This room is a suite with well-equipped equipment and excellent sound insulation, which is just right for creation.

She didn't go out every day, and in everyone's eyes, she became a lonely and unsocial monster again.

Whatever you do is wrong.

She didn't care, she was busy creating.

Luo Yan'er knocked on the door a few times but she didn't open it, the ghost knows what she's up to.

Participating in the Xingya Cup this time as the Mo Group is the most important opportunity for her, and she must seize it well!

There was no news from Mo Jinbei, and they had no contact, but on the third day of her closed session, Huo Lingqing sent a text message.

{Xiao Li, are you stressed?Don't be nervous, I'm sure you'll be fine, and don't pay attention to what Yan'er said that morning.

I only have you in my heart, if you want to stay by Mo Jinbei's side for a while, it's okay, and I will take you back when I inherit the group, and wait for me. }
Where did he get the confidence to think that she would still be with him?
Why didn't I realize that this person was so thick-skinned before?
Luo Li directly dragged him into the blacklist and put him aside to continue drawing.

The phone rang in the silent space, Luo Li took a breath, and directly connected angrily without looking at who it was.

"I have blocked you, can you stop changing your number and call me!"

Her rushing tone obviously frightened the other party, and it took a few seconds for a low and familiar voice to ring in her ear: "I'm Mo Jinbei."

Luo Li was startled and looked at her phone.

Sure enough, the words Mo Jinbei were written on it.

Putting the phone back to her ear in embarrassment, she was a little embarrassed: "I'm sorry, I didn't see it was you."

"Huo Lingqing has harassed you." His tone was almost certain.

Luo Li didn't hide it: "Well...just send me text messages occasionally, I can handle it myself."

"Although our contract is only for one year, you are my wife now. I hope you can handle your personal feelings well and don't have contact with irrelevant men, so as not to spread the news and be heard by the old man, which will affect his condition." He spoke righteously, with a bit of seriousness.

"Do not worry."

Even without this contract, she wouldn't do anything to Huo Lingqing, it's enough for a fool to do it once.

She will never give those people the chance to hurt herself again.

After hanging up the phone, the haze between Mo Jinbei's brows was a little dark.

Lu Haoyan sat on the sofa and looked at his back and shook his head: "I said, are you a little special to that Luo Li?"

Mo Jinbei turned around, picked up the red wine on the table and drank it down, and looked sideways at him: "If you're too busy, go home."

"Tch, I'm serious, you don't really like her, do you? Impossible, don't you like that kind of career woman?"

"That Luo Li looks like a little white rabbit, which doesn't quite fit you."

White Rabbit?
Mo Jinbei slightly curled his lower lip, she looked like a little white rabbit, but it was more appropriate to describe her as a little wild cat.

With two days left before the manuscript was due, Luo Li had some new inspirations and was speeding up revisions, without knowing anything about the time outside.

In the evening, when everyone came back from dinner, they suddenly heard a scream coming from Luo Yan'er's room.

Everyone walked over without knowing why and found that the door was ajar, and Luo Yan'er was standing there terrified.

"Miss Luo, are you okay?" Several people pushed the door and walked over, but they screamed in fright when they saw something on the ground: "This, what is this thing!"

Luo Yan'er was taken aback by them, and quickly blocked her: "Sorry, maybe the staff made a mistake, you guys go out first."

"How could there be such a thing in the hotel!" Several girls backed away in fright.

The men stepped forward to check, and found three bloody dead mice in the box on the ground, and one of them fell on the ground, which was very dangerous.

"Did Luo Li do it?" Designer Wang who helped Luo Yan'er speak a few days ago stepped forward and asked.

"It must be her! Everyone is going to eat at this time, who else is there besides her?"

Luo Yan'er carefully glanced at those dead mice, then shook her head: "No, sister... probably wouldn't do that."

"Miss Luo, you are too kind. You can see her like that, and it's clear that you are not seeing you!" The person on the side said with righteous indignation.

Luo Yan'er raised her hand to cover her lower abdomen, and shed tears of grievance: "My sister doesn't like me very much...but I still have a child in my stomach, so she shouldn't scare me."

"I don't think so, let's go to her and ask her, get the surveillance video and have a look." Designer Wang suggested.

Luo Yan'er quickly grabbed her hand: "No, thank you all, the manuscript will be handed in soon, everyone should not be distracted by my affairs, I will take care of it myself, I don't want to make too much trouble with my sister Stiff, it makes parents sad."

Seeing her so sensible, everyone felt even more distressed.

How could such a beautiful girl be so unfortunate to have a sister like Luo Li?

God is not fair!

"Okay, but you must be careful. Don't go out these two days. We will bring you food. She hides in the house every day and doesn't know what's wrong with her." Please rest assured.

Designer Wang also patted her hand: "You have to protect your child."

"That's right, Luo Li has thoughts about Mr. Huo, maybe she wants to get rid of your child!" said the two women who were very dissatisfied with Luo Li.

Luo Yan'er frowned lightly: "My sister won't, my sister was very good before...Maybe I did something wrong."

"Miss Luo, you are so kind! What's wrong with you being so beautiful and outstanding? It's not that she's jealous of you!"

This little episode seems to have passed like this, but in fact, a seed was planted in everyone's hearts. As a result, when Luo Li left the room on the morning of the submission of the manuscript, the eyes of the people around looked at her with a hint of contempt. fear.

As if she was some horrible person.

Luo Li didn't know what Luo Yan'er did again, she just wanted to leave quickly after handing in the manuscript.

The submission time is at 07:30 in the morning, and now at [-]:[-], she plans to go to the cafeteria to have breakfast first, her luggage is ready, and she can leave after submitting the manuscript.

The restaurant is a buffet style, everyone is choosing breakfast, and the surrounding area Luo Li walks over is empty in an instant.

Those people deliberately stayed away from her, and she was happy to be at ease.

It's just that some people just came to look for it.

"Morning, sister." Luo Yan'er walked up to her with a plate, looked at her and smiled slightly: "How is my sister's design?"

Luo Li was picking bread with a clip, without raising her head, she said, "What? Want to buy design drafts again?"

Luo Yan'er's complexion sank slightly, and she pulled her lips: "This kind of transaction is enough once, and besides, my sister's design draft is not worth that much money."

Their voices are normal, and the people next to them can't hear them at a distance, but from the expressions, one is cute and pleasant, and the other is as cold as ice.

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