Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 11 Little Angel

Darkness gradually enveloped the whole world, and the stars in the sky twinkled.

The light emitted from a Nuoda villa is a bit dazzling.

There was a room in the villa where a man in his forties was talking to another boy in his twenties.

"Zeyan, what's the matter?" The man was in his forties, but his hair was all gray.

"Uncle, don't worry, everything is ready." The boy replied, touching the ring on his finger.

"How's the woman investigating?"

"She was just someone Gu Yi randomly found. Within two days of their marriage, Gu Yi brought another woman home. That woman is not important to him."

"Is that so? Keep an eye on them, as long as you know which woman Gu Yan cares about, find someone to do that woman!" The man said, with hatred mixed in his words, "Let him taste what it feels like to lose everything!"

"Uncle, I will definitely let their Gu family be punished as they should."

This man in his forties is Chu Feng, the chairman of the Chu Group. His only daughter was lost by someone sent by the Gu family 14 years ago.

He lost his daughter for 14 years, and he and Mrs. Chu have been looking for it for 14 years.

But all these years, there is no news of her daughter.

His hair is also white.

So he hated the Gu family, hated all of them, and when he saw Gu Yan, he thought of his daughter.

Gu Yan is one year older than her daughter, if she is still alive, she will grow up like him day by day.

So he didn't want to see Gu Yan, it was the Gu family that caused him to lose his daughter.

He sent people to assassinate Gu Yan many times over the years, but they all let him get away.

He also wanted Master Gu to taste what it was like to lose a child. After all, the culprit of this tragedy was Master Gu, Gu Qing!
In fact, it's not Gu Yi's fault. Gu Yi and Si Yun met by accident and became good friends.

That year, she was six years old and he was seven years old.

But when they were enjoying the shade under the tree as usual, two men came and dragged Si Yun away.

He picked up the stone and threw it at the two men.

At such a young age, he is not afraid, and only thinks about saving Siyun.

"Let me go!" Siyun struggled, but she was too small, and her strength was no match for the strength of the two men.

Seeing that Si Yun was about to be taken away, Gu Qing appeared at this moment.

"Father, help Siyun!" the boy begged, but Gu Qing didn't even look at him.

"How many times have I warned you not to get too close to girls! If you don't listen, then I have to do it! Take her away!"

Hearing Gu Qing's words, the two men ignored the struggling girl, covered her mouth, and wanted to take her into the car.

The boy was startled. It turned out that this person was brought by his father, but why?

Why can't he play with girls?Siyun is his best friend! !He wants to protect her!
"Father, please let Si Yun go! I will listen to you, and I will never get close to girls from now on!" He cried and begged him.

Seeing that Siyun was about to be stuffed into the car, he rushed over, but was knocked out by the man.

The girl was taken away like this.

Originally, Gu Qing just wanted to scare the boy, so he got two men to act and pretended to take the girl away, but didn't let them do anything to her.

Instead, he wanted to find a place for the girl to settle down, and left a large sum of money for the girl.

Of course, he didn't know that this girl was a young lady of the Chu family.

Gu Qing also liked this girl quite a bit, but he would never let his son be so close to other girls no matter what.

He didn't want his son to follow the path he had walked. Although he was only seven years old, he was born as the young master of the Gu family and was destined to take on the heavy responsibility of the Gu family.

When he was young, he was abandoned by Gu Yan's mother, and ran away with other men, and took all the money from his business with him.

Not only that, she also sold their wedding house, leaving only Gu Yi who was still a baby.

She said the child would be a burden to her.

When Gu Qing was accepting all this, he didn't want to live several times.

Betrayed by someone he loves so much, only he knows what it feels like.

But when he saw Gu Yan, he regained hope. This is his child, and he must raise him up, and he must not let him go the way he walked.

That's why he didn't let Gu Yan get close to other girls. After he was betrayed, he no longer believed in women!
He will never let his son be like him!
In his opinion, women will betray others sooner or later, no matter how much you love her, she will! !

He found those two people just to force Gu Yan.

He just planned to send the girl out of Luohai City.

Unexpectedly, those two money-loving men put all the money he gave the girl to settle in their own pockets.

Just throw the girl away casually, and go back to share the spoils.

Siyun was just thrown in the corner of the dilapidated parking lot by them.

For two days and two nights, her hands and feet were bound, and her mouth was covered with tape. There was no way of escape.

After two days of heavy rain, she fainted from the cold.

Since then she has been afraid of the dark.

A faltering elderly man who happened to pass by the parking lot while picking up scraps saw her.

