Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 41 Where were you when she fainted?

Zihan's heart instantly turned cold.

What made her feel even colder was that instead of helping her, Cheng Cheng used his hands to shield Liu Li from the rain.

Seeing Liuli rushing into the rain, Cheng Cheng's first reaction was to protect her from the rain.

She can't get in the rain, not to mention the rain is a bit heavy.

It wasn't that he didn't go to help Zihan, but that Zihan had already been lifted up by Liuli.

At this moment, the red on Zihan's face has faded, leaving only a cold gray.

"You go in!"

Cheng Cheng's face was covered with rain, even though his hands couldn't cover much of the rain, he still stubbornly blocked her head.

Liuli looked at his rain-covered face, the more she wanted to see it, the more she couldn't see clearly.

A figure fell in the gloom, and another figure rushed into the rain again.

Seeing Liuli falling down, Zeyan rushed over without hesitation.

"Hurry to the hospital."

It was Jiancheng's anxious voice, Zeyan hurriedly carried Liuli into the car, and Chengcheng sat in the back row of the car to take care of her.

Zihan was alone in the rain in a daze.

"Come up!"

Bai Xu pulled her back into the store.

"What happened to Liuli?" Zihan asked.

"How would I know?"

All Bai Xu thought about now was whether he should tell Gu Di that Liuli fainted, but it was Zeyan who took her to the hospital.

"An accident happened to Liuli. I'm on my way to the hospital now. I don't know which hospital I'm in."

Before he could decide whether to call Gu Di, he heard Zihan call him.

"Are you crazy? The hospital Shen Zeyan sent Liuli to, what if the two of them run into each other again!"

As soon as Zihan hung up, Bai Xu said to her, but the call had already been made.

"Is that person Shen Zeyan?"

"You didn't recognize it, did you?"

She really didn't recognize it. She was a little drunk and her head was blurred. It's a miracle that she persisted until now.

"I am drunk."

"You still know you're drunk, but you look quite sober!"

She vomited everything she drank and ate just now, but her head was still dazed.

"I have a headache."

"Go in first, I'll ask someone to make you a hangover soup, and the pain will stop in a while."

"it is good."

As soon as he entered the private room, Zihan fell asleep on the sofa.

Bai Xu still sent someone to make her hangover soup.

When it rained, Gu Yan panicked. Grandma said that Liuli would get sick when it rained, and she was afraid of thunder.

During the thunderstorm, he didn't know where his heart went.

She hurried back home, but Aunt Lin said she hadn't been back.

He sent someone to look for it, and even wanted to call Jiancheng to ask him if Liuli was with him.

Fortunately, Zihan's call came, and soon he sent someone to find the hospital where Liuli was.

"Doctor, how is she?"

set up to ask.

"She just has a simple fever. It will be fine when the fever subsides. She is weak and has been exposed to rain, but there is nothing else. Don't worry too much."

The doctor replied, only then he breathed a sigh of relief.

So is Zeyan.

Cheng Cheng regretted being angry with Liuli just now, he had never been angry with Liuli before, but these two times, it was all because of Zihan.

Not long after the doctor left, Gu Yan came.

"get out."

When Gu Yi saw Zeyan, he wanted him to go.

"This is not the Gu family's hospital. No matter how powerful you are, you can't drive people away, right?"

Zeyan said coldly.

"She is my wife, she should be taken care of by me when she is sick, but what are you?"

"Then where were you when she fainted?"

When Zeyan asked, Gu Yan had nothing to say.

He actually wanted to thank Zeyan and Chengcheng for sending Liuli to the hospital, but he couldn't say that, especially to Zeyan.

"Isn't Liuli what you should be concerned about now?"

Establish a rhetorical question.

When Zeyan drove her to the hospital, he ran through several red lights at the risk.

He could tell that he cared about Liuli.

At least he cares more than Gu Yi.

As soon as Gu Di came in, he didn't check Liuli's condition, but directly noticed Zeyan first, which made him very unhappy.

As soon as Gu Yi saw Zeyan and Liuli together, he inexplicably felt that Zeyan approached Liuli with ill intentions.

He was afraid of what Zeyan would do to Liuli in order to get revenge on him.

"I'll leave Liuli to your care. I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Ze Yan got up and said to Cheng Cheng.

Zeyan was relieved when he heard from the doctor that she just had a simple fever.

If he stays any longer, maybe he will fight Gu Yan again.

"Call me when she's ready. This is my business card with my contact information on it."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

What I like is Zeyan's attitude towards things, just like a big brother.

Indeed, Zeyan is three years older than Liuli and Jiancheng.

Gu Yan sat on the edge of the bed and held her hand.

Cheng Cheng didn't even want to read it, so he just took out his mobile phone and wrote down Zeyan's contact information and his name.

If he didn't think Gu Yan was unreliable, he wouldn't want to stay with him.

"Thank you."

Gu Yan took a long time before opening his mouth.

"You don't need to thank me, just thank Shen Zeyan! If you care about Liuli half as much as he does, then I won't be staying here."

