Mo Jinbei was a little surprised: "You can't speak well?"

"I can't do anything." Luo Li looked at him coquettishly, "I was too busy in college and didn't have time to study. I thought it would be useless to study, so I gave up this subject, but I have a good foundation, that is, oral English It's a bit short."

She grew up in a slum, and she always had some low self-esteem in her heart, and some words from people around her made her feel that her hard work was useless. This kind of thinking continued until she was about to graduate from university and gradually came out.

"Don't worry, you'll learn it slowly when you get there." Mo Jinbei patted her head to comfort her.

"Well, do auntie and uncle know that I'm leaving?" Luo Li looked at him thinking of something, "Will they be angry?"

The relationship with Auntie has just eased up a bit, what if Auntie thinks she is going to abandon Mo Jinbei?
Mo Jinbei bent his lips and smiled: "Well, it should be. The daughter-in-law who is about to get her soon leaves suddenly, and she will definitely be angry."

"Then what should I do?" Luo Li immediately became anxious, "How about I explain it to Auntie?"

Mo Jinbei smiled helplessly: "You're kidding, I haven't told them yet, let's meet in person before you leave, so I can say goodbye, my mother will definitely support you, she is a strong woman in the first place."

Luo Li nodded.

Because Lisa was also about to leave, so they packed up their things quickly in the past two days. Before they left, Lisa had to go home to live, and Luo Li naturally went home with Mo Jinbei.

After all, she was leaving, and she still wanted to stay with him for a while.
"No, this is for you."

Lisa handed Lu Haoyan a small box. He sat awkwardly on the chair and didn't answer it: "What are you doing? A breakup gift?"

Lisa was very helpless, and threw it directly on his lap, "Don't forget it."

"Hey—" Lu Haoyan picked it up and chased after him, "Are you really going?"

Lisa nodded.

"Why? Old Mo wants a long-distance relationship, and you also have a long-distance relationship with me? No, it's a long-distance relationship, and it's still four years away!" Lu Haoyan has been in a bad mood ever since he knew she was leaving.

"This is what I decided from the beginning, and we are different from Ali and the others, and we are not together." Lisa didn't understand why he was angry, she was always like a child, thinking about things so simple.

Lu Haoyan was laughed angrily: "Yes, I've always been the one who was being go, dad has already found me a marriage partner, the two of us may really have nothing to do with each other."

Lisa was startled, and looked at him with a sudden smile: "What are you talking about, we have nothing to do with each other, I just treat you as a friend, to be honest, I don't feel the slightest bit about you chasing me these days."

Lu Haoyan looked at her with a hint of sadness in her eyes, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I came to see you because you are pitiful. A boy like you who only knows how to rely on his father to eat, drink and have fun all day long is childish. How could I like you?" Lisa snatched the box from his hand, "Goodbye My little friend, I hope you and your future marriage partner will be happy."

After finishing speaking, she turned and left gracefully, her high ponytail swaying slightly as she walked, just like the way he met her at the beginning.

That's good, he doesn't have to struggle anymore.

Walking out of the hospital, Lisa took a deep breath looking at the heavy rain, and tears fell uncontrollably, "What the hell! I didn't bring an umbrella and it rained so much with me!"

She yelled out as if venting, breaking down and crying.

Bastards, all bastards!
"Little girl, are you okay?" A well-meaning person passed by and wanted to come forward to comfort her, but she drove him away.

"Go away, don't you understand a broken relationship? Go see your doctor." After speaking, she walked into the heavy rain without hesitation.

On the day Lisa left, the rain was still falling, as if it would not stop, telling the sadness of early winter.

Luo Li and Mo Jinbei watched her walk into the security check with her luggage, without hesitation without looking back.

"Lu Haoyan really won't come, this guy will definitely regret it." Luo Li felt distressed when she thought of Lisa's eyes swollen from crying.

Mo Jinbei looked at her: "Let's go too."

Luo Li nodded: "Are uncles and aunts waiting for us?"

"I just said that, we have time to go there now." Mo Jinbei held her hand.

"Hmm... Then should I buy something?" Luo Li was a little nervous, after all, it was the first time to formally meet her uncle and aunt, so she had to be more polite.

Mo Jinbei looked at her nervousness and squeezed her palm, "I'm ready, why are you nervous?"

Luo Li stuck out her tongue.

Walking out of the airport, Mo Jinbei's cell phone rang. Luo Li held an umbrella and watched him answer the call. He didn't know what was said there, and his expression suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Luo Li watched him hang up the phone.

Mo Jinbei's breathing was a little short, and his whole body seemed to be stunned, "The hospital called and said... Grandpa is dying."

This rain is indeed sad.

The two hurried to the hospital, and from a distance, they saw people surrounded by the door of the emergency room, and the sound of sad crying continued.

