Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 7 Don't Leave Me

The two chatted and forgot the time.

It was only after entering the classroom that Gu Die had already left.

"This person left without saying a word." Liuli thought, "He doesn't need to tell me, does he?"

She didn't care about Gu Yi, she was just worried about being established.

She hasn't seen him all day, is he still angry?


"Miss Liuli, you are here! Master and Madam look forward to your coming every day!" As soon as he arrived at the door, Uncle Li rushed out to greet her when he saw her.

"Uncle Li, is Established at home?"

"here I am!"

"Liuli! You're here!" A woman in a cheongsam and high heels shouted cordially when she saw her.

"Hello Auntie!"

"Come and sit!" The woman took her hand and pulled her to sit on the sofa.

"Liuli, come here more often if you have time, if you don't come, I won't have anyone to chat with!"

Although Mrs. Cheng lives the life of a nobleman every day, she also has her own circle. In the afternoon, she finds some noble ladies to drink afternoon tea and chat with each other.

But her favorite is Chu Liuli! .

Seeing her was like meeting my own daughter.

"Auntie, I will come to chat with you next time I have time!"

"Okay, okay! No words are not allowed!"


"Fulfillment! Look who is here!" The woman said to the man who had just returned.

The man looked like he had just returned home from work.

"Hello Uncle!" she shouted sweetly.

"Liuli, you're here, your aunt is talking about you every day!"

"Didn't uncle miss me?" She asked back.

The man laughed out loud.

"Of course I do!"

"Liuli, have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten, auntie, don't worry about it." She replied, "Auntie, why didn't I see Jiancheng when I went to school today? Didn't he go?"

"His child has been in a bad mood since he came back yesterday, as if he had eaten explosives." A worried expression appeared on the woman's face.

"Liu Li, why did you marry Gu Yan, the young master of the Gu family?" The man sat aside and couldn't help asking.

She didn't speak.

"Maybe the establishment is in a bad mood because of this." The woman said, "If you have any difficulties, just tell us, we have always treated you like our own child."

"Yes, Liuli, did the Gu family threaten you?" the man also said.

"No, I voluntarily."

"Uncles and aunts also respect your own choice, but that Gu family is a big fire pit!" the woman said earnestly.

"Liuli, if they force you, just tell uncle, uncle will seek justice for you."

"No one forced me, it was my own decision, uncles and aunts, you have done enough for me..."

While she was talking, a boy in white short-sleeved came downstairs.


He heard her calling him, but ignored her.

She glanced at Cheng Cheng's parents, and then at Cheng Cheng who walked out the door.

"Go, child!" The woman patted her on the back.


"Established!" She chased it out.

But he didn't stop.

"Established!" She continued to shout, stopping in front of her.

The two of them had no idea that there was a car behind them, and it was Gu Yan who was sitting in the car.

"Chengli, are you still angry with me?" She said to Chengcheng in a coaxing tone.

"Don't be angry, okay?" Seeing Cheng Cheng, she said with a cold face, "Why don't you scold me, or hit me!"

She said and closed her eyes, ready for him to hit her.

Chu Liuli is the cold goddess of Luohai Academy, and Gu Yan has heard such words more or less.

But I didn't expect that she would coax this man like a child.

The haze on Gu Di's face became more and more cloudy.

"Liu Li."

Established just hugged her.

When Gu Di saw this scene, the steering wheel in his hand was about to be crushed.

"Aren't you angry?" Liuli asked softly.

"I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with myself, why did I marry Gu Yi, why didn't I stop you."


"Liuli, the Gu family is a pit of fire, do you know that?"

"Gu Di is very nice. I am now the young wife of the Gu family. No one will do anything to me."

"Liu Li, I really regret that I didn't go with you that day, but let you go with them alone, which is why they forced you to sign..."

It took him a long time to let her go.

"I know, you believed me, so you let me go, and no one forced me." She explained, touching his head with her hand.

"Okay, set up, since you're not angry anymore, then I can leave with peace of mind!" Liuli laughed.

"Liuli, if their Gu family treats you badly in the future, you must tell me!" Cheng Cheng said, "Promise me, okay?"

"Okay! With you here, I'm not afraid of anything!"

"I send you."

As soon as Li Cheng finished speaking, a car drove over and parked next to them.

"Don't bother you, someone will pick her up." The person in the car said.

She saw that the person in the car was Gu Yi, and she didn't know when he came, so she must have seen it all, right?
It's okay to see it, Cheng Cheng is just her good friend, and besides, he, Gu Yan, doesn't love her.

"Gu Yan, if you dare to treat Liuli badly in the future, I will never forgive you!"

Liuli hurriedly pushed him back.

"He dare not! Go back quickly!"

She's saying he doesn't dare?

After pushing the establishment into the house, she got into the car in a panic.

Only to find that the door wouldn't open.

"Sit in front."

"Want me to be the co-pilot?" She thought to herself, saw his impatient face, and got into the car right away.

Let him wait a little longer, and she will have nothing good to eat. Fortunately, she reacted quickly.

"How do you know I'm here?" she asked.

He didn't answer, and she didn't continue to ask.

As soon as she was in the car, she wanted to sleep, and it was night again, and she fell asleep after closing her eyes.

This woman has a really big heart. She was hugging another man just now, and she didn't even explain to him, but fell asleep instead.

He was very angry, but he still drove very slowly along the way, even picking her up gently, for fear of waking her up.

He put her on the bed carefully, he Gu Yan, he has never treated others so carefully before!
As soon as she was put on the bed, she grabbed her hand and kept yelling "Grandma."

"Don't go, don't leave me!" He wanted to let go of her hand, but he held her hand even tighter.

"Grandma, don't leave me, you will be fine..."

She, Chu Liuli, was not afraid of anything, but what she was most afraid of was that grandma would leave her.

Afraid of waking her up, he simply sat by the bed and accompanied her, and couldn't help but move his eyes to her face.

This woman's quiet appearance is really quite comfortable to look at.

"Master, a young lady is here." Aunt Lin said to Gu Yi directly when she saw that the door was open.

Fortunately, she was not woken up, he was so frightened that his face was sweating.

He slowly opened her hand, and did not forget to cover her with a quilt when he left.

He was also very puzzled about his actions. Was he caring about her?

It was also the first time for Aunt Lin to see the young master treat others like this.

She was sleeping comfortably, but woke up hungry.

In the evening, she hadn't eaten yet. When her aunt asked about it, she was afraid to bother them, so she directly said that she had eaten.

But by this point, she was starving.

She didn't know where to find food, and she didn't see Gu Yan either.

At this point, everyone should be asleep, and only the dim lights downstairs are still on.

In a blink of an eye, she saw a room with a light on, and she thought it should be Gu Yi.

"What is he doing so late?"

She walked over with curiosity.

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