At this moment, Police Officer Su shouted outside: "Is Wan'er there?"

Everyone listened and looked out together.Officer Su walked in happily alone.

Jiang Feng stood up angrily, pointed at Sister Zhang and Sister Wang, and said, "Didn't you say that you went on a trip with Police Officer Su and got married? You lied to me?"

Officer Su was stunned: "What's the matter, hasn't Wan'er come back yet? Why is Jiang Feng here? Isn't today your bridal chamber wedding candle? Did you send us wedding candies?"

Jiang Feng said coldly: "Officer Su, please go away!"

Sister Zhang said "Ba! Ba! Ba!" and described what happened just now in a few words.

Police Officer Su thought about it calmly, and then recalled all the sacrifices Wan'er had made in the past few months, and he had a bottom line in his heart.

He pulled Jiang Feng to sit down and said, "Jiang Feng, don't be impatient! I know what you're thinking. You should also know that I also like Wan'er. However, since you have been in a vegetative state for the past few months, Wan'er can't tell the difference between day and night I really feel sorry for her when I saw it. Since then, I feel that Wan'er never wants to be in her heart, and she will never pretend to be someone else! But all these mistakes are caused by you, why are you still here Scolding Wan'er's relatives."

Su Beibei's words were sincere.Mama Fu brought two glasses of water and handed them to the two of them respectively.He said earnestly, "Jiang Feng. Wan'er likes you, and there is nothing we can do about it. However, judging from the current situation, you have completely broken Wan'er's heart. There is only one way to recover. It is to take it slowly. Melt her ice again!"

Jiang Feng looked at Fu's mother helplessly and said, "Fu's mother, you are an elder, and I respect you. But, I have already turned Wan'er into an iceberg, and it's all my fault. How can I melt her?"

Sister Zhang said: "If you want to melt this iceberg of Wan'er, you can only rely on yourself! To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. You yell at us every day. We are Wan'er's good sisters. We all I am older than you, and tolerate you everywhere, look at what you have been doing during this time!"

Su Beibei took a sip of tea and said, "Jiang Feng! I treat you as a brother. Since I treat Wan'er as my sister! I also treat you as a brother. If you want to listen, I will teach you! If you don't want to listen, just pull me down!"

Jiang Feng stood up!I said to myself: "Stand at attention!" I really made a posture of taking a break and standing at attention!

Then he said to Su Beibei: "Thank you, Brother Su!" After speaking, he bowed and said with a smile: "Brother Su, please enlighten me!"

This move eased the tense and awkward atmosphere just now.

Su Beibei said: "Actually, I should love Wan'er more than you. To love someone, you must know how to respect others. Let her do what she likes! Choose someone she likes to love!"

Jiang Feng benefited a lot from Su Beibei's words: "I understand, let's see my performance from now on!"

Sister Wang said to Jiang Feng at this time: "Actually, you are a nice young man. Stay away from those garbage people!"

Sister Zhang said: "It makes sense, some trash people will become trash if you spend too much time with them."

Jiang Feng nodded straightly.You must change your past, and no longer be bewitched by anyone.Everyone was somewhat distrustful of his assurances.Because Jiang Feng had promised Wan'er before!It didn't take Yu'er to cross the line, and she almost married someone else on impulse.

So Sister Zhang said: "We don't quite believe what you said, let's see if you have a better way?"

Su Beibei said at this time: "Is there a way?"

"What way?" Everyone looked at Su Beibei and asked in unison.

Su Beibei smiled and said, "The way is to ask Jiang Feng to be around Wan'er all the time!"

"How is this possible," Fu's mother said, "Wan'er has something to do! Jiang Feng also has a company to manage. Impossible! This method won't work!"

Su Bei smiled and said: "I am teasing everyone. There is no shortcut in love. Learn from me!"

"Have you learned to be single now?"

Jiang Feng thought to himself: Why are people in this era so difficult to deal with?For a while!Just like that for a while!Why not make it easier?

The machine in Jiang Feng's brain was also crashed.So he has no memory of modern people at all.Everyone discusses and discusses with each other.

At this time, Fu's mother said again: "There are only two words, sincerity. There are two more words: give! You don't give anything, so why do you say you love it or not?"

Everyone said together: "It makes sense!"

