The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 130 Tomorrow I May Despise Whom

"It's been photographed, but if President Mo knows about it..."

"If you know it, you know it. Ah Bei is just angry with me. One day he will understand me. He said that he only loves me in this life."

The agent wanted to say that she felt that Mo Jinbei had changed, but looking at Gu Ruoyi, she could only swallow her words.

in the dark.

Luo Li looked around in a daze, looked around with trembling eyes, and whispered, "Is anyone there?"

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding scene changed.

She was in a black-and-gray office with a person in front of her with his back turned to her.

"Mo Jinbei?"

As soon as the words were finished, the other party turned around and threw a stack of documents in front of her.

The words "divorce agreement" came into view.

She subconsciously clenched her five fingers.

"Luo Li, if Ruoyi is back, our agreement can be canceled."

The next second, a beautiful woman hugged Mo Jinbei, looked at her with a smile, "Luo Li, you are just my substitute, now you can disappear."

The moment the boundless darkness hit, Luo Li opened her eyes suddenly.

The familiar ceiling made her realize where she was, and sat up from the bed, her pajamas were soaked with sweat.

Covering her face, she laughed mockingly.

It was originally just a cooperation, but she lost her sense of proportion because of that dream.

"A Li, what time is it?" Lisa rubbed her eyes and sat up, found her phone to check the time, and yawned sleepily, "It's 07:30, there's still recording at [-] o'clock, let's get up."

The two packed up and went out, Luo Li had already sorted out her emotions.

When they arrived at the scene, three other people had already arrived.

As usual, Xu Chengming sarcastically said a few words, but no one paid him any attention, so he could only shut his mouth resentfully.

Soon Nie Huailin came over and announced the next recording task.

"This time, you have to choose any islander on the island. You have a time limit of one hour. After obtaining their consent, they will serve as your jewelry design inspiration model and tailor a piece of jewelry for them. Now everyone can act. "

Time seemed to be abundant, but after contacting the islanders these days, Luo Li found that they were generally shy and unwilling to appear in the camera.

Luo Li came to the residential area, observed it for a while, and finally stopped in front of a house.

The woman at the door was burying her head in handling the fish in the basket when she noticed someone standing in front of her and looked over blankly.

"Can I have a try?" Luo Li pointed at the basket of fish.

The woman nodded, went into the room and took out a low stool, motioning for Luo Li to sit down.

The extremely sharp knife in the woman's hand seemed to be blunt in Luo Li's hand, and she couldn't get rid of the fish maw even though she was sweating a lot.

"That's not the case." The woman took another knife and grabbed the fish to demonstrate to Luo Li.

The sun on the island is hot and poisonous, and the skin of the residents who live on the island all year round is generally dark, but Luo Li noticed that women still try their best to decorate themselves with simple jewelry made of flowers or pearls.

She sat with the woman for four and 10 minutes before barely handling a fish, and the cameraman next to her pointed at her watch to remind her that the time was running out.

Luo Li got straight to the point, "Can you be my model?"

She pointed to the simple necklace made of pearls around the woman's neck, "I can make you a very beautiful necklace."

The woman was obviously moved, and just about to speak, a basket of fish was thrown in front of her.

"What are you doing? Do some work and dawdle, you still have time to chat here!"

The tall and thick man rolled his eyes at Luo Li, and warned the woman, "Hurry up and finish these two baskets before lunch."

After speaking, the man strode into the room and sat down on the chair near the door.

The woman looked embarrassed, and was interrupted by Luo Li when she wanted to speak.

"Brother, I need a model for this show, can I borrow my sister-in-law for a day?"

"Who will do the work of borrowing her?"

Luo Li laughed angrily at this righteous attitude, "Aren't you human?"

"How do you talk?" The man stared at him unkindly.

Luo Li has seen too many families like this, so she didn't break up with the man, she took out her wallet and took out a few red notes, "These money is enough for you to go out fishing for a week, can you let me take my sister-in-law away now?" ?”

The man's eyes lit up, but he didn't take the money, "You guys who record shows are all rich, right? How about sending this money to beggars?"

The cameraman who came with him showed disgust, and wanted Luo Li to change his family.


All the fish in the basket fell on the man.

"You crazy woman want to rebel?"

"Rebellion!" The woman pulled Luo Li without saying a word, "I'll be your model, let's go!"

A group of people quickly left the house, leaving only the man behind to curse the street.

After walking away, the woman let go of Luo Li embarrassingly, and stumbled, "Sorry, I got your hands dirty."

"It's okay, I'm glad you're willing to be my model."

The woman smiled shyly, "I have seen the jewelry you designed, it is very beautiful, if I can wear such beautiful jewelry, I will be very happy."

"I will satisfy you."

Now that the model was found, Luo Li returned to the recording site.

Surprisingly, when the appointed time came, Xu Shiming returned empty-handed.

"A group of fishermen who have never seen the world know what design, Director Nie, I can't do this job, why don't I just find a staff member to act as an islander."

Nie Huailin refused politely, "If you can't record according to the requirements of the program group, you can voluntarily withdraw from the program."

"What a rotten show, as if I'm willing to participate!"

"Then you don't have to participate!" Lisa smiled coquettishly, "It's also good for people to see that the majestic 'Xingya Cup' champion is so brave. If you look down on fishermen today, you may look down on someone tomorrow!"

Xu Shiming's complexion changed again and again, and he quit the show without hesitation, and applied for another half an hour to find the islanders.

However, the rules of the program group could not be broken, and he was forced to wait at the spot for half an hour before leaving.

Xu Shiming was not happy with the one-hour delay, so he could only watch the other designers leave with their models.

The model Luo Li found was named Aya.

When the two arrived at the lounge, she was not in a hurry to ask Aya what she liked, and chatted casually, getting a general understanding of Aya's life.

The women on the island generally did not study for a few years, and married when they were in their teens.

Aya is relatively lucky. Before she got married, she went to work in a big city outside the island for a few years, and she also experienced the life outside.

"Designer Luo's jewelry is even more beautiful than those on the showcase." Aya praised sincerely.

The two spent hours chatting.

In front of the monitor, the assistant director beside Nie Huailin smiled and said, "This Luo design has been delayed for so long, can you complete the work within the stipulated time?"

The program group only gave 24 hours.

Nie Huailin didn't answer directly, but said something ambiguous.

"She and Zhang Li have a similar style of dealing with things, and they should be able to become friends."

The assistant director couldn't help but glanced at him, thinking that you are really afraid that people don't know about you.

Near the evening, several models left one by one, and the designers devoted themselves to the creation.

At the same time, the vote for the "Valentine's Day" theme design also came down.

Nie Huailin looked at the list and snorted, "There will be a good show to watch next."

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