The flash marriage wife is sweet and wild

Chapter 108 Just Don't Step on Her Bottom Line

Luo Li froze for a moment, nodded and hurriedly took out lipstick and a small mirror to touch up her makeup.

Mo Jinbei watched as her eyes darkened slightly, and she took a step back, her heart beating uncontrollably.

Obviously she can handle it, but for some reason, when she touches her weak lips, all rationality disappears.

In his 26 years of life, he was so impulsive for the first time.

Luo Li looked at him after finishing her makeup, took out a tissue from the corner of his lips, and wiped him naturally.

"I just thought, did the reporter who targeted you write an article to hack you?"

Mo Jinbei was taken aback by her words, before he could react: "Huh?"

"It's the reporter just now, the one wearing the hat." Luo Li put down his hands and looked into his eyes.

Mo Jinbei frowned lightly: "Are you still in the mood to think about this?"

She was really...unusual.

Luo Li was startled: "Then what am I thinking?"

that kiss?

How embarrassing.

Mo Jinbei frowned slightly, his face darkened, he raised his hand to clasp her wrist, "It's nothing."

Pull her into the elevator.

Coming to the banquet hall, they went straight through the guests to congratulate Mrs. Jin.

"You two young couple have taken away all my glory." Mrs. Jin said jokingly as she watched them.

Luo Li bent her lips and held Mo Jinbei's arm, and the image of him bowing his head and kissing her flashed in his mind.

Just acting!

Have the spirit of dedication!
"Madam Jin is so brilliant, how can we snatch it away?" Mo Jinbei presented the gift.

Mrs. Jin glared at him coquettishly: "You are the only one who can talk, why haven't your parents come back?"

"Not sure." Mo Jinbei lowered his eyes, and his tone was very cold.

Mrs. Jin sighed: "Your father is too. He really insists on going abroad to settle down and do some art. Your mother can't leave him for a moment. She won't come back even if I celebrate her birthday."

Luo Li felt Mo Jinbei's depression, and raised his hand to cover his arm and stroked it, as if to comfort him.

Mo Jinbei met her comforting eyes, and curled his lips: "When she comes back, you can ask her out every day."

"Your mother is a husband slave, and you won't be able to make appointments when you come back." Mrs. Jin couldn't help complaining as a best friend.

Mr. Jin came over from there and greeted Mo Jinbei, and the two quickly chatted about business again.

Mrs. Jin looked helpless, and pulled Luo Li: "Come on, let me introduce some ladies to you, let them chat."

Luo Li bent her lips, exchanged a glance with Mo Jinbei and followed her.

Lin Wanxin quickly ran over with her skirt in her hands, staring at Luo Li as if she could eat her, "Auntie! What did you ask her to do!"

Mrs. Jin's face darkened and reprimanded: "How do you talk? Miss Luo is my guest, and I invited you here."

Lin Wanxin snorted angrily: "Sure enough, you can buy people's hearts, even my aunt was cheated by you!"

Luo Li bent her lips and smiled: "I hope I can buy Miss Lin's heart as soon as possible."

"Don't even think about it! I will never like you in my life!" Lin Wanxin said viciously, then turned and left.

Mrs. Jin sighed helplessly: "I'm sorry, Li, Xinxin's parents passed away earlier, and I spoiled her."

"It's okay." Luo Li didn't say much.

Lin Wanxin is just a naive child, she won't do anything out of the ordinary.

Of course, if she did, she wouldn't just let her go just because her aunt is Mrs. Jin.

She's actually pretty easy to talk to, as long as you don't step on her bottom line.

As for where her bottom line is... Divide people.

Mrs. Jin introduced some people to her, but was called away by others. Luo Li turned around and did not see Mo Jinbei.

I was a little hungry and thought about going upstairs to eat something.

In order to wear this dress, she didn't eat all day today, and now she is so hungry that she is a little dizzy.

Upstairs is the restaurant, Luo Li sent Mo Jinbei a message to tell him, then got into the elevator and pressed it to the first floor.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and then began to rise, the numbers jumped to the upper floor, but the elevator doors did not open.

Luo Li was a little strange. After waiting for a while, she was about to press it, but before she stretched out her hand, she suddenly——

With a loud noise, the entire elevator shook violently, and then began to fall rapidly!
Luo Li fell to the ground when it was shaking, and her body was knocked to the side!
Holding on to the handrail to stabilize her body, Luo Li quickly pushed down all the stairs, closed her eyes and stabilized her body on one side, holding on tightly!

There was a crackling sound of electricity, and the lights in the elevator went out.

The elevator stopped suddenly, and there was a creaking sound, full of frightening fear.

Luo Li panted heavily, and when the elevator really stabilized, she let go of one hand and fumbled for her phone on the ground.

It was too dark to see anything.

The elevator fell again!
"Ah!" Luo Li couldn't help screaming, and couldn't control the tears from falling down.

There was another crackling sound, and the lights in the elevator flickered on. Luo Li quickly found her mobile phone, prostrated herself on the ground, and took it carefully.

The lights went out again.

She grabbed the armrest at the back and leaned against it, turned on the light of the phone and took a picture of the operation panel.

Fortunately, it was very close to her. She put the mobile phone under her thigh and pressed it, grabbed the armrest with one hand, and rang the distress bell with the other hand.

It keeps ringing, but no one answers.

what happened?

How could there be no one on duty in such a big hotel?
She rang again, hoping that the other person would just move away a little bit.

Otherwise what should she do!
No one picked up the distress bell, Luo Li was a little desperate, and there was no signal for calling.

Closing her eyes, Luo Li's heart beat a little flustered, so she could only raise her voice and shout, "Is there anyone here!"

The elevator looked very unstable, and she could even feel the elevator shaking slightly every time she moved, so she didn't take pictures of the elevator.

Fear of falling straight down.

Fortunately, there are a lot of guests tonight, so someone should find that the elevator is broken.

When the time came, all the guests went upstairs to eat and saw a sign under maintenance in front of the second elevator.They all chose the first elevator to go up.

That huge bang.It also followed the sound of fireworks outside the window, and no one noticed.

Mo Jinbei talked with Mr. Jin about business, and when he came out, he followed everyone to the restaurant. When he saw Lin Wanxin and Luo Li beside Mrs. Jin, he frowned slightly.

"Mrs. Jin, where is my wife?"

"Huh?" Mrs. Jin was taken aback, "Didn't she look for you? We separated just now."

Mo Jinbei frowned, and looked at Lin Wanxin with sharp eyes: "Where's Luo Li?"

Lin Wanxin pouted dissatisfiedly: "How do I know where she is? I'm not her nanny."

"Xinxin has indeed been by my side, is she going upstairs?" Mrs. Jin guessed.

"That's right! She has legs, who knows where she's going." Lin Wanxin said dissatisfied.

Mo Jinbei turned around and walked into the safe passage, he couldn't wait for the elevator to go upstairs.

However, after turning around, Luo Li was not found.

No one answered the phone.

She couldn't leave alone.

Did something happen?

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