When everyone is discussing in full swing.Wan'er suddenly appeared!When she appeared at the door, everyone looked at her together!Sister Wang asked in surprise, "Wan'er, didn't you go out?"

Sister Zhang said, "Wan'er, what are you doing back here?"

Wan'er wiped her eyes.It seems that she hid somewhere and cried just now!Eyes are still red.

Jiang Feng suddenly saw Wan'er, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.He once remembered: A man who has gold under his knees cannot easily kneel down to others, but in order to express his sincerity, he stood up from the chair and knelt down to Wan'er with a plop.

Everyone looked at them in unison.Wan'er hastily stretched out her hand to pull him and said, "Jiang Feng, why are you kneeling?"

Jiang Feng still knelt and said, "I'm sorry for you! I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize to you!"

Fu's mother came over and pulled Jiang Feng and said, "Stand up, boys, don't kneel down to others so easily!"

Jiang Feng just couldn't get up, knelt on the ground without moving, and said, "Wan'er, I will get up if you ask me to get up! If you ask me to kneel, I will keep kneeling!"

Wan'er said angrily: "If you want to kneel, you can kneel!"

"Okay, I'll just kneel! Listen to Wan'er, from now on I will follow orders in all my actions!"

Sister Zhang and Sister Wang looked at each other.I thought to myself, alas, just kneel when you kneel, what Wan'er does is far from being as simple as kneeling!Jiang Feng became a vegetable.It was Wan'er who rescued you back.

Officer Su couldn't stand it any longer. How could a man like him be like this.He came over to Wan'er and said, "Wan'er let Jiang Feng get up, what does it look like kneeling like this?"

Wan'er nodded and said, "Jiang Feng, get up!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng learned the tricks of modern people and said: "If you say forgive me, I will get up!"

This sentence angered Wan'er again: "You can't afford to love, just keep kneeling!"

"Okay, I've been kneeling."

Wan'er went out angrily.Everyone asked Jiang Feng to get up!

Everyone said one word after another: "Jiang Feng, I think you also seem to repent sincerely. It takes a while to correct your mistakes! Get up first and then talk!"

"I really regretted it. Thinking of the life and death that Wan'er and I experienced together! I still have lingering fears!"

Fu's mother came over and said: "If you want to show sincerity, it's not useful just kneeling like this. It's the little things in life in the future!"

Officer Su said to Jiang Feng angrily and amusedly: "A man, you must act like a man, sincerely repent, and be nice to Wan'er, not on the surface, but on what you do!"

Although Sister Zhang has a grumpy temper, she is also very soft-hearted, and she felt a little distressed. Jiang Feng said to him: "Get up! We will see your performance later!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help the crowd's persuasion.He stood up, but just as he stood up, Wan'er came in from the outside again, and saw that Jiang Feng had stood up.He said angrily: "Jiang Feng, didn't you say you would listen to me? Did I ask you to get up?"

Jiang Feng was so frightened that he quickly knelt down on the floor again.Sister Wang said to Wan'er: "Wan'er, there is gold under the man's knees, no one can kneel casually! Why do you make him kneel, stop making trouble!"

"Sister Wang, don't say anything about me making trouble. If it wasn't for making trouble with him today, I would have entered the bridal chamber with Yu'er. Also, how have I lived these past few months? It's like raising a child. I keep him in the shit. That’s not to say. Children can still smile at me, even if they raise a kitten or a dog, they can also wag their tails at me. He’s fine, the first thing he does when he opens his eyes Just run off and marry a scumbag!"

Jiang Feng lowered his head in embarrassment, like a primary school student who has made a mistake.Just like listening to the teacher's reprimand, I didn't say a word.

"Just know you're wrong!" Mom Fu said, "Don't be too willful!"

Wan'er said, "Mom, am I self-willed? You see, he doesn't think about everything he does. By the way, I still want to ask Jiang Feng when I mention this. Please explain clearly in front of everyone. Why did you go racing and hit me?" people?"

Sister Zhang answered, "I know about Wan'er, take a look at the photos!"

Sister Zhang took Jiang Feng's cell phone and told Jiang Feng to turn it on.

