The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 385 Stop?Then you leave Mo Jinbei

Xia Yan was jealous countless times of Luo Li's good luck, being forced into marriage by her family, everything in the world could fall into Mo Jinbei's wedding scene.

As for her, the only person who left traces in her life from beginning to end was Xu Kai, that devilish Xu Kai.

Xia Yan was extremely jealous. Since she couldn't be happy, the people around her shouldn't be happy either.

Mohs Group President's Office.

"President, the media exposed the past of the laboratory, saying that the Mo family sacrificed forty lives in order to develop new projects. The Mo family is now called the 'Mo family' by outsiders, and the sea blue star is also called the 'evil star'."

The news spread too fast, but within a few minutes, the number of reposts reached tens of millions.

"Who is the source?" Mo Jinbei felt uneasy all the time. Sure enough, something happened now.

"Investigating." Time was too tight, and Cheng Yu didn't have time to trace the source.

"Yeah." What should be faced, always has to be faced.

During this period of time, when Mo Jinbei went to collect laboratory data, he always encountered various resistances.

But he knew that no matter what, this resistance was for the sake of Mo Shi, and if Mo Shi fell, he would not feel better.

"Could it be Jiang Lingshen?" Cheng Yu asked after a pause.

From the current point of view, there is only one person who has the motivation and strength to make a fuss about this matter, Jiang Lingshen.

Mo Jinbei pursed his lips, with a serious face, "Put down all the tasks at hand, and investigate the source."

"The situation of Mo's jewelry is very good now. If we don't explain publicly in time, I'm afraid we will lose a large number of customers." In just a few minutes, Cheng Yu had already seen how Mo's was being scolded on the Internet.

How much those people wanted to get Seablue Star a few days ago, and now they are vicious in cursing the Mo family.

Some angry youths even organized a small group behind their backs, threatening to come to the Mo family to seek justice for those forty lives.

"Full refund, come back one by one." Mo Jinbei said with a frown.

This person chose to expose the matter when Mo's family was most concerned by the public, and he obviously came prepared.

"But the president..."

"Just do as I say!"

"Have you found the way to open the laboratory?"

"not yet."

Hearing this answer, Mo Jinbei's eyes fell on the computer again.

This time, he's making the request to view the lab data himself.

outside the company.

Luo Li happily walked towards the office with a cheerful face. She felt that it would be more meaningful to tell Mo Jinbei face to face about things like pregnancy.

But as soon as she arrived at the company, she noticed a strange atmosphere.

None of them did anything, and all stared nervously at their desktops.

What happened, isn't the market for Mo's jewelry has been very good these days!

Luo Li walked towards the president's office, but saw Cheng Yu before he entered.

"Director Luo, our group..."

Halfway through, the president's office called.

Cheng Yu didn't have time to explain to Luo Li, so he said "mobile phone" in a hurry, turned around, and went into the CEO's office again.

Luo Li hurriedly turned on her phone, and a flood of information flooded in.

#Moshi Group, Purgatory on Earth#
#Forty Lives Hidden#
#Moshi built on human bones#
The three topics were so hot that everyone who had supported the Mo family turned their backs and became the ones who hurt the Mo family the most.

"I've supported the Mo Group for a long time. I even ordered matchmaking from their family. I never thought that their family could do such a thing. It's really disgusting."

"With so many lives in the hands of the Mo Group, can the management really sleep at night? Will your conscience really not hurt? Are you still human? I hope that the judiciary will investigate thoroughly and take legal weapons to severely Sanction them!"

There are also some melon-eating people who still worry about Mo Jinbei and Luo Li while they are in the gossip lab, "Does Mo Jinbei know? Does Luo Li know? Please, please, please, they must not know."

Although Luo Li didn't see Mo Jinbei with her own eyes, she didn't need to think about it, she knew how devastated he was right now.

Regarding pregnancy, don't rush it for a while, let's talk about it later.

The fact that this happened so quickly shows that this person is familiar with the current situation of the Mo Group, and there is no one else who meets the conditions except Jiang Lingshen, a lunatic.

Thinking of this, Luo Li directly called Jiang Lingshen.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Lingshen's attitude was a little cold.

How could Luo Li care about these things, "Where are you, I want to see you."

"If you said you wanted to see me before, I would be very happy." Jiang Lingshen said this sentence as if mocking himself.

Time was running out, Luo Li didn't have time to talk nonsense with him at all, so she asked again, "Tell me where you are!"

"You met me because of him." Jiang Lingshen seemed very hurt, but finally told the location, "Northern City Villa"

After hearing this, Luo Li hung up the phone directly, and went downstairs at the highest speed limit all the way towards the villa in Beicheng.

North City Villa.

Xia Yan enjoyed Jiang Lingshen's frustration.

Jiang Ling had caused her to be found by Xu Kai without any difficulty, and now the retribution is coming!

"Just so happy?" Jiang Ling pulled his hair madly, pretending to growl in pain, "Unexpectedly, it was because of this that A Li took the initiative to find me for the first time!"

