red.

Zeyan has never seen Mrs. Chu and Master Chu shed tears, even if they are helpless, they still look forward to Siyun's return.

But none of them shed tears in front of him, maybe they were like him, only crying secretly at night.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry... For so many years, you have been looking for me, but I forgot you..."

All Liu Li could think of was self-blame, how could she forget them?
The more Liuli blamed herself, the more she cried.

"My daughter is finally back, thank God, we finally waited for you back..."

He Yun couldn't cry a long time ago, and hugged Liuli again, she really wanted to keep holding her like this, not letting go for a moment.

Chu Feng also came to hug He Yun and Liu Li, and he also thanked God that Si Yun really came back.

Zeyan looked at them from the side, his eyes were already red.

Chu Feng also pulled Zeyan over and hugged him. In Chu Feng's heart, the four of them are a family.

But he is also very guilty towards Zeyan, because Siyun married someone else, and he has been waiting for her for so many years.

"You've grown up so much...let's take a good look at you..."

He Yun really wanted to keep looking at Liuli, she was afraid that she would disappear again.

"But why are you so old..."

Liuli really couldn't control her emotions, how much they had been waiting for her to come back all these years.

It was her who made them age a lot. From the day when Si Yun was found out to when Si Yun was nowhere to be found, He Yun and Chu Feng became old all of a sudden.

They don't care that they are getting old, as long as Si Yun can come back, they don't care.

"You have grown up, how can we not be old?"

He Yun laughed.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry..."

"Silly boy, don't say sorry, thank you for coming back."

Chu Feng said.

"Okay, eat quickly! I'm going to make fried glutinous rice balls for you!"

He Yun was happy again, she hadn't been this happy for a long time.

"No, next time, I'm hungry and want to eat first."

Liuli didn't want He Yun to be so tired, so she went to make fried glutinous rice balls for her.

"Okay, then eat first, don't be hungry."

He Yun pulled Liuli to sit beside her.

"it is good."

Ryu nodded.

"Brother Zeyan, you should eat more, these are your favorite foods, I remember them all."

Liuli said to Zeyan, seeing Zeyan's red eyes, she felt inexplicably guilty.

Why did she forget him?Her previous world was only occupied by Zeyan, a boy.

When she heard that she and Zeyan had made a baby kiss, she was so happy.

Although she didn't know much at that time, she only knew that she wanted to be with Zeyan and grow up together.

"Remember now?"

Zeyan teased.

"I just forgot accidentally, but I remember it now, don't be angry with me, you have to forgive me."

Liuli's tone of voice to Zeyan was still the same as when she was a child.

He Yun and Chu Feng laughed when they saw it, as if they saw how they looked when they were two children. Now this family is considered complete.

Fortunately, they didn't give up. Zeyan's firmness also made them more determined.

"I've never been angry with you, how can I forgive you?"

As Zeyan spoke seriously, Liuli's tears welled up in her eyes again.

"Shen Zeyan, can you stop making me cry?"

"You're a crybaby." Zeyan smiled, wiping away her tears, "Hurry up and eat."

"Okay, Mom, the food you cook is still delicious, and the taste has never changed."

"I'll make it for you every day from now on."

He Yun laughed.

"I don't want you to do it every day, it's too tiring."

"Not tired at all, Siyun, why don't you come back and stay for two days?"

"Okay, let me talk to Gu Yan."

Zeyan and Chu Fengheyun felt even more uncomfortable when they heard the name Gu Yan.

Especially Zeyan, and Mrs. Chu and Master Chu also considered Zeyan's feelings, Zeyan would definitely not feel comfortable.

When Liuli said that, she subconsciously glanced at Zeyan, but he didn't show any expression.

It was as if she hadn't heard anything, so Liuli was relieved.

"Let's eat, let's eat!" He Yun said, "After eating, let's have a good chat."


Ryu nodded.

"Zeyan, why don't you go back later today?"

Chu Feng asked Zeyan that he wanted Zeyan and Liuli to spend more time together, but whether Liuli would choose him was up to Liuli herself.

Even if Gu Yi treats Liuli well, they just think Liuli likes it, but they will always feel guilty about Zeyan.

After waiting for Si Yun for so many years, but seeing her with someone else, this feeling can be imagined.

"I'll go back after dinner."

Zeyan replied.

Although he didn't show that he was unhappy, he didn't know how sad he was.

The person he loves is still with someone else.

He now feels that eating anything is bitter, even drinking water is bitter.

"Don't you want to stay a little longer?" He Yun asked, "Si Yun is back today, let's have a good chat."

"I have something to do tonight."

Zeyan answered very simply, He Yun and Chu Feng both knew why, but Liuli didn't.

Just when he was about to tell Gu Yi that he would not go back at night, Gu Yi called.

"When will you be back? I'll pick you up."

"I'm now, I won't go back tonight, you go to bed early."

Liuli didn't know how to explain clearly to Gu Yi on the phone.

She suddenly told him that she was Siyun, and she was still on the phone, which was unbelievable.

She thinks it's better to talk about this kind of thing back then.

"I'll pick you up."

Gu Yi's tone of voice was full of irresistibility.

How could he let Liuli not return overnight?Still with a man?
She, Chu Liuli, just doesn't take him seriously?
"I'm not going back today. I can't explain it clearly to you on the phone. You don't have to worry about me."

Liuli heard Gu Yan's bad tone, so she took the phone aside to answer it.

"Why don't you come back?"

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