Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 80 I Love You More

"Aunt Lin, he is also assured of you, and he will leave Gu Yan to you with peace of mind."

Liuli said to Aunt Lin.

"I want to thank you. Without you, Gu Di would have received even less love. Thank you for being by his side for so many years."

"He is like my own child. It is also a kind of happiness for me to watch him grow up."

Aunt Lin wiped her tears as she spoke, and Liuli felt very uncomfortable after seeing it.

"I'm going to prepare meals. I'm getting sad because I'm old."

Aunt Lin smiled.

"Aunt Lin, thank you."

"Young Madam, it is really my blessing to meet you."

"Meeting you is also our blessing."

"Young Madam, it's very kind of you."

"Aunt Lin, tell me if you have anything in the future, and I will help if I can."

"Okay, young lady, I'll prepare meals, and I'll cook what you and the young master like to eat."

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Lin."


As soon as Aunt Lin left, the kitten's voice appeared again.

Liuli followed the kitten's voice to find it, and saw the kitten in the corner.

The kitten huddled in the corner, meowing.

"What's the matter, kitten?"

Liuli picked up the kitten and asked.


The kitten fluttered into Liuli's arms and howled.

"Hey, are you hungry?"

Lucy asked softly.


The kitten barked again, as if answering Liuli's question.

"Why are you running here again?"

Ruitian searched for a long time before finding the appearance of the kitten.

When the kitten heard Ruitian's voice, it ran down from Liuli's arms and jumped into Ruitian's arms.

As soon as Liuli saw Ruitian, she wanted to leave.

"Sister Liuli, I really don't know about that."

Rui Tian said.

She avoided him because she didn't want to recall it again, and now he made her recall it again.

"The past is the past, don't mention it, okay?"

Liuli turned around and replied.

Just saw Ruitian's eyes, clean and clear.

He said he didn't know, so why wouldn't she believe it?
It's just that she doesn't want to remember, not at all.

"Okay, I won't mention it in the future."

Rui Tian agreed.

"Just, can you stop avoiding me and ignore me?"

Liuli doesn't understand why he would say this kind of question. Maybe he just came to Gu's house and felt insecure, and then something like this happened again.

Lucy can only think so.

"It's better for the two of us to avoid it, I don't want Gu Yan to misunderstand."

Liuli explained that she avoided him not only because she didn't want to remember, but also because she didn't want Gu Yi to see him and misunderstand him.

"Okay, can you forgive me then?"

"I said, the matter is over, don't mention it, just pretend nothing happened."

"I see."

Ruitian replied, hearing what Liuli said, the light in his eyes dimmed a bit.

Gu Yi just woke up and went downstairs, when he saw Liuli and Ruitian talking.

His face sank instantly.

"Sister Liuli, I like you."

When Ruitian saw Gu Yan approaching, he hugged Liuli and said.

"Don't do this, let me go."

Liuli wanted to push him away, but she couldn't.

Gu Yi went over and pulled Ruitian away, and punched Ruitian hard on the face.

Ruitian fell to the ground, and the kitten meowed in fright.

The corner of Ruitian's mouth was just a faint smile, even though it was bleeding.

But angering Gu Yan seemed to be exactly what he wanted.

It was another punch, and Gu Yi hit it hard.

Liuli held him back, and Gu Yan looked so angry that even she felt terrible.

"You let go."

Gu Yi said coldly to Liuli that she was holding him back from beating Ruitian, and his anger grew even heavier.

"It's no use hitting him..."

Liuli looked at Gu Yan, and saw that his eyes were full of coldness.

"Chu Liuli, don't pull me."

"Don't do this, I'm afraid..."

Lucy hugged him and said.

Seeing Liuli taking the initiative to hug Gu Yan, Ruitian felt very uncomfortable.

The cold smile was also put away.

Only then did Gu Di realize that she might lose her temper, and she would really be afraid.

No one dared to approach him when he was not losing his temper, let alone now.


Gu Yi apologized to her.

He would really apologize to her, and she hugged him even tighter.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and go."

Seeing this scene, Aunt Lin panicked.

Although Ruitian was beaten, Aunt Lin let Ruitian go.

Aunt Lin couldn't understand Ruitian. She clearly told him how many times she would not let him appear in front of Gu Di, but she just refused to listen.

It can only be asking for trouble. Now, Gu Yi has kept him for the sake of her old face. If he messes with him again, it's no wonder he doesn't drive him out.

Rui Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, sneered, got up and prepared to leave.

"Aunt Lin, I don't want to see him again tomorrow."

Gu Yan said coldly.

Aunt Lin was not surprised at all, he was kind enough to tolerate Ruitian staying in Gu's house for a while.

I don't know what Ruitian did to make Gu Yi angry, but in short, it was Ruitian who appeared in front of Gu Yi again, and it seemed that Ruitian was with Liuli again.

