Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 96 You Can Always Trust Me

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go and prepare first, and make delicious food for you!"

Mrs. Chu pulled Liuli and Zeyan to sit on the sofa before going to work.

Chu Feng was left out in the cold, but he also felt happy.

When Mrs. Chu felt that she was holding Zeyan with one hand and Liuli with the other, it felt like she held Siyun with one hand and Zeyan with the other many years ago.

Memories flooded her mind again, how she thought that Liuli was Siyun, how she wanted to see her daughter again.

"Liuli, how is it at the Gu family?"

Chu Feng asked Liuli.

It's not that he has never heard of what kind of person Gu Yi is. He naturally feels it's a pity to see such a good girl as Liuli marrying Gu Yi.

Moreover, it can be seen that Zeyan likes Liuli, but he can't let it go because of Siyun, and also because Liuli is married.

In all these years, Zeyan has never brought any girl to Chu's house to let them know each other.

He has never made friends, and Zeyan has always been alone, acting alone.

Master Chu and Mrs. Chu looked distressed, but they couldn't open Zeyan's knot.

And the only person who makes Gu Di feel less cruel than the rumors is that he has actually been looking for Si Yun's whereabouts for so many years.

"I'm fine."

Liuli replied that she didn't understand why Chu Feng would ask such a question.

After thinking about it, the relationship between the two of them is not good, and what Gu Di looks like in the eyes of outsiders, it is normal to ask this kind of question.

"Gu Yi, how are you doing?"

Chu Feng asked more directly. He just doesn't like to beat around the bush when he speaks. This is what he wants to ask.

"He is very good to me. He is not as bad as others say. I came to Zeyan, and he knows it."

Liuli explained.

When Zeyan heard her explaining to Gu Yan, his heart sank severely.

Chu Feng was also thinking that he could agree with his wife to be with someone like an enemy.

And Zeyan kidnapped Liuli last time, so Gu Yan can really be so relieved that Liuli came to Zeyan?
Chu Feng only felt that Gu Yan didn't have Liuli in his heart, otherwise he wouldn't even care about her safety.

Zeyan wanted to attack Gu Di so many times, how could Gu Di not know that now he could send his wife to them.

Moreover, Gu Di also chose to save Fengwei at that time, which shows that he does not love Liuli.

But what Liuli said was very serious, so there is a possibility that Gu Yi rescued Fengwei to show them.

In fact, it was to protect Liuli, both of which were possible, but seeing Liuli's appearance, he was sure of Gu Yi from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Yi didn't want Liuli to get close to Zeyan from the beginning, he always felt that Zeyan had malicious intentions, and he was afraid that something would happen to Liuli.

But Liuli believed in Zeyan, she regarded Zeyan as a friend, and Gu Yan could not object.

Last time Zeyan actually kidnapped Liuli, but Liuli still chose to keep in touch with Zeyan.

He really didn't understand what Liuli was thinking.

No matter how Zeyan treats her, will she still treat her as a friend?
Even Yu Kezihan, Bai Xu and the others couldn't figure it out.

Only established, he thinks that Zeyan is not that kind of person, nor does he think that Zeyan really kidnapped Liuli.

Otherwise, he would be the first to oppose Liuli and Zeyan being friends.

Gu Yi has nothing to do with Liuli, he can only let her come to see Zeyan, as long as it is what Liuli wants to do, even if he feels uncomfortable, he will still follow her.

He didn't understand why Zeyan had to get close to Liuli. After such a long time, he also knew that Zeyan had never been in love with others.

There are no friends around, but why is it different for Liuli now.

If Zeyan likes Liuli, then he can rest assured, because it is impossible for Zeyan to lay hands on someone he likes.

If Zeyan doesn't like Liuli, it's for him, and Liuli will be in danger at any time.

He promised Liuli to see Zeyan, but it was only on impulse, he couldn't help being annoyed when Liuli wanted to see Zeyan so much.

So he agreed to Liuli to see Zeyan, now that he was alone in the car, he was already anxiously waiting.

"Do you know the relationship between Zeyan's Chu family and Gu's family?"

Chu Feng continued to ask, the Shen family and the Gu family, the Chu family and the Gu family, in Luohai, are well-known enemies.

"I know."

"Then you still dare to associate with us, are you not afraid of what we will do?"

Zeyan also wanted to know the answer to Chu Feng's question.

"I'm not afraid, because Brother Zeyan and you are not like that."

Liuli laughed.

When Chu Feng heard Liuli calling Zeyan brother, it was like hearing Siyun always following Zeyan calling Zeyan brother when he was a child.

Except for Siyun, he had never heard anyone call Zeyan like that.

"Do you believe that?"

Zeyan asked.

"Of course I believe it. As long as it's you, I'll believe it. What I said sounds unreliable, but it's true, and I don't know why."