Wan'er is not angry if she doesn't see this photo, but she is really angry when she sees this photo.Pointing at Jiang Feng and cursing: "This photo, this photo, you can't tell that someone was framed? Do you think I am that kind of person, and you think that Police Officer Su is that kind of person!"

Su Su Beibei came over and looked at the photos and said: "Yes, we are really not such people, it's obvious that we were harmed."

Jiang Feng raised his head at this moment and said, "The one who was framed? If you think about it from my point of view. There is no trace of photo editing on this photo. I have tried many times on the computer and it is the original version! Who is it? Can you frame the two of you with great skill? One is the policeman, and the other is the shrewd president of the beauty salon."

Hearing what Jiang Feng said, Sister Zhang said to Wan'er, "Forget it, forget it, don't try to reconcile with Jiang Feng, he's still struggling with this matter."

Su Beibei also heard the meaning of Jiang Feng's words and said: "I said Jiang Feng, you deserve it, you see that you obviously don't trust what you said, I, a soldier who came from a military background, is doing the right thing. What are you doing?" It can't be like this. I haven't even touched Wan'er's hand, how could I do such a thing!"

Jiang Feng said unconvinced: "Then where did this photo come from?"

Wan'er said: "Jiang Feng, what do you want to prove, you want to prove that I have such an affair with Police Officer Su, right, then you just think so!" "

 Jiang Feng was anxious: "I didn't mean that, I didn't mean that!"

Seeing Jiang Feng kneeling on the ground, Wan'er felt disgusted for some reason.This feeling is never before.So unmanly.So he said angrily, "Get out!"

 Jiang Feng stood up relieved.Walking to Wan'er to serve: "Can I sit down?"

"Get lost!" Angrily, Wan'er said the word directly.
Jiang Feng was a little at a loss.Asked: "What should I do, get out!"

Sister Zhang couldn't help but said, "Jiang Feng, I heard people say that people who are in love are fools, have you really become a fool? I told you to get lost, you really need to get lost! Get out of there and show everyone!"

Mom Fu checked the time on her phone, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.Now look at the two of them.I couldn't solve it for a while, so I said to everyone: "Everyone, stop making trouble. Let's go, I will treat you to dinner today, mom."

"Not to mention," Police Officer Su said: I wanted to come and eat some wedding candies.By the way, I came to pick up Wan'er and go out to relax, which is good, because I didn't eat the wedding candy and made me angry! "

"Okay," Mom said, "I'm really hungry. Jiang Feng, do you want to have dinner with everyone?"

Jiang Feng said that Wan'er would go, and I would go.Suddenly Jiang Feng became so naive, Wan'er was at a loss and didn't know how to face it, but he didn't want to escape.So he opened his heart to Jiang Feng: "Say, Jiang Feng is in front of Sister Zhang, Sister Wang, Police Officer Su, and mother today, let me tell you, it will never be possible for the two of us!"

"But you have to watch my performance, I will never let you escape easily!..."

"Because the door in my heart and the window in my mind are closed."

After hearing this, Jiang Feng suddenly said coldly, "Aren't you open to Police Officer Su?"

Seeing his sudden change from hot to cold, Sister Zhang said, "How can you change your temper? You'll change before you leave the door!"

Jiang Feng also realized his attitude, and hurriedly said: "I promise. I will slowly chase you from the beginning, but I hope Officer Su will not mess with us!"

Officer Su said: "Jiang Feng, I love Wan'er very much, and I hope she is happy, but I know she loves you. I love her, and I want to make her happy, so if you don't cherish it, then maybe I will come again Blended."

Jiang Feng was not so domineering this time, and said to Officer Su: "Officer Su, then we are equal and come after us."

"Let's go, let's go, everyone is hungry! Let's go to eat, the beauty salon is still operating normally. The girls are waiting for us to distribute candy, but the candy has not been distributed to everyone."

Wan'er said: "It doesn't matter. Because I serve Jiang Feng all day, everyone knows that everyone has worked hard with me during this time, Sister Wang. I will give everyone an extra 500 yuan for the meeting when I come back after dinner. Sister Zhang , you and Mama Fu will improve everyone’s food.”

Everyone was talking about something in the office, when someone yelled outside!
"Zheng Wan'er, Zheng Wan'er, damn you! Get the hell out of here!"

Everyone hurried to the front hall when they heard this madman's voice

rush away.


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