At this time, she had a high fever and was unconscious.

Without hesitation, the old man sent her to the hospital directly. Although she had very little money, he still extended a helping hand to this strange little girl.

Sudden fever, coupled with two days of not eating or drinking, her physique became very weak, and she remained in a coma.

The old man finally waited until she woke up, but the girl didn't remember anything.

I don't remember my name, I don't remember my parents.

"Grandma..." But the moment she saw the old man, she called out.

The old man thought it was an arrangement from heaven, and seeing her alone, he sent her, a little angel, here.

"Hey! Hey!" Grandma heard her shout, and hurriedly responded, her eyes filled with tears.

The girl's eyes are not only the old man, but also tears.

Therefore, the old man regarded this girl as his own granddaughter.

There is a necklace on her neck with the word "Chu" engraved on it, and a bracelet made of colored glaze on her hand, so the old man named her Chu Liuli.

These should all be related to the girl's life experience, and they are also important items for the girl, so the old man put away the necklace and bracelet.

Put it in a box, and put a letter in it too.

The girl made a living by picking up trash with the old man, but she lived happily.

The old man thought she would accompany the girl to find her family.

But it never occurred to me that I had Alzheimer's disease.

Gradually forget everything.

But only the girl was not forgotten.

The place they live in is shabby.

The Chu family also visited the Gu family many times. Gu Qing didn't expect things to turn out like this, but since he took this wrong path, he just went to the end.

He told Chu Feng that the girl was no longer in Luohai City, and he didn't know the details.

Indeed, he didn't know either.

The Chu family did not catch the Gu family's handle, there was no evidence, and with the Gu family's power, there was nothing they could do about the Gu family.

As long as there is a girl who has a little relationship with Gu Yan, he will find someone to settle abroad and never come back.

Most of these girls are lucky, because the Gu family will give them a lot of money, which is enough for ordinary people to spend a few lifetimes.

It was claimed that these girls were dealt with by Master Gu, including Chu Siyun.

From then on, Gu Yan began to hate him, and also hated himself for not protecting the person he wanted to protect.

The thing about Si Yun has always been his demon.

Gu Yi had no choice, he hated him, but he was still his father.

So he disguised himself as a playboy.

Seeing that he didn't care about anyone, Gu Qing didn't care about him any more.

After that, no other girls were troubled by Gu Qing.

Because he took care of what needed to be done, and sent them to other places with money. If he didn't do this, Gu Qing would intervene. He felt that this father had no warmth in his heart and could do everything. come out.

Spreading the news to the outside world also said that those girls were dealt with.

That's why he got the title of ruthless playboy.

And Mr. Gu is more ruthless than Gu Yi in other people's mouths.

The Chu family has been looking for it for so many years, but they have not looked for Luohai city carefully, because Gu Qing said that even if Chu Siyun is still alive, it is impossible for him to be in Luohai.

Gu Qing has been looking for this girl all these years. The whereabouts of the girl he killed is unknown, and her life and death are uncertain. He is not such a cold-blooded and heartless person.

He's just protecting his son in his own way, even though it's wrong.

Gu Qing couldn't imagine to what extent those two men loved money to send girls abroad?How can it be? !
The cost of going abroad is enough for them to be chic for a while.

The girl has always been in Luohai City!

Even if they look for it in Luohai City, they may not be able to find it, because if the current Si Yun is brought in front of them, it is unlikely that they will recognize it.

Who would have guessed that the disheveled, disheveled, ragged, emaciated girl was the lady they were looking for?
Although the old man suffered for himself, he did not suffer for the girl. She was willing to buy food and clothing for her, using her only savings.

He also sent her to school to study. The old man didn't read many books and didn't know how to write too many words, but she knew that school was a good place.

So, she took all the money she spent picking up junk for so many years to go to school for her.

The girl cried and begged the old man, saying that she didn't want to go to school.

The old man knew that it wasn't that she didn't want to go to school, but that she didn't want to watch grandma pick up trash by herself so that she could go to school.

She can't hold back the old man, the old man's health is not good, she can't make her angry.

So, she would pick up tatters with her grandma every time after school, and she would wear worn-out clothes on Saturdays and Sundays, and better clothes were only worn at school.

Of course, she was often ridiculed by her classmates, laughing at her as a sloppy little beggar.

She doesn't care what others say, she just wants to be by the old man's side, as long as she is by her side, she is happy.

Fortunately, she met Cheng, who often took her home for dinner, just to let her eat something good.

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