Luo Li's head was so heavy that she couldn't feel any obvious pain.

She glared over, "You think too much."

Mo Jinbei would die for her, unless he was crazy.

"The surname Mo, did you hear? Luo Li doesn't believe that you will die for her. What should I do? I really want to see it!"

Ahead, a large truck is coming towards you.

And the speed of Luo Li's car didn't slow down, it went straight to meet her.

"Mo Jinbei, catch up if you have the ability, otherwise I will die with Luo Li!"

"Huo Lingqing..."

The voice on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly.

Huo Lingqing threw the phone out casually, and looked back, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Catch up!"

Luo Li's eyelashes moved slightly, and she looked in the rearview mirror.

A familiar black car bites tightly behind them.


The big truck ahead honked harshly.

Luo Li regained consciousness in a trance, and hurried to grab the steering wheel.

The car body shook, and the tires rubbed black marks on the ground.

"Bitch, get out!"

Huo Lingqing tugged at Luo Li's hair angrily, trying to push her away.

The next second—


Luo Li bit Huo Lingqing's arm tightly, grabbed the steering wheel with the other hand and twisted it hard, and at the same time stepped on the brake hard.

"Damn, you are courting death!"

Huo Lingqing suddenly opened the car door on Luo Li's side, tore her hair, kicked her down.

At the same time, Mo Jinbei's car rushed up and was about to hit Luo Li. In an emergency, the front of the car met the big truck.

With a loud "bang", Luo Li fell to the ground and rolled around.

She struggled to open her eyes and looked in the direction of the collision, and gritted her teeth to get up, but she couldn't even do this.

There was a strong sourness in the nose, and a strong rusty smell in the mouth.

She gritted her teeth and propped up her upper body.

"Mo Jinbei."

In the next second, he fell powerlessly to the ground again, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

In a daze, she heard the door opening, and someone seemed to get out of the black car.

Is it Mo Jinbei?
is he all right?
My mind was filled with countless questions, but after all, I couldn't resist the strong dizziness, and my consciousness fell into darkness.


Pain, as if all the bones in my body were crushed.

"Luo Li, can you hear me?"

Who is calling her?

Luo Li opened her eyelids in a daze, and first saw Lisa's worried face.

"Are you awake?" Lisa pointed at herself, "Who am I?"


"Great, luckily you didn't lose your memory."

Immediately next to Lisa, someone squeezed over.

"Sister, are you okay?" Ah Qian looked at her worriedly, "Does it hurt?"

Luo Li shook her head, suddenly felt her eyes darkened, and took a deep breath.

"You can't move around now." Lisa hurriedly reminded her.

After the pain passed, Luo Li looked at her, "Where's Mo Jinbei?"

"Him?" Lisa sneered, "Alright! A beauty in my arms is much better than you."

Luo Li was stunned for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good that he's fine."

Seeing her like this, Lisa felt annoyed in her heart, "You don't know, you've been in a coma for the past few days, and there are rumors on the Internet that they are going to get back together, and they are all talking about their relationship, but your real wife is being ridiculed!"

Luo Li lowered her eyes and changed the subject, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Five days."

so long?
Her dazed expression immediately became tense, "Anjili..."

"Postponed." Lisa held her down, "She took the initiative to postpone it after she knew you were in an accident. Give her a call later."

After a pause, she had a smile on her face, "But there is a good thing, Xu Chengming got into a car accident and his hand was completely useless."


"Yeah, people are fine, but you can only have a meal after you get it. Besides, you are popular in the design circle."

So far, Design Star has aired halfway through, and the island special is completely over. Luo Li's performance has won her a lot of attention.

It's just that these attentions are only in a small range at present, but it is also the dream of many people to be famous in the design circle.

This is good news for Luo Li.

She smiled and was about to speak when someone knocked on the door outside the ward.

Lisa went to open the door, and saw that the faces of the people standing outside were not very good-looking.

Liang Jin and Gu Ruoyi came in one after the other.

Seeing that Luo Li was awake, Liang Jin smiled strangely, "You woke up quite quickly, my family, Ah Bei, is still in a coma because of you."

Luo Li froze for a moment, then looked at Lisa.

Lisa shook her head.

Aqian explained in a low voice, "You and your brother-in-law were separated after being sent to the hospital, and we couldn't see each other. We just saw the news on the Internet."

Luo Li was silent for a moment, "Lisa, help me prop up the bed."

"No need." Liang Jin's expression was very cold, "Don't make people think that I am treating patients harshly. To make a long story short, I only need two things for you."

"First, you take the initiative to divorce Jin Bei, and second, leave the Mo family."

She paused for a moment, glanced at Aqian and added, "Don't worry, I know you are in a difficult situation. If you want to study abroad or open your own design studio, I can pay for it."

The rules and regulations are really clear.

Luo Li smiled very shallowly, "There is no need for the money, as for the divorce, I will talk about it when Jin Bei wakes up."

She acted extremely calm, but Liang Jin couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

Gu Ruoyi said at this moment, "Miss Luo, don't blame your aunt for speaking harshly. If it wasn't for you, Ah Bei wouldn't have been hurt."

She held Liang Jin's arm, and said with an intimate gesture, "You don't know, because Abei hasn't slept well for a few days, Auntie just treats it for Abei's own good, and asks you to leave him and stop causing trouble for him. "

"That's really funny." Lisa suddenly said, "Ari is a victim, and she also suffered an innocent disaster. Instead of blaming the real perpetrator, you put pressure on the victim. Is this the way Haicheng's wealthy families handle things? ?”

Liang Jin and Gu Ruoyi's faces were a little bit uneasy when they were stunned by her sudden words.

Seeing that Liang Jin was about to explode, Luo Li said, "You two should have said everything, I will think about it, please leave if you have nothing to do, I want to rest."

Before leaving, Liang Jin glanced at Lisa and sneered, "What kind of friend is really taught by someone."


Ah Qian hurriedly stopped Lisa, and looked coldly at the figure who disappeared at the door.

"A Li, they are unreasonable in the first place, so you are still patient!"

Luo Li looked at her, "The Mo family has an uncompromising position in Haicheng. Don't look at Liang Jin's appearance as an idle lady now. She was famous for her tricks in the mall when she was young. She really wants to trip us up secretly. Son, we are hard to guard against, I don't care, I just don't want you to be involved."

"I'm afraid of them?" Lisa curled her lips in dissatisfaction, seeing Luo Li's tired face, she swallowed her breath, "You sleep a little longer, I'll ask the doctor if you can eat and buy you some porridge return."

Luo Li looked at her cold face, pursed her lower lip, and said sincerely, "Lisa, thank you."

"Thank you for such a small thing, we are friends!" Lisa raised her chin arrogantly, and her steps out of the ward were much lighter.

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