The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 336 Can I Add You On WeChat?

Seeing the content on the list, Ms. Fang's face turned pale all of a sudden, "You, what do you mean?"

"I still want to ask what Ms. Fang means?" Luo Li sat opposite her with her legs crossed, elegant and gentle, but her tone was somewhat mocking.

"You bought jewelry at our counter, then turned around and ordered an identical one from a high imitation store to frame us, and even smashed our counter, Ms. Fang, you must be honest."

Ms. Fang could hardly control herself to tremble, "You, what nonsense are you talking about? This list is not mine!"

"It's not yours? It's under Ms. Fang's autograph." Luo Li said sarcastically.

Ms. Fang swallowed nervously, and sat there in a panic with her hands clenched.

Luo Li called up the calculator on her mobile phone, "Ms. Fang framed us for deceiving consumers, damaged our brand reputation, smashed our counters, damaged countless jewels, and even caused a psychological shadow on our shop assistants. Counting the seven or eighty-eight compensations, if there is no tens of millions, it can't be finished."

"Tens of millions!?" Ms. Fang was shocked, and her face turned pale all of a sudden, "Don't, don't... Director Luo, I didn't mean it! I'm just a ghost, I really don't have any money! Can you let me go? I can clarify it to the public!"

Luo Li watched her eyes gradually turn cold, "Can clarification change everything? Ms. Fang's evasion of responsibility is really naive."

"Then what do you want?" Ms. Fang stood up anxiously, "Anyway, I have no money!"

"Then call the police and deal with it." Luo Li looked at the clerk at the side and signaled her to call the police, "Yesterday, Ms. Fang led someone to smash up our counter. I kept the surveillance video. I believe the police will uphold justice for us."

"Don't—" Ms. Fang suddenly stepped forward and snatched the clerk's mobile phone. Seeing that Luo Li had lost her domineering appearance yesterday, she begged humbly instead.

"Miss Luo... I beg you to let me go! I really have no money, and I have a child to support, so I can't afford it!"

"Since you can't afford it, why do you do this?" Luo Li asked sharply.

Ms. Fang was obviously taken aback, and something flashed in her eyes, "I... I just want some money..."

"If it's for money, Ms. Fang should have brought it up yesterday, but why didn't you say it? You kept asking our president to apologize in person?" Luo Li stared at her guilty and flustered eyes, "Ms. Fang, what you said is your own Do you believe it?"

Ms. Fang's lower lip trembled slightly, tears fell uncontrollably, "I...was...someone asked me to do this."

Luo Li narrowed her eyes: "Who is it?"

"I, I don't know, a man. We contacted by phone. He said that he would give me 100 million yuan after it was done. I... I was short of money, so I agreed."

Ms. Fang held her arm and begged, and knelt down on the ground, "Miss Luo! Miss Luo, I know you are a good person. Let me go because I still have a child to raise!"

Luo Li broke free from her hand, stood up and stared at her condescendingly, "You are not the only one in trouble in this world. If I hadn't found this evidence, many people might lose their jobs or even break up their families because of you today." , you are an adult, you have to be responsible when you make a choice.”

The moment the words fell, two policemen walked in, "Who called the police?"

Luo Li looked up at them: "It's me."

If it was a long time ago, she might have softened her heart, but in the three years outside, she has seen a lot of people who do anything for their ends, and she has learned to treat them rationally.

Everyone has difficulties before doing something, but no matter what, since you have done it, you must learn to bear it.

In the adult world, no one pays for you.

Follow the police to the police station to handle the relevant procedures. This matter still needs to be resolved through judicial procedures. Ms. Fang is temporarily detained, and it cannot be handled in a short time.

"Director Luo, you are really good. You managed to settle the matter in just one day." The little sister of the counter clerk has completely become her fangirl.

Luo Li smiled helplessly: "What's your name?"

"Oh, my name is Mi Xiaoxiao, and I'm the shopping guide of the counter." The little sister introduced herself, with a very cute round face.

Luo Li nodded: "I remember that the counter also has a store manager?"

"Oh, our store manager has a baby and is on maternity leave, so I'm the only one in the counter recently. It seems that the new shopping guide will come next month." Mi Xiaoxiao said very cheerfully.

Luo Li looked at her a little appreciatively, "The little girl is quite capable, and she looks decent in managing the counter by herself."

"Really? Thank you Director Luo, I will continue to work hard." Mi Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed.

"I'll accompany you back to the counter to clean it up, count the damaged items and jewelry, and then take the list back to the Finance Department."

When the two returned to the mall, a tall and thin boy was already waiting at the door of the counter.

"Hi Director Luo, my name is Lin Mu, and the president sent me here to help you." The boy walked up to him and said hello cautiously.

Luo Li nodded: "Okay, let's come in and clean up together."

