The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 62 The Champion 1 Must Be You

The news about Chen Wei spread the next day, and many people were very happy.

After all, she is usually looked down upon by anyone who is high above her, and she gives her apprentices all the good designs.

All the other designers were suppressed by her and couldn't get up, so many people from the design department left.

"You don't even know that Luo Li is broken! It's a good thing you didn't let her plot, otherwise what would you do!"

Colleagues gathered around Luo Li's desk to gossip and discuss, but she just smiled and didn't comment much.

"It's good that it ends smoothly. Let's go get busy, too." She has a gentle temper. Although she and her colleagues were a little unhappy before, they are just colleagues after all.

"Then cheer up, we are all optimistic about you! You must be the champion of the Xingya Cup this time!" Colleagues cheered her on and brought a lot of snacks, which made her stressed.

Mo Jinbei wanted her to win the championship, and her colleagues wanted her to win the championship. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she couldn't?

I went to the official page of the Xingya Cup and found that the rules and theme of the finals have not yet been announced, and the time has not yet been determined.

The five contestants shortlisted for the finals are all quite good. She won the voting stage of netizens this time. It was because of the events some time ago that made her a lot of heat, but the finals later will be professional judges.

Luo Li and another player from country M are the most popular players in this Xingya Cup, especially the theme of the semi-finals - darkness.

Their designs are vastly different yet completely different.

The other party is completely very bold and creative, giving people a shocking feeling.

And Luo Li's design is even more ingenious in incorporating innovation while adding classics, and it completely fits the theme.

Her design also added a lot of points that girls want, so she has a higher degree of support from netizens than the one from M country.

But in the end it is up to the judges to choose.

There are no negative news about her on the Internet, and all the works of Xingya Cup are found when searching her name.

The previous things gradually faded away, and netizens began to pay attention to her real works, which made her feel very relieved.

Except for Mo Jinbei, no one seemed to help her clear up the negative news.

Thanks to his help during this time.

So in order to thank him, Luo Li specially cooked a table of dishes, drove Wang Ma and the others out, and worked in the kitchen for several hours.

It was rare to have no social gatherings tonight. When Mo Jinbei came home from get off work, he smelled a strong aroma of rice as soon as he entered the living room, which was very appetizing.

Mama Wang and the others were not there, and the TV was on in the living room, playing a piece of soap.

This villa seems to have a breath of life.

He always felt deserted, but today... was inexplicably warm.

He took off his coat and walked into the dining room, and was taken aback when he saw the back in the kitchen.

He thought he was wrong until the man came out with the dishes.

"You're back." Luo Li greeted.

She was wearing a long beige dress with an apron on the outside. Her long hair was braided and hung on one shoulder. Her plain face was fair and transparent, and she looked very gentle.

"What are you doing?" Mo Jinbei looked at her in surprise.

"Cooking." Luo Li put the dishes on the table, "There's soup later."

Then she went into the kitchen again.

Mo Jinbei stepped forward and looked at the six dishes on the table. They were all delicious, but he didn't know how they tasted.

There is no special cuisine, everything is home-cooked, and the smell is very attractive.

"You can wash your hands and get ready for dinner." Her voice came from inside.

Mo Jinbei walked into the kitchen, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and began to wash his hands, watching her skillfully chop vegetables and throw them into the pot.

There is an inexplicable feeling...they have been together for a long time.

Mo Jinbei couldn't intervene, so he went out and sat and waited, watching the woman walk in and out, and more and more dishes were placed on the table.

Raising his hand and touching the tip of his nose, Mo Jinbei didn't know whether he should remind them that they might not be able to finish these things in a week.

After serving the last sweet and sour ribs to the table, Luo Li wiped her hands on the apron and finally pulled out the chair and sat down, "Okay! You can eat."

Mo Jinbei raised his eyebrows, "You did all this?"

"That's right, mine..." Luo Li was a little embarrassed, "Didn't you make it to the finals? I wanted to find someone to celebrate."

"I invited my colleagues to dinner yesterday, and I wanted to invite you today too, but thinking that you might have eaten everything, I made some home-cooked dishes myself, and you can try it to see if it suits your taste."

Mo Jinbei took the chopsticks she handed over, picked up a piece of lotus root in front of him, and put it into his mouth with some hesitation.

It tastes surprisingly good.

The fried lotus root is very crisp and tasty, neither salty nor bland.

Luo Li looked at his nervous expression: "How is it?"

Mo Jinbei looked up at her to express his approval: "You are good at cooking."

"Really!" Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief, "I used to think that if I couldn't find a job after graduating from college, I would open a restaurant to support my brother."

Later, she was taken back to Luo's house.

Mo Jinbei seldom heard her mention his affairs, but their relationship was not that deep, and they didn't need to know too much about each other.

"Just let Wang Ma do it in the future. Your hands are for drawing, not for cooking." Mo Jinbei said in a low voice.

Every designer's hand is as important as a doctor's hand.

Luo Li nodded, feeling warm in her heart: "Thank you, I will be very careful."

When she is under great pressure, she likes to cook some food. There is a saying that there is nothing that cannot be solved by a table of delicious food.

The two of them didn't like to eat very much when eating. Mo Jinbei's appetite was relatively small, but he ate a lot tonight. He asked for half a bowl of rice and ate a lot of vegetables.

Considering his stomach trouble, all the dishes Luo Li cooks are stomach-nourishing.

However, he eats a lot of sweet and sour short ribs, so he probably likes them very much.

After the meal, Luo Li took out a bowl of mango sago that had been made in advance, one chilled and one warm.

Automatically gave the warm one to Mo Jinbei, and then talked about the design while drinking.

What they discussed most together was design.

"The designer in country M imitated Lix's daring style. He didn't have any design highlights. His skills were exhausted in the first period. Unless he finds another way, there is nothing to look forward to in the finals. You just need to play steadily. He is no match for you."

Mo Jinbei rationally helped her analyze, "What you have to be careful of is Sheng Yi sent by NL."

Luo Li nodded: "I noticed that although his votes are quite low every time, his design style changes a lot every time, and the finals should explode."

He has been seeking stability, and he won't need it in the finals.

"I have already sent someone to follow up on the company you mentioned. The acquisition is unrealistic. I will let people buy shares. Then you can have the right to speak." Mo Jinbei recalled her request a few days ago.

Luo Li was startled: "You know everything?"

Mo Jinbei curled his lips, with a bit of conceit on his brows, "I don't know what you have."

That's right, this little person like her is completely transparent in front of him.

The picture of the two living in harmony was taken by Huanhuan who was hiding in the dark and sent to Gu Ruoyi...

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