The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 143 Someone Will Come To Rescue Me

Unknowingly, the sky gradually became overcast, covered with dark clouds, and soon the bean-sized raindrops fell.

As the evening approached, the program team sent staff to deliver dinner.

After the things were put down, the other party did not leave.

"Luo Design, Xu Design heard that you have turquoise, and want to exchange it with other jewelry materials."

This time it is not closed, and designers can walk around accompanied by program personnel.

Luo Li happened to be missing one material, and Xu Chengming had it, so he agreed.

She found out the turquoise and wanted the staff to give it to Xu Chengming, but thinking about the other person, she decided to go there by herself.

Xu Chengming seemed to expect her to come, so he stood at the door and waited.

Luo Li was not in a hurry to give it to him, "I'll change it to water tank agate."

Xu Chengming received two good-quality water tank agates when he did a task later, which happened to be what Luo Li needed.

"I only brought one for my own use. That one is where I live. If you want it, you have to go back and get it."

Among the materials Luo Li collected, some that obviously didn't fit her inspiration were not brought here, and she didn't think too much after hearing this, "Then I'll wait for you to bring it back, and then exchange it with you."

Xu Chengming frowned, "This is not wasting my time."

Although I live not far from here, it takes 10 minutes to go back and forth.

"Unless you're with me."

Luo Li thought about it and agreed.

The heavy rain turned to a drizzle when the two came out.

"Are Luo Designs sure to win the first place this time?" Xu Chengming smiled after speaking, and talked to the camera to himself, "The audience can also guess, who will win the first place between me and Luo Designs this time."

Luo Li glanced at him and said nothing.

On the contrary, Xu Chengming was like a chatterbox, saying something from time to time, and occasionally bringing Luo Li along.

The 10-minute journey gave Luo Li the illusion of walking for an hour.

Stopping in front of the house where Xu Chengming lived, he suddenly asked, "Luo Design, do you have black hair crystals?"

"Yes, you need it?"


Luo Li glanced at the watch, "It's where I left it, you go get the agate, I'll run back to get it, see you here in 10 minutes."

Thinking that there was nothing to record during this time, Luo Li didn't let the camera follow up.

In addition to the concrete road on the main road in Wanghua Village, the residents live on dirt roads. When it rains, the roads are muddy.

Luo Li walked for more than ten minutes in the usual five-minute journey.

She went into the house and took all the remaining materials, counted the time, put away the umbrella, and ran under the drizzle.

After running a few steps, I saw a figure in the distance.

"Designer Xu?" It was Xu Chengming only after getting closer.

He glanced at the bag in Luo Li's hand, "Give me the things, the road is slippery, don't fall down."

Luo Li glanced at him, and it was rare for him to say a nice word.

"Give me the agate first."

Xu Chengming was also happy, handed the agate to her, and then stretched out his hand, "I want the hair crystal."

Luo Li stuffed the agate into the bag and looked down for the black hair crystal.

Suddenly, a thrust came from behind.

She slipped, and her body rolled down the steep slope uncontrollably, then hung in the air, and then fell hard.

After a while, she gritted her teeth and got up from the ground. She looked around and found herself in a mud pit as tall as a person.

"Xu Chengming!"

No one answered.

Luo Li closed her eyes and took a deep breath, cursing at the top of her throat, "You hypocrite, bastard! I'm missing and the program team will definitely send someone to look for you, then you will never escape."

Still no response.

As the rain became heavier, Luo Li was quickly drenched and her body temperature gradually dropped.

She gritted her teeth and dragged her sprained foot to the bottom of the dirt wall. She took out her phone, but found that the screen was broken and couldn't be turned on.

The grievance and helplessness surged up in an instant, she gritted her teeth, and whispered to herself.

"Can't give up, can't give up! Someone will come to save me."

However, until the sky completely darkened, there was still no one from the program team.

It was pitch black, and there were not even a single star in the sky.

Fear gradually filled his brain, and Luo Li's breathing gradually became chaotic.

Finally couldn't help crying.

"Help, who can save me!"

The people in the village committee and the program group didn't dare to make a sound.

Mo Jinbei put on his raincoat, and took a deep look at Nie Huailin, "If she's good and bad, you can't get rid of it."

Nie Huailin opened his mouth to say something, but the man had already walked into the rain.

"Xu Chengming, you really didn't see Luo Li?"

Everyone's eyes could not help but fall on the person standing in the corner.

"Director Nie, I really didn't see it. How can I lie when it's about human life."

"You'd better tell the truth." Nie Huailin glanced at him, turned around and called the others.

Xu Kai took the initiative to come out, "Women stay here, I'll go with you."

Now one more person is more strength, and Nie Huailin did not refuse.

At this time Lisa suddenly asked, "Is Design Xu also a woman?"

All the men who could contribute had left, but Xu Chengming hid in the corner alone.

All of a sudden, more contemptuous gazes fell on him.

Xu Chengming frowned fiercely, and opened his mouth as a reason, "I have a cold, I have a fever, and your program team is in charge!"

"Okay!" Nie Huailin glared at him, "If you don't want to go, don't go. If Luo Li comes back, call me."

When they left, the remaining women in the room automatically drew boundaries with Xu Chengming in the corner.

Xu Chengming didn't care about this.

He remembered Mo Jinbei's glance just now, and subconsciously clenched his sweaty hands.

In the dark, Mo Jinbei walked against the rain for a while, even though he was wearing a raincoat, his face and trouser legs were still wet quickly.

He wiped his face, noticed something, turned his head, raised his flashlight and pointed it at the person behind him.

When the person approached, he frowned slightly.

Xu Kai raised his hand to cover his eyes, "Could Mr. Mo hold the flashlight away?"

The glare moves away.

Xu Kai looked at the man who walked forward without saying a word, and raised his foot to keep up.

"If you don't want to be beaten, don't follow me."

Xu Kai put his raised foot down, and the dim light and shadow hit the lower half of his face. He twitched the corner of his mouth with a half-smile, turned and walked the other way.

Cold, dark... Luo Li returned to the slum in a daze.

Song Zhili grabbed her by the hair and threw her into a dark, windowless room. Yang Ling's miserable begging for mercy and Ah Qian's crying sounded from behind the door.

She hugged her head tightly and murmured, "Stop beating, Dad, stop..."

Suddenly, a beam of light hit her.

She moved her eyelids, but to no avail, she vaguely heard someone calling her.

"Luo Li, wake up."

By the pit, Mo Jinbei saw the figure curled up in the corner by the flashlight, and jumped down resolutely.

"Luo Li, open your eyes and wake up."

However, the woman didn't move at all except for breathing.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted not letting Xu Kai follow.

Through the woman's drenched clothes, Mo Jinbei's palms were burning hot.

He frowned fiercely, took off his raincoat and put it on for Luo Li.

"Hmm... cold."

Two slender arms hugged the man's thin waist, and Luo Li leaned against it.

After Mo Jinbei froze for a few seconds, he pulled the man into his arms with one hand, and took out the phone with the other hand, and turned it on to find that there was no signal.

"Water... I want water."

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