When Wan'er heard the doctor tell Mr. Liu to leave, she quit immediately and said, "You can't leave! Our business is not over yet."

When the doctor saw that he was in trouble, he didn't want to get involved in other people's private affairs, so he slipped away in a hurry.Wan'er held the door with both hands.Don't let Mr. Liu go out!
"You can't go out now."

President Liu: "Why can't I go out?"

Wan'er: "Are you still pretending? It's one thing that the people in your hotel poisoned you, and the second thing is that you hit people like this. When the traffic police left, they told you both to do well after waking up." Record!

Mr. Liu, I'm really tired of this Wan'er, she's really a shit-stirring stick.If it wasn't for them, if you made a call, you wouldn't be in a car accident, and now you're still dizzy.But it can be regarded as seeing clearly Yu'er's vicious heart.

Thinking of this, she said to Wan'er, "Don't worry, I'll cooperate with you now, isn't it okay?"

Wan'er still held the door with both hands and said, "Then go and sit down! Alright!"

Mr. Liu replied: "You little girl is so stubborn and cute! Well, anyway, I'm fine today. I'll just stay here and spend time with you!"

Wan'er said: "Don't say it so harshly, you are not spending time with me, because the two things are directly related to you!"

Mr. Liu went to sit on the hospital bed, and Wan'er just put down his hands.

Mr. Liu just sat down.His face turned green with anger when he received a phone call.His eyes stared at Wan'er angrily, as if he wanted to eat her.

Wan'er noticed Mr. Liu's vicious eyes looking at him without showing any weakness, and said, "What? I answered a phone call and wanted to eat someone?"

Mr. Liu said angrily, "Thanks to you. My hotel has been blocked. Do you know how much money I will lose a day after being blocked?"

"How much is the loss?" Wan'er said unhurriedly, "You calculate for me, how many rooms I have upstairs and downstairs, and the cheapest room I have is 298 yuan. Just like this Agitated."

Wan'er listened to Mr. Liu's speech more and more unpleasantly.I couldn't help thinking over and over again in my heart: Calm down, calm down.But in the end, he couldn't help it and said: "Something happened in your hotel, and we will definitely investigate. We were fine at the time, if we died. Then you can still sit here to see a doctor? Why is it that the hotel is just closed? easy?"

Mr. Liu gritted his teeth and said: "Don't give me a sharp tongue! How can such an older girl be so cruel when she does things?"

Say I'm cruel?Really blind.If anyone who has been in contact with me knows that I am a kind and helpful girl!Often the target of assassination by others.Only this time they went too far.Waner.Thinking of this, he said, "I'm sorry Mr. Liu! I'm really sorry. You have to go to the Public Security Bureau to explain the situation!"

Mr. Liu was poisoned.I don't know though.But he provides information indirectly.Because Yu'er had called him to confirm the whereabouts of Wan'er and Su Beibei.That's why those things happened.

Mr. Liu's hotel was sealed, like ants on a hot pot, running around in a hurry: "Hurry up and call the traffic police to come and take a statement, or I will leave, you little girl, why stop me?" ?”

Wan'er called the traffic police just now.Then he called Su Beibei again!Sister Zhang and Mom Fu also called to inquire about the situation.I was also in a hurry over there.Soon it was time to go to work.The traffic police came and made a record.On the one hand, Wan'er signed it, and on the other hand, Mr. Liu stamped it.I pressed my fingerprints!signed.

Wan'er went through the discharge procedures.Follow the hospital's car to transfer Jiang Feng to the provincial capital.I also thought that Sister Wang hadn't been rescued yet.My heart is very uncomfortable.It's like being burned by a lot of fire, which is unbearably hot!
We can only rely on Su Beibei.Wan'er followed the hospital car all the way to the provincial capital hospital.Into the emergency room.The experts there had already seen Jiang Feng's information!It came from Dongshi Hospital.Experts from many hospitals in the provincial capital gathered in the hospital at the moment.Everyone had a consultation with Jiang Feng.They were all surprised at the same time!There is no trace of surgery on this man's head.There is a chip in the brain.Abnormal interference waves will be released during detection.

So now the focus of the experts' discussion is to take out the intelligent robot in Jiang Feng's brain and do research!

The only relative Jiang Feng could find was Wan'er.no way!The nurse found Wan'er and asked Wan'er to sign.

Wan'er saw that it was the chip from Jiang Feng's brain.Come to save Jiang Feng's life.But take out the chip.Wan'er can't make the decision either, that chip is the memory of people in the future era, and technology was too advanced in their era.The current century is 4 years behind!How could Wan'er be able to decide at will and take it out?

But the doctors and nurses both said: If the chip is not removed.It is possible that Jiang Feng's life will be lost.

But Wan'er has no right to sign this letter.So I found the attending doctor and asked the doctor.The doctor told Wan'er: "Taking out the chip cannot 100% guarantee that Jiang Feng will not turn into a vegetable, because this person's brain is too strange, it seems that he has never seen it before, and nothing can be detected.

As long as he is connected to the computer, the smart chip in his mind will emit brain waves for interference.So the doctor didn't dare to take out this thing rashly!To do or not to do, of course, is based on respect for life.

