Young Master Gu's Heavenly Wife

Chapter 108 She Waits, She Can See Him Again

"say something."

Liuli looked at Gu Yan, she just wanted to hear his explanation.

Gu Di didn't know what to say, Zihan was in a hurry.

"Cousin, talk!"

It's not that he doesn't want to say or explain, but he doesn't know anything, and he doesn't know where to start to explain.

Jiancheng pulled Zihan over and motioned her to stop talking.

The matter between Gu Yi and Liuli is for the two of them to resolve and decide on their own.

He wanted Liuli to divorce Gu Yi, but Liuli's decision was up to her.


Gu Yi opened his mouth and said.

Liuli didn't want to hear his apology, he just wanted to hear what was going on.

Even if he said that he was drunk and didn't know anything, that's why such a thing happened, she would believe it.

But when he apologized to her, she felt that he really abandoned her because of Fengwei.

"Let's go back."

Seeing Liuli's disappointed expression, Zeyan said.

He saw Liuli's discomfort, but he felt even more uncomfortable.

Because Liuli is suffering for other men.

"it is good."

Liuli agreed, Zeyan held Liuli's hand, and Liuli did not refuse.

She was supposed to be married to Zeyan in the first place. If there hadn't been that accident, if she hadn't met Gu Yan, she wouldn't have had such a thing happen.

Since Gu Yan has nothing to say, she has nothing to say.

Seeing Zeyan and Liuli holding hands so naturally, Zihan and Chengli were stunned.

Gu Yan felt that something had stabbed him hard in his heart.

Zihan and Jiancheng also knew that Liuli was just doing it for anger.

But Zihan felt uncomfortable seeing Gu Die's uncomfortable appearance.

It's not that Liuli didn't think about it, Gu Yan really didn't know anything, because when she slept with Ruitian, she didn't know anything either.

However, she doesn't blame him, even if he really slept with another woman, she doesn't blame him.

Because he didn't care, how could she care if she had a relationship with Rui Tian.

She wanted to believe him, but when so many things piled up, she couldn't believe it anymore.

She is not sure about his feelings for Fengwei.

She always thought that Gu Yan had her in his heart, but now, she was really not sure.

It's okay for Gu Yi to misunderstand her with other women, but she just can't figure it out, why is it always so beautiful?

Regarding these matters, Feng Wei is always indispensable, so does he really have no other thoughts about Feng Wei?

Liuli didn't want to think about it anymore, it was useless to think about anything, the more she thought about it, the more upset she became.

Liuli and Zeyan got into the car, Gu Yan just watched, but couldn't pull Liuli back.

"Cousin, don't just apologize, you have to explain to her, don't say nothing."

Seeing that the car was driving far away, Zihan became even more anxious.

"What else can I do but apologize?"

Gu Yi asked back, and went in.

Zihan was really angry, wasn't she still worried about him, why did he still talk to her in such a tone.

Zihan felt that his kindness was really treated as a donkey's liver and lungs.

 "No matter how much you worry about it, it's useless if people don't appreciate it." 
Set up said to Zihan.

   "Who told him to be my cousin? If he wasn't my cousin, do you think I should ignore him?!" 
Zihan said angrily.

"Come on in and rest early."

"Okay, then you should go back early."

"Okay, don't worry about the two of them. This is their own business. Let them decide what to do."

On the one hand, the establishment wanted Liuli to make her own decision, and on the other hand, she didn't want Zihan to worry too much.

Seeing her anxious appearance, she was even more anxious than the client.

"Well, okay, I see, be careful on the road."

"See you tomorrow."

Cheng Cheng said and patted her head.

She didn't want to be separated from him so soon, but seeing him tomorrow made Zihan look forward to it.

Tomorrow, it will be soon, she will be able to see him again if she waits a little longer.

This is probably the case when you like someone, and you don't want to see him all the time.

He is happy, she is happy, he is sad, she is also sad.

The moodiness in love is all because of the other party.

Zihan even thought that she would be single for the rest of her life, or that she would find someone to marry when she reached the age of marriage.

But when she met Cheng Cheng, all her thoughts changed.

  It was the first time she wanted to be with someone so much, and it was also the first time she wanted to start a family with someone and live a good life.

She used to think it was troublesome to fall in love, because there was one more person, so she had to consider the feelings of one more person.

However, she felt that being with him was not troublesome, and even if she stayed with him all day, she would not feel tired.

When Gu Yi entered the room, he locked the door, sat by the window and smoked cigarettes, one after another.

What he wants to do most now is to spend time with Liuli and grow old with her.

But why, he and she can't live in peace and stability, there is always an accident, and another accident.

Rumors are already flying everywhere, how can Liuli not be laughed at?

Because of his own fault, Liuli was laughed at by others, the more he thought about it, the more he felt guilty.

Zeyan was angry with him, he felt it was right, he knew he should fight.

He was originally an annoying existence, but after Liuli appeared, he began to want to become lovable.

