The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 126 When was the first kiss of the two

Luo Li curled her lips: "You'd better find someone else, I won't help you find someone else."

"How can this be Huo Huo? I really like her!" Lu Haoyan said dissatisfied.

"There should be a lot of people you really like..." Luo Li shrugged his shoulders thinking of the colorful news about him.

Gossip Girl covers a wide range from the entertainment industry to the modeling industry.

Lu Haoyan said disapprovingly: "What is this? Everyone has a past and will experience growth. I used to love to play because I didn't meet someone I really like. Isn't it now? So I have put away my mortal heart. I want to live a good life with Lisa, I really like her, can you help me pursue it?"

"No, I won't help you with this kind of help. If you like her, go after her sincerely. If she doesn't move after seeing your heart, then it can only be said that you are really not suitable. Give up as soon as possible. Things like love cannot be forced." Luo Li said in a mature tone.

I don't know if Lu Haoyan understood, he got up and left thoughtfully.

Luo Li took a sip of water, looked to the side as if feeling something, and bumped into a pair of deep and probing eyes.

She pursed her lower lip unnaturally, "Is there something on my face?"


Mo Jinbei casually looked away, which made Luo Li look puzzled.

When the cruise ship arrived at the island, Luo Li had just finished throwing up in the bathroom, and ran into Mo Jinbei who had just finished the video conference with a pale face.

The man frowned slightly, "Seasick?"

"Yes... a little." Luo Li's voice stopped abruptly with the hand attached to her forehead.

"The body temperature is a little low."

Mo Jinbei withdrew his hand, took off his suit jacket and put it on Luo Li.

The clear breath on the clothes dilutes the fishy smell in the air, and Luo Li feels that his stomach is not so sick.

She couldn't help looking at Mo Jinbei, "It's quite cold on the island, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Haoyan rushed over excitedly, and walked around in front of them flirtatiously.

"Young master is handsome!"

"Heh!" Mo Jinbei kicked him away mercilessly, and sarcastically said, "Are you a butterfly?"

Lu Haoyan was not affected at all, and hummed twice, "You are not good at aesthetics, little white rabbit, do you think I look good in this body?"

"'s okay."

Luo Li suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth, and kindly reminded, "But I don't recommend you to wear this outfit."

"Tsk!" Lu Haoyan frowned and looked at himself, "Why don't I go change again, you wait for me!"

"Who is waiting for you, don't waste time." Mo Jinbei raised his foot to kick him.

Lu Haoyan was clearly prepared, he dodged flexibly, and said, "Hey, I can't kick it!"

After speaking, he ran away.

After Luo Li and Mo Jinbei got off the boat, they saw Lu Haoyan who looked like a butterfly clinging to Lisa from a distance.

"A Li!" Lisa shook off Lu Haoyan's hand and limped over, "Are you okay?"

Before Luo Li could speak, Lu Haoyan followed like an old woman, "Grandma, you haven't healed yet, so be careful."

"It's none of your business, stay away from me!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Nie Huailin walked over with his hands behind his back, greeted Luo Li, and his eyes fell on Mo Jinbei.

"President Mo is not busy today, is it convenient to stay and record a special program for us?"

"Convenience, very convenience!" Lu Haoyan snatched the words, and whispered next to Mo Jinbei, "For the sake of brother's future happiness, elder brother will help out, just in time, you and the little white rabbit will stay longer."

Mo Jinbei ignored him, glanced at the pale Luo Li, nodded, "Yes."

In the simple shed temporarily built by the director team, Nie Huailin called the designers together.

"Because of special reasons, our program needs to contact another designer to join, so this recording has been changed to a special Valentine's Day feature. Several people can play freely according to the proposition of 'Valentine's Day'. The time limit is limited to two days. Finally, 100 people selected by the program group The team couple voted for the ranking."

Everyone had no objections, Nie Huailin called Luo Li to stop after announcing the end of the meeting.

"Later, the program team will arrange interviews for each designer. Since President Mo agreed to help, we will arrange for you to be together during the interview, and we will add some tacit games, so that after the program is broadcast, the public's attention can also be diverted from Luo Yan'er. .”

It's also a coincidence that Luo Yan'er had an accident just after the first episode of Star of Design was broadcast, and the program group was somewhat affected.

Originally, Zhang Li's existence made some people uncomfortable. After Luo Yan'er's various evil deeds were exposed, netizens angrily denounced the disgusting people of the program group on the Internet, and found some guests.

Luo Li naturally understood that the program team wanted her and Mo Jinbei to divert their attention, it was just a game...

"These procedures have already been discussed with Mo Jinbei, and he has no objection." Nie Huailin smiled meaningfully, "It seems that the relationship between your husband and wife is not like what was uploaded on the Internet."

Luo Li smiled perfunctorily, but she didn't know what to do in her heart.

What tacit understanding can she have with Mo Jinbei?

Even though I thought so, the program team had already arranged it, so I could only bite the bullet and do it.

The interview questions were neither painful nor itchy, and they were easy to deal with.

When it was the tacit game's turn, the staff put a baffle between the two and gave each of them an erasable board.

"This game is to test the tacit understanding between the next two, answer in ten seconds, and the first question comes—"

"Please write down your favorite food."

Mo Jinbei's favorite food?

Luo Li couldn't help but glanced to the side, the man paused for a moment with lowered eyes, and began to write.

What does he know about himself?
The staff reminded at the right time, "There are still five seconds!"

Luo Li was silent for a moment, and began to write on the board.

"It's time, please raise the board." At the same time, the staff pulled out the private question and answer sheet made before the interview.

Two seconds later, the staff raised their hands and applauded, "Congratulations, both of you, for answering the question correctly. It seems that this question is too simple. Next, we need to make it more difficult."

Luo Li turned her head, just in time to meet Mo Jinbei's gaze.

After a short contact, the two moved away at the same time.

After passing two more personal questions by chance, the smile on the staff's face deepened, "The fourth question, when did you two have your first kiss?"

Luo Li's hands trembled, and the writing board almost slipped from her lap.

She pursed her lips and looked to the side, only to find that he was also looking at her. His deep eyes pierced her mind, and she looked away in a panic.

"Two seconds left!"

She gritted her teeth and quickly wrote down the answer on the clipboard. When the time came, she resignedly raised the clipboard.

"Huh?" The staff took a breath, and the tone couldn't hide the regret, "The answers of the two are actually different!"

Luo Li subconsciously looked at Mo Jinbei's writing board and found that it was blank.

"Why didn't President Mo write it?" The staff glanced at the two of them, "Luo designed it to be written three months after we met."

Mo Jinbei's voice was flat, "I don't really remember."

Luo Li lowered her eyes and twitched the corners of her mouth bitterly where no one else could see.

Yes, it was just an accident, how could he remember it.

She exhaled, telling herself not to pay attention, but just as she raised her head, a shadow suddenly fell in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, warmth was covered on the lips, and it was quickly removed like a dragonfly.

"Because kissing someone you love is like your first kiss every time."

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