The lunch was very hearty, and Luo Li's favorite sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice lotus root was indispensable. It looked like it was specially prepared for the two of them when they came back.

"You two children, come back to spend more time with your mother in the future." Mo Wenhan glanced at Liang Jin, who was grinding coffee aside, with a little more tenderness in his eyes, "She always talks about you all the time!"

"This man, as he grows older, he wants the younger generation to stay with him more at home. Abei, you and Ali are not young anymore. Shouldn't the child's matter be put on the agenda?"

Mo Wenhan has always respected Mo Jinbei's opinions, but now he even started to mention the "grandson" matter. It is easy to know that Liang Jin has been nagging in front of him a lot.

"Dad, I have a sense of proportion with Luo Li." Mo Jinbei replied in a neutral manner, neither saying yes nor no.

Mo Wenhan sighed softly, and glanced at Liang Jin from the corner of his eye.

Anyway, he brought this word, as for whether he is willing to give birth or not, it depends on the opinions of the two children.

"Ah Li, it's not Auntie who is urging you. Having a baby is very unfriendly to us women. Early birth and early recovery. If you regenerate after age, your metabolism will not be as fast as it is now! I think when I gave birth to Ah Bei, but I'm in my twenties, so..."

"Let the two children decide!" Mo Wenhan said suddenly.

Liang Jin's eyes fell on Mo Wenhan in an instant, and then she slammed the coffee down on the table with a strange tone, "Your words sound nice, what do men know, how much do you know about the suffering of having children?" !"

Even though the two are over half a century old, as long as Liang Jin mentions having a child, Mo Wenhan will have to surrender.

"Abei, your mother is right about this matter. Having a baby is a big deal, and you have to listen to the opinions of people who have experienced it." Under Liang Jin's pressure, Mo Wenhan continued.

Liang Jin withdrew his vicious and threatening gaze, and quickly changed to a concerned look, "A Li, you and Ah Bei have publicly announced their relationship, and the next step is to get married. Last time, Ah Bei did not prepare enough for the wedding. This time , we must do it well!"

The last wedding was not only insufficiently prepared, it was simply for another woman!
If Luo Li hadn't "fallen from the sky" into the wedding scene, how could the two of them be together now.

"Mom, I still have something to do in the company, so I'll leave first."

With that said, Mo Jinbei had already pulled Luo Li's hand and got up.

Seeing that Mo Jinbei was so conflicted, Liang Jin couldn't continue talking, "You and A Li remember to come back on New Year's Eve."


In fact, Mo Jinbei planned to stay with them at home for a while, but Liang Jin couldn't stop talking about the children all the time.

It's not that he doesn't want it, it's that he can't, the timing is wrong.

Mo Jinbei also wanted to be a good father, and wanted to be with the child from birth, but judging from the current situation, it was impossible at all.

After the matter at hand is settled, it will not be too late to hold a wedding and have a child.

Mo Jinbei wanted to tell Luo Li these thoughts, but his lips moved, but he didn't say it.

Mohs Group Building.

"President, the experiment back then did cause 40 casualties due to the wrong decision of the researcher leader." Cheng Yu said while handing over the information.

"This plan was found out from the group yearbook. There is only a final solution, and there is no specific list of personnel."

Mo Jinbei took the information and flipped through the pages. All 40 people were numbered, and each number corresponds to a treatment method. Although it was not clearly stated, it is not difficult to guess that it is a resettlement plan.

"Will Jiang Wenbin be one of them?" Mo Jinbei frowned.

The consolation conditions given by the Mo family back then were very generous. Ordinary people may not be able to reach this height even if they work hard for a lifetime. Jiang Lingshen is just a child and should be satisfied. How can he hate him so much?

"Cheng Yu, follow Jiang Wenbin's clues and continue to investigate."

"In addition, look for the list of the forty casualties."

Faintly, Mo Jinbei always felt that Jiang Wenbin was an important link, but he just couldn't guess what role Jiang Wenbin was playing.

Could it be that he is the main researcher of this project?

But if this is the case, how could it be to the point of committing suicide by jumping off a building.

In the evening, the hotel is bright and gorgeous.

Xia Yan stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the crowd below.

"It's really small, like an ant." She snorted coldly, as if she was talking about herself, but also like talking about someone else.

During this period of time, she rarely went out for basic shooting tasks, and the only person she came into contact with was Jiang Lingshen.

"Yanyan, it's almost Chinese New Year, let's go home and have a meal!"

This is a WeChat message sent by Xia's mother.

Xia Yan doesn't want to go back, she prefers to stay in a hotel than to go back to the home where she has to wear a mask to barely stay.

However, Mother Xia urged her over and over again.

No, not long after the text message came, the phone call came again.

"Yanyan, do you still hate your father for what happened to Mo Jinbei?" As soon as the phone was connected, Xia's mother's gentle voice came over, "The general election is approaching, your father should be cautious, if you offend Mo Jinbei A local snake, we will have a hard time in the future."

Mother Xia was originally a soft-hearted person, but she also sighed at this time.

Xia Yan said nothing, she kept analyzing the pros and cons.

"If your father falls, those wolves, tigers and leopards in human skin will show their original shape."

Mother Xia tried her best to speak tactfully, but Xia Yan's mood still drifted back to the past.