"Stop pretending, this is within your expectation!" Xia Yan's eyes showed a look of contempt.

Jiang Lingshen immediately returned to normal when he heard this, "So what if I designed it, I can make A Li come to me on my own initiative, can you let Mo Jinbei come to you on my own initiative!"

Speaking of Xia Yan's painful point, she frowned, "I'm not like you, the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly, and he can accept such things as being a father happily."

"As long as Ah Li is mine in the end, the process doesn't matter." The corners of Jiang Ling's deep lips curled up with evil charm.

Xia Yan looked at him, and said coldly, "Pervert".

When Luo Li came to T Agency, Xia Yan had already left.

Seeing Luo Li approaching, Jiang Ling hurriedly asked her to sit on the sofa.

"You are inconvenient, so don't move around." Jiang Ling spoke deeply, with deep concern.

"Thank you." Luo Li agreed on the surface, but silently pulled up a layer of warning in her heart.

"Drink some warm water. I heard that drinking this is good for the fetus." Jiang Lingshen strode to the water dispenser and said while receiving water.

"How do you know!" Luo Li's expression changed instantly.

Sensing her nervousness, Jiang Lingshen raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Heaven and earth prove it, I just want you to be well."

"Jiang Lingshen, thank you for your concern, you know why I came here this time, stop!" Luo Li's eyes were covered with a layer of eagerness.

"Stop it? Ari, what you said is simple. Do you know how I got here all these years? My mind has never been my own for a moment. It has been thinking about only one thing, which is revenge."

Jiang Ling put away his gentleness, and his face was full of ferocity.

"Believe me, what happened in the laboratory was a misunderstanding. I'll explain it to you when I have a chance, okay?" Luo Li planned to stabilize Jiang Lingshen's emotions first, and then slowly persuade him.

But who knew, Jiang Lingshen was calmer than she expected.

"If you want me to give up, you can, there is a condition."

"What conditions." Luo Li asked.

Jiang Lingshen just looked at her like this, with eyes full of affection, "Leave Mo Jinbei and stay with me. Haicheng is about to change, and only I can give you and the child a guarantee."

"Jiang Lingshen, you're crazy, do you know what you're going to say!" Luo Li started from the sofa, and now she regretted it extremely, maybe she shouldn't have come today.

"Don't get angry, it's not good for the baby in the stomach." Jiang Lingshen's eyes flicked across Luo Li's unresponsive stomach, and said with a hint of greed, "This stomach will give birth to our baby in the future."

Luo Li only thought that Jiang Lingshen had gone crazy.

"Jiang Lingshen, I only have one purpose today, which is to get you to stop. I have enough evidence to prove that your father, Jiang Wenbin, was not killed by the Mo family. Trust me." Luo Li said every word like a knife. Swiping back and forth on Jiang Ling's heart, even though he was already covered in bruises.

Jiang Lingshen laughed when he heard this, and smiled happily, "A Li, you don't think I did this, do you? I have such a great ability to find experiments that even Mo Jinbei couldn't find." Room information?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Li was confused by Jiang Lingshen's confusing operation.

Jiang Lingshen didn't hold back anymore, "Who do you think it is?"

"The real Xu Kai?" It's not surprising that people from the Lyles family can find out this information.

However, the Mo family has no problem with him.

"Jiang Lingshen, you are lying to me!" Luo Li frowned, "Xu Kai and Mo Jinbei don't know each other well, and there is no reason to use the laboratory to defeat the Mo family. You are the only one who can do this and behave like this." .”

"Oh? Thank you, Ali, for your compliment. You actually think I have this ability."

As he said that, Jiang Lingshen approached Luo Li directly, his low voice was as dry and depressed as if soil had just entered his throat, "If I have Xu Kai's resources, I guarantee that the child you are carrying in your belly is my child. "


"Think carefully, I will be your future support!"

Jiang Ling stared at Luo Li deeply, as if he was determined to win.

This topic could not be continued anymore, Luo Li looked at Jiang Lingshen angrily, picked up the bag at hand and was about to leave.

"Ari, think about it carefully!"

At the end, Jiang Lingshen added this sentence.

Sea City Hotel.

In order to be relatively safe, Xia Yan chooses to change hotels every day.

Not to mention other people, even she herself didn't know which hotel she would show up the next day.

Putting the items he carried with him in the cabinet at will, Xia Yan went directly to the bathroom.

Xia Yan has a habit of taking a bath no matter where she goes, because she feels that only by taking a bath can she wash away all the filth that Xu Kai brought to her, and she can become the Xia Yan in her heart.

Elegant light music accompanied the red wine, and I drank a bottle before I knew it.

Xia Yan's graceful body swayed along with the music, seeming to be enjoying, but more like struggling.

The sky in Haicheng was about to change, and the instigator of all this was the man who brought her great pain.

The former Xia Yan was gentle and firm, and she was also a girl like Luo Li.

But now she is neither fish nor fowl, just like a goblin!

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