Looking at him like this, Mo Jinbei took a breath: "Do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry, you go back." He said listlessly.

The man on the hospital bed was sleeping peacefully, looking extraordinarily fragile.

Mo Jinbei licked his lower lip, grabbed Lu Haoyan by the collar and led him out.

Luo Li and Lisa looked at each other and hurriedly chased them out.

Mo Jinbei is not a patient person, and when he can solve it with one sentence, he will never say a second sentence. Apart from Luo Li, Lu Haoyan is the only person he is willing to spend his time comforting and protecting.

Seeing his current sluggish appearance, he was extremely angry, and dragged him to the smoking area and threw him forward.

Lu Haoyan hit the wall and almost fell, stood up straight and leaned there, lowered his head a little dissatisfied: "Are you sick? Do you think I can't beat you?"

"How long are you going to be like this?" Mo Jinbei took a breath and looked at him seriously, "Uncle Lu is still lying on the bed, so you are planning to give up, right?"

Lu Haoyan chuckled, his eyes were red, "My dad is going to die, what can I do if I don't give up? He's right, I really can't live without him."

Mo Jinbei clenched his fists and swung at him directly.

Lu Haoyan fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Luo Li and Lisa couldn't help being startled when they caught up, and they didn't dare to step forward to stop them.

Mo Jinbei stepped forward and picked him up, "If you are a man, stand up for me. It's not time for you to collapse yet. Both Uncle Lu and the company need you."

Lu Haoyan stared at him, panting and waved his hand away: "Mo Jinbei, leave me alone! Don't be self-righteous all the time, can you? I just want to be like this! My father is going to die, so I can't be decadent For a while? You can leave me alone!"

He broke down and cried: "Damn it... how did he get such a disease... He is obviously stronger than anyone else every time he hits me, but now he is lying there and can't get up..."

He covered his face like a helpless child.

Luo Li and Lisa both shed tears.

Mo Jinbei patted him on the back lightly, "I know you feel uncomfortable, but you are not alone."

Luo Li wiped away her tears and walked forward, squatting in front of Lu Haoyan, "Yeah, you still have us, now that medical technology is so advanced, maybe uncle will recover, don't be discouraged."

Lu Haoyan raised his head and looked at her: "Little White Rabbit, your comforting skills are really bad."

Luo Li was a little embarrassed: "Really? How about I give you a hug?"

Lu Haoyan nodded: "Come on."

Luo Li opened her arms to hug him, but Mo Jinbei grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back, "What are you hugging? Don't you know the difference between men and women?"

Luo Li looked at him innocently.

"I'm going—you're still saying this at this time!" Lu Haoyan looked at him in disbelief, and suddenly stepped forward to hug him, "Abei! I only have you, you must help me!"

Mo Jinbei wanted to push him away in disgust, but was hugged tightly by Lu Haoyan, who had no choice but to let go.

Luo Li retreated to Lisa's side, the two of them looked at each other, and tacitly took out their mobile phones.

Record this beautiful moment.

Lu Haoyan calmed down and ate his meal, washed his face, thinking of what he had done, he was still a little embarrassed facing them.

"Then what..."

Lisa took out her phone and took a look, then touched Luo Li's arm: "Going home? There will be no car later."

"Huh?" Luo Li was taken aback.

"Then I'll go first." Lisa said and walked out.

Lu Haoyan looked at her back with some annoyance.

Luo Li looked at him: "Why are you chasing after me?"

Lu Haoyan hesitated.

"Don't miss this opportunity!" Luo Li stomped her feet.

Lu Haoyan gritted his teeth and chased him out.

Lisa entered the elevator and was blocked as the door was about to close.

Lu Haoyan looked at her out of breath: "Come out."

Lisa looked away.

Alarms go off when the elevator doors arrive, and there are other people in the elevator who are starting to get disgruntled.

"Come out quickly." Lu Haoyan said anxiously.

Lisa gritted her teeth and walked out, "What do you want to do again? Didn't you say enough yesterday?"

Lu Haoyan was very guilty: "I'm sorry SaSa, I... I was in a bad mood yesterday, so I didn't speak freely. Don't be angry with me."

Lisa folded her arms and stomped her feet: "Why am I angry at you? We have nothing to do with each other, I'm meddling in my own business."

"Farewell, SaSa..." Lu Haoyan held her hand, "I really know I was wrong, I... I'm just a cowardly person, I'm at a loss when my father is sick, I... I'm sorry, if you don't Give me a chance, don't worry, I will definitely mature."

Seeing his firm eyes, Lisa didn't withdraw her hand for the first time, but looked at him seriously.

"Lu Haoyan, we are not children anymore. We should understand that some words will not change. Your father is sick and needs you to take care of him. The company also needs you. You must be strong."

She sighed softly: "You want to become mature, but not for me, but for yourself, because no one in this world can accompany you to the end, do you understand?"

Lu Haoyan lowered his eyes slightly, and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Lisa pulled out her hand, and said unnaturally: "You take good care of the house during this time, and come to me when you are free."

Lu Haoyan paused and looked at her in surprise.

Lisa was unnaturally stared at by him, coughed and left.

Lu Haoyan was stunned for a few seconds before he realized that she asked him to find her, what does that mean?

He had a feeling of seeing the dawn of victory, and he smiled, feeling suddenly enlightened.

Lu Haoyan was officially alive, and Mo Jinbei and Luo Li also left in peace.

"Lu Haoyan is really like a child, it's hard to imagine that you two will be friends."

Walking hand in hand on the road, Luo Li couldn't help sighing.

Mo Jinbei lowered his eyes and bent his lips: "It's quite annoying."

Luo Li looked at him and smiled helplessly: "How did you know each other?"

To be honest, with a personality like Mo Jinbei's cold on the outside and hot on the inside, it may be difficult to get through the initial stage of acquaintance and become friends with him.

"My mother and his mother have a very good relationship. His family used to live next door to my house, and then his parents divorced and then moved away." Mo Jinbei said lightly.

Thinking about it for many years now.

Although Lu Haoyan was annoying, it seemed that he had been by his side for a long, long time.

"It's been so long, then were you like this when you were a child?" Luo Li was a little curious.

Mo Jinbei looked at her sideways and thought for a while: "Really."

"Then Lu Haoyan is awesome." Luo Li nodded affirmatively.

"What do you mean?" Mo Jinbei squeezed her hand dissatisfied.

Luo Li smiled: "Just kidding, I think the two of you are very good and complement each other."

Mo Jinbei glanced at the hotel not far away, and gently took her hand: "It seems that there is no car at this time."

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