The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 281 It Is Really Rich

Luo Li has long been used to everyone's hobby of gossip. When it was time to get off work, she casually hugged the bouquet of flowers and went home to take a shower. After applying a mask, she seriously put on makeup.

I carefully selected it in the closet. I originally wanted to choose the red dress, but after thinking about it, I thought it was too formal and gave up.

Finally, it was paired with a white lotus leaf collar short T-shirt, black wide-leg trousers on the lower body, slightly revealing a waist, and a pair of strappy high heels.

The weather was a bit cold and she wore a brown knit gown that was ankle length, looking gentle and not lacking in intelligence.

For accessories, she matched a set of low-key and simple ones, tied her hair behind her head, and pulled some strands of hair around her ears to modify her face.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Luo Li went out satisfied.

The place to eat is located in the tallest building in the city center, Ximoer Restaurant, on the top floor.

It is said that it is very difficult to arrange here. If you come to eat, you need to make an appointment in advance, and the price is very expensive. After all, it is a prime location. The chefs here are also invited from various countries. They are very unique and are also necessary for everyone to come to Haicheng. one.

At the height of the 65th floor, it takes only a few minutes to go up the elevator.

The more she got to the top, the more nervous Luo Li became, as if she hadn't had dinner with Mo Jinbei since they were together, and this was another occasion like this.

I don't know if many people will be recognized.

Just as he was thinking, the elevator reached the top floor, and the door slowly opened...

Luo Li took a step cautiously, feeling a little strangely quiet.

"Miss Luo, please."

A waiter came over respectfully and stepped forward to guide.

Luo Li nodded, still a little unaccustomed, tugged at the sleeve of the jacket and walked inside.

The view on the top floor is very good, the floor-to-ceiling glass is all around, and the bright scene of the city seems to be right in front of you.

There is soft music playing in the restaurant, and the dim lighting is purple, giving people a hazy atmosphere.

Luo Li saw Mo Jinbei from a distance.

He was sitting by the window, wearing an old black sweater, which set off his coolness and dignity. His short hair was slightly cut in the middle and fluffy. He was a little more boyish and less mature than usual.

He was holding a magazine in his hand, and his side face was sharp and angular, which looked like a movie scene under the blurred light.

With the lights of the city beside him, he has a calm demeanor, like the master of the entire city.

Slowing down involuntarily, Luo Li watched as Mo Jinbei shortened the distance bit by bit.

When Xu Shi heard the voice, Mo Jinbei looked up at her, then stood up and waited for her to approach.

The waiter led her to the table and backed away.

Luo Li was a little nervous holding the chain of the bag, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Mo Jinbei raised his hands with his hands hanging by his sides, feeling a little helpless, and then sat on the other side to help her open the chair, "Sit."

Luo Li nodded her head lightly, took off her bag and put it behind her to sit down.

Mo Jinbei sat down opposite her, raised his hand, and the waiter stepped forward and handed each of them a menu.

Luo Li glanced at it, the prices of the vegetables on it were frighteningly expensive, I really don't know why this place is so popular, could it be because the houses are expensive?

After ordering a set meal, Luo Li didn't know what to eat.

Seeing that she ordered less, Mo Jinbei added a few more.

While waiting for the meal, the waiter opened a bottle of red wine and poured it into the glass, then withdrew.

Luo Li pursed her lips in embarrassment, sat on the spot and glanced at Mo Jinbei, her four eyes collided and then moved away at the same time.

Looking around, she still opened her mouth to find a topic: "Why is there no one at all? Did we come early?"

Didn't you say it's hard to make an appointment here?
"Well, I wrapped this up." He said flatly.

Luo Li was slightly startled, and couldn't help being shocked: "Here? The first floor?"

Mo Jinbei nodded, picked up the goblet and shook it, "In order to protect our secret relationship."

"It really is rich and powerful..." She muttered in a low voice.

Mo Jinbei still heard it, and squinted his eyes, "Have you received the flowers?"

Luo Li paused, then nodded: "Speaking of which, I still want to ask you, people give red roses, what do you mean by giving yellow roses?"

Mo Jinbei looked at her naive and puzzled face, "You really don't know?"

Luo Li shook her head: "I don't have much research on flowers."

"Cough." He clenched his fist and coughed on his lips, looking very unnatural, and even sat up straight, looking restless, "That yellow rose means... apology."

He looked at her.

Luo Li suddenly realized: "If you apologize...would it be better to say it?"

She tilted her head to look at him.

Mo Jinbei smiled helplessly: "It seems that you know."

Luo Li curled her lips, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and the awkward atmosphere was finally resolved.

She shook the wine glass in front of her, "Actually, you don't need to apologize. I know you are trying to save her. If it were me, I would do the same. Paparazzi love to write nonsense."

Mo Jinbei raised his eyebrows meaningfully: "Really? You don't care?"

"No." She pretended to be okay and shook her head.

"Then why did you hang up on me?" Mo Jinbei's smile deepened.

"I... I was in a meeting." Luo Li touched her earlobe guiltily.

Mo Jinbei nodded, seeing that he didn't say anything, "In short, such things will not happen again in the future."

Luo Li's heart seemed to be covered with a quilt, and she felt warm immediately, "Yeah."

"By the way, how is Lu Haoyan's father?" Luo Li asked thoughtfully.

"Uncle Lu has woken up. I just went to see him before I came here. He is in good condition. The doctor is formulating a treatment plan for him, and he will cooperate with the treatment in the later stage."

As for whether it can be cured, it depends on God's will.

Luo Li sighed softly.

The most helpless thing in a person's life is probably watching his relatives get sick but unable to recover.

"How is Lu Haoyan?" Luo Li thought that his condition in the morning was really bad.

Mo Jinbei shook his head.

very bad.

Just like a dynamite.

"Is his mother here?"

"Here we are, and we were quarreled away again." Mo Jinbei said, shaking his head helplessly.

"Uncle Lu's illness is a big blow to him, which means that all his support has fallen. It is not a simple matter, but it is also a good opportunity for him to grow up."

Often when a person grows, it is bound to be accompanied by loss.

Luo Li rested her chin and stared at him, "It feels like you are like a personal mentor every time."

Mo Jinbei bent his lips and smiled: "Anyway, I'm a few years older than you, and I must have experienced more than you."

Luo Li felt that what he said made sense, so she raised her glass, "Then let's have a drink, I hope everyone will be well in the future."

Mo Jinbei picked it up cooperatively and touched her lightly, feeling a little uneasy thinking of something: "Aren't you drunk?"

"No, I drink very well, and if I drink too much, I will fall asleep by myself." Luo Li swore.

Why is he a little skeptical?

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