The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 80 What else do you have to say?

Mo Jinbei bent his lips, and his handsome face softened, "I am a businessman, and I don't do business at a loss. I helped you today, just promise me one thing."

"what's up?"

"I haven't thought of it yet, I owe it first." He smiled a little badly.

Luo Li pursed her lips, feeling a little annoyed at being teased by him: "Okay, tell me when you think about it, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

"Of course I will choose what you can do, otherwise who will be embarrassing?" He said jokingly.

The atmosphere in the car became more relaxed.

The efficiency was different when Mo Jinbei came forward, and the medical team quickly agreed to come.

Mo Jinbei sent a private plane to pick them up, and paid more than half a year's expenses to treat Song Shiqian wholeheartedly.

They gave Song Shiqian a comprehensive examination, and worked out a good treatment plan with Song Shiqian's attending doctor, Luo Li's heart fell instantly.

It's just that she didn't know that it would take years of the monkey to pay back those expenses.

Three days before the finals.

Lin Wanxin suddenly called Luo Li: "Is my set of jewelry ready?"

"Well, Miss Lin is ready, you can come and get it anytime." Luo Li replied.

"I'm in trouble right now, take it out and deliver it to the corner of Fengshu Street. My driver will wait there and deliver it to me in half an hour." Lin Wanxin was almost commanding.

Luo Li frowned slightly: "I'm sorry, Ms. Lin, the completed jewelry needs my signature before it can be taken out. I have no authority."

"I have something to do and I can't leave now!" Lin Wanxin shouted angrily, "You are the wife of the president, why don't you have authority! You take it out for me first, and I'll sign it tomorrow! Hurry up, or I'll sue you!"

The temper is really hot enough.

The call was hung up, and Luo Li was a little embarrassed to sit there.

The designer has no authority to take out the jewelry, because the Mo Group has had a case of designer theft before, so all aspects are strictly controlled.

Luo Li thought for a while, knocked on the door and entered the director's office.

Nick's face was a little gloomy after hearing her words: "Then you can go and give it to her. What is our service purpose? The customer is God! God requires it. Why do you care about so many red tape regulations?"

Luo Li was reprimanded and had no choice but to go upstairs to get the jewelry.

The finished jewelry is locked in a closed space.

Luo Li negotiated with the staff, but the other party didn't say anything, and pointed to the inside: "Go in and get it yourself, this is the key, I'm going to the bathroom."

After speaking, the man left.

Luo Li felt that there was something weird about it, but Lin Wanxin called again to urge her, all she had to do was open the security door with the key and walk in.

The set of jewelry that Lin Wanxin customized was in the glass cabinet on the far side. Luo Li opened it with the key, put on gloves and carefully put it into the box, then packed it, and then went out with it.

After she came out, the gatekeeper hadn't come back yet, so she put the key on the front desk, and sent a WeChat message to inform her, and she left only after receiving a reply from the other party.

Lin Wanxin made a series of calls. She hurriedly took a taxi to the corner of Maple Leaf Street, and saw a man waiting by a black van.

"Is it Miss Luo?" The other party came forward smoking a cigarette, the strong smell of smoke made Luo Li frowned subconsciously, and then nodded.

"Show me." The other party stretched out his hand.

Luo Li hesitated for a moment: "Are you Miss Lin's driver?"

"Yes." The other party was a little impatient, "Hurry up, our lady is waiting."

Luo Li handed the things to the other party, and the other party was still holding a bag, so she handed it to Luo Li to help her carry it, then opened the jewelry box, took a look, closed it, took the bag back and nodded.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Seeing the other party turn around and get into the car, Luo Li heaved a sigh of relief.

But unexpectedly, the scariest thing happened...

The next morning, Lin Wanxin brought a group of people to the design department.

"Where's my jewelry?" Lin Wanxin looked at her and asked.

Luo Li was a little dazed: "You were leaving yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Lin Wanxin frowned, "Why did I leave when I was in other provinces yesterday?"

Colleagues around looked this way in confusion.

Luo Li took a nervous breath: "Yesterday you called me to deliver the jewelry to the corner of Maple Leaf Street, and I have already handed it over to your driver."

"Oh, what a joke!" Lin Wanxin sneered, "I didn't contact you at all yesterday, how could I ask you to deliver the jewelry to the corner of Maple Leaf Street? My driver has been with me in other provinces, and your regulations here don't require customers to sign for collection. ?"

Luo Li's expression shook slightly, and she became flustered: "'s you!"

"What's going on?" Nick came out of the office with a serious expression on his face.

"Director, please explain to Ms. Lin that she asked me to pick up the jewelry yesterday, and I told you that you forgot?" Luo Li said eagerly.

Nick frowned seriously: "I don't think there is any of this, right? You didn't tell me, and you just called upstairs, and a set of jewelry was lost in the vault. I suspect someone stole it."

Luo Li was shocked.

A smugness flashed in Lin Wanxin's eyes, and she said confidently: "You must have taken it away, and you said I asked you to take it. Although you have just joined the group, you always know the basic rules, right?"

"I'm not...I didn't..." Luo Li wanted to explain, but Lin Wanxin didn't give her a chance at all.

"No? Then what is this?" Lin Wanxin took out a stack of photos from her bag and threw them on the ground.

"This person is a well-known black jewelry dealer who specializes in buying high-priced jewelry for resale. My friend took pictures of you and the transaction process yesterday. What else do you have to say?"

The photo showed that Luo Li handed over the jewelry to the other party and took the other party's black bag, which was obviously an act of transaction.

The colleagues around me couldn't help being a little surprised.

How could Luo Li do such a thing?

"It's not's not like this!" Luo Li explained anxiously.

"No matter how much you want to say, go talk to Brother Mo!" Lin Wanxin said harshly, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the elevator.

Luo Li was dragged to the president's office. The news spread quickly, and almost every department knew about it.

Luo Li steals a customer's jewelry.

Lin Wanxin pushed Luo Li into the office——

Luo Li fell to the ground.

"Brother Mo, look at this woman! She actually steals things! How can you be with a woman of this character!" Lin Wanxin reprimanded loudly.

Mo Jinbei watched Luo Li fall to the ground and frowned slightly: "What's going on?"

Lin Wanxin spread those few photos on the table, on which were all the photos of Luo Li to the security gate and then to Maple Leaf Street.

Mo Jinbei picked it up and looked at it, then raised his eyes to Lin Wanxin: "These are surveillance images from the group, how did you get them?"

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