The jackal, tiger and leopard in human skin, are you talking about Xu Kai?

It's ridiculous to say that she actually misses Xu Kai a little bit, and misses his perverted and extreme love.

"If you really like Mo Jinbei, maybe there will be a turning point." Afraid of Xia Yan's wild thoughts, Xia's mother directly changed the subject.

Xia's mother's cautiousness will only make Xia Yan feel a burden in her heart, "Mom, I know, I will go back."

"Okay, okay, that's good."

Xia Yan cut off the phone and lit a cigarette.

Mo Jinbei was the first man after Xu Kai who made her dream. The colder Mo Jinbei was, the hotter her heart became.

New Year's Eve.

Back at Xia's house, Xia Yan met Xia's mother's expectant eyes looking outside.

Before Xia Yan could speak, Father Xia's voice came from inside, "Aren't you tired of standing outside? She comes back whenever she wants, and we don't rarely see her when she doesn't want to come back."

"Stop talking!"

Xia's mother gave him an anxious look, then quickly walked to the door, with a wide smile on her face, "Yanyan is back!"

"Yeah." Xia Yan's faked smile collapsed when she heard what she just said, and she walked into the living room with a cold face.

Seeing her expression, Xia's father changed his face, "Screw your face, don't come back if you don't want to come back."

Hearing this, Xia Yan picked up her bag and got up to leave.

Seeing this, Xia's mother walked directly to Xia Yan's side, "It's Chinese New Year, you father and daughter should not say a few words, let's have a safe reunion dinner."

Seeing the pleading in Xia's mother's eyes, Xia Yan couldn't bear it, and paused, but still stopped in her tracks.

With her legs stacked, she picked up the melon seeds in front of her and started knocking.

The tone was as casual as he was, and it would be better to eat sunflower seeds to be more comfortable.

Father Xia picked up the newspaper and didn't want to read Xia Yan, but the sound of cracking melon seeds became louder and louder every time. He threw the newspaper on the table and was about to get angry when Mother Xia came in.

"Hurry up and wash your hands and eat. I made Yanyan's favorite spicy chicken."

Xia Yan snorted softly, turned and went to the dining table.

Father Xia just stared at her figure, the fire in his eyes wished to burn everything into ashes.

For a meal, the father and daughter didn't say a word, and the food was fairly peaceful.

After dinner, Xia Yan is leaving.

"Yanyan, you can leave later and let your father tell you what this project is all about."

Although Mo Jinbei had announced to Luo Li, Xia Yan was her daughter after all.

If Xia Yan really likes Mo Jinbei, she should help fight for it.

"Women's benevolence, who is Mo Jinbei, she can get involved!" Father Xia became angry when he heard this.

He told Xia's mother about it purely because of the communication between husband and wife, but he never expected that Xia's mother thought it was Xia Yan's chance to get close to Mo Jinbei.

Seeing Father Xia like this, Xia Yan didn't want to stay in this house for a second, "I'm leaving."

After saying this, she left without looking back.

On New Year's Eve, Xia Yan still had to spend it alone after all.

After Xia Yan left, she didn't go anywhere, and went back to the hotel directly.

The door was still open, and the lights were on in the room.

Xia Yan was vigilant, and before he took out his room card, the door opened from the inside.

"Happy New Year!" Jiang Lingshen handed over a bottle of wine.

Xia Yan hooked his lips, took the wine, and the two clinked a glass, "Happy New Year."

"I'm a homeless person staying in a hotel, you have a father and a mother, why don't you go home!" Jiang Ling looked seriously, and looked at Xia Yan with black eyes.

Xia Yan sneered, "Home? It's better not to have my home."

Jiang Lingshen clinked a few more glasses and smiled ironically.

He wants to have a home but doesn't have one, and Xia Yan has a home but doesn't want to go back, it's ironic, and he never brings up the topic of home again.

The most important festival of the year, I didn't expect that I would hold a group with her to keep warm.

However, it is also very good, at least not alone.

The Spring Festival in the city is not as lively as in the countryside. Luo Li was standing on the central street, with only a few scattered people.

Today, I managed to go out for a walk with Mo Jinbei, but I didn't expect the scene to be so bleak.

Sensing Luo Li's strange emotion, Mo Jinbei rubbed her hair.

"Take you somewhere."

The place where Mo Jinbei brought Luo Li was not close, it was on the outskirts of the city, and it took him an hour to drive there.

This is a village, perhaps because of the Chinese New Year, even small stalls have been set up outside the village. Seeing this scene, Luo Li felt a sense of familiarity.

During Chinese New Year, her adoptive parents would also take her out to the market.

"Which tree is it?" Luo Li looked up and saw the tree.

This tree looks old, and the three-person newspaper group with thick branches may not be able to hug it. Although the leaves have fallen, there are red strings hanging from the upper branches, which are floating in the wind, which is very beautiful.

"How do you know about this place?"

How could Mo Jinbei who regards work as his life on weekdays have the leisure to study these things!

"Go and see."

Mo Jinbei smiled mysteriously.

Luo Li walked into the big tree upon hearing the words, only to find that there were many careful names engraved on the tree.

"Is this the lover tree?" Apart from this name, Luo Li couldn't think of anything else.

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