Gu Yi only felt that there was something in his words. Is he saying that he doesn't care about her?
He sent so many people just to find her, and when it rained, he reflexively thought of her.

Do these count as caring for her?

"Dad, Mom, brother Zeyan..."

Liuli didn't know what was shouting.

"Liu Li, I'm here."

Seeing her furrowed brows and tiny beads of sweat on her forehead, Gu Yan responded, wanting to give her a sense of security.

"Dad, Mom..."

He heard her calling for parents, and he also ran over to listen.

"Brother Zeyan..."

When they heard her calling Zeyan, Jiancheng and Gu Yan were both stunned.

What Jiang Cheng thought was that this guy was not calling Gu Yi but Ze Yan. Could it be that he has Ze Yan in his heart and does not have Gu Yi?
He was still a little happy for Zeyan, but he didn't know how Liuli and Zeyan knew him!

And Gu Yan's heart was stabbed severely by her cry.

He couldn't help thinking, what is the relationship between her and Shen Zeyan?
When she was abandoned in the parking lot, when it was raining heavily and thundering, when she was hungry and couldn't eat, and when she was thirsty and had no water to drink, she wondered why her parents and Brother Zeyan hadn't found her yet.

She knew they would definitely look for her, but why haven't they come yet.

She listened to the thunder, accompanied by the night, and gradually became a little scared alone.

No one passed by, and everything around was gloomy and desolate.

She imagined all the beautiful pictures, wanted to get out of this dark night, and imagined the time when she and Zeyan held hands in the rain and listened to the sound of thunder.

But no matter how much she imagined, she couldn't imagine any good things.

Everything melted into the night, and her fear and helplessness turned into the sound of rain and thunder.

How much she wanted to see her parents and Zeyan, but she couldn't.

"Dad, Mom, brother Zeyan..."

Liuli was still shouting.

Gu Di's heart sank for a moment.

When she opened her eyes, she felt that her heart was too uncomfortable, and she felt empty again.

It was as if something had slipped from her heart.

She didn't want to let go, but couldn't hold it.

"how do you feel?"

Seeing that she was awake, Cheng Cheng asked softly.

She just frowned and didn't speak.

There was still an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, which made her unable to breathe.

"If you don't want to say it, then don't say it."

Establishing is like coaxing the tone of a child.

She nodded.

Liuli felt her hand being held by someone, and when she saw that it was Gu Ye, she took it away.

"Where's Zihan?"

"She has Bai Xu watching."

Established casually.

"Don't be angry, I think she really likes it, so I helped her." Liuli explained, "And she drank so much, it's all because of you, what did you say to stimulate her today?"

She drank so much because of him?
"Okay, Liuli, you are weak, don't talk too much."

Gu Yi is like an air man at this moment.

"Zihan is a good girl, you should cherish her."


Cheng Cheng had no choice but to promise her that she was sick, and he didn't want her to worry about these things anymore.

Gu Yan reached out and touched her forehead, and the fever subsided.

"Since you are his husband, you should take good care of her. She will feel uncomfortable when it rains, so be careful not to get caught in the rain."

Established to explain.

"I know."

Gu Yi replied coldly.

Liuli was thinking why did she tell him this?The person he loves the most is not her.

"Established, I feel better and I want to be discharged."

"Then I'll ask the doctor."


"Want to go home?"

Gu Yi asked Liuli after he saw Cheng Cheng left.

"I have a home?"

Gu Yi felt a little uncomfortable listening to her words. Could it be that she has never regarded the Gu family as her own home?

Yes, it was his home, but he wanted it to be hers too.

"Liuli, I didn't control my emotions well today, I'm sorry, but I..."

He doesn't know why, but when it comes to Si Yun, his mood changes a lot.

"Liuli, the doctor said that you can be discharged from the hospital, just rest at home!"

Establishment rushed in and said, interrupting Gu Yan's words at once.

Establishment also felt this awkward atmosphere, and instantly wanted to become a transparent person.

Gu Yi's eyes almost wanted to kill him, to swallow him alive, it was scary.

"it is good."

Liuli got up and set up to help her up.

"I don't need your help, I'm fine!"

Liuli laughed, feeling much better.

"Okay, do it yourself!"

Liuli didn't want to go back home, but she had nowhere to go except the Gu family.

When they returned to Gu's house, it was already dark.

Aunt Lin prepared a meal early and waited for them.

Before Gu Yi came back, he called her and told her to make soup for Liuli.

She didn't talk to him much because she didn't know what to say to him.

The appetite is not very good, but the body is just a little better, and she needs to eat something.

She didn't eat fast at all today, Gu Yan had finished eating, but she hadn't finished yet.

Probably because I am not in the mood to eat.

After waking up from the hospital, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable, always feeling like she had a long dream.

She always felt that she had forgotten something, important people, and important things.

But how to think but can't remember.

She hated this feeling, and felt empty.

But Gu Yan just waited for her silently and accompanied her.

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