The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 375 The Romance of a Craftsman

Mo Jinbei seemed to be a different person in the past two days. Except for going to the group when necessary, he stayed at home.

Even in the group, he and Luo Li seemed to have made an agreement in the past two days, even if they bumped into each other, they didn't bother to talk to each other.

But if it is apart from the group, it is inseparable and inseparable, and I can't wait for the two of them to be a shadow.

Cheng Yu didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the president's gourd, so he could only survive in the cracks between the two of them in this hot and cold state.

Several days have passed since the press conference, and the New Year is coming soon, but Mo Jinbei still remains silent.

"So calm?" Luo Li said that she was almost dying of anxiety, but Mo Jinbei was still walking around like a good old man, and even began to persuade her to enjoy life.

"Although the sales volume has decreased compared with last year, it is not unacceptable." Mo Jinbei touched his chin, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes, "As for the keyboard man, he is probably tired of cursing and wants to rest. Not much movement."

Luo Li gave him a blank look, she had never seen such an irresponsible group leader.

During the Spring Festival, the flow of people in shopping malls increases, because of special events such as weddings and returning home, there is a greater demand to buy jewelry.

In other words, now is a great time to sell jewelry.

But this one, apart from the desperation he showed on the day of the incident, he was like a normal person at other times, and he only cared about his own health and well-being.

Mo Jinbei is not such a person, but through his performance these two days, Luo Li has to think that Mo Jinbei is such a person.

No, before noon, Mo Jinbei called.

"Clean up, I'll wait for you in the garage."

Before Luo Li could answer, Mo Jinbei hung up the phone.

"I have to go to the garage for something!" Although she didn't know what was going on, Luo Li kept walking towards the garage without stopping for a second.

Fearing that Luo Li could not be found, Mo Jinbei directly parked the car at the place where Luo Li often got off the elevator.

Seeing Mo Jinbei in casual clothes through the car window, Luo Li knew that this man might not show up at the company for a day.

"What do you want me to do!" Luo Li said angrily while closing the car door.

He can be the president of Hands-Free, but the new product is still being researched and rectified.

Mo Jinbei ignored Luo Li's petty emotions, reached out and patted her furry head twice, and said mysteriously, "Take you somewhere!"

"Where are you going..."

Just halfway through speaking, Luo Li stopped still.

It's not that she didn't want to move, but that the distance between her and Mo Jinbei suddenly changed from tens of centimeters to a few millimeters.

Now she seems to be able to feel the warm breath exhaled by Mo Jinbei...

"Mo Jinbei." Luo Li closed her eyes and tried her best to stick her body to the back.

"Boom..." Xiao Lu's heartbeat speeded up, as if he was about to take Luo Li away...

"Why?" Mo Jinbei narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sensing the distance from the sound, Luo Li slowly opened her squinted eyes, only to realize that Mo Jinbei had already sat back at some point.

The most important thing is that this person is still looking at him with a smirk.

"I'm just helping you fasten your seat belt for the sake of driving safety. With that expression on your face, what are you thinking?"

"I didn't, I didn't, you're thinking wrong, of course I know you're helping me fasten my seat belt, what nonsense are you trying to say!" Luo Li explained in a panic without choosing words.

As everyone knows, she answered in this way and directly confirmed her wild thoughts just now.

The corner of Mo Jinbei's mouth raised a smile, and the tough lines on his face finally softened, and he called out "Fool" affectionately.

Luo Li felt a heat on her lips.

When she realized again, Mo Jinbei had already started the car.

Luo Li looked at him sideways, the smile on the corner of her mouth hadn't completely dissipated, and her starry eyes were even more dazzling.

As if by accident, Luo Li lifted her body slightly, and left a kiss on Mo Jinbei's right cheek.

Luo Li didn't have the face to look at him, but even so, she knew how bright Mo Jinbei's gradually rippling smile was.

Strange, obviously the two of them are old couples, but when they play the young people, their hearts are still beating.

The car parked steadily in front of an old shop on Wutong Street. Luo Li got out of the car and saw three big characters "Craftsman" written with a brush on the wooden door plaque.

Craftsman?Strictly speaking, she can be regarded as half a craftsman, after all, she eats by hand.

"Jin Bei is here!" An older man appeared in the shop and greeted Mo Jinbei warmly, as if he knew him very well.

"Uncle Liu." Mo Jinbei also responded enthusiastically.

This old man has a square face and is wearing a Chinese tunic suit. He is neat and meticulous. Although he is called an old man, he is full of energy. This state is beyond the reach of many young people.

Luo Li was originally hiding behind Mo Jinbei, but now she couldn't help turning her head sideways, and raised her hand to greet him, "Hello, Uncle Liu!"