Lucy also expressed her feelings.

She believed in Zeyan unconditionally. The last time she was kidnapped, she just wanted her to see Gu Yan's choice clearly.

She knew that he wanted to pull her out, but she had already chosen Gu Yi, so there was no way for her to come out.

"You can always trust me."

Zeyan looked at her.

"Well, I will."

To Zeyan, she felt that he was like a big brother. Although he was only three years older than her, he was not as mature as someone his age.

Maybe he didn't even have a rebellious period, and he wasn't willful, just like her.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Chu Feng smiled silently. He thought that if Liuli was not married, it would be great if she could be with Zeyan.

Even if Si Yun came back and saw the two of them together, she would definitely be happy for the two of them.

However, Liuli and Zeyan had no fate, the more Chu Feng thought about it, the more he felt sorry for Zeyan.

I always feel that Zeyan is still alone now because of a baby kiss.

"Brother Zeyan, uncle, I want to apologize to you on behalf of the Gu family, I'm sorry."

Liuli got up and bowed to Zeyan and Chu Feng.

   Now that she is married to the Gu family, she is a member of the Gu family. For those mistakes, she also wants to apologize for Gu Qing.

She also wanted to improve the relationship between the Shen family, the Chu family and the Gu family, at least they were no longer enemies.

Because the thing has already happened, no matter how much you hate it, it is useless, and Si Yun will not come back.

"Son, don't do this."

Chu Feng also got up quickly and said, Zeyan also stood up.

"Master Gu didn't do it on purpose. He didn't know that things would turn out like this. He also looked for Si Yun."

Liuli still bowed and said.

"Don't be like this, let's have a good chat."

Zeyan said.

"Before he passed away, he came to apologize to us. He should know that he has no time."

Chu Feng sighed and helped Liuli up.

"Did he come to apologize?"

Liuli asked, Zeyan and Chu Feng felt a little uncomfortable when they heard her calling Gu Qing her father.

"Yes." Chu Feng replied, "The things in the past are in the past. What we want is an apology from him. Over the years, we have never seen Chu Feng except for the few times Gu Di came here. Pass."

It was not easy for Mrs. Chu and Master Chu to wait for Gu Qing's apology.

"So do you forgive him now?"

"It doesn't matter if we didn't forgive before, it's useless to mention it now, child, don't mention it."

Chu Feng sighed.

"Okay, I won't mention it, uncle, I hope you will always be happy."

"Then you and Zeyan come here often, and your aunt and I are happy."

Chu Feng smiled, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened, Liuli didn't know why, but looked at it with a little distress.

"it is good."

Liuli agreed.

"Brother Zeyan, can I go to Siyun's room again?"

Liuli asked Zeyan again.

She didn't bring the bracelet and longevity lock, so she couldn't confirm if she was Si Yun.

She wanted to see the candied haws and crystal balls in Ke Siyun's room again.

She never forgot about Si Yun's room, as if she was the owner of the room.

She shouldn't have forgotten it.

"it is good."

Zeyan replied.

"Take Liuli, I'll call you when the meal is ready."

Chu Feng said.

"Okay, uncle."

Zeyan nodded.

Siyun's room will be cleaned regularly by servants every time, and everything is well preserved.

Chu Feng hopes that Liuli is Siyun, but this house has not changed at all, just to wait for Siyun to come back.

Everything is still the same, but if Liuli is Siyun, how can she not remember?

He Yun and Chu Feng waited for Si Yun for 14 years, and they didn't know how to live each day.

They knew that Zeyan was just like them, every minute and every second was suffering.

Waiting for someone who can't come back, they want to accept the fact that Siyun might not be in this world anymore, but whenever Zeyan is so determined, they don't want to give up.

Zeyan's firmness made them feel that they would definitely be able to wait for Siyun to come back.

Except for Mrs. Chu, Master Chu, Zeyan, and the cleaning servants, no one has ever visited Si Yun's room.

They took good care of Siyun's room, and everything was well taken care of.

"Brother Zeyan, have you ever thought that Si Yun might not come back?"

Liuli didn't want to mention these things that made Zeyan uncomfortable, but she still asked.

If Siyun is still in this world, if there is no accident, how could there be no news for so many years.

She didn't want Zeyan to wait needlessly. If there was no expectation, the disappointment would not be so great.

No matter how much he waits like this, if Si Yun is gone, it will be of no use at all.


Zeyan answered very simply.

He never thought that Si Yun was gone, and he didn't allow himself to have such a thought.

He firmly believed that Siyun would come back, so he would wait.

There is no news about Si Yun, neither good nor bad, so he can only wait.

"If Siyun knows that you have waited for her for so long, she will definitely be moved and thank you."

Liuli felt that if she was Siyun, she would definitely be moved.

Others are already very moved, not to mention myself.

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