Otherwise, how could Gu Yi hit someone?Aunt Lin knew about Gu Di's bad temper.

But Aunt Lin has never seen Gu Yi beat someone up, so there is no need for Gu Yi to do this kind of thing himself.

"Okay, master, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Aunt Lin replied.

"We should go back."

Ruitian heard it as if he didn't hear it, and he still said it to the frightened kitten.

The kitten jumped into his arms and meowed again, as if it felt sorry for Rui Tian.

Rui Tian stroked the kitten's head, and left lightly.

"It's my fault. I just heard the sound of a cat meowing, so I came to have a look. That's why I met him. You have to believe me."

Liuli explained that she didn't want to have any misunderstanding with Gu Yan.

"I never doubted you."

Gu Yi replied.

He didn't suspect her, he just saw Ruitian hugging her, he just wanted to drive Ruitian out.

He was able to tolerate him and let him stay in the Gu family, all because of Aunt Lin's face.

On the contrary, what happened to him and Liuli, if it wasn't for Aunt Lin's taking care of him for so many years, he really didn't know what he would do to Ruitian.

However, Rui Tian cannot be entirely blamed for that incident, it is possible that he was also framed by someone.

However, the most inappropriate thing is that he hugged Liuli just now, and Gu Yan heard what he said about liking her.

"That's good. Don't be angry in the future. I'm really scared."

Liuli looked up at Gu Yan.

"Okay, I won't be angry anymore, I'm sorry to scare you."

"It's me who should say sorry. I shouldn't be so curious. You have to know that you are the only one in my heart, and everyone can accept it."

He couldn't help laughing at her serious expression when she spoke.

Is she confessing to him?
"why are you laughing?"

Liuli asked back.

"I just think you're cute."

The smile in the corner of Gu Yan's eyes deepened.

"You are cute too, I like it very much."

Lucy kissed his face.

"I like you more..."

Gu Yan said and kissed her lips.

"Okay, it's time to eat."

Liuli pushed him away, but he didn't want to let go of her waist.

"I do not want to eat."

"Then what do you want to do?"

Liuli asked, he hasn't eaten well these days, so he has to eat.

She worried that his body would not take it.

"I want to eat you..."

After Gu Yan finished speaking, Liuli's face turned red.

 "I don't want it!" 
Liuli pushed him away and ran to the dining table to sit down, not daring to look at him.

She also knew that her face must be very red.

Gu Yan sat next to her, but she turned her face away.

"What's wrong? Angry?"

He patted her head and asked softly.


"Then look at me."

Gu Yan brought his face closer to her.

"I do not want to see you."

"Why don't you want to see me? Are you not afraid that I will be sad when I hear it?"

"Am I kidding?"

 Liuli threw herself into his arms and said.

"This kind of joke is not allowed, I will be angry."

"Didn't you just say that you won't be angry with me?"

Liuli said dissatisfiedly, what he said a second ago, is he going back on his word?
"I'm not joking."

Gu Yan laughed.

"This kind of joke is not allowed, I will be angry."

She mimicked his tone.

"I'm angry, I'll just coax you."

He saw her imitate the way he spoke, and thought she was even cuter.

"Isn't it good to coax?"

"I can't coax you well, so I'll just keep coaxing them. I have plenty of time. At worst, I'll just coax you for the rest of my life. I don't believe that I can't coax you well?"

"I like you so much, I can't bear to be angry with you, and I can't bear to let you coax me all the time."

"But, I like you more."

"No, I like you more."

Liuli shook her head.

"Ma'am, you are right."

Gu Yan laughed.

Liuli realized that he called her Madam.

It's a bit formal, and a bit gross, but she likes him calling her that.

Liuli couldn't help but kissed him on the cheek again.

Just as he was about to kiss her, she ran away.

"There's something I want to tell you."

"what's up?"

He was a little dissatisfied that he didn't kiss her, and he wasn't listening to what she had to say.

"Let's finish eating in a while, let's go to the house where Dad lives and see if there is anything to clean up."

Liuli said cautiously that she was afraid that he would be in a bad mood again.


Gu Yi responded.

"Okay, then let's eat first."

Seeing that she had finished speaking, Gu Yi kissed her, never wanting to leave her lips.

"Okay, eat."

She gently pushed him away, and the servants were watching as they came and went.

She didn't want to just be seen making love between him and her at the dinner table.

 "After dinner, do you still want to kiss me?"

"Eat first, let's talk after eating."

"Then I don't want it, I don't want to eat it."

"I can't stop eating. See how thin you have become in the past few days?"

"Then will you let me kiss?"

It was only now that Liuli figured it out, he just wanted her to kiss him.

But she also thinks that he is quite cute, so indifferent Gu Shao, she would actually find him cute.

It's really weird.

"Look at your performance, eat more, and let you kiss."

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