The three of them cleaned up the counter together, counted the damaged jewelry, arranged for the master to come and reinstall the counter, sent the jewelry back for repair, and went to the finance department for approval.

After a whole day, Luo Li felt that her legs were about to break.

I went to several imitation shops in the morning, then went to the police station, and cleaned up the counters when I came back. Today’s task is really heavy.

In the evening, Luo Li sat down to rest on the flower bed by the side of the road, looked at the little boy who had been with her for a long time, "Thank you for your hard work today."

"No trouble Director Luo." Lin Mu looked a little shy.

Luo Li took a breath and asked casually, "Which department are you from?"

"I'm in the software development team."

"Software development team?" Luo Li was a little surprised, "Then why do you..."

Lin Mu scratched his hair shyly, "Oh, Assistant Cheng found someone to help you, but everyone was busy so I came here. It's not that something happened to the global website, and our team has nothing to do."

Luo Li nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard." Lin Mu smiled shyly, and his eyes touched a certain place for a moment, "Director Luo, wait a moment."

After speaking, he ran away.

Luo Li was a little confused, then shook her head helplessly.

Today's young people are really full of energy.

Taking out her mobile phone, Luo Li sent Mo Jinbei a WeChat message.

{A little Ari: I have already settled it here, are you still in the group? }
There was no immediate reply. Mo Jinbei seldom used WeChat. Most of the time, he would directly call or send messages, which was faster.

Lin Mu quickly ran back with a bag, handed her a piece of bread and a bottle of milk, then took out a Band-Aid from the black bag and squatted in front of her.

Luo Li was taken aback by his action, and shrank her legs subconsciously: "What are you doing?"

"Well, your heel is worn out." Lin Mu looked up at her and said.

Luo Li looked down, only to realize that she reached out to him with a smile: "Thank you, I'll just do it myself."

Lin Mu handed her the Band-Aid and sat down beside her.

Luo Li skillfully put the Band-Aid on herself.

When I first started my business abroad, I had to do everything by myself, and my feet were often worn out. At that time, there was no one to take care of me, so I had to do it myself.

Lin Mu watched her movements, and a cautious liking flashed in his eyes.

He likes Luo Li.

When he first joined the group, he had heard about Luo Li. At that time, he didn't know why, but he was curious about her.

What's more, he's a Calliope fan.

The first time she came back to the Mo family, he fell in love with her.

This time, he came to help on his own initiative.

Although he heard that she had a relationship with the president, he didn't care. It was enough to be able to like her silently and be with her.

Lin Mu sent her downstairs in the community, and Luo Li thanked her again: "Thank you for sending me back, it's getting late, you should go home quickly, thank you for your hard work today."

"No trouble, Director Luo." Lin Mu touched his neck shyly, "That Director Luo...I, can I add you on WeChat?"

Luo Li was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Lin Mu laughed, took out his phone, and Luo Li asked him to scan it.

"Thank you Director Luo, then I'll go first." Lin Mu waved his hand, turned around and left.

Luo Li noted his name on WeChat, turned around and entered the community without much thought.

She was really exhausted, and she wished she could lie down and sleep right away, and he was in a daze!

Walking into the apartment, Luo Li was a little surprised to see the lights all over the room, and when he walked inside, he saw Mo Jinbei.

He wore a black knitted top, loose casual trousers of the same color underneath, and a pair of slippers on his feet. His angular profile looked extraordinarily gentle under the soft light.

He concentrated on stirring the porridge in the pot, and when he heard the voice, he glanced sideways at her: "I'm back."

Luo Li slightly leaned forward on the bar connecting the living room and the kitchen, "Why are you at home? Are you not busy?"

Mo Jinbei put the lid on the pot, took a towel beside him and wiped his hands carefully, then turned around to chop vegetables, "Well, I'm not busy."

not busy?

Luo Li felt that something was wrong with him, "Is the matter of the website settled?"



Luo Li curled her lips, turned around and lay down on the sofa, "The counter matter is settled, I sent you a WeChat message but you didn't reply."

Mo Jinbei looked at her lazily and bent his lips: "I didn't see it."

Luo Li took the pillow beside her and put it under her face, watching his movements felt very happy, "When did you learn to cook?"

Mo Jinbei took the bowls and chopsticks and put them on the bar counter, "Just these two years."

Luo Li nodded appreciatively: "Not bad."

Seeing her still lying there, Mo Jinbei greeted her, "Come over for dinner."

Luo Li opened her arms towards him: "You hug me, I'm so tired."

Mo Jinbei sighed helplessly, stepped forward and looked down at her, and after a few seconds, he still picked her up, "You are getting lazy."

"How could I? I've run so many places today that I'm exhausted." Luo Li said coquettishly, lifting her foot, "Look, my feet are worn out."

Mo Jinbei put her on the chair, "Sterilize me after dinner."

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