Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 67 Let's Divorce

At this moment, Gu Yan lost all energy.

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

Liuli replied.

Zihan silently pulled Yu Ke to Gu Qing's side, and the three of them hid in the room for Liuli and Gu Di to have a good chat.

"Can you forgive me?"

"I have nothing to forgive you. You just made your own choice. You are not wrong."

"Liu Li..."

"Let's get a divorce." Liuli looked at Gu Yan, "You and Fengwei were supposed to be together, I just married you out of nowhere."

Gu Yan hugged her, but was pushed away by her.

"Get a divorce..."

"Don't mention the divorce, okay?"

"I don't want to say any more. I will pay off what I owe Gu's family, but the two of us are not suitable."

"I won't get a divorce."

"You don't love me, why won't you let me go?"

He took her into his arms again.

"Don't go, don't leave me..."

"You let go."

She couldn't push him away no matter how hard she pushed.

"The thing I regret the most is marrying you."

Liuli said coldly.

She was just impulsive and wanted to save grandma, so she agreed to him.

If you go to find him, then things won't be like this. It's better to owe him than to owe Gu's family.

But it's too late to say anything now.

"Divorce, please."

She really wanted to leave, she couldn't understand why he didn't let her go since he had already chosen Fengwei.

"We signed the agreement, three months, and it hasn't arrived yet."

For three months, she didn't want to wait a day.

The sooner he let her go, the sooner she could take her heart back from him, otherwise she would only sink deeper and deeper.

Her rationality tells her that she cannot love someone who doesn't love herself.

"Three months is too long."

She doesn't want to stay for three months?

Gu Yi only felt that her heart was a little cold, but he chose Feng Wei, which would really make her feel knotted.

"You can leave if you want." Gu Yan let go of her, "Leave me a child, and you can leave."

But now she doesn't want to give birth to her at all, no matter how forced she is.

She is willing to leave to give birth to a child for someone who doesn't love her?She left, what about the child?
She is also thinking about children now. She didn't have any concept of children before, but if she has children, she must be responsible for them.

Moreover, after giving birth to a child, it is impossible to give it to the Gu family, and the child will become her bondage.

"I don't want to have a baby with you, Gu Yan, please let me go."

"Chu Liuli, I won't let you leave."

"Then I'm dead."

There was no light in Liuli's eyes when she spoke.

"I will accompany you when you die."

Gu Yi looked at Liuli with determination in his eyes.

He originally took a gamble to save Fengwei, but now he has won the bet, Liuli is fine, and Zeyan will not do anything to Liuli again.

Just let Zeyan know that he doesn't love her.

If he didn't win the bet, he would regret it for the rest of his life, but instead of regretting it, he might as well be with her.

Maybe, in another place, he can also be with Liuli.

Liuli's plan was immediately blocked by Gu Yan's words, how could she let him die?
After all, she loves him.

"Why haven't the two of them agreed yet?"

Zihan opened the door and stuck his head out to look.

"What do you see, let them talk about it."

Yu Kedao.

Gu Qing was sitting beside her, with a distressed expression on her face, her stomach aching.

"Cough cough cough-"

Zihan heard Gu Qing coughing and looked over quickly.

"Uncle, what's the matter?"

"I'm fine..."

Gu Qing felt a little weak when he spoke.

"Cough cough cough-"

Gu Qing's cough became more and more severe, so Zihan patted his back to make him feel better.

"Coughing up blood, what's going on, so serious?"

Yu Ke saw Gu Qing's handkerchief covering his mouth and the blood on the corner of his mouth.

Zihan saw that Gu Qing's face was pale without a trace of rosiness.

"Uncle, what do you think, let's go to the hospital."

"No need, I...cough cough cough..."

"No, it's all like this. It must not be a day or two. Have you been hiding it from us? Go, go to the hospital."

"Need not……"

He naturally knew about Gu Qing's body, and he clearly realized at this moment that he was about to die.

"Cousin, come and see Uncle!"

Zihan opened the door and shouted, there is no time for Gu Liuli and Gu Die to talk about it.

Gu Qing wanted to pull Zihan, but couldn't reach it, and fell to the ground all of a sudden, unable to get up.

Seeing that Gu Yan and Liu Li hurried over, Yu Ke had already helped Gu Qing up.

"Dad, are you alright?"

Liuli asked.

"I'm fine..."

Gu Qing replied, coughing up a bunch of blood again.

"Why is it so serious..."

Liuli really didn't expect it to be so serious all of a sudden. Although Gu Qing said he had cancer before, he didn't see anything different from normal people.

But from today's point of view, his cough did not happen in a day or two, and his condition worsened a lot, but he kept pretending to be fine.

"Go to the hospital."

Gu Yi decided to go to the hospital without even thinking about it. In the end, he still cared about Gu Qing. He really didn't know what to do if something happened to Gu Qing.

