The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 112 It's Really a Good Thing That Broke Her

Luo Bingquan's case has entered the trial stage, and Wan Fang has been running around to find a lawyer for him to clear up the relationship, and even rescued him even at the expense of falling out with her natal family.

And Luo Yan'er, relying on the marketing of her loving couple with Huo Lingqing, has become popular all over the Internet, and their entertainment company will launch a girl group, which has attracted a large amount of investment.

Regarding the adoptive father's matter, Luo Yan'er pretended to be a good daughter in front of the media and said that she had found a lawyer for him, but in private she severed all contact with Wan Fang.

The dog would jump over the wall when he was in a hurry. Wan Fang couldn't accept that he had such a white-eyed wolf. Seeing her so beautiful, she was very resentful. She contacted a familiar reporter to disclose the news, but was kidnapped on the way.

When she woke up, she saw Luo Yan'er standing in front of her, angrily, she stepped forward and wanted to hit her.

"You white-eyed wolf!"

Before touching Luo Yan'er, she was pushed down by the bodyguard!

Luo Yan'er looked at her and smiled mockingly: "Mom, you'd better be careful, your body is not as good as before when you get older, it's not worth it if you break your arms and legs."

"You, you white-eyed wolf...what's the use of raising you!" Wan Fang said angrily, regretting the past!
"Of course it works. At least I got Huo Lingqing, and it will let you and dad live a good life for a few years, won't it?"

Luo Yan'er squatted beside her, "Mom, let's save face for each other, Dad has already entered, do you still want to destroy me?"

Wan Fang stared at her resentfully, trembling with anger and speechless.

"If you talk nonsense in front of the reporter and affect my current image, then I have no choice but to tell the reporter how you and your father bullied your own daughter Luo Li."

Luo Yan'er said threateningly, "Oh, by the way, before you stunned Luo Yan'er with your father and sent her to Young Master Zhang's bed, it was considered a crime."

"You—" Wan Fang got up angrily again, but was pressed down on the ground by the bodyguard in embarrassment.

Luo Yan'er sighed: "I told you not to be impulsive."

"How dare you treat us like this! Without us, you are still in the slums!" Wan Fang shouted, her body was held tightly, her eyes were red with hatred.

Luo Yan'er said nonchalantly: "That's why I've been thanking you all the time, don't worry, I will take care of you when you get old."

"Mom, I'm a person who lives in the dirt, and I desire more beautiful flowers than anyone else, so... you must forgive me, right?"

Luo Yan'er raised her hand to touch her face, but her eyes were indifferent.

Luo Li received a call from that design program, saying that the director wanted to ask her to meet and take a look at her other works, preferably those that had not been released.

After making an appointment, Luo Li sorted out her portfolio.

There are many designs that she has not released. When she was at Rockwell before, all her works were for Luo Yaner and the company, and there were very few designs signed by her.

Even if there is Luo Bingquan, it will not be launched as the main feature.

Fortunately, all her exquisite designs have been kept by herself, stored in one of her treasured books.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Li went to ask Nick for a vacation.

Seeing that she was going out during working hours, Nick found an excuse: "The design department is so busy, why do you go? You can come whenever you want and leave whenever you want, right?"

"A client asked me to discuss the details of the design." Luo Li said meekly.

Nick's face paused, and he swallowed in embarrassment: "Then you didn't know to say it earlier?"

"I'm sorry, Director, it's my fault, why don't I tell the client that I can't go?" Luo Li's face was full of sincerity.

"Can you still refuse the client's request?" Nick waved his hand impatiently, "Hurry up!"

"Thank you Director." Luo Li smiled and turned around and walked out.

Nick reacted belatedly, why did he feel like he was being manipulated by this woman?

Is it his delusion?

Definitely is!
It is impossible for such an outstanding man like him to be manipulated by any woman!


When I came to the appointed place, it was an antique teahouse.

Luo Li did not expect such a shop to exist in the downtown area.

After saying her name at the front desk, Luo Li was guided downstairs by the waiter, and when she came to box 201, she happened to meet someone who came out of it.

The other party was obviously taken aback, and Luo Li also frowned.

"Sister, what a coincidence." Luo Yan'er was the first to say hello with a smile.

Luo Li glanced at the box she came out of, "Are you also coming to participate in the Design Star?"

"That's right, is sister coming too?" Luo Yan'er looked at her with very friendly eyes, but with obvious scrutiny.

Luo Li smiled lightly, feeling very ironic.

Luo Yan'er is really like a fly.

"Maybe, maybe I won't come if you tell me." Luo Li replied lazily.

"Don't be like this, sister. It's good for everyone if we are friendly. Dad has an accident now, and it's time for us to unite." Luo Yan'er persuaded obediently.

Luo Li smiled disdainfully: "That's your father, it has nothing to do with me, but you are right about one thing, we really need to be 'friendly'."

Luo Yan'er was taken aback, her smile froze for a second, "It's good that sister can think so, I'll go first, sister go in."

After speaking, she stepped on her high heels and left.

How could Luo Li come!
What a bad thing to do to her!

Luo Li knocked on the door and entered the box.

At the corner, Luo Yan'er called her manager to inquire, and confirmed that Luo Li's name was on the list to be invited, but it has not been confirmed yet.

If the director is satisfied with the meeting today, he should knock it down.

"Can you find a way to withdraw her from me, I absolutely can't participate in the same show as her!" At that time, Luo Li will take away all her brilliance!

"I can't help it. Luo Li seems to be recommended by Angeli Di and represents the Mo Group. We can't get rid of such a relationship."

The manager was very helpless, thought for a while and said: "I think it's good for you to participate together. Before you had a miscarriage and framed her, it was always a topic that netizens blackmailed you. This time it's just to show your intimacy and express your love to the outside world." Good relationship and can save your image."

Luo Yan'er thought for a while and felt that what she said made sense, "Then let's do this."

Luo Li looked at the person in front of him in a daze.

It has been 15 minutes since she entered the box and sat down. The man opposite has been... playing games.

The sound of various game special effects filled the entire box.

The man has long curly hair, is very artistic with glasses, and is wearing a loose T-shirt. He is standing on a chair with one pair of legs, sitting in a very bold posture.

Luo Li raised her hand and touched the tip of her nose, thinking that the directors might have more personality.

The tea in front of her was a little cold, she reached out and poured it out, and re-boiled a pot.

The man raised his eyes and watched her movements without speaking.

She is very good at making tea, and is very good at every craft, but she should have just learned it, so her movements are not very proficient and not standard.

It's just that she is extraordinarily patient.

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