The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 301 The chance to make up

Mo Wenhan nodded, followed her and said, "Then we don't want him anymore."

"What are you talking about!" Liang Jin glared at him, "That's my son, no matter how bad it is, it's still my son. Now that we were busy with work, we really didn't care about him. It's normal for him to resent us."

But she had no choice at that time. In order to give the family a better life, she could only give up the time with him to fight hard.

If she could do it all over again, she might still choose this way, because she has no other choice.

Luo Li stood at the door, listening to the conversation between the two, and looked at Mo Jinbei.

He stood there silently, his deep dark eyes seemed to be a little watery.

Luo Li bent her lips, tugged at his sleeve, and led him in.

"Uncle, auntie."

Seeing them coming back, Liang Jin quickly put down her legs that were originally huddled on the sofa, and sat up straight with an elegant posture, "Hey, why didn't you say hello when you came back."

Mo Jinbei stood there silently, Luo Li tugged at his sleeve and he didn't speak.

What a tsundere guy!

Luo Li reluctantly put the thermos on the table, "Well, we made some soup for my uncles and aunts to drink."

"You?" Liang Jin was taken aback.

Luo Li nodded: "Most of them are made by Ah Bei, I just helped to adjust the flavor."

Liang Jin looked at the thermos with a smile on his face, but put it away in time, "Why are you doing this, you are usually tired from work."

Mo Wenhan smiled, and stepped forward to open the thermos, "It tastes quite delicious. I'll get a bowl to taste it. You shouldn't drink it, right? You don't eat after eight o'clock."

Liang Jin glared at him: "Of course I want to taste what my son made, go get the bowl quickly."

"Uncle, let me help you." Luo Li took the opportunity to enter the kitchen with Mo Wenhan.

For a while, only Liang Jin and Mo Jinbei were left in the living room.

Each other is a little at a loss.

Liang Jin pursed her lips, feeling nervous: "Sit down, what are you doing standing up?"

Mo Jinbei nodded, and sat down on the sofa beside him.

Luo Li and Mo Wenhan leaned against the wall to watch, and when they saw Mo Jinbei sitting down, they felt helpless: "Why is he sitting so far away, he should sit next to Auntie..."

Mo Wenhan was also very worried, "Mothers don't know how to find a topic to talk about."

The two remained silent, only the bloody soap opera was playing on the TV, and it seemed that they were in the middle of a quarrel scene, which was extraordinarily intense.

Liang Jin clenched his hands, trying to find the remote control to turn it off, but he didn't know where to put it.

Mo Wenhan and Luo Li saw the embarrassment of the two people's silence, so they had no choice but to go out with the bowl and spoon.

Luo Li helped serve the soup, Liang Jin tasted it and was amazed, "Well, it tastes very good, very delicious."

Luo Li bent her lips: "As long as you like it."

A smile flashed across Mo Jinbei's eyes, but he raised his head and said, "It's late, we're going back first."

Luo Li's smile froze, so he went back?
Mo Wenhan coughed and looked at Luo Li, "I heard that Miss Luo knows how to paint?"

Luo Li was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in response: "A little bit, I worked in a gallery before."

"That's just right, there is a painting in my study, would Miss Luo come and appreciate it?" Mo Wenhan invited.

Luo Li glanced at Mo Jinbei and nodded: "Okay."

"Come on." Mo Wenhan led her upstairs.

"Hey——" Liang Jin looked at them with some helplessness, "Your dad is really familiar enough."

Mo Jinbei glanced at her and didn't speak, but clasped his hands slightly nervously.

Liang Jin looked at him and sighed: "Thank you for your hard work, make me some soup."

Mo Jinbei lowered his eyes: "You're welcome."

He sat there coldly, as if he was in a business negotiation.

Looking at his side face, Liang Jin couldn't help but feel a little hot in his eyes. He hesitated for a while but mustered up the courage to say: "Actually, Mom... I always wanted to say sorry to you."

Mo Jinbei's eyes moved slightly.

"When you were young, I was busy with my career and couldn't accompany you. When you grew up, I accompanied your father abroad... It's my mother's fault for letting you grow up alone." Liang Jin said, his eyes flushed.

"I came back with your father this time to accompany you, but I didn't expect to make you unhappy when I came back. Your father is right. I should respect what you want. After all, that person is going to spend the rest of your life with you." , the most important thing is that you like to be happy."

After saying that, Liang Jin leaned over cautiously, stretched out his hand to hold Mo Jinbei's hand, "Forgive Mom, and give Mom a chance to make up for it?"

Mo Jinbei kept his head down all the time, so that no one could see her expression. He didn't say anything, as if he was suppressing some emotions.

Just when Liang Jin thought that he would not respond to him, he suddenly reached out to wrap her arms around her shoulders and hugged her into his arms.

A long overdue hug.

Mo Wenhan squatted at the corner of the stairs, with tears in his eyes, and nodded in great relief.

Luo Li also wanted to cry a little. He was inevitably moved after witnessing this scene. Then he found Mo Wenhan squatting in this small corner, pawing at the wall, and couldn't help but chuckle: "Uncle, you are so cute."

Mo Wenhan looked at her: "Cute?"

Luo Li realized that she had said what was in her heart, and quickly covered her mouth: "I'm sorry uncle...I didn't mean that..."

Mo Wenhan smiled, he was very gentle, "Don't be afraid, I like this description."

Luo Li curved her lips into a smile, and felt relaxed.

It is a happy thing for a mother and child to break the ice. Although it is impossible for them to have the same relationship as other mothers and children at once, at least they have taken the first step towards each other.


Lisa rode a shared bicycle to the hospital, stood at the door of Lu Haoyan's father's ward, quietly looked inside,

Lu Haoyan was sitting on the sofa by the window, with a lot of papers and documents scattered beside him. He was holding a notebook with his legs crossed and a document in his hand. His brows were frowned, and he looked very distressed and irritable. Writing, lazy and uninhibited.

Lisa coughed, knocked on the door and entered.

"SaSa?" Lu Haoyan couldn't believe it when he saw her, "Why are you here?"

Lisa saw that his father had fallen asleep and lowered his footsteps and voice, "Uncle is asleep?"

Lu Haoyan nodded.

Lisa unnaturally handed him the thermos in her hand, "No, this is what Mo Shao and A Li asked me to give you, drink it while it's hot."

"Wow, I'm starving to death!" Lu Haoyan quickly took it, opened the lid, took the spoon on the side and wiped it on his clothes regardless of his appearance, and began to gobble it up.

Seeing him like this, Lisa curled her lips in disgust, but she still gave him a tissue, "Hungry ghost reincarnated, you."

Looking at the scattered documents on the ground, Lisa knelt down and picked them up. They were all financial statements and project reports. "Are you still going to read this?"

Lu Haoyan collapsed when he said it, "How could I read this? I can read the words on it apart, but I don't know what it says when put together. I think the Lu family will definitely die in my hands."

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