"I dont go……"

Gu Qing was afraid of going to the hospital, so he couldn't hide anything about him.

"Dad, we have to go, let's take a look and come back, okay?"

Liuli said.

"I just want you to go alone..."

Only Liuli knew about Gu Qing's situation, and Gu Qing had only told Liuli that he only wanted Liuli to accompany him.

"Okay, uncle, we'll take you off. We won't go to the hospital, okay?"

Gu Qing nodded with difficulty, still covering his stomach with his hands.

Gu Yan asked him to nod his head in agreement, and immediately picked him up. With Gu Qing like this, walking is very difficult.

Gu Yi was driving the car, Zihan was sitting in the passenger seat, and Yu Ke and Liuli were behind taking care of Gu Qing.

Gu Qing didn't know what was wrong, he coughed so badly all of a sudden, he would cough up blood when it was severe before, but this time he felt that he couldn't hold it any longer.

I just feel that the eyelids are heavy, and I want to open them but I can't.

"Dad, you can't sleep, we will be there in a while, please hold on for a while."

Liuli was afraid that Gu Qing would not wake up after falling asleep.

"Okay, I won't sleep..."

Gu Di was not in the mood to drive at all, he was only worried about Gu Qing's situation now.

When he arrived at the hospital, Gu Qing was still carried in by Gu Yan. Gu Qing didn't want him to go in, he couldn't walk at all.

Outside the operating room, Yu Ke, Zi Han, Liu Li and Gu Yan were all waiting outside.

Gu Yan slammed his fist heavily on the wall. He was annoyed why Gu Qing was so ill, but he, the son, didn't know anything.

Both Yu Ke and Zihan were taken aback, Liuli just glanced at Gu Yan's flushed hand, now she could only worry about what happened to Gu Qing.

It was the first time in her memory that she called Dad, and it was Gu Qing. Gu Qing was indifferent and selfish in the outside world, but in her eyes he was kind.

He really acts as a father figure in her world.

It took a long time before the lights in the operating room went out, and Liuli's palms were sweaty. She was afraid that when the lights in the operating room went out, her grandma would leave too.

"Doctor, how are you?"

Zihan saw the doctor came out and ran to ask.

"I'm sorry, we tried our best, Mr. Gu has terminal cancer, we can't save him."

"Advanced cancer……"

Zihan couldn't figure it out, Gu Qing looked fine, why did he have advanced cancer?

With the same answer again, Liuli's heart sank like when grandma left.

Gu Yi punched the wall again, blood oozing from his hand.

"Cousin, don't be like this..."

But Gu Yi didn't listen to her persuasion at all, and slammed his fist on the wall so hard that Zihan and Yu Ke didn't dare to make a sound.

Liuli went into the operating room by herself, ignoring Gu Yan.

She understood his mood, and he needed to vent, but there was nothing she could do.

All she can do is to send Gu Qing off with Gu Yan for the last time.

"Cousin, go in, and look at uncle..."

Zihan took Gu Di's hand and led him into the operating room.

When he entered the hospital, Gu Qing couldn't walk, so he carried him in on his back, but now, his legs seem to be unable to move.

If Zihan hadn't held him, he might have fallen down immediately.

For so many years, he hated Gu Qing, but he stopped hating him a long time ago. The reason why he did this was for him, and he didn't want to keep hating him.

After so many days, he moved here to live with them, and suddenly got used to the life with him, but suddenly changed...

Liuli just sat quietly by the bed. Although Yu Ke was a little scared, she had never seen such a scene, but she still sat beside Liuli to accompany her.

Now Gu Di's mind is full of what the doctor said was terminal cancer. Why did Gu Qing refuse to tell him that even though he had terminal cancer, he just felt that he was such an unqualified son.

He always treated him coldly, and over the years, he only called him dad a few times.

He didn't realize that, Dad, he could never say this word again, and this person disappeared from his world ever since.

Disappeared completely.

Zihan only started to change her view of Gu Qing in the past few days. She used to be afraid of Gu Qing, but after getting along with her these past few days, she felt that Gu Qing was not so strict and unapproachable.

It may be because he knows that his time is running out, and he wants to get along well with them and stay by Gu Yan's side. Otherwise, with his temperament, how could he move here to live with them.

Zihan pulled Gu Yi to sit on the edge of the bed, Gu Yi looked at Gu Qing's face, and felt that this face was so strange, so strange.

He felt very blocked in his heart. He had a lot of things that he didn't say to him, and he didn't do what a son should do.

It was already too late to regret it, if Gu Qing hadn't moved here to live for a while, he would have regretted it even more.

If Liuli hadn't told him to call him dad, maybe he wouldn't call him dad again until he died.

Zihan only shed tears silently by the side, seeing Gu Qing lying here alone like this, she felt uncomfortable.

This morning Zihan dragged Gu Qing and Yu Ke to hide in the room to make room for Liuli and Gu Yan.

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