The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 372 Do You Think Jiang Lingshen Will Keep It Secret For You?

Cheng Yu investigated Zhou Wenli's itinerary again and found out the problem.

Mo's obviously has his own underground parking lot with plenty of space, but he chose to go to the paid parking space in the shopping mall next door. He stayed for a long time, obviously to meet someone.

"Through the investigation of the surveillance video, it was found that Zhou Wenli and Jiang Lingshen often meet in the underground garage of the shopping mall." Cheng Yu handed over the scary photos from the video.

When Mo Jinbei saw the photo, his face darkened. Luo Li was right. They met more than once.

"Has Zhou Wenli done anything in the past two days?"

"No, the other directors yelled that you had reached the point of blocking the door, but he still didn't respond."

It turned out that Cheng Yu was wondering why Zhou Wenli, who has always been the most restless, didn't show his face this time. It turned out that he had another purpose!
"It may also be dragged down by other things, and I can't get up." Mo Jinbei looked at Zhou Wenli in the photo, meaningfully, "Master Zhou, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

The last time it was just Luo Li's application to see the laboratory materials, Zhou Wenli, an old fox, hurried over in person, but Zhou Wenli was as stable as Mount Tai when such a big thing happened this time.

Support his work and give him enough time to solve problems?

How could someone like Zhou Wenli, who puts the interests of the group first, care about his past relationship with his grandfather!
"Have you found out the relationship between Jiang Yuanbin and Jiang Lingshen?"

"Not yet." After a pause, Cheng Yu went on to say, "There are already plans, and there will be results soon."

Mo Jinbei's frowning brows gradually relaxed, and with a soft "um", Cheng Yu left the office in time.

He always vaguely felt that there was a connection between these people and things, but he didn't know where the point of support for their connection was.

Is it just because it is so simple to save his son?
How did Zhou Wenli find Jiang Lingshen?How did he know that Jiang Lingshen had this ability.

Luo Li was not idle here either. Apart from perfecting the new product planning case, she was also thinking about how to find evidence of being plagiarized by the Gu family.

Gu's and Mo's' paths are similar, and most of the designers are familiar with each other, but it's just a superficial acquaintance.

After all, Luo Li is the chief designer of the Mo family. If he gets too close to other companies, he will inevitably be suspected of having similar ideas.

In order to avoid leisure, there is no friendship in private.

Just when Luo Li was thinking about how to invite Gu's chief designer out, Lisa, the god assist, came online.

"A Li, today I returned the pre-ordered Gu's new product, and they dare to plagiarize your work, I really hate it."

Lisa said as soon as she entered the door, looking for compliments.

Luo Li's almond eyes lit up when she heard it, "Do you order Gu's new products every year?"

"Almost." Lisa took a sip of milk tea, showing a harmless expression, "A Li, you won't break up with me just because of this!"

As she said that, Lisa directly stretched out her hand and swore to the sky, "If I had known that the Gu family was against you, their stuff would be free, and I wouldn't want it either."

Luo Li was amused by Lisa's words.

Jewelry, like catering, is a service industry, and the customer's vision comes first.

Every year, they solicit opinions from customers at least twice to check for omissions and make up for their own products.

Lisa is a senior customer of Gu's, for her, it is a good thing.

"SaSa, you really helped me a lot!" Luo Li walked to Lisa's side, pinching and pounding her shoulder, full of flattery.

These words seemed to be very useful to Lisa. She crossed her legs, squinted her eyes, and said with a look of enjoyment, "Tell me, what do you need me to do!"

"It's very simple, just say that I want to meet this designer in private and have a meal together." Luo Li believes that as long as Lisa proposes an invitation, the other party will [-]% agree.

When Lisa heard this, she burst out laughing, "It's just for this matter! Don't worry, Li, the people of Gu's, no, their chief designer knows that I'm going to ask her out, I guess he will be happy Crazy!"

Lisa is a major customer of Gu's Jewelry, the kind who "consoles" many times every year.

Two days ago, because of Lisa's sudden return, the chief designer contacted her personally, but Lisa refused.

Let Lisa ask her out now, it's not easy.

Just do what you said, Lisa called Luo Li directly in front of Luo Li, and the time was set for that night.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Luo Li gave Lisa a bear hug.

Solving this matter is finally a bit of an eyebrow.

Luo Li struck while the iron was hot, and called Su Yamo that day.

Su Yamo seemed to have thought that Luo Li would call for a long time, so she connected directly without hesitation.

"Director Luo." Su Yamo's voice was as flat as plain boiled water.

If she hadn't seen Su Yamo and Jiang Lingshen together, Luo Li would never have believed that this hard-working and motivated girl would have anything to do with plagiarism.

"Don't go to work, and don't ask for leave? When the Mo family has no rules?" Luo Li's tone was serious.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, "Director Luo, I have some problems at home recently, and I can't go to work in the company recently, please forgive me."

"It's okay. At eight o'clock tonight, there is a small gathering in the circle on the first floor of Beicheng restaurant. I hope you can come."

