The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 69: Who is dependent

A woman stood by an open window on the company's ninth floor, watching through binoculars what was happening in the apartment here.

See Wan'er running out in tears!A sneer flashed across his face... This person was none other than Yu'er.

That long hair.It was Yu'er who secretly put it on Jiang Feng's bed.Let Wan'er misunderstand!
Yu'er was watching the scene outside the apartment triumphantly by the window, when she was suddenly startled by a cold roar from behind.Jiang Feng went upstairs at some point.

Jiang Feng: What kind of smug look are you looking at?

Yu'er: Brother Jiang, where were you just now?I was looking at the tree outside. Two little birds were singing on the tree.

Jiang Feng: Lie!You can tell by the expression.Oops, why does my head hurt a bit.

After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he put his hands on his head.Yu'er hurriedly turned around to support him and said: What's wrong with your head.

Jiang Feng: A few days ago, didn't you rear-end someone else's car? You hit the head.

Yu'er: Let's go to the hospital to have a look.Yu'er's feelings for Jiang Feng were real.

Jiang Feng: Forget big deal.Pain occasionally.By the way, Wan'er came to see me today.I'd love to know how your hair ended up on my bed?

Yu'er: Why is sister Wan'er here?I don't know, my hair on your bed probably fell off accidentally when I was cleaning your room.

Jiang Feng: Be careful next time.Yuer, I hope you understand.It is impossible for me and you.First of all, I'm not on the same level.Second, the level of education is also different, you will not be happy if you follow me.You like me and I thank you too.You should find a boyfriend!
Yu'er: I know I'm not good enough for you, but I also have my principles. As long as you don't marry me for a day, I still have a chance.

Jiang Feng: You are so stubborn, so do as you please, I tell you that I only have Wan'er in my heart.

Yu'er: Brother Jiang, I will definitely influence you and make you fall in love with me.How is your head? Is it better?

Jiang Feng: It would be better if you stay away from me.Yu'er turned to go to the assistant's office.He also told Jiang Feng, "You should go and see your headache earlier."After all, it was hit by a car.

Jiang Feng ignored her.Go straight into the office.During this period of time, the company's operations were very good, and its performance improved by leaps and bounds.It's just not very smooth emotionally.

Wan'er returned to the hotel.Feeling alone, alone, this helplessness.It was more serious than jumping into the river at that time.Sister Wang, why was she arrested?The more you think about it, the more something is wrong, so why not go to the Public Security Bureau and ask.Counting on others is counting as hopeless.

Thinking of this, Wan'er went directly to Dongshi Public Security Bureau.Unexpectedly, the guards at the gate of the Public Security Bureau refused to let me in.This is really no way to go to heaven, no way to go to earth.There is no way but to search for the intelligent robot in the brain.Control the intelligent robot with the mind.The intelligent robot suddenly sends a message to the brain.Get a lawyer.Find the public prosecution agency.

Hey, I didn't expect to be in my most difficult time.The person who helped him turned out to be a robot.The more I think about it, the more unpleasant it becomes.

Wan'er traveled a lot and found many law firms.But people have heard about Sister Wang's case and are unwilling to accept it.

Wan'er really had no choice.What should we do now?Wan'er returned to the hotel again!She sighed heavily.I had no choice but to call Su Beibei!Su Beibei asked about the situation, and said: Since they are not allowed to see, it means that the matter is not very simple, maybe they have caught some evidence.How are you doing now, have you gone to see Jiang Feng?Jiang Feng's company is so big.There should be a lot of people in the city government.

Wan'er: Don't mention him.If there is a way, I won't call you.

Su Beibei: All right.You wait.I'll be right over.

Su Beibei hung up the phone.Drive to the airport and get on the plane.An hour later, they arrived at the Dongshi Public Security Bureau!Wan'er looked around anxiously at the door.Seeing Su Beibei coming, he felt relieved.

Su Beibei showed his work permit.The guards saw that it was sent by the provincial department.Without further ado, let the two of them go in.

In the Dongshi Bureau Detention Center.Sister Wang met Wan'er and Su Beibi.I just saw Wan'er and Su Beibei.Sister Wang's tears could not be stopped, and she was sobbing.Wan'er shed tears for a while and said: "Sister Wang, to make a long story short, there are regulations in the bureau, and it can't be too long."

Su Beibei: Sister Wang, what's going on?

Sister Wang broke down in tears and said: Kindness is not rewarded!
crying again!
Wan'er: Come on, our time is limited.

Sister Wang: At that time, Yu'er came out of Jiang Feng's place, knelt down and begged me to come to my place, but she didn't expect that she would deliberately frame me.Drugs were found on yellow discs.Then put it in our shop.Said to deposit something first!Who knows it won't be long.Someone from the Public Security Bureau came, saying that I was selling drugs, and found evidence in the store.You said I was wronged or not.

Wan'er: This Yu'er is really nothing, and she doesn't have a deep hatred with you, why should she be like this.

Sister Wang: Hehe.Who knows what she is at ease with.Xiao Yu called me and told me to be careful of Yu'er!It is said that Xiaoyun is going to open a beauty salon in Guzhen.So we have to bring down both of us first.If both of us are brought down now, she will have no rivals.