"Hey, this should be your kid's wife!" The old man stroked his beard, and his attention instantly shifted to Luo Li, "My old man must have guessed right!"

"Uncle Liu is right, this is Luo Li." Mo Jinbei hugged Luo Li from his waist.

After the old man saw it, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were all piled up together, "How are you, boy, finally you can see the moonlight when the clouds open."

Luo Li watched the interaction between the two in a daze.

What are these two talking about?She couldn't understand a word.

There is also this old gentleman who seems to know Mo Jinbei very well.

However, she has been back for so long, and she hasn't seen the two of them meet once.

What does it mean?
Looking at Luo Li's confused little eyes, it was this kind old gentleman who began to answer.

"Little girl, you don't know how hard it was for Jin Bei during the years you left!"

"Every time he comes to my place, he wants to make clay figures, all of which are your appearance. Clay sculptures, a person with Jin Bei's identity, who would play with clay in his spare time."

"But even so, he came to my clay sculpture hall and made no fewer than ten little people who look like you. Don't underestimate these dozen little people, they won't be able to come down for forty or fifty hours. Jin Bei is in charge Such a large group spent forty or fifty hours with me just to prepare a surprise for you, so you can imagine how important you are to him!"

"Think about it, how much money Jin Bei can make in forty or fifty hours. No, mentioning money is vulgar. In fact, I think that the most important thing for you young people is to make your feelings..."

Uncle Liu still wanted to ramble on, but Mo Jinbei hadn't given him a chance.

He directly took Luo Li's hand and walked towards the exhibition hall behind.

"Oh boy, you have changed. You used to listen to my words patiently. Now that you have a daughter-in-law, why don't you listen to me?"

Although Uncle Liu said so, he followed the two closely, honestly.

"Jin Bei, I moved your works. For the convenience of preservation, I put them on both sides of the wall in the cubicle."

The clay sculpture hall is not big, but it is divided into small rooms one after another, and Luo Li can't figure out the various twists and turns.

All she knew was that Mo Jinbei led her to a small cubicle with ease.

When the two sat in a small cubicle and saw the things on both sides of the wall, she was a little shocked.

The grid is not big, except for the clay sculpture table in the middle and various necessary utensils, there are only hidden grids on both sides of the wall for objects.

There are twelve clay sculptures in this cubicle, and each clay sculpture is her, some smiling, some angry, some happy, and some concentrating on drawing design drafts...

Luo Li picked up one casually, her eyes filled with admiration beyond words.

"You did this?"

Mo Jinbei waved his hand, "What else?"

"Do you miss me that much?"


There was a flash of emotion in Mo Jinbei's eyes, which flickered on and off.

"Then why don't you come to me?"

Luo Li would never believe that she had time to arrange for the two super eyeliners, Auntie and Fatty, but had no time to find her in person.

Mo Jinbei helped Luo Li's fallen hair back to his temples, and said softly, "I just need to know where you are."

In fact, he also regretted it in his heart, why he didn't go to Luo Li in those three years.

But rather than letting her come back and confine her by his side, Mo Jinbei wanted to help Luo Li and let her find her own world abroad.

How could Luo Li not understand what Mo Jinbei was thinking.

It's just that she blamed him a little in her heart, why did she only let her know about this place now, why did she bring her here to fill the gap of those three years.

"Hey, I'll watch your performance today." Luo Li turned to the side, leaving room for Mo Jinbei to display his talents.

Mo Jinbei left a kiss on Luo Li's lips, his voice was low and charming, "Watch me perform."

The process of clay sculpting is long and boring, requiring constant polishing and polishing before it can be formed.

But this process, in Luo Li's view, was very interesting.

She watched with her own eyes that the appearance of the clay figurines of the two became more and more clear in Mo Jinbei's hands, and an indescribable sense of happiness suddenly arose in her heart.

This process is like the process of two people being together.

At first, she just wanted to escape from the wedding, so she fell into Mo Jinbei's wedding scene. As the two signed the contract, they gradually understood each other and were attracted to each other. Later, they got to know each other and stayed together. Although this process was long, it ended. But it is happy.

The clay sculpture made by Mo Jinbei is a scene of two people embracing each other. Luo Li is leaning on Mo Jinbei's shoulder. Just looking at this model, he already feels a sense of warmth.

I don't know if it's due to the atmosphere or psychological effect, Luo Li, who has always been restrained, has become very bold at this time. She turned around and said softly in her ear, "Mo Jinbei, I love you."

After speaking, she was about to run away like a little rabbit.

But how could Mo Jinbei give her such a chance.

He directly hugged her lazily on his lap, and began to savor the fragrance in his arms.

In a small room, the two expressed their love for each other...

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