Before Su Yamo could reply, Luo Li hung up the phone directly.

She was betting, she bet that Su Yamo would go to Jiang Lingshen for help.

Jiang Lingshen, who is curious and adventurous, will definitely let Su Yamo pass by, then...

Maybe Jiang Lingshen has the psychological quality to bear it, but Su Yamo doesn't necessarily have to.

CEO's office.

The fifty-square-meter office looked particularly depressing at this time, and the director and his party glared angrily at the calm person sitting on the office chair.

"President Mo, we trust you, that's why we handed over the company to you, but now you, the Mo family, have become the laughing stock of everyone!"

"It's been a few days, and you haven't held a press conference to give everyone an explanation. Don't you want to kill all the few remaining customers of Mo's!"

"Jin Bei, I watched you grow up. You have been strict and calm since you were a child. Why this time... Tell me, do you have any difficulties, or have you been influenced by someone?"

Mo Jinbei suddenly raised his head, and said with deep eyes, "Everyone knows better than me how hard it is for the Mo family to get to where it is today. Now that the Mo family has a problem, everyone is not thinking of solving the problem, but clamoring for an explanation from me. ,this……"

Having said that, Mo Jinbei stopped abruptly.

Some words, if you say too much, are inappropriate.

"Jin Bei, we are old, and sometimes we may look at things one-sidedly. Like us, we are also afraid that the Mo's Building that everyone has worked hard to accumulate will be destroyed. Shopping malls are like battlefields, changing rapidly."

After everyone looked at each other, an old man stood up and said.

Mo Jinbei got up, "Uncle Li, you accompanied grandpa to conquer the Mo clan. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is grandpa's right arm. There will be a press conference tomorrow. Don't worry, and all directors, please rest assured that the Mo clan will definitely give everyone A satisfactory confession."

"Okay, we trust you!" The old man patted Mo Jinbei on the shoulder, and then began to evacuate the people who had been sitting in the office.

The president's office, which was still crowded, returned to its original silence and coldness in less than a minute.

Compared with just now, Cheng Yu still likes the current state the most.

Mo Jinbei rubbed his sour eyes, and handed Cheng Yu a stack of documents, "Go and prepare the materials for tomorrow."

"Okay, President."

Cheng Yu repeated the four words countless times, but at this moment, he uttered a different bitter feeling.

into the night.

The night in the city is beautiful, the buildings are like bonfires lit in the distance, and the people on the long street seem to be singing and dancing, comfortable and wonderful.

If there were no accidents at the press conference, Luo Li would definitely drag Mo Jinbei out now.

Feel the warm wind in winter and taste street food.

"SaSa, tell me, how does it feel to go out for a walk with someone you like?"

When Lisa heard Luo Li's nonsensical words, she put her hand on her forehead and complained, "It's over, it's over, it's over, Mr. Mo just found a stupid wife!"

Luo Li gave Lisa a blank stare, and she was the one who could say that!
It was less than eight o'clock when the two arrived at the Beicheng restaurant, and the chief designer of Gu's was already waiting early.

In order to avoid suspicion, only Lisa went to the seat alone, while Luo Li found another seat.

Just as Lisa passed by, Su Yamo came.

The moment she saw Luo Li, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across Su Yamo's face, and then it disappeared in a flash.

When she walked in front of her eyes, she had already turned into that hard-working girl.

"Director Luo." Su Yamo called softly.

Luo Li winked at the seat opposite, motioning her to sit down.

"Is there a problem at home?" Luo Li asked while pouring water for Su Yamo.

Su Yamo lowered her head, said "um" in a low voice, and then took the water glass that Luo Li handed over with both hands.

"Difficulties will always pass, but if a person has no conscience." She said, she gave Su Yamo a meaningful look, "Then..."

"I don't understand what Director Luo means by saying that." Su Yamo replied calmly and without haste.

Luo Li chuckled, "It's nothing interesting, just sigh casually."

Before, Luo Li didn't know that Su Yamo could be so indifferent. She might not have such a strong psychological quality.

"I have a friend who will come over later. She is the chief designer of Gu's Group. She said that the company has decided to fire her. The person in charge has the same name as you, also named Su Yamo."

Su Yamo raised her lowered head suddenly, and looked at Luo Li incredulously, "You know everything?"

"Do you think Jiang Lingshen will keep the secret for you?" Luo Li took a sip of tea, narrowed her eyes and said, "In his eyes, you may not be as good as a chess piece."

Su Yamo's expression instantly collapsed.

She knew that this matter would be investigated sooner or later, but she didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Director Luo, I have reasons for this matter. I am not coveting the position of design director. My boyfriend is seriously ill and needs 100 million yuan for treatment. I just graduated, so how can I have so much money?"

When she said this, Su Yamo was full of remorse.

"Then have you ever thought about yourself? What kind of criminal responsibility will be pursued for deliberately leaking company secrets, huh?"

The four "criminal responsibility" are like four mountains, which directly confuse Su Yamo.

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