So Wan'er gave up signing.No one can help after a few days of injections.The doctor felt that Wan'er was too stubborn and did not dare to do research without authorization.Wan'er decided to take him back home.

The matter of decorating the house was left to Zhang Jie and Fu's mother to take care of it.Wan'er is in no mood to do anything!Stay by Jiang Feng's bed all day long.Give him liquid food, and use the intelligent robot in his hand to slowly try to connect to the robot in Jiang Feng's brain.

Although Jiang Feng has now become a vegetable.However, if he was fed liquid food every day, he would still defecate and urinate.

Wan'er can't care less about shame and ugliness!Fetch him!bath! ...

Three months passed.Wan'er went from 120 catties to 90 catties.He used a robot to connect to the robot in Jiang Feng's brain every day to repair Jiang Feng.Fortunately, everything is smooth!Normal breathing!Just can't wake up.Wan'er tried all kinds of medical treatment in the world.It doesn't work.No way, I had to take care of everything myself.At once.Treat him with a robot!Wipe Jiang Feng's body for physical therapy every day.In the past three months, I haven't had any bed sores on my body.Beauty salons are basically stable.Business is also good.

So Wan'er spent 90% of her time with Jiang Feng, pushing Jiang Feng in a wheelchair for more than five kilometers every day to the rehabilitation massage center for rehabilitation and acupuncture.

After Yu'er ran out, she was dumped by her godfather.I had no choice but to bluff around for a while.Slowly inquired about Wan'er's residence.Often secretly observed.Let's see if Jiang Feng will wake up.There is a fluke mentality.Because Jiang Fengnuo's big company is now managed by Wan'er.She wanted to earn a fortune from Jiang Feng's company.It's a pity that Wan'er saw through.Get her out of the company.And hired the general manager to manage Jiang Feng's company!Everything is running normally.

It's just a pain for Sister Wang, because the evidence is solid, and there is no way to save Sister Wang for a while.He was sentenced to three years in prison.Everyone knew that Sister Wang was wronged.Only by finding better evidence can Sister Wang be rescued.

This morning, when Wan'er used the robot to connect with the robot in Jiang Feng's brain.Suddenly there was a short circuit signal.The robot in his hand kept calling the police: "Short circuit! Short circuit! Short circuit!" After speaking three times.There was no sound.

Wan'er thought.Is the robot malfunctioning?Tried to connect several times.Neither worked.No way, can't do it.After the robot treatment, he had to take Jiang Feng to do acupuncture again!

Wan'er brought an umbrella as usual and put on her flat shoes. It took a lot of effort to drag Jiang Feng to the wheelchair and fix it.Then he advanced to the acupuncture and moxibustion hall, and the Chinese acupuncturist put needles on Jiang Feng.Wan'er was called by the doctor to get the medicine list.

Today, when Yu'er was idle and had nothing to do, she followed Wan'er secretly to the side of the ward. Wan'er went out from the ward to get the bill, and Yu'er went straight in, wanting to see how Jiang Feng was doing.

No coincidence, no book.Yu'er just walked into the ward to see that Jiang Feng's head was covered with needles.Yu'er is also psychologically uncomfortable, because after all, she really liked Jiang Feng!It wasn't purely for money either, he walked up to Jiang Feng and sat down!Watched quietly for 1 minute!Afraid that Wan'er would come back, she was about to turn around and leave.Unexpectedly, the hand was clasped by a strong hand.

Yu'er was so scared that she screamed: "Ah!" She looked on the bed!Jiang Feng didn't know when he woke up!He held Yu'er firmly and said, "Yu'er! Why am I here?" Yu'er was overjoyed and bent down quickly.Keeping his eyes very close to Jiang Feng, he said, "Brother Jiang. You were hit by a car that night. You kept driving fast and got hit by a car!"

"and then?"

"Then you become a vegetable. I have been by your side for the past few months, giving you healing massages and bringing you acupuncture!" Yu'er said shamelessly!

A tenderness flashed deep in Jiang Feng's cold eyes, and he thought to himself: Yu'er is the one who treats me sincerely.But why did I still miss Wan'er in my heart, so the ray of light that had just hatched became dim again.

Jiang Feng seemed to be very weak and said: "Hasn't Wan'er even visited me?"

Yu'er thought in her heart that a good opportunity has come, you mentally retarded!You didn't know that it was Wan'er who wiped your shit and urine for so long.

Yu'er will never be a good person, so she immediately dispelled Jiang Feng's worries: "You said Wan'er, I really didn't see it, she is so bad! Ever since you were in a car accident and the doctor said that you were going to become a vegetable, she I won't come to see you, not only that, but Mom Fu and Sister Zhang have never come to see you once, let alone care about you!"

Yu'er lied without blinking, and her face didn't turn red. She had just finished speaking when Wan'er walked to the door, holding a plate of medicine in her hand, "Boom!" and fell to the ground. This bastard is really bad...!
The key is Jiang Feng!Jiang Feng woke up unexpectedly.Wan'er stood there in a daze, with mixed feelings, she broke down in tears...

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