Mo Jinbei only looked at the attending doctor and shook his head regretfully, as if he couldn't hear anything.

All the sounds in my ears have completely receded...

Grandpa is dead.

As soon as he had prepared himself psychologically, when this moment really came, he still had some... indescribable, tearing pain in his heart.

Grandpa raised him since he was a child, and he was strict with himself as soon as he was a teenager. He was so strict that he even suspected that he raised himself just to find a competent heir for the group when he was a teenager, and even hated him.

But it wasn't until his grandfather fell ill that he realized how much effort his grandfather had put into him, and who was always with him during those lonely moments caused by the absence of his parents and his illness.

Grandpa's weight in his heart even exceeds that of his parents.

Mo Jinbei has never understood what people often say about the feeling of the sky falling. He always feels that the sky is being held up by himself.

But at this moment, he felt that his world had become a ruin, extremely desolate.

Luo Li saw that his face turned pale, his eyes were red, he held his shoulder worriedly, and called him softly: "A Bei?"

Mo Jinbei suppressed his sadness, his body trembled slightly, and he looked at the doctor with scarlet tears in his eyes: "Why is this happening? Didn't you say you were fine yesterday and have improved?"

Why all of a sudden—

The doctor was also very sorry, "I'm sorry, Young Master Mo, the fact is that we have tried our best, but... I suspect that the old man's death will not be so easy."

Mo Jinbei was startled, and everyone present was stunned, "What does this mean?"

"The old man died of a sudden myocardial infarction, but there was nothing wrong with the old man's heart examination before his death. The chance of this happening is very small, so if possible, let's do an autopsy."

Mo Wenhan was startled by the doctor's words: "What autopsy? My dad is already dead, so let him do an autopsy...I don't agree."

"Do it." Mo Jinbei replied loudly, "do an autopsy immediately."

Liang Jin looked at him very helplessly: "Ah Bei... I know that your grandpa has been with you all this time, and you are sorry for his death, but he has already passed away, so don't torture your grandpa any more, let him go with peace of mind .”

"Grandpa's heart examination has always been normal. I don't believe he will die of a heart attack." Mo Jinbei was very firm. No one understood Grandpa's physical condition better than him.

Grandpa's lung function is not good, he can understand if he died because of this, but his heart function has always been very good, how could he have a myocardial infarction?
An autopsy was arranged immediately, and it turned out that something went wrong.

"We found a toxin in the elderly, this chronic toxin increases the rapid flow of blood vessels in the heart, which can cause blockage and myocardial infarction."

"Toxin?" Mo Jinbei's face darkened, "Why is there such a toxin? How does your hospital do things!"

He didn't sleep all night, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was stern and frightening.

The doctor swallowed his saliva and carefully explained: "It is absolutely impossible for our hospital to have such a toxin. This toxin is commonly used abroad but is banned in our country. It is similar to stimulants. Generally, people who do sports will It is used, but it can only be prescribed under very strict certification, and our hospital does not have this kind of medicine.”

So who the hell brought this toxin into Grandpa's hospital room?

"How long does it take for this toxin to cause death?"

"Based on the old man's physical condition and age, it's less than a week."

"Who has been in Grandpa's ward this week?" Mo Jinbei looked at the doctor with a dark look.

"Except for the medical staff..." The doctor raised his eyes cautiously, "Miss Luo beside you?"

Luo Li was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Mo Jinbei.

"It's impossible for her to bring this kind of poison in." Mo Jinbei said without thinking.

"Cheng Yu!"

Cheng Yu quickly walked in: "President."

"Check it out for me! Check it out for any doctors and nurses who have been in Grandpa's ward! Including nurses and cleaners, don't let me let a single fly go!" He ordered fiercely, his eyes seemed to be on fire.

Luo Li had known Mo Jinbei for so long, and this was the first time he saw him so angry and out of control.

Mo Jinbei began to investigate those doctors every day, because it took a long time, he went to interrogate each of them himself, and he was bound to find that person.

Luo Li and Liang Jin were very worried.

"Ah Bei, don't do this, you have to let grandpa go to the ground first, right? His body has been parked there, can you bear it?" Liang Jin felt very distressed when he saw his appearance at this time.

He hadn't slept for several days, his eyes were bloodshot, "Mom, we can't find the murderer, and we can't let Grandpa rest in peace."


"You don't understand. The group has made many enemies over the years. If I don't find that person as soon as possible, you may be the next victim." He said in a low voice, turned and walked into the room again to interrogate the next person .

Liang Jin sighed and looked at Luo Li, "A Li, please persuade him, he hasn't eaten anything today."

Luo Li was also very helpless: "He couldn't eat, I wanted him to eat something yesterday, but he vomited it up."

His grandfather's death hit him hard.

"What can I do..." Liang Jin shed tears.

Originally thought that the life of their family could finally stabilize, but who knew that such a thing would happen.

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