The most important thing is that Liuli can like it, and others are not too important.

He didn't know when he fell in love with her. There were obviously so many women around him, but she was the only one who could catch his eyes.

When Zihan passed by Gu Yan's room, he wanted to knock on the door, but he still didn't bother him.

She knew that it was necessary to give him some time to calm down so that he could remember everything.

"Brother Zeyan, don't worry about my affairs."

Liuli said with a smile on her face.

"Si Yun, can I love you instead?"

The person he has always loved is her, so why talk about changing it.

"Brother Zeyan..."

Seeing Zeyan's serious look, Liuli really didn't know how to refuse.

But before she recovered her memory, her heart had already been given to Gu Yi.

Her heart can't be taken back, whether it will be hurt or not, she still loves him.

In the past, she was always rational, she wanted to find someone who loved her, and she didn't care whether she loved her or not.

Because she thinks that people who love themselves and treat themselves well are worth living.

A person, even if she likes it very much, but the other person doesn't like her, such a relationship is meaningless to her.

Now, she and Gu Yan seem to be like this.

She loves him, but she doesn't ask him to love her. Her previous rationality is useless in front of Gu Die.

The reason why she is the cold goddess of Luohai Academy is because she is very indifferent to everyone, and she doesn't deal with people.

It is a troublesome thing for her to make friends, let alone have a boyfriend.

She only felt that it was enough for her to have this one friend, and she didn't want to give her sincerity to others, but she couldn't get her sincerity back.

She has received countless confessions. She actually wants to meet someone and be together, but she doesn't want to because she is afraid of getting hurt.

Therefore, it was difficult for her to start a relationship, but with Gu Yan, it was so fast.

She would give her heart to him so quickly, and fall in love with him so quickly.

Moreover, she may also be in love with someone who doesn't love herself at all.

"Brother Zeyan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have forgotten you, but now I only have him in my heart, I'm sorry."

Liuli cried as she spoke, she really didn't know what decision to make.

On the one hand, she felt uncomfortable because of Zeyan, and on the other hand, it was because of Gu Yan.

She now thinks that the person Gu Yan loves is Fengwei, and she can't stop feeling uncomfortable when she thinks about it.

Except for the time when grandma passed away, and the apology to Zeyan, she has never been so sad.

If Gu Yi really fell in love with someone else and was with someone else, what should she do?
She didn't want to divorce him, as long as he explained to her.

But what she is most afraid of is that the person Gu Ye loves is not her.

In this way, she didn't want to divorce, but she could only let him go.

Obviously at the beginning, she was forced to marry Gu Yan out of anger, and she never thought that she would fall in love with him.

If she was told about the current situation and asked her to choose whether to marry Gu Yi or not, she would still choose to marry him.

She didn't regret marrying him, because being with him was what she wanted.

If he really fell in love with someone else, she could only let him go.

"Siyun, but you love someone who doesn't love you, I don't want to see you sad again."

"I know, I know, but I can't control myself..."

How could Zeyan not know Liuli's feelings, like how could he control himself liking her?

"Whatever you come to see me, I will be there."

When Zeyan said it, he just felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn't find Liuli's heart no matter what.

"Brother Zeyan, thank you, don't tell my parents about this."

Liuli was afraid that He Yun and Chu Feng would worry about her again. The two of them have worried about her for so many years.

Now that she is back, she will stay with them and make them happy.

The reason why the two of them look older than others is also because of her.

Because I worry about her every day, miss her, and look for her whereabouts.

"okay, I get it."

How could Zeyan not know, this matter has already spread in Luohai City, and it is only a matter of time before He Yun and Chu Feng know about it.

"Then you go back earlier, otherwise uncle and aunt will be worried."

"it is good."

Zeyan still didn't forget to wipe Liuli's tears.

Liuli wanted to say something to him, but didn't say anything.

After Liuli got out of the car and entered the door, Zeyan was in a daze for a long time before driving away.

Si Yun is back, but is she not the Si Yun who will chase after him?
She is Chu Liuli, and the person she loves is Gu Yan.

Zeyan was not in the mood to drive at all, he felt his eyes were sore, he wanted to cry but couldn't.

He obviously made up his mind, as long as she is happy.

But she was unhappy, why didn't she choose him?
Does she really love Gu Yan that much?Even if he cuckolded her with another woman, she didn't want to divorce him.

It was only at this moment that Zeyan realized that he had always been redundant.

Liuli returned to the room and saw He Yun lying beside her lightly in a deep sleep.

She had always wanted to know what her biological parents looked like, and who she looked like.

Looking at He Yun now, she can only feel distressed. He Yun is much, much older than when she saw her last time.

They were looking for her every day, worrying about her, as a daughter, she actually forgot about them.

They can also give up, but they have been waiting for her to come back.

The more Liuli thought about it, the more she blamed herself, but she was afraid that if she cried out, it would wake He Yun up, so she held back her tears.

But in fact, when Liuli went out, He Yun didn't fall asleep.

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