Su Beibei said: Sister Wang doesn't think so much now!I just want to save you!Wash away your wrongs.

Wan'er: Sister Wang, didn't you monitor when Yu'er was storing things?

Sister Wang: Of course there is surveillance, but Yuer was holding a black bag in the surveillance area, and then she put the things in the locker.The black bag was brought out again, and during the whole process, it was seen that Yu'er went in with the black bag, and then came out with the black bag, which is not clear.

Su Beibei: Open a beauty salon, just open it, why do you have to knock others down.

Wan'er: Sister Wang, don't worry, I will find a way to bring you out.

Sister Wang: Did you go to see my parents?

Wan'er: I'm looking for it, my aunt and uncle are very angry!Who asked you to do a good job in a beauty salon, you don't do it...

Sister Wang: Stop talking.In the future, don't bother their elders if you have something to do, just help my child take care of it.

Wan'er: Miss Wang, are you thinking wrong?Is the blue book completed yet?

Su Beibei: He can't come out!Most of the people making trouble behind the scenes might be Li Dajun.

Wan'er: Sister Wang, the purpose of our visit today is to ask you to hold on.Don't admit that you sold drugs.

Su Beibei: If they play tricks on you, our provincial department will always find out, so do things with your heart!Paper can't contain fire after all.The truth will come out one day, so don't worry too much!

Sister Wang nodded and looked at Wan'er beggingly and said: "Wan'er, I know you like to uphold justice, if the road is uneven, you will shovel it, this time you must rescue me and come out."

Wan'er: Don't worry, I will definitely do my best.Now your salon is under the seal.But what to do?

Sister Wang: You went well to the provincial capital, right?

Wan'er: Thank you Officer Su for taking care that everything is going smoothly.

Sister Wang: Officer Su is really a good person.I hope you and Officer Sue will be a couple.

Su Beibei: Thank you, Sister Wang, for cultivating it!I am intentional about falling flowers, flowing water is ruthless.

Wan'er: Everything has to be done slowly, there is always a process.You give me a little time.I think about it slowly.

Su Beibei: Wan'er, you'd better remember what you said.Don't forget.

Then a little policeman came in.Said to Su Beibei and Wan'er, the two are sorry that the visiting time has exceeded 2 minutes.Don't make it difficult for us.

Su Bei and Bei Wan'er bid farewell to Sister Wang, and the two walked back to the hotel with a heavy heart.

The two walked side by side.Suddenly a black car stopped beside the two with a hiss.Jiang Feng was driving the car, saw Su Beibei and Wan'er, deliberately stopped the car urgently, and stuck his head out of the window regardless of whether it violated the rules or not, Wan'er said angrily: "Beauty handsome guy, do you want to get in the car, let's have dinner together tonight!"

Wan'er: Jiang Feng, didn't you have something to do with Yu'er?Let's do it, I have someone to accompany me now.Go about your business.

Yu'er stuck her head out of the car window as well.Seeing Wan'er half mocking and half coquettish to Jiang Feng: Hi, sister.You are with Officer Su.

Wan'er: Where is it cool, where do you stay!You two go away, don't disgust me in front of me.

After Wan'er finished speaking, she deliberately took Su Beibei's arm!Su Su Beibei thought to himself: It doesn't matter if you are acting or for real.He stretched out his hand and placed it on Wan'er's shoulder.

Wan'er didn't reject it either, and the two walked forward side by side.Jiang Feng was so angry that he started racing hysterically on the road again, almost scaring Yu'er to death.

Go back to the hotel and live well.Someone brought food.

Wan'er: How could such a kind person deliver food to us?

The person at the bar explained: Mr. Jiang, a big company here, specially ordered a couple package for the two of you.Take your time, both of you.

Wan'er: Was it really decided by President Jiang Fengjiang?

The bar staff said: Of course it was decided by Mr. Zhang.

Wan'er: He's not trying to frame us, let's poison us.

Su Beibei: No!How can I be so bold.

Su Beibei said again: Wan'er, do you dare to eat now, I'm hungry anyway!Just eat it, if it spoils, the hotel is in charge and has nothing to do with the two of us.

Wan'er, I always feel that it's not that simple.But I can't find out where the problem is.Suddenly think of the intelligent robot in the brain.Then started the intelligent robot detection function.Checked it out.Every dish and meal is fully tested.Then he said to Su Beibei: Officer Su is not poisonous?Let's thank Mr. Jiang, let's laugh out loud!
The two of them took the set meal that Jiang Feng ordered for them to the room upstairs to prepare to eat.Seeing that Wan'er and Su Beibei had left, the bar staff hurriedly called and reported to Yu'er: Mr. Lin.We do as you bid.Give him the meal and let them take it up, you can rest assured.

Yu'er said over there: Okay, let's move on to the next step.

The woman on the phone at the bar.They also carried the same meal as Wan'er and the others had received just now.and food box.After chasing Wan'er, they also boarded the elevator.

Caught up in the stairway!The waiter deliberately called: Miss Wan'er, can I see what Mr. Jiang ordered for you?
Wan'er generously gave the bag to the waiter!The waiter repacked the two items in an instant...

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